WB Reportedly Rebooting THE FLASH With Lucas Till

Pitch your ideal plot and cast the supporting characters and villains, Yea Forums.

HARD MODE: Iris West still has to be played by a black actress.

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Was the new Macgyver good?

Meh, it's alright.

I pitched this idea a while back and it got general positive feedback
>Barry has been The Flash for about a year and is popular around Central City
>Film starts with Barry thwarting a heist planned by The Rogues, before they gain their weapons
>A rift opens up, Jay Garrick and Sam Scudder The Mirror Master fall through
>Jay finds Barry and asks for his help bringing Sam back to his Earth
>Sam finds McCulloch, and decides to make him a Mirror Master too
>Jay explains that when fighting his Mirror Master on his Earth, something happened with his Mirror Projector, and when entering the Mirror World it somehow became a backdoor path into Barry's Earth
>Movie introduces The Multiverse and Jay's limited knowledge of it
>Jay teaches Barry a few moves
>It's Team Flash vs Team Mirror Master
>Sam dies, but McCulloch gets away
>Jay returns home, thanks Barry, and hopes to see him again
>Movie ends with Leonard Snart letting McCulloch back on the team, and states it's time they all got an upgrade

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Do NOT make Reverse Flash the villain. And do not do Flashpoint.

>be barry, like golden age flash comics
>be young police scientist
>Len Snart is on trial and barry uses his knowledge to get locked up for his ice related crimes
>get hit by lighting
>uses his powers to save a bunch of people around town
>Len gets a cake in prison...turns out his ice gun is in it and he escapes
>he is hired by a mysterious person to steal some McGuffin
>turns out its Gorilla Grodd
>blah blah blah Flash has to go to Gorilla City to learn about him
>the mcguffin increases Grodd's psychic powers blah blah Flash and Cold team up to stop Grodd
>Flash still tosses Cold in jail for being a criminal (teaser he meets Capt.Boomerang in jail)
Captain Cold: Nic Cage
Grodd: Matt Berry
I figure some cool "flash saving people super speed" sequence and a giant talking gorilla/futuristic Gorilla city would look cool in a trailer
Nic Cage is good at playing a sleazy creep villain.

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Wasn't he Havok in First Class?

I like it. I think Flash movies should mainly focus on multiverse shenanigans. It gives him a good niche to fill


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What I'm interested in hearing is what you guys want to see in the new Flash costume

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>Crispin Freeman as Barry Allen
>Hailee Steinfeld as Iris west
>Gillian Anderson as Nora Allen
>David Duchovny as Henry Allen
>David tennant as Eobard Thawne (cameo)
>Tom Hardy as Captain Cold
>Jason Statham as Heatwave
>Neal Patrick Hariss as Mirror Master
>Katie McGrath as Golden Glider
>Jim Carrey as The Trickster

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Reverse Flash.... ezra miller


Make Wally the Flash then. That's the only thing that would make fucking sense.

>HARD MODE: Iris West still has to be played by a black actress.

Make your choice, Yea Forums?

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wallyfag pls.

It makes the most sense while actually being faithful. Any flashfan would agree faggot.

>It makes the most sense

No, it doesn't. Barry is the best pick for a movie.

Is this a complete and total reboot? Pattinson Batman is basically a total reboot that WB’s justifying as being DCEU by saying it’s 30 years before events of BvS. Are they going to pull timeline shenanigans with Flash or are they finally abandoning their shared universe fiasco?

For a movie that is never releasing. It makes no sense to suddenly change the actor to a character people already know and just go "HURR HE LOOKS DIFFERENT OK GUISE". Having it be another character is less insulting to the viewers.

Yeah but it's getting pretty hard to find actors who haven't been in past capeshit

>Iris West still has to be played by a black actress
She gonna get Tilled?

Yes and he was shit

Hard pass

yes its fun

>WB’s justifying as being DCEU by saying it’s 30 years before events of BvS

That's not true. They're not even pretending it's canon to Ben Affleck's Batman.

Top right or bottom second from right

Give me names, user.

give me 8 dark skin options

Audiences are not retarded. They know what recasts are.

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Doesn't mean it doesn't completely take you out of the movie and you can't act like different actors feel the same

>Doesn't mean it doesn't completely take you out of the movie
It doesn't for most people.

>and you can't act like different actors feel the same
Different actors bring different flavors to the same characters, and it's hardly like Ezra Miller's performance in Justice League was a hallmark representation of the Flash in the eyes of the public. Hell, most people view Grant Gustin as the live-action Flash over him.

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>For most people
For most non autistics it does. Every actor is different and are different characters.

Top row left to right: Ella Balinska, Logan Browning, Kiki Layne & Alexandra Shipp.
Bottom row left to right: Samantha Logan, Laura Harrier, Amandla Steinberg & Yara Sahidi.

You and I both know that's not true.

>Lucas Till
is he a faggot like ezra?

>Iris West still has to be played by a black actress.
Idris Elba

what's wrong with gay people?

This is his girlfriend.

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>During their usual bout, Eobard captures Iris and throws her into 1860s Alabama and she gets put to work on a plantation
>Barry goes after her but the cosmic treadmill breaks, leaving him stranded in the past
>He finds Iris and frees her from the slave master but she encourages him to free all slaves so he turns the Underground Railroad into the Underground Express
>Barry and Iris go back to the broken cosmic treadmill to repair it only to be ambushed by the Liberty Platoon
>They fight for a bit until the platoon surrenders
and explains they mistook him for someone else
>It turns out Thawne is the new president of the Confederate States, he has a group of artifical speedsters called the Black Plague and he's moving north with an army
>Barry and the Liberty Platoon speed to Abraham Lincoln, warn him about the attack and they mobilize a force to move south
>Massive battle takes place outside of the White House, the Liberty Platoon defeats the Black Plague and Barry defeats Thawne
>They fix the cosmic treadmill, Barry goes home, and everyone lives happily ever after

I’ll accept black Iris but only if they find a way to keep Wally a white redhead.

Matt berry for grodd is an especially out there idea

BASED Warner Brothers for dropping Jewish twink for blond chad.

user, homosexuality is a sin, and all homo faggots must be stoned to death

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I just want a SIMPLE, back to basics costume. Modern Flash costumes (either in comics, movies, or tv) are too busy, have a lot of shit going on, it just needs to be a dude in a red costume with some lightning bolts.

>Grodd: Matt Berry
Not Vandal Savage
come the fuck on user

>Pitch your ideal plot
just copy the tv series. I like cw shows.

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>season one edited down to a 2 hour movie
I'd watch it. In fact I hope someone does a fan edit someday of just that

Chanell Heart
Misty Stone
Ana Foxxx
Jada Fire
Kandie Monaee
Anne Amari
Diamond Jackson
Cecilia Lion
Nia Nixon
Vanessa Blue
Sarah Banks
Ms. Yummy
Janet Jade
Stacy Adams
Rachel Raxxx
Nyomi Banxxx
Delotta Brown
Cherokee D'ass
Lexi Cruz
Daizy Cooper
Chanel Skye
Demi Sutra
Cassidy Banks
Honey Gold
Loni Legend
Harley Dean
Anya Ivy
Jenna Foxx
Brittney White
Daya Knight
Amilian Kush
Evi Rei
Nyna Stax
Teanna Trump
Luna Corazon
Nia Nacci
Ariana Aimes
Kendall Woods
Jezabel Vessir
Sarah Banks
Moriah Mills
Yara Skye
Lexi Rose
Tori Taylor
Julie Kay
Skin Diamond
Bellah Dahl
Skyler Nicole

I'd be content with any of these as Iris West

>main character is white heterosexual male
geez, how can they be so racists?

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>Implying there'll be a Wally at all

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felt they should go with a dude who looks like a caveman to play Savage...Tommy Wiseau

For as much filler as there may be, I believe that would be virtually impossible.

>Barry Allen is a CSI and has just gotten his first job at the CCPD
>He's already been a low key vigilante ala Miller-Flash's antics pre JL movie
>Part of the opening is him finishing his suit and it looks comic accurate similar to s4 CW Flash's costume.
>Flashback scenes of when he gets struck in college studying to be an Investigator, also bits and pieces of his memories of Nora's murder and the yellow/red streaks surrounding the tragedy
>a new string of bank heists pulled off by a gang calling themselves The Rogues starts splitting Barry's time as a CSI, a new super hero, and a boyfriend to Iris (who's eager for him to connect with her nephew Wally who she has just taken custody of.)
>Wally is still ginger as he is Iris's white half-brother's son (her mom is white ginger and her dad is black. Her brother is from a second marriage after Joe West)
>The Rogues are being armed with their futuristic tech by a mysterious benefactor (Thawne, set up for his appearance as the main villain in the sequel)
>Barry fights the Rogues and tracks down the mystery behind their supply by the end of the movie, Captain Cold and the rest end up in Iron Heights where they start the wider network of villains and Rogues.
>Once of the last scenes is Barry tossing his mother's car files on his boss's desk and saying he finally has the murder suspect and throws down a picture of Eobard Thawne

>banging my waifu from Scream: the TV serise
I hate him

Oh, I forgot my casting list. I'll go with Lucas Till as Barry why not.

>Iris West: Zazie Beetz
>Wally West: KJ Apa (16-17 I think is believable considering he's Archie right now)

The Rogues
>Captain Cold: Jon Hamm
>Mirror Master: Rob Mcelhenney
>Heat Wave: Danny Devito
>The Trickster: Charlie Day
> Captain Boomerang: dude from SS can reprise the role
>Pied Piper: Kumail Nanjiani
>Weather Wizard: Bill Skarsgard

>Eobard Thawne: Glenn Howerton

A redhead.

Know how I know you don't read comics?

Iris is not black in the comics.

3rd on the bottom
her mams are great

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Before the end of 2020 Ezra Miller is going to transition into a woman.

That doesn't stop her from playing The Flash, you bigot.


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>16-17 I think is believable
It really isn’t. KJ would look like he could be Lucas Till’s equal, and Till’s almost 30

Am I the only one who would fuck tranny Ezra Miller?

jesus, where were his parents?

Also KJ Apa is 1 inch taller than Lucas Till, so it would definitely be awkward for Barry to be a parent/uncle figure to a guy who looks like he’s the same age

Wouldn't it be weird if TV and movies stopped pretending older teenagers are always significantly shorter than their same-sex parent?

His parents were fine, it's his sisters that fucked him up

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It's tried and true visual symbolism.

If it wasn't for the extra eyes, I would fuck him. What the fuck is wrong with me?

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Nothing user, he's really hot to begin with so it would make sense he's hot all dolled up like that

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Local memes aside, he's widely considered to be a pretty attractive individual who is also good at being androgynous.

plus his cute little body

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Sorry to break it to you, Yea Forums, but the script WB is currently developing features time travel and has Thawne as the main villain.

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He is more georgeous than a lot of women I know.

Pretty much this. You could get a tall actor to play an older teen, but they need to hold youthfulness. Thomas Brodie-Sangster Is a great example, by his mid twenties he was still playing middle school-high school aged characters because of his youthfulness, and only now at 29 is he playing an adult character, a specific role where he has to grow a mustache in order to look mature

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This is the most important post. Reverse Flash should be a second movie villain at minimum.
And Flashpoint should be thrown away and forgotten, like the halfassed Age of Apocalypse rip off it was.

>Till as Barry
>Fassbender as Eobard

Cast Zoe Kravitz as Iris and make it a First Class reunion already.

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There is truly no one quite like him

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>Tfw when Ezra Miller would have been a better Louis Lane than Amy Adams

We get it, bro. You're gay for Ezra.

My mom will watch The Flash now

But in all seriousness this is pretty based if true, only thing is we're stuck with young Johns Barry instead of classic Uncle Barry

You don't?

I'm fine with another young ginger dude like Thomas Barbusca. I also didn't know Lucas Tills physical stats.

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here you go user, I can post more here if you want so I don't fag up OP's thread too much:

Alright do it.

I cancel the movie.

based and Aryanpilled

He's Jewish.

Wally as the true flash with a slight immature personality like in JL cartoon.

Nothing but this will work.

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>No Thawne
>Rogue set up
Fund it!

She isn't a redhead either, she has brown hair.

>As Mirror Master
>NOT Music Master

You had one job

Iris is adopted in the comics so there you have it.

NPH should play Barry you fucking imbeciles. At least he should have in his prime. Even though he's still perfect for Uncle Barry that dream isnt happening.

Replace KJ Apa with,

like you said, and it's pretty solid.

It's super easy

>Wally is still ginger as he is Iris's white half-brother's son (her mom is white ginger and her dad is black. Her brother is from a second marriage after Joe West)

Iris should be a pale redhead. Jane Levy.

I think editing magic could pull it off

Grodd needs to be his first villain. It sets the silly, comic book tone right away and saves his larger villains for later. You don't need to do Gorilla City stuff but it must be alluded to.

Nah Grodd is 3rd movie material.

You do Rogues first, Flash catching bank robbers.

Then a crazy time travel/multiversal sequel with Thawne as the villain

And then a still bonkers but a notch down Gorilla Grodd/global mind control plot movie where we get to see Flash go to Gorilla city and get some cool African set pieces as well

A gang of high tech and oddly themed supervillains robbing banks with names like Captains Cold and Boomerang as the first movie sets a comic book tone right away pretty well.

I second this

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I pray that they abandon it. Make the movies self contained, fuck all the crossover continuites. Focus on making good movies instead of 2 hour long commercials for the next commercial

Those are some interesting drugs you're shooting, user. I like that

As much as I like this, I'd rather have the JSA be in the movie-verse's past as opposed to Earth 2.

I'd like to see the Multiverse/time travel be taught to Barry by Thawne posing as a Flash from another Earth and then slowly revealing he's THE villain. Preferably as a second movie.

The most important question is what should his ears look like

Well if they take an actor from Macgyver they can take another one.

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The CW s4 suit is almost perfect. Basically make a tighter version of that and give him the yellow boots and I'll be happy. Also make it come out of a ring those goddamn cowards

>Barry has just gotten his powers, it's more or less like the beginning of the show, difference is that "team flash" is basically just Barry and Ira West, Barry's parents are both alive and well, Iris doesn't know Barry is the Flash
>Movie as a whole is more about Barry coming into his own as a hero and developing his relationship with Iris and Ira rather than fighting any one villain, though Snart is obviously the main antagonist
>throughout the movie, which takes place in the course of about six or seven months, we see Flash become more and more popular in Central City, as well as take down several of his rogues, maybe they don't have their gimmicks yet, or if they do, they're not fully developed
>at the end, while in prison, Snart puts together the Rogues and they get their respective gimmicks i'm thinking Captain Cold, Heatwave, Weather Wizard, the Top, and Pied Piper for the first line-up
>Barry is unable to beat the Rogues on his own, he travels back in time on accident and warns Ira of what's about to happen, since both of them don't really know how time travel works, Ira keeps future Barry's time travel a secret
>future Barry comes back to his own time, just in time for Ira to give him some sort of machine that can take down the Rogues, maybe it's his comic accurate costume, i don't really know
>post credits scene is Iris telling Barry that her cousin Wally is a huge Flash fan
>just as we think it's over, Barry looks over at a picture that used to be of him and his parents and notices that now it shows him, Iris and Ira
>Barry comments on how strange that is and Iris, concerned, tells Barry to sit down
Since we all know what she's gonna say, i think it'd be better if they just cut to black right there, hardcore fans will instantly recognize the Reverse Flash set-up anyway, so what's the point.
Oh, and Snart is played by Nicolas Cage

Lucky dog

Would make for a great story desu

>Joe West

They this nigga on the TV show and bring back Ira West, goddamn it.

I like that people can just say their fancastings are "reported" here with no sources and people take them seriously and they actually get picked up by clickbait sites. I actually think people do this on purpose with the idea that execs and casting directors will see said clickbait and go with their ideas.

>A rift opens up, Jay Garrick and Sam Scudder The Mirror Master fall through
Introducing fans to the multiverse in the first movie is a bold move that I think would be a mistake. Let me get to know this version of Barry by doing something similar to Spiderman Homecoming where it's not quite an origin story, but it has the same sort of themes and stakes.

can this guy act?

Barry dies halfway through the movie and Wally becomes the Flash.

Just hire a octoroon actress then.

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Might as well as get the ginger kid from Cobra Kai

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It would really just be a very brief, toe in the water, kind of thing really. The gimmick is having Mirror Master and the Mirror World running with the theme of reflection/doubles. They don't have to go full Morrison just yet, simply state that "Yeah I have a world similar to yours, and I guess that means others similar might exist too". The Multiverse itself can be better explained in a Justice League movie.

After all, Endgame got away with time travel multiverse Dragonball rules

My mugga

Top left.

Only if you are autistic

WB is not going to have a movie lead by someone best known for a Fox-men and more so, from TV.

Shazam was an outlier because the actor had a successful animated movie, a certain amount of genre cred as well as a similar role but in a far more popular franchise (Thor) than Till.

At least get some decent bait.

They can do what they did with Gal Gadot and Jason Momoa. Hire a higher quality supporting cast to make up for his lack of star power.

Good idea.

As long has he has a massive bulge to show off the BWC I'm fine with it.

It's really a question if you want to be classic Barry with wings, or modern/Wally with lightning bolts