Going off to college in the fall, what Yea Forums shit can I bring without seeming like a man child?
Going off to college in the fall, what Yea Forums shit can I bring without seeming like a man child?
30 4XL rick and morty t shirts
Too late
You have manbaby written all over you asking a stupid question like this
sure is comics and or cartoons
Coming off as a manchild is more about your attitude than what you collect.
MCU shirts. They'll just think you watch the movies and they'll get it. Don't go for the comic inspired shirts.
And you have faggot written over you with that stupid answer
College is the first time you get to pretty much entirely dictate your social enviroment.
How nerdy is your chosen field of study?
Just embrace being a man child OP, you’ll be happier. You can’t change your inner idiot.
A small figure or two is what I did and no one cared. You don't want to bring a shitton of stuff or you'll look like a complete dork
For shirts: try to make it a few, subtle in design or ones that could pass as just regular stuff. I have a Donald shirt that seems 100% normal and fashionable when it in truth signifies how obsessed I am with Duck media
college is your four-year free pass to be a man child and get away with it, my dude
Bear in mind anything you bring can and WILL be shoved up someones ass at one point.
If you looked around and managed to find your balls they'd be a nice thing to have, what with you being very late to becoming a grown man..
don’t go to college
If you're going to college in the fall, why are you asking us now?
i purposely wear comic inspired shirts (and characters unknown to normies) to confuse them
In college nobody cares. Bring whatever you want.
Who gives a shit?
Bring whatever comics or shows you want.
Just don't act like a jackass about it.
No matter how geeky you are, college will be packed with people less mature than you.
It's not about what you're into. What matters is that you're not autistic about it.
You are going to college... You are free to be as geeky as you want.
Bring a pearl plush faggot, i sleep woth one everynight
Just gain muscle mass, I talk about animation and comics all the time, yet people respect me because I have muscles and I articulate my words properly
find friends that are also geeky. then a girl/boyfriend that is also into it.
OH! just don't bring snarky genre-less T-shirts. that was the first lesson I learned. it's not bad, just eh.
as long as it isnt anime youre good
Nerd shirts are okay. Leave the weird accessories and collectibles at home. Nobody needs to see your MLP collection.
Bathe regularly, be friendly, follow social cues, and you'll be good.
funko pops
You need to leave those insecurities at the door first
College is mostly manchildren
A laptop with all your porn on it.
Bring Whatever dude
>Stayed a year at the college dorms
>They were playing fucking Cartoon network and Nickelodeon at the Community/entertainment building and On campus restaurant.
>Had movies night playing Pixar movies and shit.
Whatever you want, no one gives a shit except the girls you have no chance with anyway
dude don't ask Yea Forums for advice. these people are fuckin manbabies
drop all the nerdy shit and hide your power level. the purpose of college is to make new connections, learn shit, and create basically the new you. you know, the opposite of everything you were when you were a kid
What the FU-
Nothing with sentimental or monetary value as a collector’s item. You’re better off keeping your stuff lean since you’ll have to take it back with you along with whatever else you wind up accumulating.
Best advice dont give a flying fuck about what anyone else thinks. If you want to change your ways then change them, but if you want to change because you think others demand it, FUCK THEM. Get the money, then you get the bitches and if the slut thinks she means more than the Godzilla figures she can hand her free shit card at the door to the next slut looking for a free ride.
None of it. You can't bring any of it.
Just bring whatever you want and don't act like an autistic manchild and nobody will care.
If somebody does care that you have a cartoon shirt or some shit then they are a faggot and their opinion is worthless.
Anything. The key to not seeming like a manchild is:
1. Be nonchalant about what is on display.
2. Only bring a limited amount.
Raise your power level too high and you're fucked. Have good balance of social and nerd and its np.
You're going to college, it's literally a safe haven for man babies. You could bring literally anything and you'll find idiots to support your autistic ass because college might as well just be an expensive form of child care at this point.
That advice will ironically make him ostracized and seen as an armored faggot who won't let loose and be himself. Good for Dartmouth, bad for Obviously Liberal Arts Bumfuck Bachelor's Gimmethe OP is going for.