ITT: Sum up your life in a single Yea Forums-related image

ITT: Sum up your life in a single Yea Forums-related image

Attached: 1447624869869.jpg (388x152, 27K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Got summer classes and a semester left. I'm just done

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Fight me.

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This, pretty much.

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For the last 7 years, at least.

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Something by Ronnie Filyaw.

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>For once I'm not a sad sack bitching about my pathetic life in these threads
Also not really, but third base

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Pretty much just “wut”

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>get buck

Attached: 1201549.jpg (640x480, 37K)

What's the context of this in the story? I know the Crossed virus turns everyone into psychopaths

Some people are able to think through the Crossed haze. This results in either dangerously intelligent Crossed, or Crossed who fight against their nature

That's neat actually. I got the impression itt was a completely grimdark book.

It is.

I have an odd growth on my back.

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Some of the arcs are just dark but a lot of them end positively, good example is Wish You Were Here

Attached: Batwang.gif (300x300, 408K)

From Hell

Go back to /gif/.

Imagine paying hundreds of thousands of dollars to go through Lettering University and then deciding not to use all caps

Go see a doctor, idiot.

Pic is me disregarding all advice from my normalfag friends and family to better my life

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Attached: John-Constantine-Hellblazer-Vertigo-DC-Comics-c.jpg (367x347, 38K)

I got home tonight and my parents were watching the Keanu Reeves Constantine movie for like the 50th time
They really fucking love that movie, which is hilarious since they're Pentecostals

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Was she hot?

damn that's ugly

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Is this an edit?

Everyday I keep feeling more and more like Kermit with everything he has to deal with

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Attached: nobody loves kamala.jpg (657x886, 242K)

>tfw teleported bread

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before she passed, my mom liked the Keanu film as well, until she saw the series & Justice League: Dark

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Nothing really mattress

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Man, all you bitch made faggots and your "hurr me so depressed" shit

Go hit the gym or some shit

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Growing up is realizing that everybody is just a pathetically depressed child on the inside.

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That’s your head, dummy.

Attached: i love jesus and my parents.jpg (250x485, 40K)

Vintage hentai truly was patrician.

What is this and where is it from?

Anyone who posts anything other than this is lying.

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It's from the Smallville sequel comics.
They have Wonder Woman and Batman in them.
That's Diana meeting Steve on Themiscira.

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>3rd base
are you 15

Boco is that you?

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>every time I suffer from one of my vices

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Well, this is me.

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Yep, It's from illuminatingcomics Secret Empire edits.I kinda liked them.

I’ve been really depressed and I don’t know why I know it’s Anxiety about people hating me and Edward sensors with girls I like even though I know it’s all in my head. Transparently self deprecating and convincing myself the people I like would never return the feelings. I constantly indulge in all my sexual proclivities with whoever is willing urgently I am going back to therapy tomorrow to finally get help.I don’t have an accompanying picture

you sound like you have undiagnosed homosexual tendencies

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You should probably find a stabilizing influence in your life, like a new hobby or maybe working out, before burning out.

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Nah just a loser.

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Maybe if you stopped conceptualizing the sum totality of your life as your emotional state you could start changing it.

There's nothing actionable about "I'm sad" or "I'm happy."

Why would I want to stop being happy?

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it ends though

with regretful thoughts.

chapter 8 page 18

Get better material

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Is S2 good?

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>the sensation of knowing you're intentionally blocking yourself from recognizing something because it's fucking terrible
I'm right, this is concentrated cringe isn't it

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Lol. You sound like an insufferable human to be around.

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Until about 7th episode or so. Then it becomes typical shitty anime. I don't know that the fuck they were thinking.

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Is the first half with the texting / email guy better than the one without him?

At the end they introduce basically a Mary Sue wish fulfillment character, they do it in completely unironical fashion, it consumers almost entire show like a black hole and leaves very little room for anything else, and it's a fucking cringe galore extravaganza. And the resolution is not cathartic or satisfying at all, even if you ignore the Eldritch clueterfuck shounen writing permeating it.

To be angry at people being wrong on the internet, of course.

No, I'm Trailbreaker.

Or Seymour.

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everything was fine until i found out that bendis was confirmed to be writing the new legion book

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not a comicfag so give me the rundown on bendis. Why does everyone hate him?

Because he sucks.

>Not having the black ranger in panel 3
For fucks sake /pol/Shmorky the joke is right there.

He tends to ignore character history of important characters, retcon shit to fit his liking, write lazy repetetive dialogue, make up new characters even if very similar characters already exist in the book, and he keeps making characters that are bad inserts for his adopted daughters, which means they are never ever wrong.

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Man, you just posted my entire life right there. I'm actually going through a lot of shit, but nobody would ever know. Not unless its one of those light night 5am chats.

He's awful at continuity and just does whatever he feels like doing without actually thinking it through. Never bothered to build anything interesting and just focuses more on dialogues that don't really match characters because they almost sound the same

oof. that hits hard.

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what doth life

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>3 best friends I've met through Yea Forums
>all of them turbo gay furries
>living with them now
>2/3 want the dick
At least I'm off of cocaine and have a steady job now

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It's from that terrible Josh Luna (that Pinoy dude who makes comics about how Asian women have a racial obligation to fuck him) comic

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The fuck?

And then you've got bullshit like The Fatal Englishman, where they could have eradicated the Crossed but decided it was more important to keep Smallpox from getting out and we're supposed to treat it like a happy ending

You can read.

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Triple murder-suicide.

holy shit I was going to post this

gf broke with me the only the thing i really cared about in my life atm

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You’re gonna die fat, alone, and with a tattoo of an obscure internet cartoon character tattooed on one of your pimply back rolls. Fucking LISTEN to other pimple, you stupid fucking nerd.

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I am alone, I will likely always be alone.

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I actually cringed at this one user

You’ll make it, user. I have a good feeling about you in particular.

I’m sorry, that sucks. Just went through that recently. I wish you the best. Just try to be strong and keep moving forward, you’ll make it

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is this loss?

Is that why his work on Ultimate Spider-Man is considered to be his peak? Since he had no previous continuity to uphold?

Sorry, cannot. Too strange and complicated.

Even Ultimate Spider-man isn't that great when you reread it nowadays.
It definitely is one of his better ones though, and the reason you gave is part of it.

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It's OK. Reuses a lot of plot lines from season one though.

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Has to be for a good reason.

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This one hurts.

I started my own business my family told me would go nowhere. I now make more money in a month than my father did at the peak of his career, and he still considers my business a joke and a failure.

I'll never be good enough, not when his step sons are doctors.

Attached: nope-not-getting-out-of-this-chair.png (500x487, 495K)

>Has to be for a good reason.

I'm very close offed, and hard to get to really know as a person. I present a fairly affable, easy going personality in public, and I've had numerous people interested in me, but it usually ends rapidly after I turn out to be a quiet person after they expected the extrovert they met before. Add to that, that I'm not the most attractive, and the only person I've felt a real connection to I know isn't interested in me beyond friendship. I'm not some incel bemoaning my fate, I just have a hard time connecting to people, and sometimes, I feel overwhelmed by it.

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Your father is probably just jealous then, you make more than him, and surpassed him. I've seen a bunch of people who can't handle getting old or seeing others doing better than them, but thats not your problem, it his.

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Anyone who uses that image is always an insecure pedophile lmao, way to oust yourself.

I use this as a joke at people arguing about comics. I fucking hate lolicons.

Attached: watchmen.jpg (152x227, 15K)

Oh, forgive me for being so assumptious then, it's just that I've seen that image posted so often as a reply to me whenever I call a lolicon out for being, well, a lolicon.