JOKE ??????????

Attached: never_seen_star_wars.png (669x490, 65K)

Other urls found in this thread:


The faggot who writes this shit should have his face slowly scraped off over the course of several days with low-abrasion sandpaper.

The joke is that you'd both read this shit comic and post it OP

It's just another variation on him being a passive-aggressive bitchboy about not liking things he believes other people expect him to like.

Attached: beer.png (599x282, 48K)

Does he think the point of drinking beer is the flavor?

The joke is that he turns down his friend when he offers to see Star Wars, then has to make up shit when the hot girl begins talking about it (although she's never seen it either).

If it's good beer, it is. If you're just a college frat fag drinking canned horsepiss to get "wasted" then obviously not.

Somebody post the water edit

>both are literally me
But imd I am living in a 2nd world muslimish country, sooo

Crummy beer? He could be fetching a pail of water!

people who dislike or havent seen starwars are slowly becoming more annoying than actual starwars fans tbqh

the bitch is scared because a fedora made fun of him

In a world where conspicuous display of pop culture trivia is the status quo, the only way to seem edgy and cool is to demonstrate conspicuous disinterest in and ignorance of pop culture.

you have a realistic cynical independent outlook yet you back down even though you pretend to be high and mighty about not liking popular thing#111 because you're really scared of judgement and too weak to stand your ground for more than one sentence?

Based, beer tasted like carbonated piss

>he doesn't like horror movies
a sure sign of a wet blanket

Attached: horror_movies.png (270x383, 18K)

Is Randall a Yea Forums fag?

This. All fine if you grab a few cases of cheap macro stuff because there's like a dozen people coming to your house for sportsball, it's your prerogative to shell out for expensive small batch free range vegan microbrews flavored with unicorn blood if you like, absolutely great if you make your own in a plastic bucket using instructions you got from some rando's blog

Drink what you will for the reasons you want or need, you don't need to justify your alcohol consumption except maybe to a therapist if you also living that life too


>I don’t enjoy [thing many people like and will passionately defend]
I’ll hand it to him- that gets the (you)s

Also I hope he does The Beatles next because I hate those fags.

Saying you dont like thing, or you like thing is 99% of internet content at this point

All it does is take saying something truthful but controversial like the last jedi was a good movie and people will dogpile you

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You can only hate the Beatles if you like the Rolling Stones



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Clearly it is or you would just do shots.

Only faggots don't like the Rolling Stones though.

He's not wrong. Also, FUCK star wars, that shit is boring

Attached: im_with_her.png (740x633, 44K)

People get weirdly upset whenever you say you've never seen Star Wars. It's just Star Wars, too. If you tell someone you've never seen Lord of the Rings or Harry Potter, for example, they don't care nearly as much. Not seeing Star Wars is some kind of cardinal sin for some people.

How the fuck have you never accidentally seen any star wars movie?

How is your opinion on a movie "truthful?"

It is not about being "mandatory" but it is so easy to have watched it that if you never seen it, you probably actively avoided doing so. As it happens, everyone I knows who never wached any of the movies was: deeply religious, had extremely controlling parents, grew/lived far removed from normal society, is a contrarian, or any combination of the previous factors.

So if someone NEVER watched the movies yes, it does raises big red flags.

It's an objective fact that it's a great starwars movie

Star Wars is one of those things where it's impossible to avoid due to sheer influence and how it's ingrained into the DNA of almost all cultures. But I wouldn't get irrational about people who've never seen it, people who are proud of not seeing Star Wars on the other hand

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they're not on TV all that often

>Liking horror films
I bet you like rollercoasters too, you dirty rapscallion.


Your favorite novel is Catcher In The Rye isn't it?

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how dare people use memes on Yea Forums

Actual Warsies are rare. Nearly everybody's dabbled in the franchise (including me) but you can go your whole life without meeting a legit Star Wars fanboy.

I don't get why this pisses Yea Forums off. The joke is clearly that the teetotaler could've just say "no beer touching, sir" and everything would've been fine. The assumption that social norms, even pervasive ones, need to be followed all the time makes for an unfun friend.

Drink soda. Drink water. Drink blood. It doesn't fucking matter.

You've clearly never met a Star Wars fan.

In a world where conspicuous display of pop culture trivia is the status quo
We don't live in this world. Yea Forums is not the world.

The fact they let their manager rob them, which lead to years of shit ass recordings, is a big detriment, honestly.

except that's not the joke. It's Randall soapboxing about not liking beer.

Having never read Harry Potter will get you some comments from Harry Potter fans.

If you're actually looking for humor, some guy realized it was an improvement to replace the last panel of every comic with goatse.

I couldn't tell you the last time I channel surfed. It's been over ten years.

I know so many people who've never seen any of the big movie franchises. And they're all normies. Don't extrapolate from your nerd pov.

I like the flavor if it's a wheat beer...

>things he wouldn't say in RL for 200

Ok Nega-Mauler

It's obviously the joke, so obvious in fact I suspect you're just shitposting instead of legitimately reeeeeeeeing.

You got something against Salinger, fucknut?

The fact that book is clearly terrible is probably the issue.

if that was the joke, the anti-beer would look silly instead of continuing to make snide remarks. XKCD's "jokes" are frequently this sort of smug "I see the world how it REALLY is."

What's wrong with liking horror movies and rollercoasters? I'm not that guy, but I love both of those things.

It's just a stinger to show the clearly silly looking teetotaler hasn't learned anything. Your claim needs support, chief.

>Liking rollercoasters

I bet you enjoy sunny days too, you cantankerous frump.

There is none, it's a pretentious strip about random cultural norms.

What's reddit about Catcher In The Rye?

Not to defend a goofy Twittard who uses words like "sportsball", but Catcher was fairly based until the 3rd act. Holden was a retard (the part where he gets BTFO by a pimp and hooker says it all) but he was an entertaining retard that you wanted a happy ending for

Attached: Halloween-Highest.jpg (1201x627, 331K)

can we take a second to revel in how bad the Catcher In The Rye is

School program is reddit.

This from a jizzguzzler who likes long walks on the beach

The alt-text is just Randall doubling down on the idea that beer sucks and people only drink it due to peer pressure.

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I bet you're the kind of retarded ape that likes holding hands with a girl you like

>Liking girls
what kind of faggot does that

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>knocks down a guy's door for hitting on a girl online
>wearing a tipping hat
>EMP cannon
>orders the woman to watch a man for an entire year
I mean, this is clearly satire, yeah?

Or hyperbole.

Why the fuck would I want women in my hobbies? Women ruin fucking everything

So you can do your hobby then fuck a girl after

The joke is that people are inconsiderate fuckmunchers and that every day makes me less sympathetic.

Only water edit I got is this.

Attached: Xkcd water.png (517x720, 72K)

wow whoever edited it managed to be worse at drawing than ole randy

Kind of the point isn't it?

>"no beer touching, sir"
nice once

i mean if anyone speaks in such a hamfisted and overindulgent way irl thats pretty sad

>"no beer touching, sir"
nigga what lmao

It's pretty kafkaesque.

Why would having a girl at the hobby be needed for that? And once again, women ruin all hobbies

A lot of the xkcds are high effort elaborate net art, and most are applicable to real world stuff so they're good to link to in a discussion. The ones OP keeps posting are kinda outliers (The Hillary one is pretty much the only one about politics) and are cherry picked to justfy op's jealousy of XKCD's success

Yes, yes, I'm obviously Randall, hello

being a Randall bootlicker is worse than being Randall

Does this work with peanuts?

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why is it so pretencious

I've heard Mr. Monroe really doesn't like this edit.

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>he says as The Big Bang Theory gets thirty thousand seasons and eighteen spinoffs and people actually buy Ernest Cline books and turn them into movies

Attached: xkcd_in_ur_reality.png (400x432, 22K)

>people actually buy Ernest Cline books and turn them into movies
I am still so fucking mad

I'm pretty mad too. I mean just look at those JPEG artefacts on that black and white MSPaint image.

I do. I even like the non-alcoholic kind on hot summer days at lunch break

It is. When you've drank as much alcohol as I have you REALLY come to appreciate the taste of a form of alcohol that is not sweet as fuck. No matter how many bitters you dash over your whiskey, it's still 40% sugar. It's nice to have some liquid bread for the flavor of it. Otherwise I would drink nothing but vodka.

I want to preface this by saying I am a liberal, I hate alex jones, and think pretty much everyone on /pol/ is a nazi.

having said that, places like youtube and facebook and twitter, while technically private entities, have become the modern form of the public square, and thus should be treated by the 1st amendment as a public forum, rather than say, a newspaper that gets to choose who gets to write on it's pages.

we are going down a dark path with internet censorship, and what starts with banning alex jones ends with banning anyone who doesn't tow the line.

The tooltip text is "Mmmm, this is such a positive experience! I feel no social pressure to enjoy it at all!"

Randall clearly thinks beer is gross and is just pressured to drink it. The thing is he thinks this must also be true for EVERYONE ELSE. They're all faking it and he's the only one special enough to question convention. It's obnoxious as fuck as it aggrandizes himself while putting everyone else down. It's a problem pervasive in all his comics; they all have an air of pic related.

I don't even like beer myself and I still think this comic is obnoxious. I like whiskey and realize that plenty other's hate it. People just have different tastes.

Attached: 4gqtz.jpg (500x376, 186K)

>having said that, places like youtube and facebook and twitter, while technically private entities, have become the modern form of the public square, and thus should be treated by the 1st amendment as a public forum, rather than say, a newspaper that gets to choose who gets to write on it's pages.
Yes, and they've already been constitutionally acknowledged as public forums and their policies reflect that. No one ever said you are entitled to monitization.

Youtube let's pretty much everything that isn't super illegal (or slightly a violation of copyright) or in violation of basic indecency policies stay up. You can find plenty of ISIS propaganda on youtube until government officials wave their vague-ass 9-11 laws at them. But people still bitch because they think "free speech" means "entitlement to a proactive regime aiming towards equal acknowledgement ."

The *tips fedora* guy existed years before the actual *tips fedora* meme. These comics are not satire. Pic related is satire of xkcd.

Xkcd is the type of autism that slightly above average IQ retards love because it makes them feel smart. So you'll see it in places like the MIT newspaper (last I checked anyway).

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What kind of fucking beer are you drinking?

except they flat out banned alex jones and are actively smothering others on both the left and the right. youtube is quickly becoming another system of corporate control.

What fag wants to feel things? I personally put on a movie, and then ignore it and go into my sensory deprivation chamber.

Alex Jones simultaneously knows what he did and isn't in even the most liberal interpretation of the law in threat of being silenced.
As for them "actively smothering others on both the left and the right", first define "smothering", then define who.

The way you state this is all so comical. "Youtube is quickly becoming another system of corprate control." Good lord, what system did you live on that was more antequated than youtube. You're fixated as fuck. I can't even give you advice or explanation. You're THAT far behind the times.

>has capacity to feel emotions watching horror movies
Why must it be wasted on people who don't like horror movies?

I thought this one was pretty funny

I hope sempai will notice me

No but seriously, dude has his mainstream success, I see his book in the airport, back when I used the webcomic top100 I noticed his site was in the top ranks WITHOUT a button for people to click on, xkcd has mainstream success, you're not going to tear him down by weakly pissing and moaning about him on a Taiwanese morse code exchange

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>implying he wouldn't cry if dns, cloud, and hosting provider all de-platformed his pet cause

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where is the lie, though?

>No one ever said you are entitled to monitization

Then why can Twitter ban people if it's acknowledged as the public square?

let's be honest, he'd commit suicide if he was banned on twitter,

if you break the law in a public place you get banned from that place

He has a twitter account since 2009 and has posted zero tweets

The comic has a feed but it's just a mirror of the site

The beatles killed my parents and deep purple killed my grandmother

But what if you're not breaking the law but instead exercising your 1st Amendment rights and in doing so offend the delicate sensibilities of the zealously political moderators of said platform who hold unaccountable banning power?

>Does he think the point of drinking beer is the flavor?
If you don't care about flavor why wouldn't you just use a much better psychoactive compound that doesn't require ingesting massive amounts of stomach disrupting swill, like one of the benzodiazepines?

This is my favorite one. Grrr ebil normies talking bad behind people's back. Let's be nernds and talk about quirky things instead lol!

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>the reason why you were rejected is because that you complained you were rejected

never understood that argument

>Let's be nernds and talk about quirky things instead lol!

Attached: 95.jpg (700x716, 167K)

The idea is blaming people for their own misfortunes helps shore up your personal sense of reality where everything's under control and nothing bad will happen to you.

you know, if youtube and those other websites weren't gigantic monopolies, we wouldn't have to treat them as "public squares".

except we have tightly-regulated speech (thanks to FOSTA) and completely unregulated economics (thanks to Republicans) so that the best we can ever hope for is an oligopoly where we have a choice between one thing that everyone uses and a second thing that's exactly the same but worse. Google vs Bing. YouTube vs Vimeo.

and this is one of the reasons people are starting to think liberalism isn't far enough left (although most of the reasons involve OUR BOSSES DON'T FUCKING PAY US)

Attached: angry-ozzie.gif (220x234, 5K)

I think he's exaggerating for the purpose of comedy. Or are you asking if this is a satire of fedora tippers being cringy? If so no, he's being genuine here.

Why does he hate sociology so much?

It’s the science most based on emotions, something aspies have trouble grasping.

I wonder if Randall ever thinks about how he's descended into self-parody

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>you are not allowed to criticize anyone with mainstream success
guess we should just shut Yea Forums down altogether, then

I fucking hate people who define how special they are by not watching "popular thing." I've known people like this who intentionally avoid opportunities to correct it when people offer it to them just like this asshole. You aren't special because you repeatedly skip out on something.

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Once you reach a certain age without seeing a thing everyone has seen, you start to take a weird sense of pride in being this exception. It's retarded, but people do it.

Not to defend Randy Bo Bandy, but sometimes when something is so hugely popular and I'm exposed to it constantly, I don't feel the urge to go experience it myself, because I've already become so saturated with it second hand that I feel sick of it despite never having seen it.

You may as well watch it in the actual context though. I feel sick of seeing the discussion and screencaps, but personally, that just makes me want to see it so I can voice what I like/dislike about it.

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Oh, that's RICH coming from the contrarian capitol of the internet.

>everyone on Yea Forums is the same person

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There is none.

XKCD is reddit-tier trash for people who like to think they are smarter than everyone else. It's LITERALLY the Rick and Morty of webcomics.

Attached: disgusted_picard.jpg (250x250, 5K)

There are many people in a city. But you live in a city for a reason. You wouldn't be here if you weren't trying to one-up your fellow man on being a cultural outsider. You probably think it's novel to be SO outsider that you hate other people for trying pissing contest over how outsider they are, but it's actually milquetoast as fuck.

I like neither.

Wow look how cool this guy is, he doesn't like popular thing!!

>You wouldn't be here if you weren't trying to one-up your fellow man on being a cultural outsider.
That's retarded. I'm here because I want to discuss topics anonymously where people don't scramble for upvotes for validation. This post says a lot more about you than me.


imagine unironically being "with her"

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Yeah, buddy, sure are discussing topics anonymously here. This sequence of posting me and you are having certainly constitute a discussion has NOTHING to do with signalling cultural (or counter-cultural) values.

Know thyself better, pleb.

Project harder, pleb.

This feels like a thog edit.

The other guy turned out to be a complete disaster.

I often wonder if there exists a term for webcomics that live purely on momentum.

XKCD and Penny-Arcade are insanely guilty of this since the quality has gone to level below when they actually started their works.

Not him, but you're admitting you're arguing in bad faith

Yeah but what if it's a long ass thing, like Game of Thrones, or Pastel Horses back when that was a thing? I don't think people should feel entitled to your time just because the thing is a big cultural phenomenon.

There was no winning side, really. Just shows how absolutely fucked US politics are.

That's a fair point. I haven't watched game of thrones for the very reason of it being a fucking massive undertaking. But something like Star Wars, it's really not hard to sit down and watch 1-3 movies. If I told someone I hadn't watched a single movie and they offered to do it with me, I'd probably just accept.

Trump is a clown but objectively he hasn't changed anything for better or worse. His primary fault is rambling on Twitter all day.

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Yeah I agree with you there. I probably wouldn't go out of my way to watch Star Wars if I was in their position, but if it was on TV one day or I was hanging out with someone and they had the DVD I'd probably watch it.

>But something like Star Wars, it's really not hard to sit down and watch 1-3 movies
You really could just watch A New Hope and know enough thanks to the only detail of the other sequel movies people care about being common knowledge, the only relevant prequel scenes being meme'd to death by reddit, and the new ones being unremembered entirely.

>but objectively he hasn't changed anything for better or worse
That really depends on where your priorities are.

for who? mexicans?

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>That really depends on where your priorities are.
Elaborate for a brainlet

That's not the joke. That's just what happens. The joke is that popularity is recursive and not necessarily based on genuine appreciation.

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Funny, where's that wall?

To not start too much shit, for an average American who is just trying to get through life, things may have gotten a little better. My taxes went down, the economy has been doing well. If you care about the environment, for example, things have definitely gotten worse.

>My taxes went down
Undone with Trump's unreliable DOW performance.

>economy meme
Lmao, farmers are going bankrupt as we speak.

Funny thing about the tax law, it made my paycheck slightly larger but then I went from getting a mild refund to owing like $7000 in taxes come April. Something to do with fucking up the witholding tables. It didn't bankrupt me or anything, but it was definitely inconvenient. I'm pretty sure my taxes went up somehow, despite me being the type of person they claim would be helped by the cut.

Then you're expanding on my point, it's not just priorities, it's also your situation. The same changes were, objectively (since there's nothing subjective about how much you paid in taxes), a negative for you and a positive for me.

That's still a huge way to go.
Astronomical distances, really.

this but unironically

this place is cancerous and I have been here for years, someone please stop the bus so I can get off

The Kinks>The Rolling Stones>The Beatles


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>I hate alex jones, and think pretty much everyone on /pol/ is a nazi.
you're pretty dumb then

You're pretty dumb actually. Lurk a few years.

But not hating Alex Jones is brainlet tier and pretty much everyone on /pol/ is a nazi, what exactly are you objecting to?

You're actually completely right.

If you can afford $7000 you aren't poor enough to need a refund.

>pretty much everyone on /pol/ is a nazi, what exactly are you objecting to?
They nitpick about shit like this. Sure they hate all non-whites, blame the Jews for everything and wish everyone they dislike would be rounded up and executed, but call them a Nazi and you'll get aaacccckshualllyyy'd about how they follow some other right wing movement.

It may be cancerous, but we need it, or at least something like it. Anonymous platforms allow for a lot of discussion that can't happen anywhere else.

>not hating Alex Jones is brainlet tier
I don't get how he has fans. Anyone who cares about half the stuff he pretends to care about should realize he's not helping anything except his own bank account. The "making the freaking frogs gay" meme should've been proof enough.

You should thank them. People overusing the term Nazi by calling everyone right of them one are trivializing the atrocities the Nazis committed.

Trivializing? Nope, the Neo-Nazi and Nazi-sympathetic groups of today are actually in favor of exactly that: their atrocities in "defense" of home culture. They don't care for the economy, for example, because for most of modern right-wings their way would get you called a fucking commie. But xenophoby? Sign me up, bro!

Liberal Stonetoss, equally trash.

no, the only people trivializing the Nazis are people who hold Nazi or Nazi-adjacent beliefs saying "hey we might hate you, but at least we haven't genocided you! Yet!"

Making Nazi a meaningless term is just going to make future generations confused about what the actual Nazis were. We're reaching the point where calling the Khmer Rouge "Nazis" will be acceptable, and they're more Nazi-like than neo-Nazis outside of skin color and the specific ideology they use as a mask. Using an accurate term never hurt anyone, if what they're doing is so wrong, certainly it wouldn't need to be labeled inaccurately to get attention.

In the future, there will be a name for the thing America is on the path to.

and that name is the one that will supplant "Nazi" as the one that is used to warn future generations on the same path, while the people paving that path insist they're overreacting...

rinse, repeat

Or, hold on a sec, what if we both don't go down that path and call things what they are instead of trying to pretend the past was something different?

Fascists will never admit to being fascists. They can play semantic games with any label you choose. We know perfectly well that Republicans have crossed the crucial moral line where they have divided humanity into Übermensch and Untermensch. We know perfectly well that ICE and the US military are operating concentration camps and Republicans are OK with it because they're holding "illegals", and they won't get angry unless they get word they're feeding them too well. And we all know who's been talking them into it for 20 years, and it ain't just one reality game show host. We know what Republicans are now, and what they have been since Barry Goldwater decided to go for the Confederate vote.
>inb4 democrats started kkk troll, but in a way, you can draw a straight line from the first slave ships that landed in Mississippi to today's situation. You won't always find the same political party names along the way, but you'll find the same family names for about 400 years.

in the meantime, pro-fascist 4channers have to spend their weekends chipping away at the credibility of liberal comics. why else would you start a thread on Yea Forums just stating "I don't get it?" you will know that's their goal, when the guy who used to send you these XKCDs in the first place disavows ever having understood them – or claims there was a time when he wasn't as liberal, or something.

Attached: troll-suspended-anim.gif (550x400, 205K)

I'm an actual communist and XKCD is still shit

XKCD isn't a leftist comic, it's for libs.

I get similar reactions when I mentioned that I had never seen a single Star Wars movie when I was a teenager. I mean, I have seen them since then but still. It's not that weird, right?

It's considered unusual to have never seen at least one entry in a crazy popular franchise running over a half-dozen movies during thirty years without losing popularity, that's aired on TV too, without being Amish or something.

Well, I stopped watching TV basically the moment I had my own computer with internet access, when I was 12, I never cared much about it when I was a kid and when I was a teenager I always thought I picked up so much about Star Wars through osmosis alone that there's no reason to specifically go see it. I think I was 17 or something when I actually did.