Do cartoons teach you things sometimes?

Do cartoons teach you things sometimes?

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This one taught me that we need to up the file limit on WebMs.

It can, but it's easy to make lazy political statements in place of a moral, mostly due to lack of writing experience or creativity

That knowing was half the battle

That we truly live in a society

The elevator scene hot a giggle out of me


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Really makes you think

its still profound because even after centuries of rehashing the same old story you still all fall for it

I love it when contrarians use this argument because it implies a newspaper demands the same level of attention as a smartphone

For example, Samurai Jack taught me about pacing.

This shit from OP taught me that we live in society.

The funny thing about these rat and happiness experience is that they found the best way to keep them from drugging themselves to death were by forming communities. You don't have time to "happiness" yourself to death if you have people to look after.

That fandoms are a plague and a cartoon is enjoyed at it best by yourself with no exterior influence from garbage nerds.THe hipster way of enjoying media is actually the best,provided you can shut your mouth and stop trying to bring in new viewers

>it implies a newspaper demands the same level of attention as a smartphone
Does it not? I honestly don't know whether I'd assign more or less attention to a paper newspaper vs. a modern "smartphone." I don't even know which way you're implying is more attention consuming. I could see newspapers needing more attention because the content itself is physically there and that leads you to continue reading one article after another. But with phones I guess there's more variety in what you could decide to pull up on them?

They taught me all the sorts of weird porn exist of any character no matter how obscure.
They also taught me that OP is a fag.

t. Someone so fucking young, he didn't grow up with his mother saying to his father, "Put the paper down, we're eating dinner, now" or "No reading at at the dinner table".


>ooga booga capitalism scary

This was the closest a cartoon ever got to making me do something. I tried to use the stairs everyday at work instead of taking the elevator to work out. But my job is on the 10th floor and taking the stairs to go up, go back down for lunch at 1PM, walk back up it, then walk down all while walking home which takes 30 minutes (A habit I got into early as a kid, so I love walking) is really fucking exhausting.

I made it about three weeks before I had to cut out the stairs portion because being exhausted everyday was making me miserable. I still walk to work and home, though.

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>Socialism good look at AOC's breasts they can nurture an entire commune

I don't know I've never seen somebody staring at a newspaper 45 minutes straight

>I don't know I've never seen somebody staring at a newspaper 45 minutes straight
Did you not have a father?

Oh, well, if you never saw it, I guess that's proof it never happens.

One with proper manners, Satan.

Who stares at a phone for 45 minutes straight? I DO see frequent phone use, but it's way more erratic and fleeting than that. People pull out the phone, do something with it, go back to talking with someone or doing work, pull out their phone again, do something with it, etc.

Proud of you, user.

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Sure, you can point out something is wrong. But if you have no solutions, what's the point. All products make us miserable, ok, but products do make someone happy. And if you take that away because it doesn't make you happy what exactly did you just fix? It's a unkillable ouroboro, just remove yourself from the equation if you're really so miserable.

If it's not a smartphone it'll be something else. We need something to do with idle time, don't be mad you're less interesting than a smartphone.

What is with stupid political messages and Disney/Fleischer art style? I remember Moby did a music video that was basically this exact same message plus OPs.

>Progress bad

ah, the simple mindset of the pure

>Turns elephant into piano

Do uh. Do we make pianos out of elephants?

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Ivory keys, it would make more sense if it was a statue though.

>Progress bad
I don't think it's progress that's bad so much as the way he (the allegorical stand-in for mankind) went about it.
This appears to be something whatever that cartoon is / whoever the creator was agrees with given it ended with obviously technology using / progress having extraterrestrials being absolutely disgusted by the mankind character.
>stupid political messages
Is it even political? I think it was way too general and long term in scope to be something I'd consider a political piece. It's not like there's one particular political affiliation responsible for all of mankind's history.
Anyway I thought it was a neat video. Nothing I imagine most people haven't already been exposed to as an idea one way or another in the past, but still helpful to remind yourself every once in a while how much really fucked up shit our civilization and its history are built on and run off of still to this day. The fact I eat meat and am fairly certain I'll never stop eating meat definitely gets to me from time to time given how that industrial slaughter process works. If I'm going to Hell that would be one good justifying reason for it that I couldn't really argue much with.

Whenever people ask about my vocabulary I tell them that I learned most words I use I heard on a cartoon first. I'm not well read but people tend to think I come off somewhat proper. It's odd. I used to keep a dictionary by the TV so that if I heard a word I didn't know I'd look it up.

That makes sense. My mom used to point out the Looney Tunes / cartoon stuff I watched growing up had extra levels of meaning to it that you get when you're older. So it's a children targeting entertainment production but filled with terms and concepts which children aren't expected to know, making it meet the both requirements of A) being something you'd see as a kid and B) being something with adult terminology in it in a way the New Yorker would fail per requirement A and Sesame Street would fail per requirement B.

please end your life.

hey user your horny is showing

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Space ghost taught me that you shouldn't care about anything Moby says

Pretentious wankery

Nope. That aside, they are pretty good animated short, my problem is with the message.

The big thing I got off of that is that city life sucks, and muh "social interaction" is overrated.
>smart phone
>*DEMANDS* attention
WEW, you can put the phone down at anytime, get some self control.
I know I've said this before, but where do people get this impression that nature is benevolent?

If I'm correct, they used to use ivory for piano keys, however, this stopped a long time ago.

why do people feel the need to tell people their distractions are bad? The whole point is to lay back for a few seconds and enjoy yourself on those things. Is it some thing where you have to pretend to be more woke than everyone else or is it genuinely a thing where you want to make others feel as miserable as yourself, becuase you assume they would instantly absorb your view on it

About the treatment of Gamers

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>Who stares at a phone for 45 minutes straight?
Me. Kind of a necessity when my job is basically Eight Hours of driving around, waiting at a restaurant, driving food to someone's house, delivering it, waiting for new orders, rinse, repeat. I'm trying to cut back, reading a book while waiting for new orders in my car.

I'd at least assume that you're using a phone holder in that case, so that you don't have to hold it with your hands. Also, I couldn't imagine having to use a screen as small as a phone for hours on end, is there any way to use whatever app(s) you use on a tablet or laptop?

Dragonball made me get into lifting, and that was a net good for me so i guess so

I already know not to live in the city

Post videos that really make you think

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Life is shit everywhere.

15 minute short about a librarian (iirc) and a girl that likes him who find a spider loli and decide to nurture it to good health. Spider loli grows up an reveals her true colors at the end by killing the girl so she can be the only one in his life.

Maybe for wagies, while you toil away at the workplace, wasting your life i spend my time enjoying my fellow man, and experiencing art

>Guy and landlord's granddaughter find spidergirl
>Be nice because #NotAllSpiders
>Spidergirl ends up killing the granddaughter by sacrificing it to her demon-spider mother and then shapeshifting into the girl to take her place
>Guy is weirdly okay with the whole thing

>Guy is weirdly okay with the whole thing
would you act any differently?

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Yes. But then I'd have gone for the rolled up newspaper the moment that little abomination showed up.

Are you trying to spin this into a conversation about gay things?

>I know I've said this before, but where do people get this impression that nature is benevolent?

Hippies. There's fucking parasites and shit in nature. Rape, strong preying on the weak, wolf pups abandoned if there's a birth defect. Nature fucking blows if you're anything besides a mushroom

I shared a house with an Anarchist of some sort. Not anarcho primitvist of whatever but thought that humans were capable of empathy and that would somehow override any other impulse they had for dominance.
Showed me this as if it wasn't tired, on the nose and senseless

Probably the most lefty cartoon I've seen on Yea Forums this week

I love it.

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the only ones who use ivory anything anymore are the Chinese but we are not allowed to say bad things about them for reasons

>Nature fucking blows if you're anything besides a mushroom
And that's assuming you're poisonous, if you're edible, you're going to get eaten, a lot.

That's just your dick
which is not that bad if you can grow new ones easily, and feel no pain


Go to sleep Maduro, you've got lots of Kremlin cock to suck tomorrow.

I thank cartoons and the many life lessons for keeping me out of the wrong crowd, course my hard working immigrant parents didn't expect to raise a big fucking nerd

I know the following probably don't count under the "mushroom" category, but what about truffles, and similar fungus?

>be human
>invent antibiotics
>hehe, nothing personel fungal realm

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most of a fungus is underground like roots, the upper fruiting body is just for reproduction

Good moral, only morons aid demons We still haven’t won that war user

Fuck off back to r/socialism

God this short was boring.
>boo-hoo consumerism
literally middle schoolers first DEEP THINK shit.

It'd be a good moral if the guy was the one who gets fucked over at the end. Instead the little girl who had reservations about letting the demon stay and was peer pressured into it by the guy is devoured and the guy gets an immortal shapeshifting spiderloli to fuck.

>If you let demons murder children, you'll get that sweet, sweet demon pussy
Is a terrible moral.

You jerk off with your discord buddies while huddling in your mom's basement/leeching off the government.
you are not a man of "art".

You do realize you can do that when you aren't working, right? Unless you're some retard who tries to live above his means, and has to work 12 hours per day all 7 days of the week, in order to keep a roof over your head.


consumerism bad is not a specifically left wing ideal
Facists hate consumerism because they think it draws people away from the ethnostate