Same Sex Couples seem to be the "in" thing in cartoons lately...
Same Sex Couples seem to be the "in" thing in cartoons lately
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Nothing is sacred
To quote the late, great Dave Chapelle: For real nigga, I love lesbians
Wise words
>another thread complaining about gays
It's summer isn't it?
It's only a matter of time before your secret is out, Panchito.
I think you're going to be the Three Caballeros' last-episode gay-reveal.
Stop putting gays in my ultra serious cartoons
>before pc movement: two girls kissing each other. that's hot.
>after: stop pandering to gays and trans.
what happened to us?
I agree. We should only put in lesbians and female bisexuals.
Also, female-to-male trans people.
We'll call this new alliance the BLT.
and comics
I think it's more a stealth thread about the flightless one's lesbiaunts showing up in this week's episode.
>another thread complaining about gays
No, not complaining.
I just had this in mind because of another show adding to the list with an ep that aired just now.
You got me, user, at the last minute.
So that's where Disney's been putting its wild cock lately?
Cynicism and hatred. The "I'm fine with it, just don't shove it in my face" school of tolerance was really the "I'm fine with it as long as it's a hundred miles from me and completely invisible" crowd. A lot of people weren't really cool with it if it was open, just cool with it if it were handled like a shameful secret. To a lot of people, tolerance meant "I'm not going to murder you with my own hands".
But then yeah there's also just the cynical people who are extra sensitive to agendas and marketing and will try to spin a narrative about how people don't really care, as if all the soulless marketing involved in popular media was never a problem until Korra.
This, contrarians only look for something to moan and bitch. If they put dinosaurs and dinosaur couples in all media they'd protest in front of museums. What a bunch of fags.
I think part of it is that some of the more high-profile ones like Korrasami or Bubbline are asspulls or otherwise poorly executed, and no one seems to care when they are.
Everything has been explained here
Arthur writing meeting
>okay, we need to get some ratings.
>let's make someone gay.
>uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh, the principal. He looks gay.
And he'll start dating Jose, who'll come out as bi
That is literally what tolerance is. I acknowledge that you are a person and that you do not deserve death or being branded a criminal for your beliefs. I don't have to like you, support you, or want you in my community - and I will do everything that I can, that is not illegal, to make sure you are not part of my community.
It's not treated as hot anymore. Its treated as a social victory, as a political statement. It's not depicted as erotic or sensual. Its depicted as normal. As a thing that you have to get used to, or else they'll call your employer and bank and tell them to blacklist and deplatform you.
Tolerance by disassociation is the best tolerance you can ask for in the real world. There is nothing positive to be gained with the expectation of "if I make this divisive subject common, everyone will eventually accept it." It simply creates more division. Tolerance comes with understanding. But understanding doesn't come by putting an abundance of gays and lesbians in kids cartoons. I tolerate gays just fine, whether they are close or far away. But there is nothing wrong with not wanting to see them in cartoons. It's the same as not wanting to see gore or extreme violence in cartoons. There is a time and a place for everything.
I don't think children's programming ratings work that way and also they cover all sorts of topics. Their gay sounding perpetually single teacher makes sense. They could have just as cynically said "let's have a wedding episode and change the status quo" at your hypothetical meeting and there wouldn't be such negative feelings about it.
>Implying Donald wouldn't dump Daisy so all three of them could have a threeway poly relationship
Mission Hill did it better than anyone
Fuck off. Yuri was shit before and it is shit now. You didn't know a lot of people hate it because the media they consume wasn't choke full of it unlike now. Preference never change. Just the opportunity to watch it and the ability to convey your opinion.
>Cartoon for Adult
Actually, I thought they didn't do it well until the last ep,
Aren't lesbians statistically higher to engage in domestic abuse?
>It's the same as not wanting to see gore or extreme violence in cartoons.
That is not similar to homosexual relationships at all but I can understand why some people might think that way. Homosexuals are just like me and you, and it isn't a crime or should be seen as 'uncomfortable'. I hope you don't take offense, I'm glad you're taking the time out to talk about it but you have to kind of understand this isn't the 90's anymore. If you find gay people uncomfortable, you can change the channel. Simple as that.
>is supposed to represent mexico
>mexico is gay now
That was proven wrong actually.
b-but no....
Arthur is the only daring one of the bunch, since lesbians are more palatable than full-on fags. Anyway, this is only a big deal for now. Most people will stop caring in a few years. There will still be gays in your kids cartoons, but very few people will give a shit either way. I think that's already the case, it's just some loud people on both sides making a fuss over it.
umm sweetie
>Their gay sounding perpetually single teacher makes sense.
No it doesn't. Some men acts more gay than gays.
It's not a out liking or supporting it's about not asking people to stay the fuck away from you or hide themselves. They treat people loving each other like it's a sick fetish and many would argue that's exactly what it is. I understand wanting to keep BDSM out of kids cartoons and I don't think people should walk around public in thongs, but when it's just people who love each other, it's different.
Schulz took a huge risk in letting Franklin hang out with the white kids and it worked out fine. You're right, tolerance comes from understanding, but we're not going to be understanding much about each other if we're not facing the controversial subject and keeping it at a distance as if it's something dark and shameful.
get ready for the trans character wave
I know you're the same person that keeps inserting this in some threads here and there, and either you're vying for attention or a deluded husbando-fag.
I implore you. Seek help.
You got radicalized by memes,fucktard
Then again its also more likely to not get reported
Dave Chapelle is still alive, nigga
Honey has the monopoly on traps
White people took memes way too fucking seriously.
Normalizing abnormal sexual behavior in children's programming is abhorrent.
His career on the other hand
He still does comedy tours. He wasn't comfortable with his show because he noticed his white friend was laughing the hardest at a minstrel show throwback character. The complexity of ironic racism got to him in that he saw that he was normalizing real racism.
Buddy, I just got back from reading threads where gays bash straights for no reason.
There will never be peace between us.
It was actually the Hollywood execs running him ragged and forcing out a product. They even said that if he walked, then they would fuck his career. Which is why they started spreading that crackhead rumor as soon as he got on the plane.
He's like Chris Tucker. Got in, made money, got out. Dave is raising a family on his rural farm and doing comedy gigs to keep him happy. Better than getting raked over the coals by Hollywood like someone like Eddy Murphy.
Not that user, but their sexuality has been played with for 75 years. It's not something one user came up with
Jeff's mom are bullshit. Even there were an episode where the butch idiot mom got beaten up by an employee with melted cheese. From the storm special, was that supposed to be funny? Is the progressive beat the shit out a butch mom with melted cheese? I dare y'all to denounce all the People who were involved in that Shitty cartoon Clarence which is created by a predator
>Ratburn marries an Aardvark of all animals, and Arthur somehow attends
Aardvarks aren't even common in this series, most of the stand-ins end up being Rabbits or Cats, save a few one-offs. The only Aardvark family in town is Arthur's, so the gay teacher's partner being one makes him more like Arthur than most characters.
The sodomite community is full of that mentor-corruption fantasy, respected elders touching young boys to spread the disease, and so this is just another shade of that proxy. Faggotry knows no bounds in evil, the simplest brush of understanding exposes deeper and deeper deviances beneath. The world needs to be put to fire.
That cartoon went to shit when they railroaded the original creator. Seems like a trend in the industry.
It's a competition to see which storyboarder can signal the most virtues
It's funny how paranoid people get about this when audio of Trump implying that teachers sexually assaulting their underage students could be good for kids during his surfaced during his campaign and we elected him anyways. Really makes you think.
I kinda want a gay wedding like Shiro's but somehow I feel like Voltron just fucked up hard with that storyline. Of course Voltron fucked up all its storylines so I don't know why I'm complaining about this one
Two of those are okay. Two of those are virtue signaling bull shit written by hacks to try and please a crowd that would turn on them in a second
And Clarence was the only show that did it right
Don't forget Scootaloo's lesbian aunts.
we're complaining about material that gets at least 1k views...
They already do that because male gays are icky
I don't know much about Arthur but isn't that show all about teaching kids more sensitive subjects or something?
Korra only has a gay ending because the creators knew the show was trash that the internet was bashing on so they made Korra gay so the internet would stop bashing on it and retrospectively say it was brilliant for putting in hints that Korra and Asami were gay. Gay people on the internet are fucking savants at finding gay signal in straight noise that this works, I know I'm gay and still convinced Sokka wants Zuko's cock
yeah for the past 20 years
just stop watching cartoons if you don't like it, it will be easier
oh you sweat summer child
Because a decade ago adding a gay couple in a background scene of a cartoon could get you fired. Nowadays if you support lesbiansecks you're now thrown into some shirty political movement. There's no edge to it now
I am fine with lesbians.
I am NOT fine with shit like Korrasami (delivered like ass), Bubbline (delivered like ass) or Jackie (going lez outta nowhere.)
It's almost never used organically in a story. It's never just, X couple happens to be gay. Everyone loves to make it a huge signal with a "Hey Everyone! These two are gay! Over here look!!" Which then adds nothing whatsoever to the story at all or even matters.
I'm sure autistic writers really do care about teaching kids the joys of buttsex but forcing random gay characters is profitable right now so of course it's going to be present in cartoons
its good. We finnaly get representation for OP
Wasn't LyraBon canon since forever? And RariJack is pretty much canon in EqG? And the fandom was pretty much exclusively shipping yuri, at least when I stopped watching the show back in season 4.
Jackie fell to the background like most of the cast of Star and people still bitched that she met someone over summer. Unfortunately, the major character reveals are a product of network tv; they rush them at the end because they are already rushing to end and there's no need to worry about exec backlash or fears involving risky moves like that. Korra did it worst and that sucks.
Why did the term "Tolerance" transform from
>I don't have to like it but I will put up with it in public
>I am required to love all aspects of it on a deep personal level and fight on it's behalf wherever I can. Or else I will lose my job, my home, be ostracized in society and become a pariah justifiably hated by all
Wait... people still watch TV?
It's angry people looking high and low for something to complain about. when there is nothing wrong with the story they will actually look to the background characters and bitch and moan about them.
clearly those numbers are manipulated to boost his ratings; surely no one reads this drivel
Pretty much, they show their deep seeded level of intolerance and hatred by coming in here and complaining about the presence of a background character that does not exist in real life not meeting their expectations
No, that is literally what hatred is. Tolerance is finally accepting what is reality and not being bothered by it when it enters your life. You cannot be tolerant and and still hate something in secret. Tolerance does not include any level of hatred.
Opinion autobinned
It's pretty sad when up-and-coming (optimistic) writers with an honest desire to promote social progress either don't know or implicitly accept they're feeding a corporate agenda to appeal to a wide audience of arrested development adults and headlines about tolerance for money, rather than creative progress for the sake of progress. I honestly liked the way Hey Arnold did it: it used creative writing to tell you Mr. Simmons was gay and had reasonable angst about it, but had to be subtle about it because they couldn't say it outright, and made him just fruity and sympathetic enough that his mannerisms would be seen as "different" to kids who could ask their parents why he acts so bubbly.
The Mission Hill ideal of two old gay guys living in a hipster mecca is nice, but even now still can't be put in a kid's cartoon without being virtue signaled to hell and back.
That's not implied at all. "Hide the person you love from me and my kids" isn't very tolerant.
>You cannot be tolerant and and still hate something in secret
Objectively incorrect
I wanted to disagree with them, but it makes sense; many people claim not to hate an ethnicity, just not like them being in their country. They claim not to want to remove them out of racial hatred, but at that points It's semantics. It's like you don't have to hate bees and actually like what they do, you just don't like what they do near you. You remove them not out of hatred, but out of a lack of tolerance. You don't tolerate them around you.
/pol/ and Moot refusing to stamp out the source before it festered.
Does Arthur even air outside America ?
it does
but some countries gave up on it over the years like the Latin America/Brazil region
Fuck off bigot.
It went from a male wish fulfillment to a female power fantasy.
Arthur attended because its his show. I know people want to analyze "why invite your students" and shit, but that's the reason.
Every time I open that image I have to read the speech bubble, and everytime I feel a violent urge to kill myself.
>the Tomboy is raised by her dyke aunt
Kek, the LGBT are obsessed with owning the concept of tomboys aren't they? Like if any girl doesn't fit cultural molds then they clearly are gay or at least heavily influenced by gay culture.
I'm right, muthafucka. You're the autobin trashe. All Facts, I Don't do Opinions.
What happened is that none of the gay characters shown in modern media arent gay for "real". Its just something done to check off a box on a list to fill a qouta. Characters that are made gay just for the hell of it.
If you want characters that are "real" gay, watch Mission Hill.
I tolerate this fucking shithole board because there is no other place I could argue why capeshit and TBBT is ruining/ruined everything about geek culture by making it an identity.
i used to have to watch this because my ex loved it and the fucking nerdy facts made me cringe most of the time
i dont know whats worse desu the fact they show this little inside comic jokes or the fact i fucking understood them
I'll always love the TF2 edit of this couple.
>QUICK FIX? What's wrong with the stock?
>Well, I had a strangifier and I wanted to try it out
>you cheap medic bastard! That thing'll snap in half when we push the point!
True, after SoL that one particular ship could be considered canon but their relationship is also explained as just two best friends. The latter ship isn't canon, the writers just found their way to establish the studio's intended platonic relationship as equal to how the studio wanted them to carry it out. But the aunts relationship is the first canon LGBT relationship, the others are really up to the fandom.
Korrasami was 5 years ago, user. Time to let go.
Honestly this
I don't watch tv let alone public broadcast. I don't even by products really so from the perspective of the broadcasters I don't exist
It seems kind of desperate on their part, like they NEED to reset everything back to before marriage equality laws to maintain cohesion of their subculture.
I guess nobody told them that mainstream acceptance leads to a loss of culture.
You got to understand they have to make it as loud as possible as the alt right and their ilk want this shut down so they can go back to the times where everyone knew their place. The fact that this is happening while most politicians out there are promoting hate and being moustache twirling villains means the signal cant be stopped.
Because if they had it their way we would have a new Hays Code where pretty much only straight couples are allowed on cartoons and comics unless for the intent of low brow humor just to throw a measily bone
Panchito: pansexual, hence the name. Sees the beauty in all people and things.
Jose: straight but can't stay faithful. Will fuck the bridesmaid at his own wedding.
Donald: straight but only has eyes for Daisy even if women lined up around the block to sit on his beak
Don't question it goy
>gay characters are finally allowed on TV
>reeeeeeee get this homosexual agenda off my screen!!!
The American version ofJose is too pure to even think about cheating
That's why he'll never stay consistently with someone and will one night stand
>people who spend their lives in infertile relationships who use two full incomes on consumerist lifestyles seems to be the "in" thing now
Wonder why...
citation needed
>infertile relationships
in vitro fertilization, artificial insemination, surrogacy, adoption?
Like you're gonna be ripping into that pussy.
I never liked Yuri shit
Bingo, tolerant means "shut the fuck up if you don't like it, let people who do be able to enjoy it unmolested".
No one demands you be their ally, just leave them alone and let them exist in peace.
Actually, yeah, I agree.
Most gay couples in modern media are pointless to the point they might as well not be present.
It’s seriously the single reason Yea Forums acts like it never loved lesbian characters.
Very true, if people stop pushing this stuff hard the crazies ruling us at the moment will quickly move in to legislate the groups they hate into silence.
I disagree with you about that is She-Ra at least. Bo's dads were kind of just there
No, I can hate you and still tolerate you, that is required for humans to live in a society.
As long leave you to do your thing and you leave me to do mine
But your pushing faggotry into anyone who dose't love to IS intolerance of others, and you know what happens when the tiny minority of the population is intolerant towards the rest?
The tiny part population ends up with their brain splattered onto the asphalt.
At this point i welcome sharia law and islam into the western world so you faggots learn what intolerance actually looks like.
And what thread was that?
I'm glad Arthur actually nutted up and had two gay men.
Anytime i see lesbians in something i cant help but assume its because the writers want to be progressive but also dont want to alienate audience members who hate gays so they go with lesbians since anti-gay groups tend to care less about them.
Yurifaggotry is boring.
Fetishism and virtue signalling are both fucking cringeworthy and hammy as fuck.
>If you find gay people uncomfortable, you can change the channel. Simple as that.
It's NOT that simple, though. Changing the channel just leads to another channel with a gay victim at the mercy of a straight villain. Change the channel again and it's a gay wedding. Shut the TV off and pick up a comic book and, oh look, a straight character just turned gay.
You're right. It's not the 90s anymore. We've regressed from the 90s into a time where sexual identity is a product that has to be sold. If you you're not interested in buying, then you're shamed for it, and there's no place else for you to go. Literally none. I drove by my local church the other day and they had a giant rainbow flag hanging on the side. Happy Pride Month!
Gays dont make me uncomfortable, by the way. I have a general distaste for ANY sort of romance in my entertainment, straight or gay. I dont need or want to know who is hooking up with who. I really don't. I just want to be entertained. Stop shoving love lives in my face. That's all I ask.
Yeah, "in" the ass
It really is that simple user, it's nowhere near as prevalent as you hear when everyone blows everything up online
So many things don't even have the hint of that
>simply creates more division.
This is what I don't understand. Pretty much everyone outside of the Westboro Baptist Church isn't going to go out of their way to accost homosexuals on the street. The Left won't stop until we are all forced to acknowledge homosexuality as a superior lifestyle.
>The Left won't stop until we are all forced to acknowledge homosexuality as a superior lifestyle.
What gave you that impression? How does something existing in a few cartoons tell the audience that it's better than anything? Is the existence of a straight couple in a work of fiction tell the audience straights are better? Does SpongeBob have an anti-mammal agenda? What the fuck happened to your head?
Dude, I don't want to see a man or women kissing or having relationships either, Not on ACTION cartoons or comics. And yes it's unconformable.
Just like you can't tell gay people "lol just stop being homosexual dude" you can't just tell straight people to like seeing something that causes them guttural revulsion.
Tell how the current run of iceman is anything but preaching about how good gays are and how bad and oppressive "straight society" is.
Tell me why they need to run a straight character gay.
Tell me why this needs to be a core point in the story.
I really like the x-men and bobby for fucks sake. And I don't want to be preached about sexuality on the coins i read.
Anyone who liked lesbians soley because DUDE IT HOT is just a cuckold who wants to jerk off to two girls making out in front of them.
What do you think porn is, you fucking idiot.
I left this thread a little while ago to put on Swamp Thing. Swamp Thing. I want to emphasize what I was watching. I enjoyed the first episode so I decided to watch the next one. And what happens?
Abby, the protagonist, wakes up at her female friend's house. Instead of finding her friend downstairs, she sees another woman. Surprise! Abby's friend is a lesbian. In an interracial lesbian relationship, no less. And just in case it wasn't already spelled out as plain as day for the viewer, the director takes time out of the scene to show the two lesbians kissing. And then the conversation ACTUALLY relevant to the story is allowed to continue. Let me ask you here, how was this moment between two lesbian side characters relevant to the plot of Swamp Thing?
I can't enjoy any new media now without wondering when the identity politics will present themselves. Anytime I feel like I'm safe from the virtue signalling, I'm greeted by another Voltron, another Swamp Thing, another Korra, another Loud House, etc. At some point, the media will find a way to remove my immersion by way of intersectional flag waving. It never ends. Never. This is where the divisiveness comes from. It's like a leaking sink with water drops incessantly pounding away at the basin.
>Making a series
>Have to get at least one gay couple in order to make it big
how do you write good gay characters, Yea Forums?
Fuck off back to R3ddit you stupid niggerfaggot poltard,you post is retarded poltard bait.
Write a straight couple then flip one of the genders. Alternatively, talk to gay people and get to know them and take what you learn and put it into your writing.
Fuck off poltard nigger back to plebbit.
Take a note from Scott Pilgrim
It is a part of the character, not a huge deal or their only characteristic
Fuck off homophobic nigger back to pol/
A successfully written gay character would never be identified as gay, because their sexual preferences typically aren't relevant to the story. You might have a gay character with a lisp, or a butch haircut, but you should never see them kissing their partner on screen unless the purpose of the story is to present that gay relationship.
That's stupid, then what's the point of any hetero romantic subplot?
>It's weekend /pol/ isn't it?
Cry harder not every one is as free love as your hippy ass
Have sex incel pol/ nigger
Nope, CIA got to him, the "Dave Chapelle" of today is a clone. Seriously if you ever see him offer him a potato, CIA clones are deathly afraid of potatoes and will do anything to get away from from a suspected potato.
That's a bad choice but
>The Left won't stop until we are all forced to acknowledge homosexuality as a superior lifestyle.
that has nothing to do with this statement.
There is no point in a hetero romantic subplot either. Those are forced in for the female audience and nothing more. That shit is never relevant to the story unless it's a romcom or some other romance story.
Can you atleast understand why someone would read this and think "wow this is retarded".
Neck yourself pol/ nigger, please you're are doing better if you don't exist anymore to this world,that needs to stop racist, homophobic bigots that like the gay Nazis.
I'm guessing you lived in one of the states that blocked the postcards from buster episode about lesbians
Fuck off back to R3ddit you stupid niggerfaggot poltard
Not him but can you stop spazing out in this thread I can see which posts are yours clearly. Get a grip you're taking the internet more seriously than "/pol/ niggers" as you like to say constantly.
>preaching and putting propaganda on comics is not trying to force and agenda.
Cool mate.
>human connection is never relevant in fiction
Are you a robot or something?
It's all part of the plan.
Fuck off pol/ nigger.
Seething poltard.
Remember when media represented society as it exists, not as the Progressives wish it to be? Decent people are civil to others because being an asshole makes you unlikeable to everyone.
You're insane
/pol/ isn't responsible for the way gay and minority characters are being perceived now. The tone media treats otherness with in general has changed, and it's gone from one of curiosity to uncompromising, overcompensating social awareness. Everything is done neurotically, with some hypothetical, IRL moral consequences in mind, and that's not how art and entertainment are supposed to work. It's usually not articulated as well, but that's what people really mean when they complain about having stuff "shoved down their throats." It's even scummier than product placement, because at least corporations lose interest in you once they have your money and don't hang around to make sure you never stop drinking the kool-aid. Everybody knows it's true, especially if you've ever stepped foot in a creative field. I thought things were going to get a lot worse before they got better, but at this rate the good news is that it seems like the public's tolerance is already receding, and media will have to adapt eventually. see: Get woke, go broke.
>Remember when media represented society as it exists
Literally never
Even documentaries are biased
Maybe shut about about your dumb politics and realize that you're a huge fucking loser who insists that his own politics are real life--which is the same as literally every point in the political spectrum
It used to be silly fan theories. Now news sites push me to be excited about two ugly lesbians kissing in a cartoon show.
Find love
do not think about it homosexual
just consume
Consume what? Scat? You don't need to tell them twice.
So your reflexive and arbitrary rebellion makes you hate shit clickbait hypes on principle? That's so far removed from the substance.
>It's almost never used organically in a story.
It was in the Arthur episode and it was not only banned in Alabama, but that banning was met with cheers from the crowd who is normally up in arms over censorship.
Also "Just don't shove it in my face" is a hilarious response to seeing gay shit. What a double entendre!
THIS JUST IN: Gay people exist
Censorship is bad when it goes after good things, like people trying to abuse or bully others for their race or gender.
Censorship is good when it goes after bad things, like children's cartoons trying to teach kids to be more accepting.
You lost me at the “I’m cool with it just don’t shove it in my face” part.
Well there was another recent one...
Didn't netflix give him 60 mill for 3 specials?
>Same Sex Couples seem to be the "in" thing in cartoons lately
Not the ones mine watch. As a responsible parent I make sure of that.
Teach kids that the world is tough shit so that we don't get anymore basedboys.
i tolerate traffic, i do not accept or like it. it exists and i accept this reality
tolerance is neutrality at best, begrudging acceptance most real times
How do you think your kids are going to react to finding out that gays and lesbians exist in the world, larp-sama?
Reactionaries are cancer. Quit getting mad at inconsequential shit
So weird this didn't become another "grab em by the pussy".
funny, gay-allies are very adamant in pointing out non-straights in shows 30, 40, 50 years ago
no they're great you're a faggot
If it's not a political agenda, why do the characters have to be gay?
Right, but you don't tell people not to shove traffic in your face. The idea of "I tolerate it, just keep it away from me" is paradoxical.
Why not? Should creators be restricted from how they make their creations? Are you pro-censorship, user?
i cant tell who youre talking about without your reply link
the smaller one revealed to be a trap
If I were to suggest 2 gay characters were reworked into straight characters, I would be shouted down and called a bigot by default. Meanwhile if the opposite were to happen it would be praised. How is this not political cowtowing?
>have to be
Characters don't have to be anything. We don't have these stupid fucking conversations about parts of characters until it's gay shit because people don't like it and try to weasel their distaste for it as some sort of rational gripe.
I hate to break it to you, but dislike of gays is healthy and natural (unlike being gay.)
Maybe they just like it?
parenting done right
Honestly the fact that Arthur is still going after 25 years is the bigger surprise
Go out and have sex instead
You're giving up on your original point to talk about some other hypothetical. Nice.
Taking the bait: It's because there isn't much gay representation and gays have been historically criminalized and excluded from media.
And it's not kowtowing because of the definition of kowtowing.
>meanwhile on that same site
if publisher says so, yes. conversely, if editorial demands more glitter and rainbows, fine. i tolerate it, but i dont like it, and wont read it
It's funny because CC is so utterly shitty now that all they do is rerun 15 year old chapelle show episodes like they hope maybe he'll come back
>meanwhile mind of mencia remains forgotten
bassed perkele
>censorship is based if it protects me from seeing gays
This is why you dumb fucks lost the marriage debate
Yes, weasel, as in trying to find a way to say you just don't like it.
The marriage debate was abandoned because marriage is just a scam now and there is no sanctity left. Gays got access to the corpse of marriage, not the real thing.
some nice ableism there
I have no problem saying I hate gays. The only reason anyone refrains from doing it regularly is because it's easy to use bigotry as a basis for a lawsuit, due to overzealous lawyers.
>Dave is raising a family on his rural farm
Nigga he lives in Yellow Springs, that's hippie town. He may be on a farm, but he ain't growing corn.
It's funny seeing people advocate against acceptance on a board for adults to post about children's media.
>w-we didn't lose we abandoned it!
lmao I still remember people trying desperately to bring up "traditional marriage" as a talking point in the 2016 primaries. Ted Cruz made it into a campagn promise that he would bring marriage back to its intended meaning.
No it isn't you utter fuckwit. I tolerate smoking. I don't like being around smokers. I tolerate loud children. I don't like being around loud children.
It is not paradoxical to not like something and believe that it's a normal part of life. Fuck off with this woke bullshit. I'm not your ally, I'm not going to your parades, I'm not watching your shows. I don't think you're evil, wrong, or part of some political alliance. But I don't have to celebrate your existence at every fucking moment.
No one has to worry about being sued on Yea Forums you dumb fuck but we're still having these conversations itt
most people dont value marriage as it should be
like telling atheists than non-believers can now be priests
So you don't like being around gay people? That's weird user. Does the sight of two men holding hands make your skin crawl or what?
how very american. improper tweets get people arrested for hate-crimes in more civilized countries
You tolerate smokers, you don't like smokers, so you tell them to stay the fuck away from you?
It must be hard getting through life with a room temp iq.
Gays were kept out of marriage when it meant anything. People don't respect marriage anymore beyond legal obligation, so now you get to have it. Enjoy your mummified corpse.
That's an impressive cope user, thank you for making me laugh.
>ignoring history
When the country itself is a worthless husk of what it once was, the undesirables can have it. One day you'll get to be the big faggot president of a poor brown nation, and I'm sure you'll brag over receiving those table scraps to all the people living in luxury on Mars.
Why do you care? We're talking about tolerance, right? Why do you care what I choose to look at or not look at?
I avoid them you cunt. I don't think they're bad people, I just don't like being around them.
not him, i have had gay coworkers i would call friends. i wholly tolerated their sexual proclivities and never shown or even felt malice toward them, while still believing their acts and lifestyles repulsive
only a sith deals in absolutes
high iq people kill themselves more and have less kids so no
You'd be right. Because, often, lesbians in cartoons are treated worse than a gay couple. I can't think of any lesbian parents. They're all attractive young women, who are given a surprise reveal at the end of a show. Whereas gay men have gotten married and adopted kids. Such as is the case with Loud House and She-ra. Lesbian characters, in cartoons, are all about the hasty end game reveal.
user stop, my sides can't take much more of this.
I really don't care, I was just curious. Your reaction is a little over-the-top, user! Would you cut contact with someone if you found out they were gay?
>I avoid them
Because you don't tolerate them. It's like if I said I tolerate country music and left the room every time it played, I'm not tolerating it.
>believing that garbage
get help.
>30 min conversation with a 7 year old
Idk if this is based or cringe
>It's funny seeing people advocate against acceptance on a board for adults to post about children's media.
how so?
i am fairly certain that the anons here do not want to be accepted by normies
>exactly 1 minute apart
Angry homo samefagging
>I really don't care.
>Let me reply showing how much I don't care.
Fuck off.
No, you ARE tolerating the existence of country music. You don't think country music is morally wrong, you don't think people who listen to country music are bad people, you just don't like it.
Tolerance does not mean forcing someone who doesn't like country music to advocate for and celebrate country music. You define tolerance as "absolute adoration and constant worship" because you're a fucking moron.
>"tolerance" means seeking out things you tolerate
Gays have brain damage.
user I literally just said I was curious. You're coming across as amazingly thin-skinned.
So it sounds like you don't have any friends, but if you had any family members who were gay would you avoid talking to them?
swing and a miss
>You're coming across as amazingly thin skinned
>STILL posting
>Tolerance does not mean forcing someone who doesn't like country music to advocate for and celebrate country music.
Nobody is forcing you to advocate or celebrate gay people.You're the one jumping on that after saying that gays make you so uncomfortable that you don't like being around them. That's legitimate homophobia, user.
Yes, because I'm curious. Do you think I'm going to be offended by his answer or nonanswer, or otherwise personally impacted? But I'm always curious to hear how bigots defend their discriminatory attitudes.
Does this picture offend you?
are you stopping others from listening? no, you accept others right to do in their own place. tolerate is not a synonym of prefer or proliferate, not even of liking something
>Nobody is forcing you to advocate or celebrate gay people
You're forced to tolerate gay people. Not because they exist, but because if you don't nod along with whatever definition "tolerance" takes on today you can become a social pariah, regardless of your actual feeling on gays.
And? I don't think homosexuals are morally inferior to me. I don't think they're bad people. I don't think they shouldn't be allowed to do anything. I don't want to be around them.
That's tolerance. Fucking deal with it. Anything less is you attempting to force something.
>You're forced to tolerate gay people.
Tolerate =/= advocate or celebrate, user. Come on now, you're being silly. Do you think you're going to be put into a re-education camp because you didn't go to Pride? If you become a social pariah its probably because you're some weird hatemonger who cant shut up about fags.
user, tolerating country music means not liking it yourself but sticking around when it's played. Being intolerant of country music doesn't mean only killing every DJ who plays it, it means you won't put up with it, you leave. Being tolerant doesn't mean "absolute adoration and constant worship", which should be obvious because we normally stick around even when a song we don't like comes on.
>That's tolerance. Fucking deal with it.
Actually you're describing homophobia user but that's cool, you do what you do.
>After attempting to explain that he doesn't care and accusing an anonymous person on the Internet of being thin-skinned, user decided to prove he was on the righteous side of history by posting literal child porn
That's literal child porn? Oh man you're going to be really upset when you find out what website you're on.
>in their own place
I'm having fun imagining someone walking up to a DJ when a song they didn't like comes on and saying "Hey, I tolerate this song and I'm cool if you listen to it at home, just could you not play it here? Thanks."
>Do you think you're going to be put into a re-education camp because you didn't go to Pride?
If a kid says they don't like the idea of being gay, despite it being a reflexive natural response, people will absolutely try to re-educate them. And that's being generous; a an adult who says that will simply have their livelihood destroyed. They don't "deserve" the same freedoms as the rest of us because they aren't an ally to the cause. Sociopaths live on social media waiting to act as an angry mob. It's not tolerance anymore when it's enforced, and enforced reflexively, for free, by the people.
if you hired the DJ you can do that, yes
>If a kid says they don't like the idea of being gay, despite it being a reflexive natural response, people will absolutely try to re-educate them.
And that's a problem how?
>an adult who says that will simply have their livelihood destroyed.
Which is hilarious. But also not quite true, as the bakers who didnt want to bake that gay cake actually didn't have their livelihood destroyed.
>Do you think you're going to be put into a re-education camp because you didn't go to Pride?
Do you think gay will advertise themselves everywhere if we stop putting them in jail silly user?
Do you think learning about gay stuff will be mandatory in public schools just because we allow their pride parades silly user?
Do you think gays will be allowed to adopt kids just because we talk about gay stuff in schools silly user?
Do you think little children will have their dicks cut and put on heavy hormone medication just because we allow gays to adopt kids silly user?
Te-he-he silly user
Glad you asked. They knew by age 6 (and think it's funny & gross btw), they just won't be indoctrinated into thinking it's a normal acceptable thing.
>Do you think gays will be allowed to adopt kids just because we talk about gay stuff in schools silly user?
Why shouldn't gays be allowed to adopt kids? Are you going to tell me that kids without parents are better off than kids with two gay parents? Oh wait you're totally going to argue that!
>they just won't be indoctrinated into thinking it's a normal acceptable thing.
Man you are going to be a miserable parent when they hit their teens, larp-sama. Your kids are going to find the biggest, blackest dick they can take just to upset you if you ever annoy them.
No, it doesn't. Tolerating country music means having no ill-will towards country music or the people who enjoy country music.
If a song I don't like comes on the radio, I change it. I am not intolerant for not liking the song, nor am I intolerant for changing the radio to something I like. You are arguing in circles here - you're saying tolerance means putting up with something you don't like but also that tolerance doesn't mean adoration and worship.
Real question: If two pornographic films were playing, one featuring gay sex and one featuring hetero sex, am I intolerant if I choose to watch the hetero one? Is a gay person intolerant if they choose to watch the hetero one? By your own retarded-ass definition of tolerance, everyone's intolerant if they act in accordance with their personal tastes.
>Is a gay person intolerant if they choose to watch the hetero one?
Gays can watch either since there is going to be penis featured in both. Once again we come out on top.
If they don't watch, typo.
Its okay, I figured you were just getting a little flustered writing about gay porn.
>injecting personal politics into kids shows
Pick one
Are you the one posting child porn?
if your definition of homophobia can boils down to a thought crime, i cant wish the pre-emptive destruction of a society more
equally, he's free to tell me to leave, and the owner can decide. that sounds fair no? is sodomy really the subject we choose to base our ultimatums around? is there to little to fight over in all our prosperity?
>And that's a problem how?
>Which is hilarious
I have no interest in arguing with a badge-wearing idpol party member. Bless your heart, have a good night.
I haven't posted any child porn, user. If you're looking at child porn you should report it to the authorities right away!
When you have nothing meaningful to add to the conversation
>/pol/ did this
>Are you going to tell me that kids without parents are better off than kids with two gay parents?
if the shoe fits
>I can't argue with you so I won't
lmao and that's why you guys lost the marriage debate, because its literally just your feels versus reals. There's no reason to ban gay characters from existing in cartoons but it hurts your feefees so you have to justify it somehow. You guys are literally Helen Lovejoy.
Your question isn't a very good question because it's about preference, which isn't an issue of tolerance. Better question: An action flick has two sex scenes, one gay and one straight. Is someone who stays for one, but leaves the room for the other more tolerant than someone who sticks around and watches both? I'd say leaving for one is a sign of intolerance towards it. Even better, one who leaves the room for both can be indicative of tolerance in a completely non-stigmatized way; they don't tolerate sex scenes.
Food analogy: I don't tolerate pickles in my burgers so I take them out. If I said I don't tolerate them but eat them when they're accidentally included in my burger I ordered without them, I actually do tolerate them. I just don't like them.
>Why shouldn't gays be allowed to adopt kids?
Because 50%+ of child predators are gay for starters? And because they can influence the kid and turn him gay? And because the whole gay family is less reliable than straight one?
It's a risk. A risk little kids should not be exposed to just because idiots with agenda want it.
user you're saying you can't handle being around gay people. That's homophobia - you know what the definition means right? A fear or unnatural AVERSION to homosexuals. That's you as you describe yourself, chief.
The whole "Left vs Right" situation was made by citizens who wanted to roleplay an obnoxious version of the good vs evil conflict we always see in movies, actual politics where you try to solve actual problems are pretty boring so you have people who fictionalizes an "us vs them" type of narrative as a form of entertainment where they see themselves as a ragtag team of good guys fighting against the masses, all the while pretending these are actual politics. Nothing ever changes though, even if you're a left wing or right wing president, nothing ever really changes.
Pederasty is gross, user.
Hey what a surprise its the ol' "gays are all sex predators thing"
Here's a fun fact:
>sexually abused children are majority female
>perps arrested for sexual abuse against a minor are majority white men
>therefore the majority of pedos in the US are heterosexual white men
The more you know :3
>There's no reason to ban gay characters from existing in cartoons
There's no reason to ban hardcore porn in childrens' programming
no, but im not arguing in favor of not having parents. however, i oppose people telling me to believe that children reared by homosexuals or single-mothers result in the same success as those of regular couples and any concession is x-phobia and a hatecrime
people are going to be as culturally forced to be pro-queer as they were to be against it in the past
>nothing ever changes
>gay marriage legally recognized across the country
>Disney included it's first gay character three years ago
>nothing ever changes
>therefore the majority of pedos in the US are heterosexual white men
Google these 2 words
Wait, he walks out of the movie during the sex scene? What? Who the fuck does that? How does he know when to come back in? That sounds like something someone deep in the closet would do, and pretty obnoxious for anyone in the theater that he walks in front of!
user, only one gay comes out on top ;)
This, so much this
>however, i oppose people telling me to believe that children reared by homosexuals or single-mothers result in the same success as those of regular couples and any concession is x-phobia and a hatecrime
Oh okay so you're homophobic.
>having a panic attack over lewd art of fictional characters
The absolute state of this board.
No need to punish you at all. You are evolutionary dead ends anyway.
That study is bullshit and has long been discredited.
>muh child porn
This thread is a laugh riot
>Your question isn't a very good question because it's about preference, which isn't an issue of tolerance.
What the fuck do you think we're we arguing about then. This whole line of reasoning is about preference. Your own retarded pickle analogy is about preference.
You define tolerance as forced compliance. A rational person, if they receive a burger with pickles accidentally, would remove the pickles. They are not intolerant of pickles or the people who enjoy them. They just don't like them.
You can't have a discussion about tolerance without preference. If you think they're distinct, you're arguing dishonestly.
>more food analogies
This thread must be where all the brainiacs on Yea Forums hang out.
how does aversion affect the gay person? society should judge people on their actions on others, not dispositions. i have done neither pro- or con-. true tolerance.
I don't think even Jeph reads what he writes in his comics
>not promoting gayshit to get your own harem of girlieboys that exist to strengthen the numbers of your clan while not being a threat to the women just like nature intended
LITERAL retard faggots
Your actions of avoiding every gay person reflect your intolerance, user. And don't get upset with me here, that's the established definition for homophobia. If you don't like it that's on you, friend.
>mr. ratburn marries his husband
mr. ratburn marries mr. ratburn
The "Left"
>Let's ban guns cause lol why do you N E E D those?
>Let's replace the electoral college and replace it with a popular vote cause lol what could possibly go wrong?
>Let's institute Communism, but it isn't actual Communism because we have the word "Democratic" in front of it.
The "Right"
>Let's not be fucking retarded for a sec
The "Left's" response
"Guy's, us vs. them is just like, made up for entertainment and shit lol."
Centrist's get the bullet too.
Now that would be a well dressed couple.
Are we in a dystopian 1984 style society? Do security cameras watch you take a shit in your own bathroom? Has civilization collapsed? Are we in a Mad Max movie? Even though Trump is president, nothing much has happened. Gay marriages changed absolutely nothing except for making a few people with too much time on their hands butthurt
>just because the end of the dynamite is lit, there isn't an explosion yet, so shut the fuck up
>Gay marriages changed absolutely nothing
user, I'm going to just hazard a guess here, but you aren't gay right? Maybe it didn't change anything for you personally but it did for the people who were having their rights restricted.
>not my internet derived political position
beware your words are having less and less effect on the masses. the most tolerant societies were the ones that let you thought-police believe such evil
Gayer than any fictional character in this thread.
user sorry, but you're homophobic. You may want to check this out:
Try to not get triggered at gays adopting kids in the future!
You can have a conversation without the idea of forced compliance and without preference because staying in a room playing music you don't like isn't adoration of that music, it's just tolerance. Eating pickles in your burger when you don't like them is just tolerating them.
It isn't a question of preference because you can not like something a just tolerate it. The statement "I tolerate this, just keep it away from me" continues to be a paradox.
>making analogies about pickles and burgers when gays have been and continue to be murdered in the streets for existing
you're honestly both retarded
>Are we in a dystopian 1984 style society?
No, not yet. It's just a brave new world right now.
user if you want to trigger people just post boy butts, its way easier.
You don't have a right to force a rabbi or imam or pastor to perform a religious ceremony for you. Such a ridiculous argument.
if the right to file your taxes jointly was worth making all gays look like they wanted marriage--as if gay, lesbian, or straight relationships are anything like each other, congrats, your egalitarian society where nobody is different acts 100% homogeneously, all the bigots have been eradicated
>Department of Sociology
>Clinical pediatrics, developmental science, fucking Oxford, social worker records, adoption institutions, etc.
I wonder which side I should trust
You're a little late on the marriage debate. We won and you lost, sorry user.
That is still the case even after gay marriage. Do you think religion is what causes marriage? Are you underage?
>if it's not a complete restructure of society and government it's not change
But yeah, I guess Trump being cool enough to elect because he said he loves wikileaks and then when Assange needs him most he says "it's not my thing" means we're back where we were and nothing changed.
>if the right to file your taxes jointly was worth making all gays look like they wanted marriage
user you've gotta be retarded. That's the stupidest criticism I ever heard for gay marriage. Do you think gays are going to be FORCING gay marriages on everyone LGBT? Goddamn, that is a hilarious logical leap.
>U.S. Muslims
Most "U.S. Muslims" believe you can be gay and muslim, despite the quran outright forbidding it. Take this poll anywhere in the Middle East and you will see a very different story.
So wait, atheists can't get married ether?
You can be intolerant without murdering someone. You can be tolerant without completely adoring someone. This is some basic shit.
i am homophobic. i do not like homosexuality as it has been run as sole homogeneous identity. nor do i appreciate the threats pertaining to wrongthink and its divisive nature
All we can do now is go back and forth with semantics. You are not intolerant for choosing something in line with your personal preferences and, by doing so, neglecting to choose what you prefer least. Tolerance does not, and has never meant, accepting, consuming, welcoming, or celebrating something beyond your personal preference.
Have a good night. Just remember you're upset about people who will never have any material impact in your life.
Its okay user, if it makes you feel better you could always go live in the Middle East or something
They don't call themselves three gay caballeros for nothing.
Marriage is a religious institution by definition.
>Have a good night. Just remember you're upset about people who will never have any material impact in your life.
What a hilariously stupid thing to say. Hetereosexual support was needed for gay marriage to become a thing in the US. Winning over the hearts and minds of the US public was necessary for acceptance in society.
Have a good night homophobe, hope you don't have any gay dreams
>support for gays is higher than wearing animal furs or stem cell research
Nice "country" you have there, Amerifats
I thought it was semantics, but it's more of a case of you assuming incorrectly what my definition of tolerance is. Good night.
The author of the study you cited is a sociologist from University of Texas, retard. He's also a homophobic Catholic who forewent sound methodology to affirm his own biases. Check out this gem:
>The most blatant example of highly suspicious responses is the case of a 25 year-old man who reports that his father had a romantic relationship with another man, but also reports that he (the respondent) was 7-feet 8-inches tall, weighed 88 pounds, was married 8 times and had 8 children. Other examples include a respondent who claims to have been arrested at age 1 and another who spent an implausibly short amount of time (less than 10 minutes) to complete the survey.
Isn't it weird how every thread about gays in cartoons ends up being about people complaining about gays in real life?
I'm sure it is just a coincidence.
>Hearts and minds of all Americans
>One person on a panel of unelected judges made the decision
Good night, silly billy. Keep on keeping on.
>pump gay propaganda into everything, plaster it on buildings, devote national holidays to it, make criticizing it borderline illegal
>support is still only 60%
This is a win for you?
>25% of gay men have over 1000 partners
lmao dude that study was from 30+ years ago with a survey size of 200 homeless people.
>uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh, the principal. He looks gay.
ahem, I think you mean the teacher, sir.
You tried to use one panel of people to insinuate 61% of Americans endorse homosexuality.
Do you even live in the US? Do you not remember when people voted on marriage amendments? Were you even old enough to vote back then?
Not that guy, but it's like how marriage vows never needed government documentation. If you see gay marriage as illegitimate, fine, but legal recognition is what it's about.
Okay so how many Americans endorse homosexuality? Do you have a more accurate up to date source?
>Voted on marriage amendments
>Received so few votes that the Supreme Court had to legislate from the bench
Pumpkin, you need your rest. You're not thinking clearly.
>Okay so how many Americans endorse homosexuality?
What's the current population of California and New York City?
Not even the first faggot on the show.
The Clarence one, I feel, was a good example of representation because they still look like Clarence characters and not like perfect mary sues (in fact the one of the right looks like a dyke) and there isn't any shocking reveal for twitter points. They were always just there and had regular stuff going on.
That's some mighty impressive fanfiction you're spinning for us, user.
It's hard to tell a schizo larper from an actual schizo.
>the bakers who didnt want to bake that gay cake actually didn't have their livelihood destroyed
Not for lack of trying. Recently a poor schmuck that was involved with that caught hell from a tranny trying to give him more legal shit to deal with for not baking a transition cake. With his reputation among the lgbt community there's zero possibility that people were unaware of the fact that he'd say no for religious reasons. How is that anything but a blatant attempt to either bully someone into submission (all while under the publicly approved guise of love and tolerance) or shitcan a guy's career should he hold out against the harassment?
The Right.
>Anyone non-white loses their rights.
>Women go back to the kitchen and serve men.
>Anything that offends The Lord is banned.
>Everything I don't like must be executed.
This is why loads of people fell for the Left meme.
Mods can we get a ban on this guy? He's asking too many bad questions.
>Not for lack of trying.
Well yeah they were sued for discrimination :3
I mean yeah, you pretty much proved my point on that "us vs them" mentality
Is this tranny shit?
The Right.
>the original vision for the United States of America
The Founding Fathers were a bunch of racist crackers who happened to invent the greatest nation to date. Once people began to act contrary to these ideals, everyone else in the world began to catch up and the nation began to lose influence, power and sustainability.
This makes it sound like a big factor in this is an individual's level of cynicism.
Mr Haney is dead you autist
People get murdered in the street every day or any number of reasons. You can walk out of your house and get shot just because someone doesn't like the color of clothing you're wearing in their neighborhood, stop pretending gays are special
When was the last time someone was killed for being straight in the US?
Um doesn't ratburn have a wife? or was it his sister? because I remember an episode where some other rat thats related to ratburn teaches the class. She was like a kindergarten teacher or something and the class was bored and wanted mr ratburn back.
>the left don't have a good reason for more gun control despite Australia recently avoiding a shooting that killed almost 50 because the shooter had to go somewhere with less strict gun laws
>the right is summed up as just not being retarded
You aren't a free thinker, you're a meme thinker.
There is a reason why the way of the Founding Fathers didn't last long.
I've asked one question.
Religious freedoms and protections are a thing. I don't demand a Muslim eat pork at a BBQ, don't demand that an old fashioned Christian bake for an even against his religious beliefs
>I don't demand a Muslim eat pork at a BBQ, don't demand that an old fashioned Christian bake for an even against his religious beliefs
Those bakers aren't the ones being forced to have a gay marriage though, they just needed to bake a cake. But they were too homophobic to do that. Ah well!
... well fuck.
I recall that she's his sister.
>When you've drank so much kool-aid that you actually believe the political propaganda to be true.
>Anyone non-white loses their rights.
Give me one politician that has said that in the modern day.
>Women go back to the kitchen and serve men.
Give me one politician that advocates for the stripping of women's rights
>Anything that offends The Lord is banned.
The level of stereotypes is so strong I feel like a black man with huge lips is gonna jump out and start sucking down a watermelon.
>Everything I don't like must be executed.
This is literally the Left. Everything is split up into groups based on things such as Race, Ethnicity, etc. And only the "right" groups get the stamp of approval while the "wrong" groups get demonized and Balkanized. The list of fucked up things I posted in the first post are things based on what actual politicians have said and advocate for, and they are not a minority within the Left. They are the majority.
it was the best society on earth and everyone saw it as the only path to thrive excepting indigenous peoples died from disease and war the white man wrought
>Give me one politician that advocates for the stripping of women's rights
Alabama says hi
>Australia recently avoiding a shooting that killed almost 50 because the shooter had to go somewhere with less strict gun laws
I refuse to believe that one man can be this retarded.
we can agree over this horseshoe
Literally just change it from non-white to non-muslim and leftists will suddenly support everything you just said for some weird reason.
It's really something how white people succeed at being the most narcissistic race on the entire planet. It would make somebody think the sun would go out if they you weren't around.
>Those bakers aren't the ones being forced to have a gay marriage though, they just needed to bake a cake
For an event against their religious beliefs. Then their privately owned buisiness was thrown into a legal battle for refusal with the demand that they bake said cake or continue to deal with the repercussions of sticking to their core beliefs. They weren't forced to do a gay wedding, but there was a clear cut attempt to force a private buisiness to forgo its rights to deny a service based on the owner's beliefs to provide said service.
>Point's out the hypocrisy of the left and the fallacy of your post
>"lol Thanks 4 proving my point kiddo"
I hate this board so goddamn much sometimes
Not that guy but
>A Facebook friend of Chambers's responded by writing, "By giving the minority more rights than the majority. I hate to think of the country my grandkids will live in unless somehow we change and I think that will take a revolution."
>Chambers followed up with a comment saying, "The only way to change it would be to kill the problem out. I know it's bad to say but without killing them out there's no way to fix it," WBRC reported.
So much for the tolerant right!
>They weren't forced to do a gay wedding, but there was a clear cut attempt to force a private buisiness to forgo its rights to deny a service based on the owner's beliefs to provide said service.
I know right? It would be like asking the nazis to bake a jewish couple a cake! That's not what their ovens are for!
>the sun would go out if they you weren't around
dont worry. we're on our way out. you'll get what you ask for.
Great argument. Really changed my mind on the whole issue.
Kiwi here, this isn't true. The shooter targeted NZ because he wanted to make a point about muslims being an issue even in this remote corner of the world. He also came to NZ to prepare, so it was also a case of 'may as well just do it here.'
I agree we need stricter gun control though.
Yup that's the cope I expected from a retard like you.
It didn't point out anything but the poster's brain damage from culture war.
yeah, Trump's dividing us. not this level-headed student of tolerance and concession.
>When your hyperbole and post you are replying to gets interpreted by the media as you wanting to kill gays
You gonna give me an article from the onion next?
So it was just a theory based on the fact that Australia has strict gun control and has been doing better for it?
Wait are you saying the bakers aren't homophobic? They can have their religious protections and all that but they're definitely homophobic, user.
is it war when you want to stop your other half from mutilating itself?
So you're equating some Christian guy with nazis because he didn't want to go against his religious beliefs? Ask a devout old fashioned Muslim to provide you a service for an event against his beliefs and you'll be rejected just as hard. You don't try to ruin a person's life for refusing a nonessential service that can be provided by other people willing to make accommodations for you, not if there's a genuine reason behind it. That's the mark of a sociopath or otherwise socially stunted individual.
>posts shit that doesn't move the conversation in any direction
>Gets a reply of equal measure
>Yup, won that argument. Me 1, user 0
>So you're equating some Christian guy with nazis
Its called an analogy, user; just like your Muslims eating pork analogy! Are you offended at the parties I chose for that analogy?
>seem to be the "in" thing in cartoons lately...
Friend, we have moved far....far away from that topic long ago. Best to just leave now.
Not particularly, it's just with the amount of vitriol being spread across the thread it's hard to tell what's just an analogy and what's a dig at an individual you don't care for.
user, you said:
>Give me one politician that advocates for the stripping of women's rights
Do you not know about Alabama's abortion laws? Are you that out of touch or are you just saying "UM THAT DOESNT COUNT"? Because I just blew you the fuck out, dude.
No, just earnestly confused. You seem very upset.
>gay character's name is rat burn
>is a rat
What did they mean by this?
Guess what? Lots of homophobes around.
The guy was originally planning an attack in Australia, but changed his mind when training in New Zealand. As far as I'm aware, his decision to target NZ had nothing to do with gun laws.
In America? Not so much, homophobes are the minority and shrinking every year. Not sure if that holds true in whatever country you live in though, user.
>someone talks about revolution, implying bloody conflict
>mayor goes further and talks "killing" even acknowledging it's bad to say that
They source shit right there and the mayor even apologized.
i know homophobia is the worst -phobia crime that a person can commit but "do this for me, and if you dont because i do this, you are a bigot" is a pretty shitty model for a society. you can see how divisive this is?
but you dont care, he is a homophobe, the homosexual couple have the goddess-given right to have the government use force to perform whatever service he does for this couple (who know his beliefs and targeted him for conquest)
i hate you more than any other evil that has ever existed and i wish immediate death on you
You seem very upset that I compared the bakers to nazis in an analogy. I'm earnestly confused by it.
Maybe it had to do with the fact that he couldn't bring his guns to Australia.
Hehe! Quite possible. But by then they'll be an adult capable of making their own decisions and best of all: OUT OF MY HOUSE by age 18 like children should be. Woohoo! I'll get my bathroom back again. :^)
What is the current state of your relationship with your parents?
I think you confused that user with me there chief. I'm the guy that was questioning the nazi analogy, see
So is that a yes or no on the "I think the bakers who refused to bake the gay cake are homophobes" because you kinda rambled off there by the end of it.
It freaks me out how they use their wings like hands. It's like fingers just sprouted from the side of their bodies.
Watching this backfire and create more animosity towards lesbians and butch faggots is fucking marvelous. Fuck dykes, theyre all a bunch of jerks who deserve all the disrespect they receive.
You're probably right that it would be harder to get access to guns in Australia, but I don't think that factored into his decision. At least that's not what he says.
I think the bakers who refused to bake the gay cake are homophobes
truly a crime worse than thought-policing
also can i get a source
>Abortion laws
>Women's rights
I wouldn't put supporting or not supporting killing fetuses and babies as "Women's rights". That's just more of a societal right or wrong. Using abortion and the debate surrounding it justify women being suppressed is hands down the gayer than Arthur's teacher marrying some other faggot.
That's some sour grapes right there.
Oh then that's even weirder as to why that guy commented on it.
I love them and they're super supportive of me. I'm spending father's day with my dad tomorrow; he fractured his foot and I mowed the lawn for him today. I love my parents and my sister too, my family rules.
I do have a lot of baptist relatives who got triggered by me wearing a rainbow shirt, if that piques your interest!
How is your relationship with your parents?
Would you disown your kids if they ended up being gay?
Ok. I can explain why I found it odd: the baker was not a Nazi and did not engage in Nazi behavior. It's strange that you would immediately default to accusing someone of being a Nazi for something so comparatively meaningless. The guy was clearly targeted by the state and the couple for his beliefs - the Supreme Court said as much.
Your insistence of repeating things back to people, as if to show off some kind of logical flaw in their reasoning, is pretty indicative of a younger person. You're coming off as kind of hysterical.
Not him, but i dont support abortion because of womens rights, i support abortion because i fucking hate kids. Look at the modern generation of fortnite playing zoomers and tell me with a straight face that those little rugrats dont deserve to be rubbed out. Also it keeps the nigger population in check so thats fine by me.
>Yea Forums: twitter-tier political hot takes
yikes the state of it
Wait wait wait so abortion laws have nothing to do with women's rights? That's quite the retardation, user.
exaggerated statements or claims not meant to be taken literally.
You seem like the type of guy that got offended when Trump tweeted Covfefe.
>love isn't love unless between a man and a woman
You're not allowed to love your children or your parents if they're the same sex as you? Same goes for love of country, friends, and local sports team I guess.
>Ok. I can explain why I found it odd: the baker was not a Nazi and did not engage in Nazi behavior.
The nazis were pretty discriminatory so I think its a fair analogy. Remember user, this is an analogy.
How old are you? You seem to have difficulty with the concept of an analogy.
>The decision to killing a child should be rested entirely upon the woman because my body my rules.
>Implying abortion isn't a societal issue that goes far beyond "but it's my body!"
Get the fuck out.
>would you disown your kids if they were gay?
not him but
Sure I mean if my goal was to have the family dna shit keep moving then sure having gay kids would make me mad probably enough to disown.
I can't believe someone waa hired to write all of this crap. And so much of it.
>everyone who doesnt follow my rigid politics is a nazi
Glad youre creating more people against your viewpoints then faggot
From what I read, he was aware that people would use what he did to argue for gun control, so it makes sense for him to be dishonest. I mean he was dishonest with other shit in the manifesto so people could excuse whatever they wanted. Rush Limbaugh even said he was a leftist based on what he chose to take seriously.
i feel a little bad for them to be at the center of these accelerationists
kind of like republicans trying to down-play their racist side instead of come to terms with the inherent ethnocentric nature of conservatism and democrats doing nothing to curtail the insanity in their young turks
user you should calm down and think this through
Men don't get abortions.
Women get abortions.
Therefore, laws restricting abortions (which were decided to be legal due to the Supreme Court) are laws restricting the rights of women.
Human life is the most overvalued commodity in society
You pro lifer faggots are just SJWs instead of whinning about starving niggers youre whinnying about some as of yet unborn tike. I dont give a rats ass about kids, come back when you have something to talk about that directly effects me.
As it stands the middle east is monig to us so that seems unnecesary.
>blacks hate gays the most
Color me surprised.
an increasingly heterogeneous society being forced to homogenize takes some firm mixing, user
>Glad youre creating more people against your viewpoints then faggot
In the US? Not really, homophobia is down and still declining. But yeah those homophobic bakers are going to be homophobes regardless of what I say or do, oh well.
And I didn't say anyone who doesn't follow my rigid politics is a nazi, user. Do you understand what an analogy is? How old are you, seriously?
To be fair considering the extremes the nazis went to it's a pretty poor analogy. The guy isn't shoving people into gas chambers, he just said he wouldn't violate his religious beliefs by naming a cake for a homosexual event.
Why should you, dykes are awful awful people. The entire community is nothing but a bunch of privileged spoiled brats trying to poss off daddy by scissoring one of their fat tumblr friends. The man hating slime reap what they sow.
Birth control > abortion.
Political preaching in media is bad when it’s done in a shoehorned way that hits you over the head. Representation should be done casually, not HEY LOOK OVER HERE.
Political party shitflinging is why this country is shit.
Ah, I see your confusion. An analogy has to equate to a logical or reasonable extrapolation of an event. Simply substituting x's and y's for given variables of a situation doesn't mean you have created an analogy. Here, a helpful link that might clear things up.
And again, repeating someone's words back to them in mocking fashion does make you come across as a bit hysterical. The baker was in no way comparable to a Nazi, which is why your "analogy" confused me. The other user's example of demanding an Orthodox Jew or a Halal butcher shop to make them a pork sandwich was a more apt comparison. Do you have a comment on that?
I'd be more inclined to believe you if he made an original statement, but instead he replied to someone already talking about revolution and spelled out killing as something bad to say and the only solution to the problem.
Hey remember some unwanted kid being stuck in an orphanage isn't exactly an ideal situation and havin a tard be born also isn't ideal I see abortion as an unfortunate necessary evil.
>by naming
Well that's a weird autocorrect. Baking. By baking.
>hurr durr muh analogy
Youre calling them nazis, own up to it faggot
Also all this dyke pushing at the expense of men and directly attacking men is making more people hate dykes and their man hating mentality, as it should be. Fuck them all
but gay people can have (biological) children. there's surrogacy for gay men and artificial insemination for lesbians. even so, if your only goal in having children is to "have the family dna shit keep moving," would having an infertile child make you mad enough to disown them, or are you just a homophobe?
>directly effects me
i could teach you english a little gooder.
also, the most gay.
Look two up
>The guy isn't shoving people into gas chambers
His attempted customers also weren't jews, yet I don't see you getting upset about that side of the analogy.
You're right though, maybe nazis were a bad comparison. The KKK would have been more accurate due to the religious motivation, with the customers instead being replaced with niggers.
shit man, they beat each other enough. they dont need our help.
You'd seriously disown your kids if they were gay? That's pretty fucking sad dude, I hope you talk that over with your spouse (you know, in the unlikely event you eventually get one)
I remembered when my dad tried to have a long conversation with me about Harry Potter being witchcraft. It just made me stop believing in God because I was a little kid who valued being able to do fun shit like read Harry Potter over boring shit like going to Church.
So if a man want's to have the child but the woman says no and gets an abortion, that's okay? Because apparently the man has no say in the matter? Also
>legal due to the Supreme Court
The whole proposal for legalizing abortions was created and provided by men, so by your argument. Abortion should be illegal then because women weren't the ones that decided it but it was men, and since men have no say in the matter then abortions are illegal. No, just no. The abortion debate has nothing to do with women's rights and people who juxtapose it onto other issues to make it seem like a women's rights issue is straight up the kikeist of kike moves out there. It is a society wide moral dilemma, not a I do what I wan't bitch dilemma.
Just encourage your gay son to donate to a sperm bank. Boom, tons of continuing bloodline ends. Gays aren't sterile, you fucking moron.
>and spelled out killing as something bad to say and the only solution to the problem.
Dude that doesn't make him look better, not sure what you're trying to pull with that defense
>The decision to killing a child should be rested entirely upon the woman because my body my rules
this is literally true. abortion comes down entirely to a woman's right to bodily autonomy. no person has the right to use any other person's body or organs to live, including fetuses.
>shit man, they beat each other enough. they dont need our help.
Kek, nice one faggot.
People would probably think the sun revolved around the earth so you are half right
>would you disown an infertile child?
Welp again if my goal is to keep the train going I'd have to say yes wouldn't I?
Well if we're going all the way with the comparison then I guess it'd be more apt to say "he's not gathering up his pals for a good ol fashioned fag drag". Though even the KKK is a poor comparison considering their own violent past. No one got lynched or had a burning cross put up in their yard, no one was physically harmed either. Dude just didn't bake a cake.
>Look two up
already got ur dads' numbers user
>The abortion debate has nothing to do with women's rights
This thread is a rollercoaster of hilarity
>Look two up
I'm looking at the change rate. Blacks are the more stubborn of all the groups.
>I'd have to say yes wouldn't I?
you don't "have" to say anything, but that is the logical position you'd have to take based on what you said about gay children. it does make you sound like an enormous, heartless asshole though.
Don't have a cow man.
Its insane, because im like the only one here who still supports abortion yet hates feminism. I dont get it
But my dad is white and catholic.
>Though even the KKK is a poor comparison considering their own violent past.
Hey woah woah woah I was comparing it based on the religious angle. That's pretty fucked up for you to compare the bakers to people who performed lynchings and murders.
All we needed was a law that said non-citizen can't own guns. Not to get rid of guns all together.
>i experienced something therefore everyone else must be experiencing it
Sounds like you have a very specific anecdotal experience with lesbians.
Oh wait ew I'm talking to a fucking phoneposter? No thanks.
I thought it was weird too when I was a kid but turned out gay anyway
What kids think at age 6 isn’t necessarily what they believe for the rest of their lives user lmao
>So if a man want's to have the child but the woman says no and gets an abortion, that's okay? Because apparently the man has no say in the matter?
You're right, the best case scenario would be that by saying the only way to fix the problem was "killing them out" he was really saying that killing them isn't an option so there's no solving the problem.
Yeah yah think? Anyways my experiences are pretty damn accurate to the standard dyke behavior, they belong being the most reviled subgroup of people on the planet along with muslims and evangelicals
holy kek
>he wants to fuck his football team
Slut :3
>no person has the right to use any other person's body or organs to live, including fetuses.
brb, not feeding my offspring anymore, i dont have the responsibility to the person i made, they have no right to anyones time/energy
the ultimate abdication of agency is the american woman's primary goal. if we can't trust them to be responsible fucking, we cant for anything
>woman will die if the child is delivered
>so-called pro lifers say they value the life of the baby over the life of the mother
>baby is born and mother dies, baby is left motherless
>put into foster system and grows up as yet another broken person with high chance of dying homeless in the streets
Stop pretending you actually care about the baby.
>The outlet reported that the mayor initially denied that the Facebook post was his when contacted by a reporter, before acknowledging in a follow-up call that he wrote it. He sought to defend and clarify the contents of the post.
Denying it right at the start was probably the worst way to handle it
Because abortion is killing babies and everyone hates feminism. Not hard to figure out. You can only argue that abortion is a form of justifiable murder, not that it isn't murder at all.
Can a mother morally murder her baby in its crib?
>That's pretty fucked up for you to compare the bakers to people who performed lynchings and murders.
That's kinda my point. It's screwed up to draw a comparison knowing full well the negative connections attached to the individuals used in the analogy. You don't think Klan and think religion first, you think of Cletus and the good ol boys going to grab them a pickaninny to a rousing game of neck rope before they go home to beat their wives. We're getting to some weird extremes here is what I'm saying.
Yeah that kinda sucks I don't even know why I want my bloodline to continue I just do.
Too late user, I've given you the phone touch. You're invested now.
>But my dad is white and catholic.
he's got two bulls? how ostentatious.
There is nothing wrong with killing babies, kids are becoming dumber and dumber now so i support putting them down of the womb let alone inside. Especially if theyre nigger babies.
Kids suck, they deserve to live in fear of the coat hanger
Man good thing you wont procreate because you would make an awful dad.
>women weren't the ones that decided it but it was men
Women aren't allowed to be the ones who decided in the first place.
>You don't think Klan and think religion first
That's what they tout themselves as, though. People practicing their faith and expressing their religious freedoms.
>brb, not feeding my offspring anymore, i dont have the responsibility to the person i made
this is true, which is why we as a society have created infrastructure to protect those whose parents would rather not.
Whybthe fuck would i waste my life bending over backwards for some thankless little shit wholl end up hating me and cutting his dick off in his teens anyways. Fuck that noise, if my wife ever gets knocked up ill kill the little parasite myself if i have to.
Is grizz an accurate representation of finn at the end of the show?
That's a weird way to interpret that user!
She can dispose of the egg in her womb because it's not alive. She can't dispose of a baby in its crib because that's fucking murder of a living being.
This one didn't feel hamfisted because it was a random wedding they were paid to provide transportation. Also they live in fucking San Francisco.
You don't have a wife, you're shitposting in a twitter thread about gays and abortion.
no, because at that point the baby exists independently of the mother and her right to bodily autonomy isn't infringed upon by its existence, so she has no right to kill it.
Through violence though. The line of "okay it's time to stop hiding behind the faith" is generally agreed upon in polite society to have been crossed once you begin causing physical harm or ruining livelihoods.
There are many people of many faiths who do the same thing. To claim all of them are similar to or indistinguishable from the KKK is dishonest. You are comparing a man who was wrongfully harassed for his beliefs to a group of people who murder gays and blacks. That you are unwilling to make a distinction is pretty telling. You're hysterical. It's time to step away from that keyboard.
>ignores arguments made for other arguments
>projects thoughts an motives onto me without having given any clues as to what my actual motives and thoughts on the subject matter would actually be
>Casually introduces a completely different moral discussion and somehow uses it to answer the previous one
>You don't have a wife
Not yet i dont, and to be quite honest here i plan to kill myself in a few years if im not happier and have more friends in my life by then, so i may never get married.
I am so tired of this.
Would be great if humanity was wiped out right now because we need a hard reset.
>Through violence though.
Not always though! The Klan has done plenty of non-violent discriminatory acts, such as making sure niggers and kikes were refused service.
Hey, that sounds kinda familiar...
>My women were always oppressed version of History
Git and stay git
take it from a faggot
we want M.A.D as much as anyone at this point
we have fell to far
>Because abortion is killing babies and everyone hates feminism. Not hard to figure out. You can only argue that abortion is a form of justifiable murder, not that it isn't murder at all.
I can absolutely call it "not murder". I would argue that unplugging somebody who is braindead from life support is not murder either.
One is a form of life who has once been a person. But can never be one again. The other is a form of life who has the potential to be a person, but currently isn't, and hasn't been.
There is probably a food analogy I could make up for you, but I can't be bothered now.
The point is, I believe that it's wrong to terminate a person's life, but not to terminate a human life that hasn't yet achieved consciousness, or has already lost it permanently.
Maybe you'd have more friends if you werent a retard who spends his time bitching about fags and women
Women arent oppressed in the west
There is no patriarchy
If you want to be happier, get off the internet.
>The Klan has done plenty of non-violent discriminatory acts, such as making sure niggers and kikes were refused service
Primarily through threats of violence. Not as familiar as you'd like to think.
Fuck off faggot.
Imagine billions of years of uninterrupted evolution, just to end with you incapable of doing something every single species in history managed to do on instinct alone. Not a great loss.
The Klan "made sure" certain people were refused service by threatening establishments with violent reprisal. So yeah, the analogy still doesn't hold.
also counselling.
Nah, id be more miserable if i became some emasculated nu male. Dykes, pre natal fetuses, social justice fags, all can go to hell
This is literally my only social outlet
Yeah. It's a tough call though; to spin it as "I was was only implying that there was no winning and that use of language was irresponsible" is to admit that he feels defeated and hopeless.
Fuck off kike
You don't really believe it's wrong to terminate a person's life. You believe it's wrong to be inconvenienced by others, and that murder is an acceptable alternative to ensuring someone else's potential to life is assured. That you'd compare a person who lived a full life and is now brain dead to a person who is at the cusp of living their own life is pretty gross.
Murder is murder.
if this is your only social outlet your parents failed at raising you properly
im not even trying to insult you but that is a serious fucking problem
>This is literally my only social outlet
That's the problem.
The thing about faggots isn't just about them being faggots, it's about "acceptance" and them pushing it down everyones throats how it's "normal". They keep pounding the same subject over and over again. That's mental, just like homosexuality. An ilness.
>That you'd compare a person who lived a full life and is now brain dead to a person who is at the cusp of living their own life is pretty gross.
>Murder is murder.
Oh cry me a fucking river
“A bloo a bloo this poor wittle baby is gonna die because reasons”
We kill people for being criminals, we kill terrorists in wars, big fucking deal. And yes, if some little unwanted tax on our welfare system gets choked out, then big fucking deal. Stop being a whiney bitch over the insignificant life of some undeveloped glob of cells.
Nah, I think it does. Its obviously not 1:1 but as someone justifying discrimination through religious beliefs, its absolutely relevant.
Now that we established that, I'm going to bed; goodnight user!
why do you consider it an illness?
There is so many ducking faggots on this board, it's unreal.
most gays just want to to live their lives man. I guarantee you spend more time thinking about gay rights than the average gay person does.
not every fucking shirtlifter is a rainbow flag waving freak who wears dildos on their face and dresses in drag
thats a fucking illness
>it's about "acceptance" and them pushing it down everyones throats how it's "normal". They keep pounding the same subject over and over again.
Do you realize how gay you sound?
freudian slip
>if this is your only social outlet your parents failed at raising you properly
>im not even trying to insult you but that is a serious fucking problem
No fucking shit sherlock, public school system being broken beyond help also played a big part in the downward spiral that is my life
I want to fucking die already
Yeah its pretty fucking great to see dykes get there comeuppance. Thats what these misandrist faggots deserve for all the shot theyve been doing to the world the past decade.
No one was discriminated against, though. This is why it's so confusing to talk with you, you immediately jump to these conclusions with no logical grounding for them. The baker is not a Nazi and is not comparable to Nazis; he is not a KKK member and is not comparable to a KKK member. To even insinuate similarity is to inject doubt that you understand what those two groups even are, and what the baker actually did.
Have a pleasant sleep.
they always go to this strawman and the rape one. no one says that, you keep repeating it, but its false. as if both combined were more than a slim majority of the ethical dilemma young women are forced to take
abortion hurts women and men too. most women regret abortion (being the birthcontrol procedure ones where both people are healthy) deeply. it is done out of shame, behind the backs of the father, sewing distrust among our sisters for taking the temptation to renege on the natural deal you get when fuck someone. lowering peoples inhibitions about sex and their happiness more and more with each partner. etc etc
>do you realize how gay you sound
no they dont realize till they actually accept being repressed
>Anyone non-white loses their rights.
>Women go back to the kitchen and serve men.
>Anything that offends The Lord is banned.
>Everything I don't like must be executed.
So because the baby seconds earlier is attached to the mother, it give the mother the right to murder it? because " bodily autonomy"? the baby has a body, what about its bodies rights?
>This is literally my only social outlet
Not trying to shit on you by saying this, but maybe try joining a local gym. You'd be amazed at how easy it is to make social connections when you lift with others.
>Anything that offends The Lord is banned.
That would include porn and violent movies, fuck that noise that sounds just as bad as the feminist dystopia
Learn how to use your imagination.
Yes, obviously.
>violent movies
dont ever fucking blame others for your social life being shit
if you where amish or lived in rural jungle then yeah
only you are to blame you sperg not fucking public schools
Stop playing the victim and seek help. Dykes aren't the reason you're miserable.
>Yes, obviously.
Alright then
Fuck jesus then
Yeah they are, i can name three fucked up things with media right now all caused by dykes
>Anyways my experiences are pretty damn accurate to the standard dyke behavior
>standard dyke behavior
How would you know unless you've personally met most dykes on the planet? I've only known a few but they seem chill enough and sometimes we share similar tastes in women. Gay men are usually terrible though. They're free to die in fires if they wish.
Its not an egg at this point. It has its own DNA and grows. It matched almost all sights of life.
And if you denied its alive, it will be alive, and to stopped before them as immoral as killing it later.
>can't get off the kike porn leash
kys degenerate
the only thing boomers and gen xers failed at was absolutely fucking everything that held the society their fore-bearers built
every crack in the nations today was something that could have been prevented earlier, now its irreversible
What counts as "pushing it down everyone's throat"? The conversation about normalcy and heteronormativity isn't what gays stop you to talk about.
No, they play terribly. I do however want to fuck some of my friends and all of humanity. Again, except the team unless they get their shit together.
Unless if the person who is homosexual became homosexual due to it being taught and enforced throughout childhood. Than a person who is homosexual is homosexual because their brain literally fucked up and causes the person to like their own sex rather than the opposite sex that they are biologically suppose to like.
Your enjoyment of life shouldn't depend on media in the first place. You're not mentally well, you should get help.
Yeah, im not cucking myself with feminism and im not cucking myself with religion either, retard.
Without fail, every single lesbian ive met has been a conceited bitch. Theyre all man hatings and smelly unkept liberal faggots who deserve to be kicked and spat on
What are those three things. Not him, just curious.
the baby, while in utero (until the age of viability), uses the mother's body in order to survive. the mother has the right to separate the fetus from her body. this would result in its death, but the fact remains that it is her right to do so, because it's her body that the fetus is using to live. even if the fetus has a right to live, that does not override the woman's right to decide what happens to her body. you can't take organs from a corpse without the person's permission even if they would preserve someone's life. that same principle applies here.
>and all of humanity.
Even the handicapped?
I tried making friends making friends but everyone ended up abandoning me in the end so why should i bother
Pop culture was the only thing I had left, so youre damn straight i will vote red out of spite for whats been done to star wars and other properties because of social justice faggotry
>take babby out bagina
>let die from lack of nutrients in a couple minutes
>bagina automatically does it
>let die from lack of nutrients in a couple days
why is one murder? not the other? appearance?
>he wants more women to refuse to have sex
Ah, you must be gay or celibate.
>the mother has the right to separate the fetus from her body
Where does this right come form?
>this would result in its death
ie murder, which no one has the right too.
>because it's her body that the fetus is using to live.
like consent for sex after the act, consent to grow in the body, you cunts cant take that back either
Animation for one, everything from jackie lynn to she ra becoming a filthy fucking dyke in their shows
The whole narrative shitting on men. They now want to take away the blane from bullies and make them into victims like with that skinhead dyke emma gonzalez
The regressive standards forcing more content to be censored because of PC prudishness instilled by dykes and their unnatural phobia of attractive women being sexualized in media
>seconds earlier
Bullshit. I guess that means abortion seconds AFTER conception is murder too? Why even have birth control at all. Why murder all those children each and every night when you masturbate?
>Pop culture was the only thing I had left, so youre damn straight i will vote red out of spite for whats been done to star wars and other properties because of social justice faggotry
lmao, I can't even tell if you're trolling or not.
>ie murder, which no one has the right too.
Some retarded little brainless glob of semen inside some lady's stomach shouldnt have to hamper my tax payer money with its unwanted existence in an orphanage. Fuck the little shit and abort it for all i care
but the definition of an illness is "an unhealthy condition of body or mind," or something that prevents your body from working normally. the actual condition of homosexuality itself (the AIDS crisis and external social influences causing harm to homosexual individuals notwithstanding) does not affect a person's health, physical or mental. a gay person can do literally everything a straight person can outside of the bedroom. it doesn't affect their ability to live their lives. just because it's abnormal doesn't make it an illness.
>for all the shot theyve been doing
Found another one.
the fact that i was able to have sex shows women's hormone-altered lower standards for acceptable partners and the lack of commitment she has to risk by sleeping with him
jordan peterson isnt my favorite speaker but he does really make one illuminated on how much birth control has fundamentally altered the social cycles of whole societies on them
>Where does this right come form?
bodily integrity, "the right to self governance over one's own body without external influence or coercion."
>ie murder, which no one has the right too.
if a person needed one of your kidneys to survive, they don't have the right to take or use it, and you not letting them use your kidney (ie your body) is not a violation of their right to life. so, too, is the mother's exertion of her right to bodily autonomy not a violation of the fetus's supposed right to life, because she has the right to determine what she does with her body.
I really hope your'e just pretending to be this pathetic and clueless because that is genuinely embarrassing.
there is no future to hope for, for many of us and it's known. even our escapisms are tainted. it's all just fucked
consent can be withdrawn at any point during the act of intercourse, so even if a woman gave "consent to grow in the body," by that same logic she could withdraw it at any point.
>complains about artists making their characters gay
>complains about censorship
So you're pro-censorship
>I guess that means abortion seconds AFTER conception is murder too?
Yes, because if its wrong seconds before birth you are forced to draw the line when the baby is alive or not. The only logical line is after conception. Both sperm and egg alone do not become human, but ones together they create one.
Not everyone is evil like you user.
>such as making sure niggers and kikes were refused service.
Like emergency aid that saves lives following a disaster. That's a big one.
>not violent though!
Who cares? People still end up dying. Whether a death was through violence or denial of life saving supplies, what difference does it make to a corpse? Still, it doesn't compare to white genocide am I right?
Making everyone into a dyke is a deliberate attack on men
Swlf censorship is still censorship, and im sick of the over sensitive and out right prudish mentality of millennials ruining media nowadays
If i had it my way artists would be forced to out in more cheesecake and fan service and edgy humor
is there a term for when a female negs a male? shame is an increasingly weaker and weaker tactic
You'd be amazed at the amount of phoneposters that hang out on Yea Forums. Shit posting via phone is a great way to pass time when you're waiting for jury duty or doing a late night shift.
if a woman simply lets her (birthed, living) baby die then it would be murder. there are plenty of people and organizations/systems in place to care for unwanted children, and to ignore those would absolutely be murder. a woman exercising her right to how her body/organs are used by removing a fetus is not murder because the baby doesn't have a right to use her body to live, and so she is not violating its right to live.
>youre evil of you dont agree with my
>muh empathy
Shut the fuck up you social justice bleeding heart faggot
conception takes an instance. when it's done, it's done. like sex. you cannot take it back and retroactively withdraw consent saying, "i actually didnt mean to do that" lie to yourself and try to erase to through the means of other people
If it shuts up the invasive and conspiratorial feminists and their agenda, absolutely
>doesn't know how to respond when a valid point is made
>g-get outta here!
Sad little faggot.
Do you even recognise your own hypocrisy, or are you just that dense?
So you're a total fucking hypocrite, lmao
good and evil are concepts above females who have never evolved to need the structure of the dichotomy, they are just creatures of feeling and emotion.
In against censoring everything into some sugar coated PC disney film, even if its self imposed.
Sperm alone and egg alone are still potential people by your logic, but you're moving goalposts as usual for your kind.
you said specifically a woman gives "consent to grow in the body," which is a process, not an instance. sex is also over a period of time, a period in which either partner may withdraw consent and stop it midway. i didn't say you could retroactively withdraw consent, i said you could take it back during the act of intercourse (with an intended parallel to the period of time in which a fetus develops).
so the baby decided to be conceived? just appeared one day out of nowhere and decided to grow like a pathogen on the womans womb?
How do you know this if you never experienced the act of being a female? How do you know if anyone else in the world is even real? You can only confirm yourself because your thoughts exist so you must exist.
Im not, im against everything being whittled down to a hallmark special, even if its self imposed i want this trend to be stopped whatever the cost
>Where does this right come form?
>bodily integrity, "the right to self governance over one's own body without external influence or coercion."
I meant literally. Does it come form your counties bill of rights?
>if a person needed one of your kidneys to survive, they don't have the right to take or use it, and you not letting them use your kidney (ie your body) is not a violation of their right to life. so, too, is the mother's exertion of her right to bodily autonomy not a violation of the fetus's supposed right to life, because she has the right to determine what she does with her body.
The mother does not lose a kidney in giving birth. The child life matter more than the inconvenient of pregnancy and birth, which her body is designed to do form evolution, unlike organ harvesting.
>self-imposed censorship
lmao dude, just lmao.
what the fuck are you talking about?
>Australia has strict gun control and has been doing better for it
Nottu dis shitto agen
>doesn't know how to respond so just mentally checks himself out
Same user?
I said its logical line to draw, you have none.
its very evident itt alone that given agency, women deny it for a consistent level of comfort supplied by others
sorry i misspoke, consent to *be* in the body, which is given by the mother in the non-verbal contract of receiving sperm
who brought the baby into existence? it wasnt the baby
>Doesn't bring shit to the table and just declares himself the victor
There are several obvious lines to draw. You arbitrarily chose one to suit whichever seems right for you.
>I meant literally. Does it come form your counties bill of rights?
yes, through the right to privacy.
>The mother does not lose a kidney in giving birth. The child life matter more than the inconvenient of pregnancy and birth
there are countless complications that can occur both during and after a pregnancy. pre-eclampsia, hemorrhaging as a result of giving birth, blood clots, embolisms, hypertensive disorders, sepsis... the list goes on. the risk for maternal mortality has gone down in the west recently, and even then, it's still dangerous and incredibly taxing on the body. it's disingenuous to reduce it to an "inconvenience." either way, a baby's life doesn't overrule a woman's right to decide what happens to her body. i hate sounding like a broken record in this thread but that's really all there is to my perspective on this.
Breh that's exactly what you did. You're basically sitting in a kiddy pool of piss and slapping yourself.
please explain how that's relevant to what i said. i'm genuinely not getting how that's a rebuttal.
>he thinks there are women in this thread
>not just anons taking turns baiting each other
You retard, why the fuck would you need tolerance for something that you accept? If you already accepted it, tolerance would imply that you still have reservations about it. i.e. you hate it.
You brought some bullshit argument that has no credibility, just some bullshit coming straight out of your own asshole. To justify your previous point that was also bullshit with no basis in reality, and now here you are.
>consent to *be* in the body, which is given by the mother in the non-verbal contract of receiving sperm
yes, and the fetus continues to be in the body throughout pregnancy, making it a process... during which consent can be withdrawn. and this isn't really important to my argument, but i find the logic of "consent via sperm" to be a little concerning. what if the mother was raped? consent must be given freely, so you can't really say her rapist made her forcibly consent.
you are a person by being a person. not whenever half the people that made you decide you are one. from a single cell to the day you die, you are you're own person
>no female consent
would you argue against the converse? can a man raped by a woman demand that she kill their baby before term?
>from a single cell to the day you die, you are you're own person
yes, and even if you are your own person, you're not entitled to the use of someone else's body to develop and live.
>can a man raped by a woman demand that she kill their baby before term?
no, because in order to do so she would have to get an abortion, and to force her to do that would be a violation of her bodily autonomy.
Does it actual say "bodily integrity" in it? I've heard this phase before and I have no idea if its been made up in the last 10 years or these actual rights
>countless complications
In large adoptions are not done to avoid the off change they have complications down the road, because the baby will be inconvenience during pregnancy and after. There are rare cases where the baby will be aborted due to health issues, but that's not what I talking about.
Where does this bodily autonomy stem from philosofically?
>You arbitrarily chose one to suit whichever seems right for you.
Wrong. The line is very inconvenienced for me, because abortion is off the table. There are men who pressure woman to get abortions, and I can't do that. I am force to draw the line their due to logic, and I can't un-draw it.
>Does it actual say "bodily integrity" in it
no, but it's often used to protect those rights. there are also supreme court rulings in favor of reproductive/bodily autonomy which set a precedent.
>because the baby will be inconvenience during pregnancy and after
as far as my position goes, it doesn't matter why an abortion is performed. the right to control what happens to one's body or what it's used for is all that matters to me, and that doesn't change based on whether a woman is aborting for health reasons or personal reasons.
very well. i think we've made our positions clear
happy fathers day
i don't know how to answer this. the principle of self-determination?
>That you'd compare a person who lived a full life and is now brain dead to a person who is at the cusp of living their own life is pretty gross.
It is not a person. It has no personality, no experience, no wants, desires or goals beyond "cells metabolizing nutrients". It has no higher brain functions, nor even lower brain functions, because it has no fully developed brain. Even LONG AFTER BIRTH its brain will still be on par with animals which we don't consider people and casually eat.
Don't give me this "person" bullshit.
Is it a form of life? Sure. But so is an average potato. That potato also has no desire to die, and yet you rip it out of earth's fertile soil and put on your plate.
fair enough! this thread is probably going to die pretty soon anyway. happy father's day to you too.
>A human infant is a potato
Yep, that's about where we're at culturally.
>You don't really believe it's wrong to terminate a person's life. You believe it's wrong to be inconvenienced by others, and that murder is an acceptable alternative to ensuring someone else's potential to life is assured.
I believe that it's wrong to waste human lives as a resource.
A fully grown human has the potential to work a job, to create art, to contribute to society in a variety of ways.
An elderly person loses some of those possibilities, but still has value in relying their experience and skillfully caring for other humans who have not yet developed. At the very least, old people can increase morale quite well with their presence.
A teenager has a lot of potential uses, and we have already invested 10 years of food and schooling into it. It would be a huge crime to kill a teenager, it's a straight up waste of valuable time and effort.
A 1st or 2nd trimester infant though? While it has a high amount of potential, No real effort has been put into creating it. We could make those en-masse with ease. Disposing of one isn't very wasteful.
>human lives
>as a resource
>Disposing of one isn't very wasteful
i'm pro-abortion but i have to say your way of looking at things is a little robotic.
I thought you were American
>no, but it's often used to protect those rights.
So its a made up term, adding rights where there were none. The supreme courts isn't meant to created rights out of no where, there is a big jump form "privacy" and murdering a kid. The logic behind the ruling falls apart when you give the children their humanity.
>adding rights where there were none
we have plenty of basic rights not actually listed in the constitution. one can presume that "the inviolability of the physical body" is among them.
>The supreme courts isn't meant to created rights out of no where
yes, actually. that's what court decisions are for.
>The supreme courts isn't meant to created rights out of no where
>yes, actually. that's what court decisions are for.
Then what do you think congress is for? Or the constitution? Why even vote if courts will just makeup anything?
>Then what do you think congress is for?
checks and balances.
>Or the constitution?
serves as a basis for what the courts define as our rights as the highest form of law.
>checks and balances.
That and they write the federal laws, amount other thing.
>serves as a basis for what the courts define as our rights as the highest form of law.
The way you word this sounds like the courts are higher than the constitution, not the other way around. The supreme court wasn't even meant to be important. If the people wanted a new constitutional right/amendment, you're meant to have a convention of states. For "bodily autonomy" to how up after the activist Judges dies off you'll need to do that.
HIV rates declined dramatically as a result of the decriminalisation policy. Your second cherry picked headline is a nonsequitur.
>a few instances
You are sensitive
This right here is what pisses me off the most about blind progressivism in media. Look at the Last of Us. Humanity is nearing extinction, but let’s celebrate a young, potentially fertile (and fucking immune!) girl licking snatch and smacking away dicks until the world finally, thankfully ends.
No thanks, I’m an antisemite.
Traps aren’t trannies.
This guy has no clue what he's talking about.
>Domestic violence cases
>Niggas shooting over fucking someone's girl
Opinion discarded
That's not because they're straight idiot.