"Hey user, wanna go ride bikes?"

>"Hey user, wanna go ride bikes?"

Attached: Have_A_Seat.jpg (1138x995, 418K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Nice bike ya got there.

Attached: Fig_20_doclouis.png (200x384, 65K)

I never learned how to ride a bike.

Attached: 1553624464834.jpg (385x325, 58K)

>this was drawn by a staff member on the show.

Attached: clarvangelion2.png (756x504, 329K)

So that's what she looks like without the helmet.

What's a bike?

It’s funny how this show was actually good and was made by perverts. The virtuous creators often make shit in comparison.

The show was fun and had soul. Just retarded kids being retarded kids. No overarching story or shipping or lore shit. And even though the female characters characters weren't overtly, intentionally, conventionally attractive waifubait shit, they were still cute and funny character designs.

Attached: clarvangelion.jpg (596x457, 113K)

It's used to cuck.

Attached: c1a.jpg (680x680, 69K)

That's what happens when they're written with actual personality. The show didn't even need a creek or a Rosenstock intro, it just had heart.

all cartoon creators are perverts user

Jeff is a chad, confirmed?

same here, then I realized I was too old and never really tried to learn

Attached: rt4.png (610x612, 57K)

It's supposed to be an Eva parody. But to answer your question: yes.

Attached: eva misato.jpg (1024x781, 79K)

Jeff has always been a Chad. Have you seen his real-life inspiration?

Attached: Chad Randell.gif (195x209, 466K)

Not true, I thought my friend how to ride he's 24.

Attached: Screenshot_20190615-115221_Free Adblocker Browser.jpg (810x9184, 1.8M)

Gainax will someday make this real because they need to milk all the money out of that gravy train.


ラムチョップ pixiv

Attached: Shhh.jpg (380x675, 175K)


I wish she had stayed...


Attached: IMG_5575.gif (600x1400, 233K)

>all this cute--and sometimes lewd--art for a fucking child
>virtually nothing for the sexy MILFs and adult woman the show has to offer
fucking why

Attached: The Women of Clarence.jpg (3107x2909, 1.23M)

Thanks, senpai.

I kind of like the way they did the Amy thing (it was bittersweet and served a thematic purpose) but I wouldn’t have said no to more eps with Ashley

Attached: 9FAF4480-51E3-47ED-AC12-96B831E00625.jpg (436x894, 79K)

Those who are into older women go for more popular examples instead? Leaving the bulk of the art at the hands of loli artists?

Why are you wearing a fucking helmet? It's just bike riding dumbass. Take that off You look ridiculous.

>Belson's mom and the two teachers

Attached: 1519194499245.png (800x800, 217K)

Attached: 1552283039804.png (684x733, 151K)

A damn slice of life show has more balls at showing actual consequences and changing the status quo than shows that are supposedly serious.
Amy never came back even if the crew could easily do so yet that damn ponyhead kept coming back no matter what.

All it took was one episode for her to win America's heart~

Never seen these before ...

>Why are you wearing seatbelts in the car?
>Why are you specifying that you're drinking sparkling apple cider instead of an alcoholic beverage?
S&Ps are a bitch and a half. A helmet is the tamest they could ever bother you with, and it's honestly a good safety measure to encourage kids to follow.

Attached: 1535512111202.png (1366x768, 585K)

Both are by Vs, I found the Ashley one on his Twitter but haven't seen that Amy pic before either, he's known to lurk...

I swear people can nitpick the smallest things. Like they will argue that the Powerpuff girls PSA about fire doesn't make sense because they're superheroes.

Based VS.

My McFuckin' Nigga™

I wish we could've gotten more Julip/Julep art

Attached: Kappa Ross.jpg (655x776, 103K)

Could you satisfy Cynthia?

Attached: Serbian_Film.jpg (1080x1337, 406K)

Holy Lewds this isn’t a kid but a thin short stack woman!

not even close

I may be projecting, but all of us are perverts, some just hide it better.


Attached: oh__mrs_noles_by_discoditz-dceuvml.png (1024x1502, 388K)

I tried to learn, but kept falling down and gave up.


My new wallpaper

Attached: Butt_Buds.jpg (1080x875, 400K)

>Minus 8

That’s not surprising

Attached: Amy_Gillis.jpg (1080x1518, 368K)

Attached: Amy_Bike.jpg (1080x1321, 336K)

Attached: Amy.jpg (1080x1566, 276K)

Attached: clarenceasksamy.jpg (1280x2880, 1.92M)

Attached: 20190615_130050.png (987x1109, 255K)

Is Ashley cuter than Kimby tho?

Attached: 1496681621499.png (850x1000, 228K)

My friends are too busy playing Fortnite to do anything outside.

Attached: Screenshot_20190615-130834_Free Adblocker Browser.jpg (993x1606, 289K)

Oh god, I want to plow her to Friday and back.

They're both cutie pies, no reason to pick favorites

Attached: vlcsnap-2019-06-15-13h09m00s490.png (1920x1080, 1.5M)

Is she Melato or totally black?

before or after haircut?

Attached: Clarence-Plant_Daddies_604500.jpg (1280x720, 98K)

Her skin isn't that dark and he VA is white, I think it's a fair bet that she's mixed

Attached: Tumblr_nj4a12HYVl1u7fvuso2_1280.gif (580x325, 804K)

Who hurt Jeff?

Himself, because a test score revealing he's average completely shattered his ego.
That episode is book-ended by shot-for-shot American Psycho parodies

I just always expected mixed.

Is that the one where he talks about how he's special while doing pseudo pushups during his morning routine?

that would be the one

Attached: psycho.gif (500x211, 911K)


Attached: Amy_01.png (602x499, 51K)

but is she a mystery girl?

Attached: bella___clarence___mystery_girl_by_tommyarankar-das4i1y.png (1024x1365, 282K)

Right answer

Attached: tumblr_p1uyprBzNr1vff6l3o1_400.png (400x518, 114K)

Attached: Arizonian_Psycho_01.png (753x599, 95K)

Fuck off. It’s a kid.

Now do the whole Huey Lewis monologue like that Dana shitpost except he murders JP from Craig of the Creek or otherwise Lauren, Malessica, and Belson’s mom cornering him in a “forced harem” scenario

Attached: d7t6yi2-fdd23df0-cce5-44b1-8014-940376d1cac1.jpg (922x547, 151K)

not the guy you're talking to but is this close enough?

Attached: 63696443_p0.png (782x1100, 310K)

Damn I had no idea this was such a tread-upon concept, why do the geeky shotas always get the harem

he tries in the show but the only one interested is malessica

Attached: Jeff_the_ladies_man.png (1600x900, 1.09M)

Attached: Arizonian_Psycho_02.png (826x721, 166K)

>not dubs
for shame

This cartoon could have been one of the all time greats if it wasn’t for Clarence himself.

Fuck you, it was one of the all-time greats BECAUSE of Clarence himself.

Attached: 70580381-EC1A-4ECD-A1E5-E3AF4A6A142D.jpg (336x336, 21K)

I love Clarence as the main character, I don't see anyone else carrying a show as well as him except maybe Sumo or Ms Baker

No I have not


Sumo's mom was hot as fuck

Feast your eyes on Jeff Rowe

Attached: 83F86BF2-E083-4AF1-BC29-1D7CA286CAC8.jpg (1080x1080, 165K)

How about you tell that to the pedos who draw this kinds of things you retard

You only encourage them by praising how lewd these drawings are. Whether a pedo artist draws a kid in a sexual manner or not, it’s still a kid in the end, making any intended sex appeal in the drawing null.

A man of refined taste, I see

Attached: F486A0A7-FFE9-4F5D-ADB7-98DA76BD6F8E.gif (268x268, 1.3M)

Look at how fucking flat she is, goddam that’s hot.

Attached: A5A0DD5E-24C1-49C2-A922-B9D36AFC0319.jpg (284x284, 9K)

I.. agree

prudes go back to Tumblr

Attached: musclesurf.webm (1280x720, 1.94M)

Go back to .

Attached: 0015C71E-55FF-408E-96A2-1219FA8A3997.jpg (635x477, 20K)

>clarence thread
>it's a pedobait waifu thread

Attached: 1514330618300.png (754x421, 327K)

Attached: 1457363589967.png (1031x984, 165K)

Nope, he acted GENUINELY retarded and brought a 10 show down to like a 7. A normal kid or an arnold would have had it in god status.

Not even them and I also think he’s really endearingly good-natured and silly, but I guess it depends on how much you tolerate how actual children behave.

Top cute! That artist is a treasure.

Nice reference.

Attached: 075.jpg (680x383, 29K)

stop that



Attached: file.png (441x667, 152K)

That’s not a real child. I have siblings, I enjoy being around children. Clarance resembles an ACTUAL disabled child and it makes me uncomfortable to watch.

Attached: youtoo.png (259x194, 3K)

I really wish they had credited which specific artists did which drawings. is the only one that I can trace back to Kassandra Heller.

Attached: 7445A0F0-8B0C-4A94-910F-9A0FD444E91D.jpg (594x792, 236K)

Ripped from soundcloud.com/simonpanrucker with SoundCloud Go+ account
>Simon Panrucker - Songs from Clarence - Season 1 [WEB AAC 256]
>Simon Panrucker - Songs from Clarence - Season 2 [WEB AAC 256]
>Simon Panrucker - Songs from Clarence - Season 3 [WEB AAC 256]

Attached: folder.jpg (3937x3937, 1.4M)

Oh shit, that's awesome user - I had no idea that Souncloud offered higher bitrate with a paid account, I'd been considering ripping the songs for a while in the fear they'd get deleted someday but 128 MP3 that free SC uses obviously sucks ass.
Thanks a bunch

Brethren. I thought I was alone in my shame.

But /trash/ is the furry board. They don't allow loli or shota there (for reasons I'll never understand).

I really miss this show.

Attached: Kimby Nuke.jpg (1920x1080, 516K)

Attached: Clarence, Jeff and Sumo.jpg (1920x1080, 1.15M)

I can't believe I never picked up on that.

Clarence has references out the wazoo. I wouldn’t be surprised if there are still more deep-cut ones we haven’t picked up on yet. Rothbell loves obscure references.

Attached: EB86C321-40AE-4CA2-94FD-8D3D98448287.gif (249x237, 1.52M)

Finale has no resolutions to the big mysteries, ships or even a flash forward but the fandom didn't flip their lids unlike finales for other shows. How did we do it?

I wanna play bears instead.

I always thought this scene was the cutest

Attached: Clarence.S01E01.Fun.Dungeon.Face.Off-S01E02.Pretty.Great.Day.with.a.Girl.ROWSDOWER-2.webm (1280x720, 2.87M)

Wow you're such a hero, making sure everyone in this thread know how good of a person you are.

Attached: 1558108944724.jpg (216x225, 13K)

>WBB theme intensifies

Slow down user, first we gotta find that erratic on the internets.

Whats this from?

Zoo, the eleventh episode in Season 1

yeah fuck that guy for not wanting every thread to devolve into pedo circlejerking

>I just wanna have some fun.m4a

Attached: Lauren_01.png (471x840, 110K)

Jesus, that's wholesome and I love it.

>literally me

Attached: 1494959230862.png (1204x2198, 82K)

I find it funny but it's cool if you guys wanna be buzzkill hero's when it comes to cartoon girls

It didn't really have any deepest lore, the only thing I can think of is the mystery of Clarence's Dad. The kids are too young to have garnered much shipping nonsense. And we had a time jump in one of two of the regular episodes.
All in all it was a pretty nice finale.

The series never relied on those things, so lack of them in the finale didn't feel like a bitch move.

The scene where Clarence takes a picture with an elephant is a reference to Three's Company.

the 4th one looks taken straight out of Gravity Falls, jesus

I miss her so much...

Attached: Amy_01.png (850x1100, 283K)

Absence truly does make the heart grow fonder
She was batshit but also qt, for sure a wild lay when she gets older

My goodness but that's adorable. I can't get enough of art like this.

pedos are scum

Attached: 1540647332500.jpg (473x360, 8K)

Take your own advice and go back to shwitter or plebbit


what do you mean older? rule34.paheal.net/post/view/2321422

Good taste. VS is one of the best.

Based Courage. Pedos must hang

He’d be the best if he ever drew anything other than children.

that's why it's better to sneak the kino all across Yea Forums

Attached: dustin.png (369x502, 171K)

wow thanks now I'm pregnant

Attached: jeff.rowe.did.this.png (276x553, 160K)


Condolences for your terminally shit taste. Keep loudly whining on Yea Forums of all places to console yourself.

Knowing that he’s one of the main guys behind some of Gravity Falls’s weakest episodes automatically strips him of any attractive qualities.

Attached: D88ABAD2-715D-4900-888D-89593B772AF4.png (1920x1080, 2.59M)

>your terminally shit taste
Says the guy who gets off to little children. Seriously, how do you actively flock over to cute, innocent characters only to sexualize them? ESPECIALLY when Mary, Melanie, Cynthia, and Tinona exist?

me too, user. But she's getting the best help money can buy, and thats what's important

man i hate the whole "antagonistic rich girl's problem is her parents" thing. like it magically absolves all the crap that they did (more so if she suddenly gets shipped with the MC).

I don't 'only' sexualize them. But sex appeal is part of it, for the very qualities you described. There's no point in explaining that attraction is subjective since you think it's your God given duty to peevishly proclaim your own shit taste whenever you disapprove. Just know your moralfaggot nagging will never prevent anons from sexualizing anything, and when you get tired of constantly complaining, fuck off for good.

Attached: th.jpg (474x353, 23K)

Waifufagging is always obnoxious, even when the characters are attractive adult women. Pedophiles can fuck off, though.

>Questions how user sexualizes cute characters
>Also admits to sexualizing cartoon chqracters
Before asking retarded questions, try asking yourself why you'd find stylized kids' cartoons hot when you could instead focus on real women.

>Go to Yea Forums
>Click on thread with picture of sexy kid
>wtf why are there pedophiles here?

>how do you actively flock over to cute, innocent characters
Flat, lithe, simple figures are hot. They also have the cutest faces and usually an equally cute personality

Attached: DIIN1clVYAEmYOH.jpg (638x825, 63K)

Attached: Amy_02.png (821x557, 84K)

Play bears with me!

Attached: d5im2dw-33634c58-89ae-4e4d-aefe-5cfdf2d76d30.png (300x490, 78K)

>sexy kid
Kids aren't sexy, freak

>No lore
>Didn't pay enough attention
For shame

Sure they ain't

Attached: 1552452257106.jpg (610x887, 209K)


Draw Amy doing a sick wheelie

I want to hug her so much, I bet she smells like grass stains.

draw Amy seductively pulling up her shirt and smugly saying “old hags can’t compete”


Attached: 1544459167798.png (640x850, 410K)

Combine these!

I hope they use that character more next season. Maybe even give her a name.

Attached: tumblr_oct8zujpvR1tyfuejo1_500.png (433x564, 128K)

Get this trash girl from trash cartoon out of this thread

Attached: 1560269811529.png (420x420, 240K)

I would never have guessed Clarence was the type of series that would attract such high strung posters.

Attached: d46fc34c931fd1b072d22f118f9e74de.jpg (319x416, 28K)

That one guy has been around the threads for years seething mad that no one will draw his MILFs and go for the cute lolis instead, it’s nothing new

Just don't start a thread with loli or shota and it'll last for a while. It just depends on how quickly someone reports it.
Some people are gay so loli gets reported quick, straight shota on /aco/ can last until whatever thread it was posted in dies because no one reports it.
based retard thinking any thread here will evolve into a "pedo circlejerk" in the year 2019.

Oh, that makes more sense. Thanks for the heads up. I only watched some episodes recently. I like it a lot so far.

Yeah let's go
>I miss this show

It’s great and a real rollercoaster in terms of tone (but in a good, creative way), the show never runs out of ways to surprise and do something new.

Attached: 43A131D1-E24C-4AFF-88B9-999DF5A8BF6B.jpg (540x438, 63K)

Attached: 1560035107289.jpg (1366x768, 261K)

Must every Clarence thread descend into this?

Try making another one, perhaps one that doesn't start on the exact note I assume you're decrying.

Thanks a lot for these. Clarence had a lot of great stuff.

>the last episode of Clarence wasnt about the boys meeting again after they became adults

Attached: 1475247824621.jpg (640x480, 48K)

The first post's just a cute line from the show.

Last episode wasn't Amy visiting Clarence...

Attached: A4B663B8-FDAA-4219-BC30-75C8488A133A.jpg (696x290, 31K)

I love this threads, it remains me how much joy I have when I draw pics and watch episodes of Clarence.

Attached: Amy_03.png (490x772, 114K)

I’m glad you’re having fun, Vs

BTW, Skyler came back last week:
He’s been doing grunt work at Titmouse for a few years but he’s been quiet on the social media/personal work front for a while, hope this means he’s doing better

What tablet do you use to draw?

Its a Cintiq 13HD

I really got lucky because it was a government handout.

This right here

Him being that retard is what made it good. He caused the chaos which jump started the show.

want some candy?

Attached: 1539861129220.png (292x292, 77K)

As long as it's not licorice

Hard, please

>trash girl
>trash cartoon
Those are fighting words mister.

Never too late to learn user. I learned how to ride bikes as a kid but always thought of them as $100 things that you just used until they rusted out. I was amazed when I went to school and realized there were bikes people easily droped $2,000 on to get around campus.

I will never forget the look of pride my dad gave me when I learned to ride a bike by my self. One of the best moments of my life

thought i was the only one

I'll never forget the relief I felt when I started keeping balanced and steady, because it meant I could go back in the house soon. The parents were happy though, so that was nice.

I felt a greater sense of accomplishment when I learned to tie my shoes finally.

I only use my bike to get to work.

Can you anons rec your favorite Clarence episodes? I just started watching and love it so far.

A Pretty Great Day with a Girl
Clarence gets a Girlfriend.
Attack the Block Party
Lil' Buddy
Tuckered Boys
Plane Excited

Holy shit... A lot of episodes are 10/10

Oh wow I haven’t seen any of these, thanks user. The ones I have seen are great, I’m actually surprised by how funny this series actually is. I’m excited to watch the whole series.

Fuck Arnold and other kids being mini-adults. That's why people have a hard time discerning what counts as a being a kid and being a fantasy cartoon kid.

I've always liked tomboys.

Please tell me one of the reply comments was "But the joy I get out of calling you 'Bike Cuck' is more than the sadness you feel when you're called it, you fucking Bike Cuck."

>prefer /ss/ to loli because I self-insert as the boy getting his dick sucked by an older oppai lady

Attached: 1466518740387.jpg (195x293, 60K)

No mystery girl and skater sumo?

Literally the only good episode was the Amy one

go watch some naruto

Attached: jeff000.png (301x299, 102K)

What does Naruto have anything to do with it?

weebshit seems more your speed

Attached: jeff3-clar.png (452x450, 165K)

Way off mark there. Clarence is an unbearable retard. Like Mabel, but less self-aware

Attached: 1434643247637.jpg (400x459, 147K)

are you one of those who think arnold shortman is the end-all, be-all cartoon protagonist?

Attached: belson00-clar.png (528x518, 270K)

Clarence did not act like a real kid. He acted like the short bus kids everyone steered away from.

I haven't seen Hey Arnold in years (aside from that movie a year or so ago), so I don't remember what he was like

not the guy you're talking to but arnold pretty much has to mature for his age due to the whole missing parents and his grandparents aren't exactly the reliable type in terms of rationality so he often has to be mediator for the apartment's tenants and problem solver if need be, sometimes going beyond that (convincing a neighbor to run for office to get actual work done).

he was also a giant mary sue
helga pataki should have been the protagonist of that show

Attached: cuck_arnold!.png (640x482, 586K)

Either you've only seen some episodes or you only focused on the times that you think he was in the wrong.

Considering the last name, but her dad and little sister aren't possibly light as her.

As the series progressed, Helga basically was the protagonist. We had many episodes focusing on her. Arnold was just the all-knowing voice of reason.

This is almost similar to how one can argue Candace was the real protagonist of Phineas and Ferb.

Attached: 86B2E145-6A19-483C-BF4F-224A7963D438.png (1210x642, 655K)

honestly i wanted to see this in the finale hoping to prove that clarence is actually a well adjusted adult in life (proving the 'retard' accusers wrong).

for about at least 3 times user.

I watched plenty, as i’ve said before the show is really fucking good and is almost one of the best, if Clarence was better it would have been a GOAT

Ugh, Arnold's cousin, Arnie, ugly as fuck.

I see, fair enough. Some people just focus on Clarence's personal faults without acknowledging the parts where he's actually smart.
In some ways they treat Clarence the same way they treat Skyler (over exaggerating to the point that other people believe it).

>if Clarence was better
>he hasn't seen Honk

Attached: jeff001.png (184x303, 72K)

so this is totally Loss, right?

I have no memory of learning to ride a bike.

Pilot Expansion
Dinner Party
Dream Boat
Belson's Sleepover
Hurricane Dillis
In Dreams

And that's just the first season.


just watch out for evox avatars

Attached: blaze stole my bike.jpg (500x446, 67K)


is this you?

why bikes, i would certainly love to go on a "ride"... although i must ask why did your parents name you that?

Bucky and the Howl

So he's into traps. Noice.

that's a lady though

Attached: thinking_mia.jpg (714x670, 24K)

who is the one with the hat?

This nigga knows what's up

Okay, so, here's Amy Gillis - she's on her bike, doing a sick ass wheelie - but! She's only got one hand on the bike's handlebars. Because her other hand is raising her shirt a bit, while she smirks and gives that look, because old hags don't have her rad seductive skills on a 10-speed. Could even be no hands.

free samples girl?

Attached: 0c5.png (532x533, 334K)

No. I have a very vivid memory of setting Lion King, because the fire alarm went off just as shit was going down in the third act, and I never found out how it ended until it came out on VHS.

Clarence was shit

Imagine being such a massive faggot that you never learned how to ride a bike. I pity those like you, who may never know the joys of riding a bike at high speeds with your friends in the neighborhood, going to places unexplored, drinking a soda and having a sweet, fresh sip while watching the sunset away from home.

Don’t forget about having rough sex with Spinelli on the jungle gym

Attached: 925C4856-B599-4DCC-959A-AC0A336B643E.jpg (477x355, 29K)

I never had friends either.

Attached: no.png (680x703, 338K)

Attached: you.webm (848x480, 348K)

I really regret that I were too autistic a child to let my childhood tomboy go away.

Attached: 1510516434839.png (500x730, 589K)

Ms Julip a cute. Too bad she is fucking insane

Attached: 1497505714966.png (377x853, 140K)

that reveal was a doozy.

Attached: shutupmeg.jpg (849x479, 135K)

Haven't had some one ask me close to 10 years now. I miss childhood.


Trips don't lie....

there's plenty of MILF art. It's that guys own fault for not reposting it

Attached: 1496682421710.png (531x647, 423K)

>there's plenty of MILF art
Not nearly enough

I can't believe we never saw Gilben use even 1% of his true power.

Attached: Gilben.png (194x342, 53K)

There's a graphic novel called "Getting Gilben" where they go into him a lot more, also you meet Ms. Baker's sister

Attached: drbaker.jpg (3000x3000, 2.77M)

post Clarence reaction pics

Attached: 1495045990917.gif (729x758, 111K)

I think the same guy who drew this did a great picture of Chad as Yondu.

Attached: req1 (1).png (724x788, 32K)

Attached: AE2BB611-CB94-4F5D-ABBF-07014E7AAEDD.gif (580x325, 217K)

is that...

Attached: Igiveup.gif (268x268, 916K)

I wish Sumo's Sister got more screen time.

Attached: 1479306249479.jpg (450x380, 31K)

Attached: 1468891108046.jpg (238x321, 15K)

Attached: 1437603462122.png (500x398, 131K)

Attached: clarence.jpg (1920x1080, 720K)

Attached: jeff.jpg (556x540, 64K)

Just gonna dump a couple webms I made too.

Attached: sumotp.webm (454x400, 358K)

Attached: jefflightning.webm (386x400, 388K)

Attached: sumounderwater.webm (528x400, 487K)

Nope. Elena Manetta drew your pic. I’m honored to have my silly drawing compared to hers, though!

Attached: F4EEAB3E-4C82-4460-B0B5-6BF1C99FF4C6.png (800x800, 562K)

Attached: 1437665385729.webm (720x404, 598K)

Attached: mfw i dont even.webm (720x404, 1.14M)


Attached: C5086288-10B8-4F1F-B1AE-0A928E01CF01.png (450x349, 245K)

those subtitles are fucking retarded

I wonder why I got that confused. Maybe it was just posted in the same thread.

>all this milf talk
>no mary

for shame

Attached: 334c3d8700eee2ce7cf4aa714cc94ef9.png (980x796, 134K)

Haha, I love these

Attached: 65963E69-D94B-462A-862C-99B8A3FBE6E2.gif (480x270, 111K)

Drawfag-- I mean friend, Amy meeting Billy and Mandy?

Attached: shadman.png (641x477, 434K)

then why are you such a passive-aggressive pedo shitposter, when your pedo brethren are better at posting?

Attached: 1507317282878.png (553x421, 147K)

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What happened to this drawfriend's twitter?

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Okay but seriously, what’s the source on this?

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this should be a banner.

Attached: 1546847740546.png (449x138, 89K)

Anyone got a mega to all of the series

no idea, I get most of my pics from threads like this

Attached: 1515578185775.jpg (720x1280, 201K)

What are they Reading?

Oh shit, someone hurry and find it, I need more of this.

TFW you never had a childhood sweetheart because of crippling Aspergers

Attached: A6CB0863-E5B2-4519-995C-568DBBE56422.jpg (750x562, 69K)

Attached: 1457230675052.png (570x600, 276K)

It's a great experience because it's just simple fun without the troubles and baggagethat come later. But just know that it's never too late to start meaningful relationships, the more they appreciate you despite your idiosyncrasies the more real and worthwhile they are.

Attached: in-a-heart-beat.jpg (968x681, 49K)

Floor milk really ruined her.

A gratuitous ass shot is our very first sight of her.

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user's Micropenis: The Novel

The first book in my gloryhole misadventures saga.

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Attached: Gathering of the Wizardfolk.jpg (1920x1080, 625K)

thanks for saving some of my grabs
someone said this would make a good banner, too

Attached: anon....png (941x445, 299K)

Hey i drew that!!
Thanks for saving it.
Im down to do some requests tonight if the thread lives.

The fact I never had a cute tomboy friend growing up fills me with an unending sadness. An abyss, infinite in its capacity, at the very core of my heart.


Please, dear drawanon. Draw any one of the fiiine ladies seen here:

I would be forever grateful.

Attached: C1C4D65A-6731-45E2-8F73-0021D8D81A68.jpg (193x397, 21K)

when does jeff wear this cute outfit?

>is hip to be square

How about Miss Julip being cute. CUTE!

Attached: 1515578532638.jpg (720x1280, 192K)

belson's dad never really absolved him of any of his brattiness though. if anything it just made comparisons to jotaro even better/worse.

Attached: yare yare daze.png (960x1200, 258K)

She could have been in just a few more episodes at least

Attached: 1543087035536.gif (565x358, 1.65M)

that said, can't wait for clarence's version of stone ocean.

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 128K)

>belson's dad never really absolved him of any of his brattiness
yes it did how emotionally stunted are you?

Attached: belson8.png (356x469, 191K)

he's still a jerk even after the reveal. it's not like say pacifica who suddenly got a magical reversal of personality after they revealed how shit her parents was.

also how messed up is this? is his love for dolphins just memories of him remembering how happy he was as a baby crawling on the dolphin rug at his dad's office?

Attached: e00.jpg (600x990, 86K)


Attached: 1504242370825.png (1173x1300, 526K)

>pacifica who suddenly got a magical reversal of personality
Pacifica changed because she was able to talk about her traumatic home life.
Dipper helped her to confront her parents and self-actualize.

Attached: belsonnoles.png (1920x1080, 973K)

fuck your whole family.

I've neither the time nor the energy to fuck my entire family. But you can join that faggot in simply fucking off.

Attached: Kimby.jpg (210x240, 11K)

>fuck your whole family.

Attached: juice.png (158x258, 81K)

Here ya go dude, i put a little bit of elbow grease into this one.
Sumo's mom seemed the hottest of the bunch and an added best boy as well.
Dope man. Its nice seeing my old stuff floating about on 4chin.

Attached: IMG-20190616-WA0010.jpg (780x1040, 110K)

What is this from? they're qts


A French cartoon about basketball.

Baskup: Tony Parker

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I don't know who Zumo is, but this is pretty dang great.


Failed. Try harder next time

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Johnny or the wrestler?

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Yes, keep em coming!

Using my last 2% of battery to say I’m watching Stormy Sleepover, kice this shit

Attached: EF025494-C85A-48F4-AF76-ACDFB5523872.jpg (4032x3024, 950K)

A great mini-series. The recaps are gold.


Quality thread.

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God I miss Senko so fucking much. They did such good loli.

I had a skateboard, bikefag


>shinji is a chad
Imagine having your life stoop so low that you'd think this.


holy shit it is

Are there actually this many grown adults on here who can't ride a bike?

Me. I once borrowed a bike that had a sidecar to sell stuff at junk shop. I hit 2 parked scooters and a truck. Even with glasses I got a hard time gauging the distance of things.

Attached: 20190617_152917.png (980x1270, 223K)

Reminds me of the censored Ms Baker pic

>Clarence's mom gets thiccer as the series goes on
>the episode where Ms. Baker is stretching
>Belson's mom is constantly bending over in shots

For fucks sake, even after they fired pervy mcpervston, the show was increasingly horny, and sometimes it's played as a joke, but I think the animators were just horny as hell

Is Skyler the only one that Yea Forums will actually acknowledge that he messed up? Other guys (John K for example) get defended no matter what while Skyler's case actually gets treated worse than it actually was.

The entire fucking point of the show is that Clarence is a kid, and doesn't see the bad in anything.

He's not acting retarded, he just doesn't have any cynicism in him. He's the foil to everyone else because he never lets anything get to him (with the exception of the Lil' Buddy episode, which... Yeah. That episode was weird)

But seriously, he gets excited about the dumbest shit, and is always bringing everyone else's moods up with his cheerful demeanor. That's the point of the show. For fucks sake, rewatch the episode where him and Belson get stuck in the zoo. Belson tries to make him realize that if he thinks everything is awesome, then nothing is awesome, and his response is basically "Yeah, but everything IS awesome", and then that's that. You clearly didn't get the point of the show.

Join the club, user. I listen to it at work and love it. The only problem is I start doing his weird chuckle if I listen to it too long.

Way too thin :C

The Gilben jokes absolutely kill me. I know it's a super overused trope of "Character is silent but everyone acts like he said something hilarious" but everytime he just vibrates and the music gets terrifying and then everyone loses their shit always gets me.

Still the best episode
ANYWAYS minus the weird pedo shit going on, I'm glad we had a Clarence thread. I love this show.

Man, every John K thread is people shitting on him and then like the same 3 dudes defending his bullshit, I don't think he's "defended no matter what".

Seriously, the majority hate that dude and think he's a hack.

I'm only referring to the Katie Rice thing (not his cans thing). It's either he did nothing wrong (wrongly accused) or he's actually a Chad for doing it.

>"Yeah, but everything IS awesome",
sad to say but nowadays kid (and non-child) characters have to do awesome things to be awesome or even be considered watchable for a lot of people.

What the fuck was he thinking when he made this.


Attached: bikeshirt.jpg (500x431, 63K)

We need a (You) edit of that

NTR is not okay

It's always ok Onii-chan, it's a safe day, and if it's not, well just be making a bigger family.

Damn, he has the same look of awe and confusion that I did when I saw that episode of totally spies were clover gets fat.
Now im a fat fag
I wonder what sumo got out of it, surfer porn? Excercising kink?

Dammit, Tilda.

Attached: Hilda.gif (480x270, 1.06M)

Never get angry at Tilda!

Attached: angry tilda.png (216x159, 68K)

LPanrucker is such great artist. Love all the inspirations.
My fav is towering intelect and dogmon song

We did in comic

Attached: voodoobrown-shen-shenanigansen-follow-please-stop-calling-me-bike-cuck-29056806.png (500x462, 68K)

what was this guys problem?

Attached: clar-charliebrown.png (883x933, 484K)

now imagine gilben at 120% power.

Attached: Younger_Toguro's_Power.png (3282x351, 967K)

girl problems, inability to stand up for himself and lack of a notable talent?

he was a real blockhead

I've only just noticed it's Gilben on the swings in the intro. He was smiling in every episode all along.

Attached: gilben swing.jpg (1920x1080, 640K)

The point of the show was conveyed poorly then. Clarence himself acted and looked like he was missing chromosomes. He brought down the entire nostalgic vibe of the show by being the kid you would least want to hang out with or be.

Gilben gets some joy in his life

>ywn have a childhood friend tomboy gf that oyu shares lots of fun memories with and lots more to make, and loves you

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Was there any justification for the crossover with Over the Garden Wall? Just a bit of fun?

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game recognizes game

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I wonder why that series wasn't picked up for US distribution yet. It's got pretty decent writing, it's got good animation, it's got waifus for Yea Forums and diversity for the calarts crowd, and the sports cartoon niche doesn't have much at the moment.

Attached: blackup.jpg (750x600, 46K)

Fuck, another reference that somehow managed to fly right by me.

t. hilda

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anyone catch this reference?

Attached: bucky.png (1920x1080, 1.81M)

How do you explain the parts where he acts mature for his age?

I mostly rode scooters and skateboard. Always wanted to do the Marty McFly skateboard to school and ride behind a jeep passing a burger king but oh well.

what's it referencing? i'm stumped.

surprised that no one shipped them when this episode aired.

Attached: clari x brandi .png (701x391, 215K)

What does she sound like?

They were cute but I will always ship Clarence and Amy G.

I did. It just seems totally normal that she might develop a crush on her big brothers cool friend. Its one of those innocent little childhood moments that makes the series so great. they are both too pure too lewd tho

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Election (1999) starring Matthew Broderick, Reese Witherspoon and Chris Klein
I thought everyone's seen that masterpiece.
Comedic kino, for sure.

Attached: bucky_and_the_election.jpg (960x977, 174K)

I bet no one ever showed up to your birthday parties, huh user?

Attached: ding_dong_donkey.png (1920x1080, 1.85M)

The setup that his previous birthdays only Jeff and Sumo show up made this one awesome.

is it a reference if it's the whole episode?

Attached: man_of_the_house.png (1920x1080, 1.46M)



I'm surprised it hasn't been shown in the Philippines yet. Basketball is practically our national sport.

maybe homage is a better term

>tfw someone makes you spit your milk

Attached: fuck.png (485x304, 46K)

For a second I thought that was reboot Gwen.

That's basically my problem with the new design. It's cute, but so generic it's easy to mistake for any other bland cartoon made recently.

What else is this ugly show good for?

Attached: give him your bike Amy.jpg (1280x5826, 2.26M)


>Clarence actually learns to ride a bike in the show.
It's not swordswomanship or dimension hopping but that's a nice piece of character development.

I hate when that shit happens

Depends on how much you like it.

Go darlie go

I'm really sad right now anons.
What's something Clarence would say to cheer me up?

Attached: jeff-crying.png (431x658, 189K)

did you just say nude bike?

Attached: 1411499148598.png (218x205, 46K)

no OP meant the ass pounder 4000 youtube.com/watch?v=QZdqjt8ihkY

Attached: 1463712735535.webm (1280x720, 989K)

>at least you're not a sad sack like finn.

Attached: cryingfinneatingclarence.jpg (848x480, 210K)

I'vee seen it. Pretty good but the bitch sure made me mad.

Is this edit or was this from CN Latin America,also BASED

it's an edit

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What's her name again?

Always been a little sad that joke was the only thing they ever used her for. It's almost as unfortunate as the fact that after Skyler left the writers forgot that Darlie used to be able to talk.

Attached: vlcsnap-2017-07-01-00h03m15s644.png (1920x1080, 899K)

>the writers forgot that Darlie used to be able to talk.
this is what Darlie thinks about loli lewders

Attached: howdoyoulikethepornnow.png (169x308, 69K)

You got me all wrong, Darlie's unlewdable. Her voice was just super cute and I liked her whole boombox/breakdancing shtick they developed later on, if they had combined those traits they could've had a really good dance-off episode of her being a badass and dissin' on our boys

yeah naw I made that awhile ago
"How do you like the horn now?" was one of the few things she said


Thanks, Clarence.

Attached: daddysadheads.png (185x169, 59K)

Based and redpilled

>Darlie's unlewdable
implying she wears anything under the hoodie

Attached: clarencefuck.jpg (1920x1200, 1.52M)

>Tinia not saying "fuck"
Nah, she's the type of two faced sociopath who outwardly pretends to be offended by it, but privately has the nastiest mouth you've ever heard

early to bed, early to rise
I always really liked the end theme.

She wrote and recorded that when she was 8 (with her dad playing guitar), she put out another album when she was 17 a couple years ago

clarence's purity has cleansed her of her wicked ways

Attached: based clarence.png (640x360, 304K)

Pretty nice twee-pop.

Anyone got a 720p Mega link or magnet or whatever that isn't obscenely large? My internet sucks and it's impossible to download everything from the current Mega

Those are the raw iTunes rips, I had considered doing x265 re-encodes at one point but I ended up deciding I didn't want to keep two copies (given I couldn't see myself tossing the originals) and it would take a very long time to do on my current hardware, plus I didn't see the point without also splitting/reordering the eps to broadcast order and that makes the hassle even bigger especially if you want each one to have the intro.
In short, it'd be a pretty big time investment, but if someone has a fast computer it might not as big of one. Maybe someday it could happen, sucks that with Kametsu gutted there's nowhere for people to easily share and find such stuff though.
If your issue isn't a data cap but just instability I'd recommend checking out JDownloader, I never DL non-torrent videos without it, makes the whole process much smoother and less prone to error

Thanks for the suggestion, user.

Makes you wonder what would've happened if Skyler stayed.

That would have required him not being so severely mentally ill so as to create a hostile work environment, which means basically being a different person altogether. There are some cases of fired showrunners where you can do those "what if" scenarios but in his case he simply wasn't fit for the power of the position (and I have the upmost sympathy for him and don't believe the groping incident was truly his fault).
I guess there could have been a scenario where he continued working on the show in some capacity from home (i.e. kept doing the voice and contributing story outlines) but I think he needed the time to recover and get healthy for the sake of his well-being

Has there ever been a case of a series creator being demoted? It's either they quit or they got fired but never demoted.

Tons of cases of long-running shows where showrunners step down and scale back their role to producer and consultant without technically leaving, sometimes still being involved day-to-day but generally not. Simpsons and Spongebob for example. But even though they're no longer "showrunner" and calling all the shots it's hard to call that a demotion when that's technically a higher level position even if they're doing less.
I can't think of any cases of a showrunner being officially demoted by corporate orders while continuing to work on the same show. Closest I can think of is there being Simpsons showrunners who have written episodes after their tenure ended, but none of them were fired as far as i know (they just deliberately switched them out every couple of years until Al Jean's reign of terror began and broke the tradition)

fucking zoomers I tell ya whut

Wonder what Skyler thinks about the floor milk scene.

It's very very rare for people who leave a show on bad terms to watch episodes made after they left (especially when they're the creator and when they made has been taken out of their hands), Joel from MST3K never saw any of the Mike episodes until they started doing the Turkey Day marathon again in 2013, think he still hasn't seen the movie

I see. Man what were they thinking doing that scene? Absolutely ruined Mary as best mom.

I'm the biggest loser i know and even i can ride a bike.
Do you at least swim?

I vaguely recall reading that he watched some Mike episodes before 2013. At the very least, he left MST3K of his own accord, and not on bad terms.

>he left MST3K of his own accord, and not on bad terms
Nah, it was definitely bad terms, with Jim Mallon in particular (the show's original producer and voice of Gypsy, and main rightsholder until he sold it off to Shout Factory) - he wanted to do the movie and Joel didn't, and they argued about it pretty constantly until Joel decided to leave and Frank with him shortly afterwards. Mallon was infamously stingy towards paying the cast while exerting his control and influence over the property against the wishes of the creative team and he was kind of the MSTies' "cartoon villain" before he wiped his hands clean of it and Shout and Joel made right by everyone by renegotiating their contracts so they'd get royalties, which is something they had no legal obligation to do.

What if you know how to swim but haven't done it in 15 years?

As long as you don't drown when you try it again i guess it's enough.

>I really wish they had credited which specific artists did which drawings
Back to twitter with your spoon feeding artist source scum


Why are you mad? He wants to give credit where credit is due.

I didn't realize that this was a full song

>floor milk scene

you'll have to watch the Clarence's Stormy Sleepover miniseries event

Attached: star-wars-reference.png (1920x1080, 1.81M)

Probably the only low point in an otherwise excellent mini-series.

we can try the reverse this time
what episode paid homage to the classic horror film A Nightmare on Elm Street?

Attached: nightmare-on-elm-st.jpg (960x1440, 317K)

this episode

Attached: sorry chad.jpg (346x228, 91K)

name a better Yea Forums Halloween special
protip: you can't

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I can't believe floor milk bothers people so much.

considering it greatly ruins Mary's character, definitely. She's not perfect (she's aware of how destructive clarence can be but she let's it slide from time to time depending on the situation) but this takes things to a whole new level (which might also explain why clarence can be so weird sometimes is because of improper nutrition).

Attached: how about some ice for your floor milk.png (640x360, 154K)

Attached: deletethis_clarence.png (971x477, 390K)

>clarence and cricket green will never crossover

Attached: Vlcsnap-2014-04-13-07h57m48s41.png (640x360, 190K)

How did they get away with the guns in this show?

This was some good shit.

tranquilizer guns

I don't know what you mean, user.

Attached: deletethis2_clarence.png (785x1075, 694K)

>tranquilizer guns
you feel lucky, punk?

Attached: deletethis3_clarence.png (1443x1027, 1.28M)

>that lone wolf cop who thinks he's too cool for guns

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is this the most titty we've seen in the show?

Attached: mary_cleavage.png (633x667, 393K)


Attached: stripesswimsuit.jpg (158x298, 40K)

She's always shown a fair amount of cleavage, right from the pilot.

Attached: vlcsnap-2019-06-19-15h31m02s142.png (1920x1080, 1.38M)

There is also a Texas Chainsaw Massacre joke

Can't believe there are people who object to more Mary porn.

Chad's a lucky guy.

Attached: maryshower.jpg (1916x1076, 611K)

Mary doesn't get enough lewds

Attached: 1528488066284.jpg (468x676, 39K)

Clarence has some edge to it

paheal begs to differ. amy gillis art gets the most flak followed by miss baker and mary. it's mostly people complaining it's just those three getting art.

Is this an evangelion reference?

What a big guy

yeah, but they weren't in any episodes just a bit of fun the crew had

hilarious how clarvangelion predates the "cal-arts/thundercats roar" meme

Characters from [X] pretending/dressing up like characters from [Y] has been a meme for longer than the internet, fren

Attached: [HIPPITY HOPPING INTENSIFIES].gif (400x281, 307K)

it's more of how people made fun of roar by doing other shows specifically in the cal-arts meme style. so it goes beyond simple costume swap

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Attached: lesbiansREE.png (497x745, 427K)

>if only you knew how bad things are

see here's the thing. they might be lesbians but never once in the show were they portrayed to be perfect nor were even addressed how special they were.

they're a just couple who happens to be lesbians.

I like that, treat this sort of thing as just average, everyday stuff, not something remarkable.

Attached: tumblr_otvi9lJSik1w8syti_frame3.jpg (640x360, 56K)

Attached: mtziysw2xecz.jpg (640x984, 183K)

I'm surprised that came from Manta of all people.

Pretty much this.

I mean, it's not like being homophobic would help him fuck with Aquaman.

>aquababy grows up to be gay
>manta kills him nonetheless

They did the same thing with the gay couple on the date.

Attached: Clarence S01E21 Neighborhood Grill.mkv_snapshot.jpg (1920x1080, 756K)

Same. They were great.

Attached: 1447099674227.jpg (439x550, 165K)

For you

My mom says I gotta clean my room first

Attached: Mary's_now_hair.png (640x360, 83K)

For her

gays at the airport

Attached: gay003.png (262x111, 54K)


Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 101K)

Who is this grey haired minx?

Attached: clarence-brainstv.png (1245x1011, 863K)

Good game everybody!

It was fun

Attached: [mumblesinging intensifies].png (1920x1080, 1.02M)

Started watching the show thanks to this thread. Literally the perfect show for anyone who grew up in the suburbs. People who complain about Clarence being an annoying retard don't understand that kids like him actually exist. Also anyone notice the weird sexual tension between Jeff and Belson's mom?

Attached: unknown-1.png (686x663, 421K)

Now I gotta rewatch that episode, Cynthia was cute enough just having to deal with her son's attitude

jeff's like "yeah bitch i'm gonna slay your pussy as soon as we're done with the dishes"

Who does the dishes in a belly shirt? She is begging for it.

the /ss/ is strong in this series.

Attached: 1496681845757.jpg (464x1134, 180K)

Welcome to the fold. I wish it had gone on a little longer, but it was short enough that it never got stale. Gotta be pretty high up in my top five CN shows.

Such a good show, I hadn't thought about it in a long time. I'm glad I saw this thread.

same here
i'm a hairy ass 28yo with terrible balance

learned how to use rollerblades though


>Thread ends with a bang


Attached: C7DC3DFD-DE7C-496B-809C-67C7CC3B5D2F.jpg (900x1000, 89K)

Oh man that's clean