Why did you eat my fries?

Why did you eat my fries?

She was molested, right?

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well she's a lesbian so yes

>girls get molested at young age
>move away from source of trauma
makes sense
>boys get molested at young age
>move away from source of trauma
>but sometimes grow up to become gay pedophile, continuing the cycle
how the fuck does THAT work

she's bi, dummy.

Being diddled isnt an excuse to grow into a man hating dyke asshole

elaborate, incel

Women have no right to hate men just because daddy didnt buy her a malibu stacy for christmas or because mean boys touched her bum once.
Drink bleach fattie

>Women have no right
what you're saying is that it's illegal, but you can't really show me a law that says that

Not what i meant retard, in saying it isnt right to hate all men for petty reasons. Also, of you rage at men dont go crying when men start hating women back. You reap what you sow, cunt

>cries when she sees her father eating her fries
Why did people take her seriously again?

>not what i meant
It's almost like you're spouting gibberish and we're mocking you. Learn to speak english, and maybe you'll get laid someday.


>durr hurr do what i say or be denied sex
1. Youre too stupid to make a coherent comeback
2. Why would i want to fuck an unsightly feminist

The fries serve as a gateway to deeper issues detailing her strained relationship with her dad. Or something like that.

have ___

Isnt it funny how the only argument feminists seem to be able to use is “if you dont agree with me i wont fuck you”, thereby inadvertidely making themselves only worthwhile as a fuck hole in order to get their way. Food for thought.

type slower, ESL. Can barely read through your spelling errors. Maybe take a breather before your next reply?

There was a study showing that the most common factor in male rapists wasn't race, income level, etc. but the fact they were molested by female relatives while younger, women become pedos too

>grammar nazism
The truest sign of a lost argument. I accept your concession

i'd gunt her fries if you know what i mean.

that's just lesbian with an asterisk for 10/10 chads or sugar daddies for most girls

goddamnit can we just have one decent AT thread without lesbian arguing

I want to hot dog this princess

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Have sex

blue board retard


>girls get molested at young age
>move away from source of trauma
>proceed to bother every man they can sink their claws into with their daddy issues and bipolar disorder in some kind of twisted subconscious revenge
fixed that for you, sweaty

Nobody is offering you pussy in return for political concessions- we’re saying that viewing women as a conspiratorial and entirely alien race is probably a paranoid delusion brought on by your self imposed isolation.

You don’t have to *literally* have sex, but say hi to a neighbor, take the dog for a fucking walk, call up an old high school buddy and have sex with them

not that guy, but I don't view women as some alien, conspiratorial race, I just don't like them.



>Nobody is offering you pussy in return for political concessions
Then why do you use sex as a argumentative weapon? Also i know how you act, and i hate your kind for it.

no but it was something that parents view as petty but can stay with a kid for a long time.

>how the fuck does THAT work
Simple. When you're young, you learn how the world works from the people around you.

When a boy is molested during his most impressionable years, then he might infer that the way the world works is that men get to fuck anything small enough for them to pin down.

So, when that boy grows up, and he see a boy that's small enough for him to pin down, he remembers how he was taught the works works.

You can tell how this mapping breaks down if the victim is a girl. Instead, they might purposely overeat in order to make sure they're not small enough to pin down.

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Seething incel detected.

Fat feminist detected

See i can do it too roastie

women also become pedos, it's just less frowned upon and even taken lightly enough to joke that the boy got lucky

Woah look at those BIG BOOPS

>"have sex" as anything more than a petty insult
Hit the gym.

I mean the fact that it bothers you enough to even respond to it shows that it clearly bothers you on some level. Maybe you really do need to have sex, then you'll stop giving a shit when some roastie posties her quostie.

>viewing women as a conspiratorial and entirely alien race is probably a paranoid delusion brought on by your self imposed isolation.

>proceeds to lose their fucking mind if more than three men get together to discuss their rights and place in the world

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She's bi just like Bubs. They've had bfs before. Why does no one remember this?

all of those so called lesbians in western cartoons are lesbians except for the couple from clarence the rock aliens doesn't count

Most of the gems are bi, the writers mad PB and marcy into dykes by the end though

>the writers mad PB and marcy into dykes by the end though
It doesn't matter if they say that at the end of the show, they canonically dated men so they are bi.

By the end their characters are so disgusted by men that theyve turned into dykes

if you're a straight girl, I think you would still eat pussy if it tasted like bubblegum

eat shit

All dykes need to cure their faggotry is a good dicking

No, but officially he did kill the werewolf tribe she had made friends with (this was after Simon had abandoned her due to the crown) after they summoned him in hopes that he could kill the vampires. His morale code really bothered her including the rampant destruction and soul eating he was doing while on Earth, but she could get past it since she wanted to know more about him and her mom. She didn't learn anything from him about that and the final straw, the "fries" was after a stressful day between the two of them, she was hungry and he deliberately ate them due to his nature as a pure evil monstrosity.

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Finn the CHAD fucked PB at the end of season 2.


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Why is a girl just wearing overalls so damn hot?

Side boob and cleavage at once.

ITT bi erasure

ITT nobody here knows or cares how sexuality works, they just like to point at anyone's sexual desire and shout "IMPURE"

ITT nobody has done the math on which tastes better: human semen or bubblegum pussy. do you think you could blow a bubble with her clit?

i bet somewhere in the candy kingdom is a dick you would suck at least once.

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>bi erasure
take your tumblr terminology and fuck off

have cope sex

Threads like this make me feel as if this board is genuinely more Tumblr than Yea Forums now.

>Women have no right
You don't need to say more, you already sold it to me.

both probably taste like garbage. There is indeed probably some candy dick/snatch that tastes good, but not bubblegum.

No, he ate her fries, he didn't put his fries in her.

>Why did you eat my fries?
For being a dyke.

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Women are not innocent and deserve the same ridicule as men for diddling children who do not know any better.

Yea Forumsmblr is a coin term for a reason. Fuck MODs, and Jannies.


Faggot jannies prove they were tumblr faggots once they let the dyke ra shill threads continue

No, its just a way to say her did is a shitbag that does not pay attention.

> When you first get your pubes but then get bubblegum in them.

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Sure it is, incel.

No it isnt, you obese permavirgin feminist bitch

If you take a look at a lot of the serial killers in america the majority were abused, either sexually, emotionally, physically or some combination there in during their childhoods. People who want to be parents should be monitored 24/7 for at least ten years before they're granted a license for one child and if they produce someone with psychotic tendencies they should both be sterilized immediately.

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This what Yea Forums has become. A subset of Yea Forums and /pol/ faggotry attracting swathes of incels like flies to honey.

Says the lardo whos never been fucked in her life

>take your tumblr terminology and fuck off
does nobody see what I did there with the candy bars?

Go to counseling or get a divorce.

nigger what

You fucking heard me, bad parents make serial killers. Its time to stop this shit.

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lel, BTFO so hard you had to resort to criticising his spelling and grammar.

Fuck off poltard faggot that likes niggers.

>that censor
You tried, retard

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>Finn has a beaver
Finn confirmed for transman.

9 hours 30 minutes and counting

I don't think we will for a while

yes her dad raped her while eating her fries

literally the only reason I come here is for AT threads, and seeing as those just keep getting worse, I'll have to just quit soon I guess.

Came to post this


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>finncels still SEETHING
stay asshurt

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We already have best girl in objectively the best seasons. Take your sandy, vapid and lifeless dykes and go

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>ships an obviously one-sided relationship that never had a chance of becoming canon
>forms delusional headcanons about a younger version of a character that appeared in 1 (one) episode out of around 300
yikes, cope

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>"Are you trying to make yourself 13 again?" (despite all the history with Marceline)
Fags btfo.

>one episode
Doesn't even recall the series correctly. What a dumbass.

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okay, relevant for one episode
big difference

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i consider myself a fag but I find this image hot, I guess i'm bi

oh no it's retarded like all bubblinefags

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oh no it has no arguments
stay seething pedo

>its one
>no it wasn't if you look correctly
>reeeee pedo

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there was the episode "too young", what else? nothing.
also >having to remember all the details of a decade old show
neck yourself

>having to remember all the details of a decade old show
>aka i'm just here for the (badly written) lesbians

>neck yourself
Considering the rates of your kind i'm sure you'll take a noose joyride off a bridge in the near future.

It's a cartoon, that means problems are often exagerrated, usually in a humorous way, and meant to be vague or less vague metaphors.

Don't waste your time with them user. We already won. Take pleasure in the knowledge fubblefags have been well and truly BTFO forever.

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Won the desecrated and lifeless corpses of two once great characters to parade around your twitter pages. Truly stunning and brave.

Best era is over here when you want to step into reality.

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It was a joke about hot dogging. Based retard

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Lol, fag with nothing better to do

So she was molested

i thought the going theory was that due to her not having bite marks on her neck, and not needing to eat food, she was not a demon until he bit her - infecting her with demon powers like jake and his mom and that blue monster thing. basically, lawyer-dracula killed marcies mom, and the unnecessary fries are a mental substitute for her body. like how in that episode of MASH were Hawkeye uses a chicken as a mental substitute for the suffocated baby.

Most metaphors fly far over my head, but still, how does eating her fries translate to molestation? My impression was it was more about negligence than perversion.

"Daddy, why did you pop my cherry?"

Which then creates a future problem because of and continues the cycle forever.

>how the fuck does THAT work

Nobody's sure, and causes may vary, but child molestation and clinical pedophilia do seem to have a connection to developmental abnormalities in the womb, brain damage from injury or illness, as well as abuse. It could be the boys who grow up to continue the cycle do so for genetic or developmental reasons which might have emerged either way, and the ones who don't molest kids just have brains which are "normal" (or at least not screwy in a way that makes them susceptible to those urges).

No, fries are just how she contextualize coming to the realization that her father's a blood-sucking demon and kind of an asshole.


molested men try to regain the pride and be on top by becoming the very person they used to hate and fear.
makes all the sense to me.

the fries are not the message. it's the fact he ate them without asking, thus meaning that aberdeen was an assholish father who did things impulsively without thinking that routinely hurt little marcie physiologically and physically.

>>but sometimes grow up to become gay pedophile, continuing the cycle
That's not how anything works. You don't 'become gay.'
A Bisexual will just explore more of their sexual preferences. Also, being a paedophile has nothing to do with being homosexual.
That's as bad as arguing that every Christian/ Muslim/ Theist is a heterosexual child rapist.

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They often expose themselves to children at their "pride" parades.

Where did you get that bs talking point, Breitbart?

She's gay, so it would make sense.

They expose themselves to the adults, too.