If he's so proud to be thai why doesn't he go back to thailand instead of leaching off US money ?

If he's so proud to be thai why doesn't he go back to thailand instead of leaching off US money ?

What a disgrateful person, America offers him an opportunity to make a cartoon

Did thailand offer him this opportunity ? NO

Yet instead of celebrating american culture, it's a culture that did NOTHING for him

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i can't believe you wasted an amphibia thread for this

>retard and phone poster
What are the odd's

>being a frog
>subscribing to Babish

Attached: batman appaled that his tv show is rated TV PG.jpg (487x362, 17K)

>obvious ESL
why do you bother?

I'm not subscribed to him
I watched one or two videos and now youtube spams me with his ugly face

Dumb phoneposter.


Please, guys. Don't make this the new Amphibia thread. Just let it die.


>A fucking frog
Opinion discarded, go put on some deodorant Jean

It's okay to be Thai.



We are surely the cleanest peoples in the earth

It can be overtaken and turn into an actual Amphibia thread.

That's it. Disney shill brothers: RISE UP

I'm gonna call OP an incel and tell him to have sex. What are y'all gonna do?

I see we already got started.


Not an argument

>t.Faggot phone poster

>seething frog tries to save face and croaks louder

And what is wrong with eating frogs exacrly ?
It's delicius

You think Matt took his advice?

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>le Yea Forums boogeyman
>le Yea Forums dark web

Go choke on a baguette, frog

Look at the thread you're in right now.

If you were making a show, would you even bother coming here to look at your own show's threads if it's going to be shit like this?

If you can't take valid criticisme then don't make cartoons at all

I'd like to formally declare my claim to this here delicate yellow flower.

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He can't even draw
Disgusting calarts

all this frog hate in a show about frogs.

>Valid criticism
>This thread
How fucking dense are you?

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>t. Thai crossdresser

Dumb meme aside, don't worry, we'll make sure this thread turns into a proper Amphibia thread.

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> youtube in a different language
> not even american

bait harder

How about you focus on your own country first Pierre?

I, for one, think the ethnicity of fictional characters is VERY important because if they look like me, then automatically I will like them and consume all the products the corporate entity offers me. I am shallow and don't think for myself. Am I right, Disney bros? WOOOH SHIPPING AND FANFICTION.

No you will not

The time of reconquista is near
I am prepared

So tell me, for those that have seen the Episodes, what were the things that you didn't like? It can either be nitpicks or stuff that makes you cautious of the series as a whole?

I didn't really like the ending to Best Fronds. It just came out of nowhere and had little buildup.

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>t. every incel ever

>celebrating american culture
>it's just full of stuff from the places they've emigrated from.

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Fuck you, I already claimed her in the last Amphibia thread

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I'd hardly call "UNF" a proper decree, suh. She deserves better and I am a man of substantial means and high repute.

>I didn't really like the ending to Best Fronds. It just came out of nowhere and had little buildup.
The lack of buildup is probably because it was supposed to be a shocking reveal to end an otherwise happy and lighthearted episode. Anne wishing that Sasha and Marcy are okay just seconds prior was all the buildup we really needed.

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