I heard miles is going back to his universe.
Miles morale thread
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I'd actually be quite interested in a series following Spider-Man in Zimbabwe.
So, I been preaching Ultimate Six on here for a while. This seems to hyper-crisis meme magic coincide with that, so cool. Here's how the rest of it goes; Villains and Ultimate Universe shenanigans conspire to bring Miles Morales into a clean slate universe similar to how own where he and the rest of his Champion friends eventually get to act as the Dr Facto Prime Avenger S of their universe/earth. Except they might be titled Ultimate Champions by that point and it might take a little while of Miles being by himself before the rest of his team catches up with him.
That This
This That
Is because as ridiculous as it sounds with Tony and Steve being comic characters for decades and finally managing to secure for themselves both a nobles death and a heroes retirement Tony Stark Iron Man and Steve Rogers Captain America still need to be headlining in their respective comic book universe SOOOO Iron Man and Captain America need to take back the spot light from Riri Williams, as well as we-emphasis Amadeaus Cho, Patriot, and all the other Champions. So in order to bring Marvel 616 back to status quo Unity Black Spider-man will have to get smacked back to where he belongs, barely featuring in minis and annuals. Anybody remember New Warriors and Thunderstrike?
> Iron Man and Captain America need to take back the spot light from Riri Williams, as well as DE-EMPHASISE Amadeaus Cho, Patriot, and all the other Champions.
>in order to bring Marvel 616 back to status quo
I've not heard that, and I can't imagine Marvel going through with it, especially since Spider-Men II ended with Earth-616's Miles deciding to live on Earth-1610 instead.
Looks like Saladin's going to fix alot more than just what Bendis did with Miles
Looking forward to it
Okay so who is this Ultimatum guy and why does he hate Miles
That's 1610 Norman Osborn. And behind I think it's 1610 Hank Pym
this gonna be Miles with his dimension hopping isn't it?
please, I need my dose of early 00s edge, gimme and ongoing set in Ultimate Universe, like Wild Storm.
>Released September 11
>Ultimate Universe
Interesting team. 1610 Norman has a history of empowering and science.
Didn't hank blow himself the fuck up in Ultimatum? It might just be a random Giant Man. also are these other escapees from 1610 like the Maker?
Seems doubtful since he's got a big spider event setting up with Parker that takes place right after the Absolute Carnage thing and this is issue 10 of his solo.
He isn't, instead, guys from his universe are coming to 616 for some reason we don't know yet. The main antagonist of the next arc is a guy calling himself Ultimatum.
>big Spider-Man event
It's a crossover event with FNSM, apparently Peter is going down on Miles
Weapon of the powerless?
I don't know. I just remembered what I saw from Spider-Men 2. And I don't know if they are the escapees from the Maker
Bendis made alot of things that don't make sense. That's always been his thing
That seems interesting.
Could be Cassie Lang with a full Giant men helmet on. She led a squad of them the Ultimate Civil war before she hypno'd by hydra and fought Miles. She didn't die after the end of the war either.
is there a preview from #7 up yet or do they not do that for On-goings?
>Cassie Lang
Plz marvel. Make it happen.
>I heard miles is going back to his universe.
Theyre sick and tired of the MilesxGwen shipping
Didn't she die during one of the 616 Galactus has come to Ultimate Universe and merged with Gah Lak Tus events?
But I like the ship :/
>also are these other escapees from 1610 like the Maker?
The Ultimate universe was shown to have been rebuilt at the end of Spidermen 2, including stuff like a living Captain America.
Hey thanks for that.
I assume English is not your first language.
Not trying to be mean, but please work on your punctuation--your post is basically unreadable.
They're pairing Gwen with Harry now in her comics.
Also they've been shipteasing Miles and Kamala, so I guess the writers are just sweeping up the shitshow that Bendis made.
>They're pairing Gwen with Harry now in her comics.
In your dreams.
He's not kidding. It happened. They've actually been on a date. Did not go well though because of people
I wouldn't call them lovers. What is with harry and getting Peter sloppy seconds?
>Also they've been shipteasing Miles and Kamala
Have they? Last I saw of Kamala she was still in love with the wop kid, and Miles was slumming it with Basic Barbie when he should be bombing Lana's shell. And Sam is getting a smoking hot psychotic alien assassin.
They just started dating. It's too early to say if it would go anywhere
Small circle of friends
No wonder why harry became a insane villain.
If this is a NTR comic, Peter would be a fat bastard. .
>Looks like Saladin's going to fix alot more than just what Bendis did with Miles
dunno, Bendis' developments were super annoying but Saladin's writing isn't strong either. One of his issues read like a 90s PSA
>Miles going back to Ultimate U
Their making him like his ITSV Version. Saladin has already done more of Miles' world building than bendis had done in 9 years of writing Miles.
Seriously Miles ALREADY has a love interest, 4 New rouges, Made him cool with teaming up with villians and not being all anal about it like Peter AND Saladin actually gave him a personality of being a bit of a cocky hothead. it took bendis and Entire run to give miles new villians, even then they were just peter's unused ones.
So bros, where do YOU want to see Miles go next and what do you think Saladin is planning /has in store for best Miles?
I fucking wish Bendis left before he could ask for Miles to be put on the main universe, that way the writers would have been able to create the actual 616 version without giving any royalities to him, the new guy writing him is doing an excellent work.
speaking of gwen, this shit caught me off guard kek
You just outed yourself faggot
I just hope he keeps up what he's already doing.
Miles needs a lot more characterization that separates him from Pete.
I wonder if he'll get the Venom Webs back
Yeah, and Peter parker is forever with Charlie cooper.
>Immigrant sent to where he came from
>So bros, where do YOU want to see Miles go next
a fucking dump with the rest of the trash
I like Saladin's writing. It's more like a novel when doing it. He's already improves Miles alot. He will no doubt fix Bendis's mess.
That shot would be cash, I’ve liked what Saladin has been doing. I still hate miles but I will compliment good work when it’s being done. Putting him back in his home dimension would solve the bulk of his problems. Though I do doubt them putting him back I hope this pushes them to give miles a real origin in 616, because as of now his origin is laughably bad, even by bendis standards
For starters. Him hooking up with Lana, and perhaps make her the daughter of Solo (James Bourne). Because Bendis never explained how Bomshell was part of the 616 universe
Have Miles confront villains tha have been barely seen and reinvent them to be made a genuine threat
Introduce Tomoe and her Biohack Ninjas. Make her like an on/off villain/love interest. Imagine Felicia, but more serious and villainous, but acually has a soft spot. Just so she can mess with Miles
This is Tomoe btw
I would love a new ongoing set in the ultimate universe. Have they really done anything with it since confirming it was back?
Nope. Looks like Saladin's gonna be the first
>Because Bendis never explained how Bomshell was part of the 616 universe
molecule man ain't gotta explain shit
A wizard did it is a pretty terrible explanation, I can understand getting his parents and maybe ganke but why the fuck would he know to nab one ransomed powered girl as well? That shit has always been the worst part of Miles, take all of the character development bendis did yet did nothing with and erase it, but not erase it? Since him remembering the ultimate universe is up to whatever writer
big booty Barbara > bombcel
She was only good as a foul mouth loli
Molecule Man never met her. So that ain't possible unless Miles told him during "Secret War". Which he didn't
So an explanation has to be made. Mabe have her mom be retconned so she would fill the same role as the 616 Bombshell, which she's been erased out of existance to put her 1610 counterpart in. For how Lara was born, her mom would meet Solo for a one-night stand, and she's pregnant with his child. Which Solo doesn't know about
Why is Solo her father?
My old theory that she helps fills a role to gwen and jessica drew roles without retconing another heroes.
I mean others.
Miles when they said ho back where you came from they meant AFRICA.
>Gwen and Harry
That sucks. Go back to Miles and Gwen.
That sucks even worse go back to Gwen and the grave
Be more his own character than a spiderman knockoff
This. I think marvel got the message that GwenxMiles was getting to cuck fetish levels.
When you actually think about Solo's character being a mercenary, which he did work with Deadpool in his Mercs for Money team, and you think about Lara's mom. And since Lara's mom would fill the 616 Bombshell's role. Those two in a one-night stand together right before a job would be some that would say "Fuck it. I'm boning the a-hole". Plus Solo needs love having being tied to both Spider-Man and Deadpool, but also as a military man with no meaning in his life would be okay with this. Until he discovers having a daughter and hopes to suceeds in being a better dad rather than be a failure like with his first wife and child. Military men like him don't have good lives to go with. As with today's military soldiers are nowadays
Just to explore would a military man turn mercenary would actually find purpose in being a dad to a girl that explodes stuff with her hands. And with his experience it would be interesting and fun to see. He would even mentor her how to use her powers more creatively.
I notice. I think it's why there are now showing more PeterXGwen in some comics. the 2017 Spider-Man cartoon is another example
Her name is Lana
And I'm not reading your fanfic
>This. I think marvel got the message that GwenxMiles was getting to cuck fetish levels
They shipped the wrong Gwen.
I hate shipping but this is cute.
>They shipped the wrong Gwen
I have to agree
>Him hooking up with Lana
I wouldn't that, plus I remember she went "Yandere" for him according to some people which sounded interesting
I agree. It was inevitable the legacy character parade was going to end one day.
Nah. she got turned into a techno zombie but she got better when Machine man reversed the process for the Civilians. She's still alive at the time of Ultimate End.
Absolute people of culture
Are you guys talking about the Ultimate RUNAWAYS character Bomb Shell? Wasn't she the daughter of a psychic mom, like 616 runaways?
Thank you. Honestly, I wonder why this was not considered?
Isn't that Ultimate Ant-Man behind Ultimate Goblin?
Jimmy Hudson along with other mutants Ult. Quicksilver who was one of the refugees died and then
Also, The Maker recreated ''The Ultimates'' in the last issue of Ewing Ultimates.
That bitch escaped too and all I remember is she was annoying as fuck and also a villain.
Gwen and Harry is shaky at best and probably dead at the end of Gwen's current run in a couple of issues. With her new comic premise of attending Uni in 616, Gwiles is back on the menu.
The premise of her new mini is retarded. Whats the point of going to college in another dimension? Your histories are going to be different, you may be dealing with different scientific laws and to top it all off you can use the credits! It’s like whoever is writing it knows how shitty spider Gwen is and is trying to sabotage her. Which I’m fine with, her and Miles is the best way to root out idiots and normies who are only here to start shit with comic book fans
Back on the menu boys!
I would be happy if the higher ups decide to turn Miles into Ambush Bug.
More, MORE!