New Star Sapphire Design?
Could be one from an alternate Earth. I actually really like it. Kinda reminds me of the Golden Age Star apphire tbqh
It's decent.
Changes I would make...
> Have the sleeves and gloves be 1 piece, hate the tiny gloves at the end.
> Have the boots go up to thigh high level.
> Remove head piece, it doesn't work with the short hair.
Actually really good design
>It's decent but I'd change it completely to make it ugly
Ok, so thank god you have no say in this.
Those shoes are god awful. Like what in the actual fuck?
how do they expect me to fap to this what the FUCK
That's why you don't work in the industry.
Her boots and haircut look awful but the suit itself looks fine, a little uninspired if anything, now that it’s so simple the jeweled tiara looks out of place
Where's that one guy who stalks Spider-man threads when you need him
Explain what's wrong with the changes I suggested?
She would still have pants, the boot outline would just be taller like this - i.imgur.com
And the sleeves would be like this - static.comicvine.com
The headpiece + short hair makes her look like a little girl playing dress up princess. Awful.
those boots look kind of wierd but the whole outfit is neat
Is that from the GM book?
It's fine but why did sharp leave her rendered little while Hal is in extreme shadow? It looks as if they were copy and pasted (which I know they weren't since he posted the hard copy)
Lightly rendered*
I have to stop rewriting things and not rereading them
Yeah. Issue is coming up in September
Those aren't changes, that's a completely different, uninteresting design. The clash of the short hair and tiara are a design feature, as it's the cat suit and gloves. It's lithe, while being sort of cosmic tacticool. Thigh high boots are ugly and dated
The tiara sticks up too much. It ruins the clean lines on the rest of her profile. It could be flattened, or, alternately, made of wire, with the star still outlined in the front.
The rest is good though. Feet always look funny, so the boots are whatever.
Well I'm just happy Carol is back. This is radically different, yet surprisingly I don't hate it.
The only good Carol
looks like shit
Should Ferris be the new weapon against Captain Marvel posters?
This reminds me of those Chinese foot binding.
That's pretty weird man.
But that's wrong, Carol Danvers exists and is way better.
I ship her and Hal
You haven't seen what it looks inside the shoes yet dude.
Okay, how does it compare?
It's weird because I like several of them for different reasons. Black, 2019, JLD, BBatB, and JLA are all cool
>Thigh high boots are ugly and dated
This shit right fucking here, every single time one of the dunces in this board decides to do a "design overhaul", they add thigh high boots. Jesus fuck this is why none of you are doing professional work.
A generic jumpsuit you can get off the rack, a pair of 90s boots and a tiara that doesn't match. And people pay these guys to design.
Ayyyy this looks good
I didn't, but now I do.
It looks bland as fuck but I guess it sorta still looks like something she would wear.
Not bad, but I miss the luscious flowing locks. Not really a fan of the hairstyle. Overall, getting a lot of "80s space warrior girl" vibes from the costume
Its pink Catwoman. The tiara looks awkward with the rest of the ensemble, and the hairstyle makes her look like a little girl at an imaginary tea party. Frankly I hate everything about it, other than the low cut top.
This was better.
Looking at it now. The new one is just a more boring update of the original. Less pronounced collar, smaller belt, no mask. And those weird texture patches that are all the rage now for some reason. Kinda dull.
The lady should zip up.
I'm not feeling that hair.
It's like a biker look plus tiara, like Guy Gardner's Star Sapphire counterpart.
I've seen better
Gorgeous mankini. More male heroes should wear them.
Justice League Action concept version is pure kino.
> muh skin
That said it kinda contrasts the simplicity of GL's costume in a bad way
>muh skin
you what?
ame comi design is lewd af
Short hair on every woman who isn't Catwoman is a crime that should be punishable by death
Is Peeg okay?
The shoes are fucking stupid and I liked the longer hair more, but not bad I suppose.
IT looks made for titfucking.
She looks like Selina with that haircut.
I like this design best, personally.
All designs that don’t use the 2000s Rebirth as a base
I think I found a flaw in this design. The tiara is arguably too similar to Diana's
Why is she fully redesigned every single time she appears? This has been the case with Sapphire since 2009. What is with every artist wanting to do their own take?
I'm expecting her costume to change 2-3 more times during the issue while we are at it.
I wonder if she is the main version and with whom she will cuck Hal with this time.
Is she back to wearing a sapphire on the tiara instead of a ring?
I hope so, there was just too many power rings floating around. Having a power tiara is more fun instead.
Looks like it's pretty much just her original, but with pants instead of a leotard. Missing a mask too which makes it look pretty weird.
I like the costume, but not the hair.
What's with the mannish face?
Yes. We should turn every CM thread into a Ferris thread
>DC: "We don't want people to buy our comics."
Looks pretty boring, shoes look like shit.
They're certainly doing a good job there.
We'll we're going to need a pool of fan art to do it
They do that enough already with Dan, Snyder, King, and Bendis's shenanigans
Looks like the kind of boring pseudo-practical redesign you'd see on Deviantart or Project Rooftop. Hope this is another universe's Carol.
The point is that the new design is easy to cosplay. The new capeshit market is into shilling in conventions via cosplay since floppies and trades don't sell well.