>TWO waifu threads
>no husbando thread
Other urls found in this thread:
Dibs on Young Justice Dick Grayson
Here's a prompt idea. Would your waifu and your husbando get along?
bump, show me the love
>starts a husbando thread with pic of beast
Hank was pure kino in 90s X-men. He probably saved the team's ass more than any other X-man.
>Except Morph
My grandma loves this guy
For me it is Dave
why can't you just post husbandos in a waifu thread?
your grandma sounds based, user
usually they throw a fit about it
make way for best bot
Dose moobs.
Maybe because Yea Forums husbando threads are shit.
there's no need to be rude user. What makes waifu ones better?
I’m not saying they are better, I’m saying that husbando threads are shit on Yea Forums
This is Seahawk.
>no ice bear
Fuck you.
This is objectively the best husbando in this whole thread...
This is not up to debate
Be grateful he’s not F tier
I love him
Where would you put him?
Do you guys have multiple husbandos, or oneitus?
My true husbando belongs in /m/
Best boy for sure
Marvel: Sabertooth has a fun personality and character? Pfft, we clearly can't have that revert him!
I don't have a husbando. Can somebody donate one to me?
Look grateful.
You can borrow mine for a minute, but you have to give him straight back.
It's weird how Sabertooth was the last one to finally go back to the status quo after the "NAZI INVERSION LASER". Also Pic related
Love ya, OP
Does it count as multiple husbandos and a oneitis if it's the same character in different universes?
Ah, a fellow man of taste.
My nigga
Post the collage.
I like men.
>Jetstream Sam
rip that other anons thread
I love him Yea Forums
Friendly Victor is best Victor.
I feel extremely embarrassed for liking half of the guys in this board. It's not right.
Only sluts have multiples.
It's okay user. It's okay.
stop being a gay.
Fellow patricians.
Wait a minute...
I don't know why I just do
I mostly have a husbando harem with a waifu or too sprinkled in - see Tank Girl, for instance.
But yeah, she's way hotter when she's a reverse trap.
Go to bed, Babs.
Et toi~
erm user furry is one thing but thats paragon beastiality
Honestly I count husbandos more as characters I just find handsome rather than a sexual thing
actually, revised
while I like Nergi, I don't think I really count him, I suck at making these things and forget things
real smooth shorty
I'm not gay, user
What are some hot interesting character dynamic swaps you can think of?
>Usually they throw a fit about it
Now that just sounds petty and retarded
You're a fag but the good kind OP
John Constantine
Sad beef
Good thread.
Thank you for my new Hal Harem pic
Here, have a bit more of this handsome devil
Artist? I suspect it's Evinist
>Cartman F tier
>Ned not in Hentai Haven tier
>both have EMH Tony in the same slot
Are Tonyfags all connected?
Yes. We're like a hivemind.
is the 90s x-men cartoon worth a watch?
It's okay. It hasn't aged well, and with a few exceptions most of the voice cast is kind of phoning it in (largely because many of them are TV actors who weren't used to voice acting).
>page 9
Oh no you don't
Hey papi
((Who is this?))
Captain America and Ironman
Ironman and Star-Lord
Spider-Man and Captain America
Captain America
oops, it's Bucky
Here is Superboy
Steven Rogers
Steve Rogers
Trevor a best
you know what's up, user
AA had such good designs.
Nice choice, but no robot is sexier than Star Scream!
80's Hank is pure and great, top-tier husbando.
Goliath is my forever monster man, protective and chivalrous, with the perfect balance of brutehood and elegance to make my homolust skyrocket.
Winter Soldier and Captain America
Tfw you won't ever have that stud kissing your palm
u fucking wu
Tony is waifu for laifu.
what are you gay or something?
oooooh yummy ^_^
Obscure top tier husbando
Post daddies stronger than Hal Jordan
Green Lantern
>see waifu thread
>OP is my other favorite fuzzy blue xman
>search thread
>no Nightcrawler
I am severely disappointed. Where the FUCK are my Kurtfags at?
You might wanna get some glasses, my man because he was posted here
My bad, I didn't read the whole thread.
Although I did see a waifu for ants in
>I want a mentally challenged child trapped in a man's body to use for my sexual appetite and perversions
Disgusting. Filth. All of you should be round up and shot.
>having a circumcised waifu
Buddy let it go, he can’t compete, beard looks like a shitstain
anyway lmao
i miss him bros
Claiming Stan! I avoided gravity falls back in the day, but watched it recently just because I was bored. I ended up loving not only the show, but this guy as well. Love the big dumb burly guy with a heart of gold archetype.
>not watching the most amazing theme song intro ever
>Not setting the FX-free version as your ringtone and signing up for telemarketers so you can listen to it at all hours of the day
Haida’s fucking great, I love him
I love his brother, but I like that type too
based oldfag
I like Ford a lot too but I feel like he's criminally underused. He gets like 5 episodes then the show is over. I'm glad the fans like him enough to make such great art.
dem tiddies tho
I know the final season was kind of a letdown but I kinda liked him.
The fuck are you talking about?
god tier taste op
Can my husbando count? He's technically Yea Forums even if he's more Yea Forums
My boyfriend used to mock me for liking Penguin instead of Batman.
Thanks brother
I'm guessing user is referencing the way vld posters liked to joke about Kuron being a retarded baby.
Plus his own power has so much potential for lewd shit too!
Sure hope he does. Why hasn't Nintendo sanctioned another installment again?
One of the best characters on the show imo
You'd think there would be more but no. Guess I can request some. I have only seen a few.
Fuck yeah. I love Brooklyn.
Who's to the right of Banjo
Dingodile from Crash Bandicoot 3
That should read " HECHO POR MOJADOS"
Marco Diaz from Star VS the forces of evil, in his alternative timeline version; don't even bother watching the show, user, he only appears like that 1 or 2 times, you'll have better luck searching pics of him or asking in draw threads.
Oh yeah. He was kind of cute in a way.
Pretty nice choices of men here.
Damn, that's some taste.
Does anyone got some empty templates to make a husbando chart. The only one I can find online may be a bit too small.
>jockstrap under loose sweatpants
Kurt you slut
I’m not a faggot, and all you people here disgust me, but I platonically love Hal Jordan and Scott Summers. I like a lot of characters, but it’s different with those two. Also I self insert as them, which is weird, since I’m a /sci/fag, but despite that I prefer the “Macho Man” or “Strategist Leader” type to folks like Richards or Pym. I do love Master Manipulators the best though. Which might be why in the AUs I come up with I always make Hal and Scott super-scientists too... Don’t (you) me faggots, I ain’t one of you degenerates.
It's ok to come out user. People are a lot more accepting.
Too late, you’ve already contracted aids just by entering this thread.
But I’m not a faggot user. I self-insert as them, read the spoiler.
>Making Hal a super scientist
>Liking Master Manipulatiors
You’re so lame, you’re a disgrace to Hal
>self-inserting into men
Nigga that’s gay
I will pray for you user, to our lord and savior Jesus Christ through whom all miracles are possible, but you should know you're going to burn in hell.
I want to be friends with and hang out with Rocko.
Fuck you faggot, Johns agrees with me.
What’s gay about self-inserting as Chadclops and fucking ginger pussy?
You’re just a self inserter, super science is nothing compared to MUH WILLPOWER
If Jean is your waifu then you might as well be gay.
Nah man, he’s no Reed. I’d just make him an aerospace engineer or something. Scott I’d make a robotics guy. I never liked how Beast was the go-to genius for everything. Jean I’d make a mathematician or some such.
Fuck off faggot, Jeannie was pure.
Coop might not the most handsome, but he’s both bro and boyfriend material
If no one's claimed Surfer yet, I will.
I want to tell Seahawk how cool he is to boost his confidence.
I want this so much
>Watch cartoon as a kid
>"Beast" is an almost ironic name for a very gentle and knowledgeable man looking to make peace with the human race and tries to make a future where everyone gets along, he also looks like a blue ape
>Then watch comicbook Beast
What the fuck happened?
Who's this?
Just finished it. There are a few trap characters that I would have put on there, but I thought it would be kind of cheating. Narancia doesn't count in my opinion because the series never treats him like a crossdresser.
So this is for cartoons and comics? Or if you have a harem grid / tier list I guess multiple things are allowed.
I feel like I’ve seen your taste posted before
Cyclops and Wolverine
Wolverine and Cyclops
I read it in his voice
I've posted an unfinished combined waifu/husbando chart, but this is my first time making a strict husbando one.
why.... did he have to have such big bottom energy
I wish there was some kind of program to make these harem charts easier, like the tier list meme thing that went around.
>I’m not a faggot
>”I self insert as-“
You are the biggest gay in the whole thread
this bitch gave me a voice kink
Keith David works wonders when voicing characters.
I have never noticed before how defined his eyelashes are.
absolute legend.
>what is this weird tingling feeling
My original and eternal Yea Forumssbando!
This show made me question my sexuality so hard.
First and forever husbando.
Just giving you easier access, user
Whoops I meant sweatpants and jock.
My room is so damn hot it is making me spell sweat.
Who are these guys? They look familiar.
Nightwing and Midnighter
That's Dick Grayson and Midnighter
Bolin was forced to job a lot in the show, but he was still best boy
Oh. Thanks.
Such a great butt.
What is it that makes me feel like lazy, man-child, bachelors, are the best husbands?
Must trigger your nurturing instincts.
I think it's some combination of that and thinking a degree of dirtiness and sloppiness is bizarrely arousing. And that them being so laid back makes it seem like it'd be easy to get along with them. Like Fry and Andy from Mission Hill are basically 1-1 alternate dimension copies of each other and they both just do things for me.
so what I'm hearing is you like intelligent, burly, hairy men?
because that can be arranged
Why are Space cops so thicc? This can’t be a coincidence
Maybe it is just space in General Zod
Boys from space are dummy thicc
Thank goodness for whoever started the whole big trend of “guys showing people their butts is funny” thing
NASA knew this. That's why rockets look the way they do it's no coincidence wake up sheeple.
I'm not gay but objectively Adrian > Cybersix.
Also I forgot how beautiful the animation for this series was.
He nasty but I luh him
Flug is superior.
Sometimes villains are best choice
Any women in here?
No, fuck off fag
Why did they have to cancel Motorcity?
I see you’re a man of culture as well
Dat bulge tho
He looks so violated
There was once this BruDick picture with Robin's head in Batman's grip and Dick saying "Daddy". Didn't even know what a daddy kink was when I saw it around 5 years ago. I've not been able to find it in years.
X-Men comics don't make any sense. If Beast were real he wouldn't be seen as a freak, women would be lining up around the block to fuck him. Same with Nightcrawler.
I blame a fic by the name of ''A flashlight to see in the dark''
It made me understand what compels people to write things like ''God, how I wish that was me''
Dip Dops is tip tops!
>No Morty
Wow user, this is some pretty excellent-
>the entire cast of the loud house
Ah, another man of culture.
This childish goofball right here.
Gays not welcome.
There's nothing gay about having a husband user, stop being dumb.
With a chart that big eventually I lost creativity.
How long did it take you
I love Boomerbutt. The Suicide Squad is empty without him.
>husbando thread
>on PAGE 10
I’m warming up to Mao, he can be real cool and cute.
Here he is.
Where my Oswald bros at
he cute
there are people who would fuck Toad, Sauron and Anole
I would know because I am one of them
I bet he's quite the gentleman
Great taste.
Flawless taste, mi amigo.
This is my husbando, Ren Hana. He's from the dating sim series, "Boyfriend to Death." As you can see, he is very cute. Please say something nice about him!
Is he a serial killer or something?
In the second game, he kidnaps you and makes you his pet. Depending on your choices, you can: convince him to let you go; reverse the situation; be mind broken; willingly become his slave; kill him; or be killed. Until then, he hasn't killed anyone (presumably).
He also appears in the first game as a side character.
I'd fuck this one year old's brains out.
Well he seems quite happy at least.
>Can be cute or suggestive based on what anons want
>Purest thing ever
>Can be a dopey twink or macho man
Why is he so perfect bros
>lil peep
>reminder that chubby Yea Forums husubandos are best Yea Forums husubandos
>never got that beach episode
They would have ruined it anyways
I don't know why I like background characters like him so much
How is this pairing so pure
Where is a3 from again?
Lunar: Silver Star Story. It’s vidya
something nice about him!