"I want to share the golden age my nation has been experiencing with the rest of the world!"

>"I want to share the golden age my nation has been experiencing with the rest of the world!"
>Literally just claims dibs on other people's lands while murdering everyone in his path
What was his problem?

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Other urls found in this thread:


>user learns how politics works

[[[Air Nomads]]], [[[Earth Kingdom]]], water rednecks. The polar tribes are ok but, ironically, smelly.

Imperialistic, fascistic, homophobic, and a bad friend.

>"I want to share the golden age my nation has been experiencing with the rest of the world!"
>Literally bans same sex relationships
That guy was the worst

He started a war of conquest based on the idea that the fire nation had the best way of ruling humanity. He died leading a conquest to rid the world of other people's were lesser.
There's at least some link between the two ideas, add in a feeling of betrayal by Roku and his warped metal state makes sense.

That guy was the worst!

The reason why the war lasted so long was because the Fire Nation weren't that good at consolidating their military gains.
Heck, was did they even try to assimilate the people they conquered?

>There's at least some link between the two ideas, add in a feeling of betrayal by Roku and his warped metal state makes sense
Then I guess you could say he was pretty rusty

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Air genes are the most strong genes, and fire ones are recessive. That would be called a "Fire genocide" if they tried mixing with other populations

With the exception of the Water Tribes, the differences between the nations seem to be more cultural than genetic.

Google 'East Asian Co-Prosperity Sphere.'

If he couldn't have gay-sex with Roku, no one could have gay-sex with anyone.

>East Asian Co-Prosperity Sphere

Not enough rape and army&navy assassinating each other's officers for true Co-Prosperity Sphere experience.

If it wasn't a kid's show, you migt've actually gotten some nuance with this
>Fire Nation has arguably the most equal society with males and females both in the army, since the water tribe was still in the whole "girl=healer" mentality
>The quality of life of the average fire nation citizen is loads higher than the average earth kingdom one, creating the idea of spreading their technological and societal progress throughout the world
>air nomads in general
I like to call it the "Hotman's Burden".

It's an obvious parable on Western colonialism, user.
Literally "Hotmans Burden".

Its historically accurate

I um swear I () got that by myself.


the whole "fire nation was super tolerant before him" thing is entirely and utterly retarded

A man like him can't just come into power and upend society like that, the societal values to make a genocidal war on the rest of the world possible should have already been in place for him to exploit

Why do bad writers always feel the need to explain all "evil" values as sourced by a single person? Why can't the state of the Fire Nation in ATLA be the result of traditions built up over the course of hundreds maybe thousands of years that predate Sozin significantly?

Air Nomads were the most advanced on the equality front
Males and females were kept at separate temples for the same reason we keep male and female bathrooms separate
they also lived longer, even Air acolytes like Guru Pathik had extremely long lives thanks to their diets

Technological progress, sure, but due to their regime electricity would have never existed which means their "technology" isn't actually any different from any other societies tech because it just uses bending to make things move
Technically, Earth Benders would have made greater technological advances because their ability to refine and process metal would outclass the fire nations

And weren't the water benders only in that situation because they couldn't freely traverse the world due to the war?

The fire nation was smart to move in when they did because the rest of the world would have surpassed the tiny gap they were leading by in just 100 years or so

>A man like him can't just come into power and upend society like that, the societal values to make a genocidal war on the rest of the world possible should have already been in place for him to exploit
The US did it to the Middle East over the course of a decade or so just by switching out the leader

What claims did these people had for their lands in the first place? Why is it that Fire Nation has to stay in two shitty islands while Earth eaters have land they don't even use? their claims were empty in the first place.

To follow up on that, it IS bad writing--they didn't even really explain why he did it, they just said he did it because he was evil
But it's technically possible

And by middle east, I mean Iran

Reminder that:
- Sozin did nothing wrong
- Aircaust isn't real
- Sozin was forced to declare war on the air nomads and the water tribes due to the presence of the avatar
- Airbenders race-mixed into the population and are now controlling politics
- Fire Nation still have to pay reparations

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The same reason history is transmitted in popculture via personalism (Alexander the Great, Charlemagne, Napoleon), because most people are too retarded to comprehend the sociopolitical framework and the relevance of the people that worked along with the "Big Name".

Mostly cultural identity
Most villages were defined by what element they bent and who they looked to for leadership

If you went to an air temple and said "who are you" and they said "air nomads" you're in air nomad territory

But there was technically nothing stopping the fire nation from moving in where people weren't
The issue was that they moved in where people already were
>empty claim
If the people who actually lived their had an empty claim, then the fire nation's movement in there would be unjust because they also had an empty claim despite not already living there
again, if the fire nation moved into places where people weren't, there wouldn't be a war

Zuko himself basically converted a fire nation colony that was previously an earthbender territory into what would become republic city
And you'll note that aang didn't actually reclaim the air bender temples from the people who migrated there during the war

>The issue was that they moved in where people already were
After the war started.

Also, ownership of anything is always imposed; there is no natural rule that says you are entitled to have a place or a thing being yours. Basically: ownership is always a claim by force.

>Zuko himself basically converted a fire nation colony that was previously an earthbender territory into what would become republic city
And you'll note that aang didn't actually reclaim the air bender temples from the people who migrated there during the war
They're both Cucks.

>After the war started.
Yeah exactly, the fire nation started a war and then moved in where people already were

>Also, ownership of anything is always imposed; there is no natural rule that says you are entitled to have a place or a thing being yours. Basically: ownership is always a claim by force.
If anything, they'd be asserting their will over animals and not other people
So why should humans even exist at all in any specific, the world belonged to the spirits before humans even stepped off of their Lion Turtles
If your argument is that it's either just to move in because anyone can own the land or that you can't call it unjust because everyone takes ownership in the same way, then that's a poor argument because it's a false equivalence

>They're both Cucks.
oh so you don't actually want to talk about the show
okay, good argument
you win I lose have a good day

Learned from the best

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This is only partially related but one of the funniest and smartest jokes in Avatar was Aang going around using 100 year old outdated slang trying to fit in, in the Fire Nation

I don't think he did anything wrong. IF everyone is living in a feudal shit hole and your nation is industrious. It should be your duty to help alleviate the other people even if by force.

In time they will learn to be happy and not like savages. Advancement is the only thing that matters.

He believed the fire nation was superior based on their technology and that their way of life was superior.
It's cultural imperialism.

He wanted to "save" all the people of the other nations from their "backwards" or "savage" rulers.

The impulse is common. Sometimes it wears Christianity or Islam for a skin, or capitalism/democracy, fascism, nationalism or communism for a skin.

The Earth kingdom was as advanced as the Fire Nation though. Fire Nation had a advantage because of their bending techniques. If anything, because of this advantage they didn't make many technological advances. The cable car, non-heat flying machines and even submarines were created by the Earth Nation.

Never liked warmongering conquerors that tried to play as if they were doing everyone else a favor, that is why I always prefered fellas like good ol Genghis: he wants your stuff, and either you give it to him or he'll take it.

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>The Earth Kingdom is advance
Only in certain cities and for certain people.

That's because the Earth Nation was massive and some cities and people were really far from one another, unlike other nations.

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The thing about him tho is that all of it was reactionary at first.
He wanted to live a life as a fucking farmer until some shmucks came and kidnaped his wife. Then him and his blood brother and adoptive dad razed the asshats village. Then his bro got uppity at him and treated him as a pessant and even attack him. Khan then went full monster and destroyed his army. At that point Khan realised he had a knack for warmongering

>Genghis Khan is a irl underdog story

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The Avatar world is really fucking tiny.

>started a war
That's not what happened

>the world belonged to the spirits before humans even stepped off of their Lion Turtles
No: humans were in lion turtles BECAUSE spirits kicked them off the rest of the planet. That's actually stated as the reason why they lived in Lion Turtles. Also, no spirit or animals has claim on land. Nobody does. To this day, it's basically ruled by who is stronger. That's why you can't just decide that your house is not part of your country.

>so you don't actually want to talk about the show
Just because you didn't like the argument, doesn't mean it's wrong.

No they didn't. The Romans did more than fighting.

>Literally just claims dibs on other people's lands while murdering everyone in his path
the end justify the means

Why are none of these writing credits listed on Raimi's IMDB page? (((Who))) could be behind this???

True, but their largest expansions were all through conquest.
>Spain, North Africa, Egypt, Greece, Gaul, Britannia, Anatolia

>other people's lands
who said it was their land?

>Not having a casus belli on everyone


Fuck off earth shill.
The fire nation has an extremely small piece of habitable land, most of it being mountains.
Literally nothing wrong with them taking some of the earth kingdoms land.

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They should have gone the American route of using their economic might to strong arm everyone into being their ally, then if anyone gets uppity you burn them down to set an example

>In the Avatar universe there is an implied internet.
>In the Legend of Korra there is that weeb/nerd air bender.
>Does this mean there is a Yea Forums in the Avatar universe?
>There is a Yea Forums where they talk about pro bending, Yea Forums for radio shows etc
>Would there be be a /pol/, then?
>They post about how the air nomands deserved it, but the the genocide wasn't caused by the Fire Nation anyway.
>Right wing Earthbenders unironically post about how Kuvira will Make Earthbending Great Again.
>They call people waterbenders waterfags and pro Zuko firebenders firecucks etc.
>They have a conspiracy theory in which the (((airnomads))) and their puppet (((The Avatar))) secretly control world and push globalism.
Makes you think.

Except the Avatar is in no way subtle about their push for globalism; that's their damn role in the world.

>Earth Benders would have made greater technological advances because their ability to refine and process metal would outclass the fire nations
When was this shown?

Their isn't much of a real push for it now, but conspiracy theorists arent typically the most rational people in the world.

Well they push international solidarity. But I was using the term globalism in the way right wing people use it. A nefarious plot to undermine nations orchestrated by a shadowy ethnic minority.

no its just the earth nation was freaking huge and hard to settle.

Ironically the stupid comics actually show yeah they DID integrate alot of their conqured people.
Thats why the republic exists, former colony of fires and earth who no longer felt like either.

I wonder what spaceflight would be like in the avatar world. I'd guess that anything air related would be the air nomads specialty.

The avatar pushes for global balance, not union. In face, I'd say keeping the nations seperate but equal is what the avatar does best, since mixing two nations in the avatar world is like mixing oxygen and rocket fuel.

do you even understand what i said?

"The election is absolutely being rigged by the dishonest and distorted media pushing Crooked Asami - but also at many polling places - SAD"

"If Republic City wants a fight, that will be the official end of Republic City. Never threaten the Earth Empire again!"

How did the Eastern Air Temple get genocided?

I think that our /pol/ would be a lot happier in the Avatar world, as most people are very nationalistic and every nation is an ethnostate. In fact, I'd dare argue that their version of "politically incorrect" would push for globalization, race mixing, benders of different elements occupying positions of power in nations that are not their own, fighting against "bender privilege", and so on.

The Air Monks didn't think to breed.

I'm not sure. Kuvira was sending ethnic minorities in her Empire to concentration camps, though. The Republic City is also a multi-ethnic power that tried to place a puppet king on Earth throne. Before Kuvira came along the Earth Kingdom was probably entirely owned by Republic City corporations like Asami's. Their natural resources get extracted, and that's why Republic City insists upon having a King loyal to them on the throne.

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"Why would I call Fire Nation a currency manipulator when they are working with us on the Republic City problem? We will see what happens!"
Trump tweets are a goldmine. Many such cases.

Benders are literally responsible for everything wrong in the world next to Spirits.

Destroy the Avatar, Remove the Benders, Bending is Unnatural, Reject the Spirits, Support Technology!

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Firelord Sozin wanted to expand the Fire Nation's territory from a small group of islands to a huge chunk of the Earth Kingdom. The other Nations and the Avatar were opposed to it on the grounds of disturbing a balance.

Sozin did the right thing by letting the Roku die, and then rush to wipe out the Air Nomads before they retaliated by unleashing the Avatar on them. The war dragged on because the Earth Kingdom fought them to a stalemate, and it was a pretty huge kingdom with huge swaths of unoccupied lands.

I have no idea why the Fire Nations were the bad guys because they were the most progressive and modern nation out of the three.

You can be nationalistic and still be against concentration camps. I also would like to emphasize the difference between extermination camps and concentration camps; people use them interchangeably and they shouldn't.
Kuvira did receive a lot of support, so we could guess that her fighting against corporatism and pushing national ideas over that was a popular stance.

Fire Nation was the bad guy because empires are bad.

The Fire Nation being bad is undermined by the other nations trying to pressure a child like Aang into learning the four elements and killing Ozai out of his Avatar duty, or guilt sling him into learning the elements fast.

>some nuance with this
>Fire Nation has arguably the most equal society with males and females both in the army, since the water tribe was still in the whole "girl=healer" mentality
nigga FN jhad females in the army becouse they were running out of manpower wt way of doing things was objectively superior

Air nomad holocaust was an inside job. Like look at the locations of the temples. The fire nation would have had to pass through earth kingdom land or water tribe seas with a fleet of soldiers, yet none of them saw this or tried to warn the air nomads? They were sick of these air hippies violating their sovereign borders with their nomad travelling ways and allowed the genocide to happen.

>Avatar is supposed to bring peace.
>Korra literally starts a civil war where the South cannot separate from the North, gets her girlfriend to build weapons in a neutral nation, and supports a terrorist who helped start the civil war and try to assassinate the President.
The Avatar is no different from any other tyrant.

Note that stepoe nomads arent farners and all members of a mongol tribe were familiar with sporadic raiding on both ends of the stick

smth smth world is round


Korra was a shitty avatar. Aa g and roku were better.

>Aang and Roku were better.

If the world was round, they could've got to the northern air temple in book 1 in like 30 seconds

In Korra. They have a whole city of metal benders and modern-esque steel construction.

>northern air temple

that doesn't really mean they are especially good at refinement, in fact they can't even bend metals that are highly refined so I'm not sure their powers would help them out there

Because writers really didn't think it through.
>temples seem to be on mountain tops in remote or otherwise hard to access places
>most if not all air nomadss have have flying beasts of burden as pets
>based on what we've seen there were no non-bender air nomads
>yet somehow fire nation was capable of killing all of them
>even more impressively they apparently did so during some comet's couple hour long trip in the planet's atmosphere

So Fire Nation and Earth Kingdom is basically Second Sino-Japanese War.

>22 million civilian death


I don’t know if it’s canon, but the card game had an air nomad traitor who revealed secret paths to the temples to the fire nation.

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So how the fuck did the fire nation repay everyone for the damage after the war was over?

They don't?

They didn't really lose. They just had a change in leadership who decided to end all hostilities and return "most" of the land conquered

Endless propaganda about the ''aerocaust'' and importing loads of earth nation peasants into their lands to rape and steal from the fire nation citizens

Earth nation is more civilized than the Fire Nation inbred retards. All the bad "Earth civilians" are coming from Fire colonies in in the Earth lands, so there are your seed

Didn't the card game also have a cut air nomad waifu?

I hope the Earth Democracy collapses in Korra's timeline and its civil war x100

La creatura...

The Fire Nation army was /fa/ as fuck, therefore they were the good guys.

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>I want to make everyone like what I like, BY FORCE
>but it's okay because what I like is objectively superior
Human Nature 102. Slightly more advanced than 101, but still.

They were the second best /fa/

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Not enough breeches desu, the lack of hats is also concerning.

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Meant for

His "sharing their greatness" shit was 100% a lie
>Growing up, we were taught that the Fire Nation was the greatest civilization in history. And somehow, the War was our way of sharing our greatness with the rest of the world. What an amazing lie that was.
Literally only reason the war started was so the Fire Lord could get more powa

Roku wouldn't put out. If Sozin can't have the D, no one can.

Shamefur dispray.

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As per usual of militaries, their navy was the most aesthetic branch.


>navy is the most aesthetic branch
Wrong. The Army always was the most aesthetic.

I wish the motives behind the war were more fleshed out. Like a young Sozin in the Earth Kingdom who's distraught by how poor the people are compared to the Fire Nation, which would lead him to think it would be better if the Fire Nation ran things instead.

There's nothing wrong the motives here. He thought the fire nation was superior and deserved the right to rule. Human motives don't have to be deep or sincere or become corrupted overtime.

Fuck off with that gay shit.

Not trying to portray Sozin as a bleeding-heart or anything. Just giving a probable explanation of why he would come to that conclusion.

The sharing their wealth motive was just an excuse, he only wanted to expand Fire Nation territory increasing their power.
>Together, we could do *anything*. ... In our hands is the most successful empire in history. It's time we expanded it.
>The four nations are meant to be just that: four.
>Roku, you haven't even stopped to consider the possibilities.
Do conquerors need fleshed out nuanced reasons for conquering aside from just general want? Being god emperor of the country, "the divine right to rule", corrupted him.
>How dare you, a citizen of the Fire Nation, address your Fire Lord this way. Your loyalty is to our nation first. Anything less makes you a traitor.

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>How dare you, a citizen of the Fire Nation, address your Fire Lord this way. Your loyalty is to our nation first. Anything less makes you a traitor.
Sozin wasn't wrong when he said this. As a citizen of the Fire Nation, Roku owed to the Fire Lord and nation loyalty first.

He's the literal Avatar

The Fire Nation does not owe its allegiance to the Avatar or their authority. Nations exist by the will of the people and the Avatar is a tyrant.

Not only that the Avatar is a meme who acquired powers and ruined the world and has been on a reincarnating quest to make peace, but failed as each natio n even though separate are not peaceful in the slightest. If everything was under one rule of a strict, ever watching society, peace would be achieved or be close to it.

Throughout history leaders have gone to war over mundane shit, but had to have a justified reason so that their subjects and allies don't revolt.

Sozen was looking a walking magic nuke in the eyes and lying through his teeth, hoping that his sob story would justify his shameless land grab. More likely, The Fire nation was moving into an industrial revolution and needed the multitude of coal mines the earth kingdom had at their disposal, but weren't using. Sozen annexed the land under the guise of a fire nation colony.


I think you need a propagation of higher ideals to motivate a nation to fight and you cannot propagate convincingly for a long duration unless you yourself are convinced in what you believe is right. Sozin believed in the nobility of his cause, otherwise he wouldn't have placed it higher than his friendship with Roku.

It's strange, considering Sozin was probably the gayest character in ATLA.

Air benders were only equal in the sense that no one had any rights
the state took kids to be raised, the genders were segregated to different 'towns', its like saying everyones equal when they're dead

Only for the upper class though, the outer ring of Ba Sing Se, the most advanced earth kingdom settlement, was basically a wasteland

Pretty impressive how the Fire Nation managed to perform a genocide without any concentration camps. I guess that despite them being a minority of the population in our world, there are still more Jews than Air Benders. The only other genocide I know of that was performed the way the Fire Nation did here was when Caesar managed to kill several thousands of hundreds of Gauls in his campaigns.

Why is it that the "bad guys" always look the best? How is it that the good guys fashion sense is always so inferior?

It's depressing how little people even know that the military reforms which permitted Alexander's conquests were initiated by his father, not him
let alone how the geopolitical state of the world made such a fast conquest possible

Hell, I would have preferred something of a clusterfuck like the path to WWI; small actions leading to the greatest conflict the world has ever seen. Then again, some of the bloodiest wars in human history started off because of some asshole; if I don't remember incorrectly, the Taiping Rebellion began because a dude declared himself Jesus Christ's brother and a few years later civil war and famine had killed 20 million people.

even if they know how to get there, there's a literal zero percent chance of them marching an army up narrow mountain paths without the inhabitants of said mountain paths noticing
and given they could fly and the fire nation could explicitly not (as mechanical flight was only discovered during the course of ATLA) it would have been trivial to at least evacuate the children and sufficient caretakers
doubly so because the children did not have the marking tattoos yet so could have hid much easier

it actually was, one of the nomads betrayed the location of a moving temple to the fire nation

The Germans also genocided a bunch of Africans before WWI. Though in Germany's defense the Africans attacked first and for some God ass retarded idea fled into a desert and the Germans were literally "Fuck'em" and left them in the desert to die, women/men/children/old.

I would've done the same.

/fa/ is narcissism, which is just a hop skip and a jump away from megalomania.

that rebellion was only possible because the government was both weak AND ruled by foreigners
he was a convenient relief valve for hundreds of years of built up societal pressure

By the way you are telling it, it doesn't sound as genocide as much as one side committing suicide involuntarily through their own incompetence. I'm sure there's more to it, but that's the way it seems by your post alone. Unless we count murder by inaction as genocide.

I didn't know that; thanks for the info. It then seems kind of weird how Sozin managed to pull the Fire Nation into a world war just like that, if there was stability beforehand and peace. I mean, even if you are an absolute monarch, you don't just get your people to agree to a global war in which conscription seems like a necessity. It's not like only nobles fought in the FN's army, right? There had no samurais; it seemed as though any regular guy could join the ranks.

After they let them out of the desert in defeat the Germans put them into camps like the Boars for slave labor despite them being starved and dehydrated.

They were the aggressors, they're lucky they weren't exterminated

>They were the aggressors
>Germans come and invade their land.

Well, that sucks. Then again, using prisoners of war to perform labor is much older than the German Empire. It's an ancient practice, and depending on how it's done, it's better than just holding them up on huge camps with nothing to do, or straight up executing them. You'd still need to expatriate them once the war is over; if you've captured every single one, then yeah, that's slavery.

With no real buildings or structures of any kind, it was hard to tell anyone had lived there

>Between 24,000 and 100,000 Hereros, 10,000 Nama and an uncounted number of San died
>There is only 250,000 Hereros by today's time.
That's a pretty big number.

nothing in history happens in a vacuum, other than maybe freak natural disasters
and even then the way people react to it is decided by how their society operates