Why doesn't he shave that disgusting thing?

Why doesn't he shave that disgusting thing?

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But he has

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Because then he wouldn't be the fascistic drunken dickhead we all know and hate.

>we all know and hate.
speak for yourself

>Why doesn't he shave that disgusting thing?
Implying Pepper's fire crotch isn't her best feature.

better than rdj clone

>concern about male pattern baldness
>it detracts from the lifts in his shoes
>some drunk hooker once told him it was hot and he's never gotten past that lie
>Fury told him once that girls dig it and he hasn't gotten past that lie either

pick one

>questioning such a manly feature
He's very handsome, user. Improve your lesbian tastes.

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I meant "plebeian".

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I liked that that alien queen from the Phoenixkiller arc in early Gillen's Iron Man was so disgusted by it

But it’s... wrong.

Go to bed, Steve

Steve loves him senpai.

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But Fury's always been clean shaven, why would he tell him that? And Stark's 6'1" in the books. Spider-Man's the eternal manlet.

user black fury exists

...And? OP's pic is 616 Stark, and who gives a fuck about Marcus Johnson?

>who gives a fuck about Nick Fury?

OP confirmed for no taste

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How many miles of beard burn has he given with this thing?

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I care about the real Nick Fury, not the nog remake. Had they chosen Denzel as Fury, I wouldn't have been so dissapointed, but SLJ is the most pathetic "tough guy" I can think of. Still, Fury should've been played by someone like Bronsnan or Clive Owen.

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This shit just looks nasty, not my fault. Either leave a pencilstache, a proper mustache, or go the Van Dyke route like Green Arrow. This shit is gross. Pic related is just fine.

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Fucking pleb, I bet you’re a girl

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Why? So artists can start drawing him like teen Tony?

Sam Jackman Fury is far more Iconic than Original fury. you probably don't even care for original Fury, you're just mad because New Fury is black

There's plenty of girls who like facial hair, user. Like all the ones who are Tonyfags and the ones who got wet over Steve in IW.

Why are you people so thin skinned? I actually got introduced to Black Fury earlier, then learned about White Fury through MUA and was confused for a while. But the cigar-chomping Original Fury appealed to me more after reading Secret Warriors, Ennis' MAX stuff and Steranko's stories. Also I hate SLJ, so there's that too. Fuck your Nig Fury.

Speaking as a lesbian, I think Tony always looks very nice. I think he looks a little young with a bare chin, I generally think of Tony as a dude in his mid thirties and a lot of the current cleaner look in the current runs makes him look like a bit of a babyface.

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Black Fury might be more well known to the public because of SLJ but he ain't more iconic. Black Fury is honestly quite lame and hasn't done anything interesting in the MCU. Even worse in the comics, Black Fury is irrelevant and just kind of there. Did nothing interesting and important compared to White Fury before he got character assassinated by Original Sins.

jr hasn't done anything significant in comic books except ride on the coat tails of sr.
>b-but slj
fuck off with your mcu opinions