Where is Yea Forums on this scale?
Where is Yea Forums on this scale?
Are you asking about Yea Forums or Yea Forumsmblr?
I think Yea Forums pretty much covers the whole Neckbeard Spectrum
The gamers rise up meme would probably make more sense if 99% of the people who regurgitated it weren’t shut-ins who play shit like Runescape for 18 hours a day.
reddit made a fake meymey to "BTFO gamers" based on the joker face and some "we live in a society" quotes. But they were the only one to feel for it.
Somewhere between Weeb and Brony.
Explain this phrase to me "Because my mental foramen is too small!"
I learned a new word today, foramen, an opening, but how does that make sense.
Can anyone think of a real-life example of this Neckbeard subspecies?
I guess I'm closest to the Weeb, except I don't have an obsession with Japan.
Not sure what the Wolfaboo is supposed to represent. Furries maybe? But then why isn't he depraved?
Current Yea Forums is all over the place. I have regularly posted here for quite a while and I'm solidly Neutral-Depraved. So OP, how long do you figure before this thread get purged? I'm going to give it 5 minutes, but a long 5 minutes. Like Frieza.
It’s just a soiboy or a failed normalfag
Chris-chan before the internet corrupted him into a shambling monstrosity.
Wouldn't that be white knight?
Mall Ninjas are the same as Wolfaboos too. This whole chart is fucked.
Uhh, knees? Wait it started with a C right? I guess it couldn't be knees, haha
Goodboy has nothing to do with soiboy. It's about the kind of people examplified by the tendies meme. I.E. people who are lost to society and live their lives as literal manbabies getting taken care of by their parents.
What is the top even for? To create the suggestion she may not have nipples at all?
Generally people who read and make bad poetry, listen to Simple Plan, and relate to 3 wolf and moon shirts. They mean well most times but are cringe machines and have varying degrees of cute due to thier earnestness.
The mental foramen is part of the jaw and chads supposedly have mathematically perfect jaws that allow them to get any woman they want
Good question. She really ought to just ditch it.
When did Yea Forums get good again?
>no edgelord
Mall ninja it is
Is clown pepe and all the honking really any different?
No, that's hate speech.
Should switch places with Incel really, Incels attempt some normalcy and fail spectacularly at it.
Shit, that looks like fun.
>Wolfaboo and mall ninja in different categories
>Ironic meme as one of the options
>Doesn't have true degenrate mega perverts anywhere on here
>No one depicted here actually has a neckbeard
Pretty shit chart/10
They exist, but they tend not to be on the internet. Their minds are too weak to resist the lure of madness and depravity if they come.
honks don't get spammed by discord trannies.
That's a post from before the elections.
hi I'm a girl and I ranked these fags from best to worst
now fight
>I'm a girl
Saying that is a bannable offense faggot.
Idk yesterday I was using pol memes as a form of absurd comedy and got called a faggot tranny.
Chris chan
>"male identified lesbian" that sexually harasses women
London, tits or gtfo, etc. etc. You must know the drill by now.
Depraved/Lost His Mind detected.
have sex, etc, you know the drill
>This is new Yea Forums.
Better get used to it, buster! :^)
Having long hair and painting your nails doesn't make you female user
Grafting a pigs dick onto you doesn't make you a woman
Correct, you just need to identify as one.
so the poeple depraved (of sex) are the worst ones, wow, who would have thought, with the gamer only being one better than the ones with no sex
I feel like mall ninja and wolfaboo are both higher than gentleman but I agree othewise
Making an alignment chart is worthless because all of them are obnoxious and unfun to deal with irl, except wolfaboos (because they're so sincere and literal-minded they're funny) and "gamers" (because they don't actually exist outside of the meme and are just misidentified fedora-tippers - the Heath Ledger Joker-obsessed "we live in a society" people are a separate subcategory that don't really cross over with video games, or any "nerdy" phenomena actually, they're a real idiosyncratic lot).
t. someone who's actually dealt with at least 1 of each type of these people minimum in my line of work
>people so vile they fail to attract even a SINGLE mate are somehow the worst in a ranked set
wow who would have saw that coming, not me, surely
That does not seem fair.
Shit taste/10, I recommend suicide desu senpai.
>Being a girl
Tits or GTFO
>fail to attract a mate
>not a big deal
Animals literally die if they can't do this.
Request that you move weeb to the right. I want to be as far from your disgusting 3DPD ass as possible.
Bronies just want to be left alone with their hobby and weird friends. Why are they bad?
> "You're really into those anime girls, huh?"
> Is a 2D drawing.
Also a girl and you’ve got shit tastes, friend. Gentleman should be way lower. Brody should be higher than white knight and gamer.
t. someone who is too young to remember when the 1st wave of bronies hit the internet
Yea Forums as a whole? You'd need something simultaneously to the upper left of goodboy and below weeb
>actually saving Yea Forums
>Now this is actually epic
do you think that they will kill themselves in a couple years when they realize their greatest achivement in life was forcing some meme that will be forgotten in 3 months
If a character from an anime is portrayed as a static 2d drawing, they aren't not from an anime, meaning they wouldn't not be an anime girl
I get what you mean, but calm down
A character from an anime wouldn't immediately be a manga character just because they aren't animated at that specific moment
I'm definitely depraved, but I'm not a brony, weeb, or incel.
Where the fuck do I go?
Oven presumably.
I'm not a weeb either, but that's where the lolis were.
based Hal
Yes, which is further reason why incels should always be ranked at the bottom of any list.
The artist is definitely a good boy.
Pretty sure they die either way. Unless there's some sort of fuck-based literal immortality.
Unwholesome bronies are just weebs of a different flavor.
The more you fuck the longer you live. This is scientific fact.
redditors are retarded enough to think ''we live in a society'' memes are legit.
That's how a species would die every literally everyone stopped having sex.
If it's just a few individuals that's fine.
Tell that to Japan.
it was fun
>People still play runescape
The saddest shit. The game has never been good, not even when new.
It was never good, but it got a lot worse.
>I'm a girl
sure thing tranny
>announced grill ranking betas and omegas caricatures on Yea Forums and demanding attention
Gonna take a wild stab at where you would fall on a similar scale for women, femcel.
Pretty sure you missed the point of that comment, I'm assuming they're calling out the fact that a 2d girl is the one calling out that "anime girl".
>tfw gamer with a goodboy exterior
The whole point of having two-axes is to expand on the nuances lost from a single-axis scale. Typical that a woman would miss the point.
woah, you allowed to use the B word here?
Where are they now? I haven't heard shit about bronies in years. Did the Internet's collective chemotherapy work?
probably Mall Ninja since this board is slower moving and less "Drama" filled than Yea Forums or Yea Forums or even /m/. So we can take Neutral and LHM out of the picture. We sure ain't Innocent or depraved since this is a blue board
Like the OP said, they just want to be left alone while the show crash and burns in its final season.
Yea Forums is all over the place
Gen 4 has been out for almost ten years. Even the most dedicated bronies are probably sick of it by now.
It's an ideal some guys try to reach. If you ever see a guy earnestly retweet old memes, use terms like "special boy" and childish mashup words like "sweetdiculous" and "amazeballs", and generally align themselves with the "right" frame of mind, they're depraved motherfuckers trying and failing to be the good boy and get those good boy points.
If you can send them sick shit and have them refuse to even look at it, that's good boy material.
I only see Incels and Gamers posting here
Sure is comics and cartoons in here.
I dont get it
I seld identify as a woolfaboo, but also
gentleman joker memes started here
>fedora tipper is neutral
There's a reason why they're exiled.
That reason is because people whined and pouted about being trolled on a board where trolling is encouraged.
See you guys later.
I myself have fit into all 9 spaces at various points in my life. Not proud of it but it's a fact.
have sex
I thought Chris went full tranny and now identifies as female?
No, they're still around, they're not doing anything that I know of, except /mlp/ has this idea going around to make a bunch of vocaloids based off the main cast's voices to preserve them before gen 5
The crew also posted the wrap.party the other day too so now there is a confirmation it's finished.... for now
What did he mean by this?
Gamers don't have sex either, the difference is they don't care because 2D > 3DPD
>goodboy ~softboi~ always end up exposed for being creeps.
>wolfaboo/bronies aka furries fuck dogs
>white knights are secret pedos. see: reserta
>I'm a girl
>1000 replies
Should I watch the old Batman movies?
Considering our origins, depraved wholesome.
How do you feel about villain origins getting changed? Dramatically.
Also, Bat-Man straight up kills a few people in them. Not to the same extent as Ben Affleck's version though.
I don't really care so long as they are entertaining
I'm an Incel
Quads of grim resignation.
I love how society upholds sex simultaneously as the single most important matter in society and its most meaningless.
Disagree, it had a pretty dynamic economy, low moderation enforcement, an engaging (if grindy) core gameplay loop, and had the best quests of any MMO I've played before or since.
gamer weeb incels rise tf up
You think good boys and gentlemans fuck?
What country do you live in? I want to move there
Chris-chan was a depraved brony before the internet found him.
well according to this chart, they arent (sex) depraved, but I am in USA, a place where I can't get laid illegally (unless you live near Las Vegas) or legally or get a girlfriend or even get a girl to talk to me unless she is from Asia.
no offense, but it is pretty important if youre young. after you are 30, you should have had plenty of it already and are seen as odd or strange if you still never had it unless you are a virgin because you are a priest or a nun or some shit. sex is very common for young people, and it only becomes harder to get after your college and after your mid 20s. Sex is far from meaningless in guys, virgins were always made fun of, but it wouldnt be as big of a deal if nobody likes people who are porn addicts because they can't get laid or a girlfriend, especially girls. well, it seems like most girls hate guys who have specific hobbies, which are coincidentally ones featured in the OP pic