Felix Colgrave

has started a patreon
Someone go steal all the patreon exclusive vids for the rest of us

Attached: Double King (2).webm (1920x1080, 88K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>he got enough Patrons so now he can do his animations full time and support his little family

Attached: 1513839898557.gif (200x200, 9K)

>when your patreon video has more style and substance than every storytime animators entire catalog combined
He's a treasure

Attached: FC preview1.webm (1280x720, 1.63M)

Attached: JJJ Feels Good Man.jpg (300x233, 10K)

Patreon will only get to see his videos early, he's still going to upload them to youtube

i am not a patient man

Now this is fucking dedication
He's too pure

got a boner from this

>that baby montage
Damn that was good


And now its time for some Double King

Attached: 1492020763607.gif (480x270, 476K)

Attached: DK flag.webm (1232x728, 390K)

Attached: DK bait 2.webm (1280x720, 317K)

Then subscribe to him on Patreon :) It will help him and his family

Had the pleasure of meeting him [spoilers] he's very nice and humble got bashful when I complimented his body of work. This man deserves all the spare sheckles I'll definitely support. [/spoiler]

Felix is the epitome of SOUL
I'm usually jaded when it comes to freelance animators asking for money, but I sincerely hope everything works out for him

Attached: 1541132049614.png (339x300, 196K)

>I'm usually jaded when it comes to freelance animators asking for money
get the stick out of your ass

I'm surprised he's held out this long. Every time he dropped a new short the discussion turned to how he's supporting himself.

I love him and gave him my coins right away. He deserves much more than most.

You can join his Patreon for a fucking dollar, user, don't be stingy.

webm of him running to the bottle when

As someone who used to be involved with the pony fandom - most animators need to be beaten, repeatedly.

>> that video with the Nicki Minaj snake

I want Poison, now.

It's like comparing a local familiar snack with a fancy restaurant. The existence of one doesn't invalidate the enjoyability of the other.

Nigger, I'm in the same boat as him.
Except with the talent
Or drive
And I leech off my loved ones
But still
I need every cent I get.

Needs a (You) attached to it

That stock "fast running" always kills me no matter where it is.

Attached: 1484422099988.gif (400x225, 1.96M)

Does anyone have the Double King gif where he's slamming his fists on the table?


all I have is webm

Attached: double king tantrum.webm (1280x720, 2.32M)

>Patreon page doesn't say how much he gets


Still love the guy, and I'll happily throw a Euro at him pro month.

It's telling that the $70 tier is sold out


I donated, and also donated to guy collins (but sadly we've not heard from him in 2 years now and he never made a patreon post after initial launch).

If he's getting at least 5k a month then I can't wait for more insane animations from him.

He just started it up, revenue only displays after a month has passed and the first payments have been processed.

That tier seems like a huge mistake imo.

You never know what kind of people those rewards attract and you have to interact with.


It sounds like it gets you a credit and some goodies that'd already be made. Not "your fursona gets in the short"

They just get more goodies, it's not like he's offering to do birthday parties.

Attached: vlcsnap-2019-02-12-15h28m54s783.png (720x405, 378K)

Why would you have a child when you're a freelance animator who barely turns enough of a profit to cover the cost of living, and even then sparingly and infrequently? Why would you do that?

Attached: 1548773190954.png (300x300, 5K)

he deserves it.

Attached: 1492648066147.png (400x509, 137K)

>every child born into the world was planned out and 100% scheduled and expected
shit happens sometimes man

Well, I loved Double King and there's nothing else really like it. Looks like he's already got over 2,000 patrons too, so things seem great for everyone.

Attached: Doubleking Cuckoo.webm (1920x1080, 647K)

Cheapest inbetween-labor.