Remember that time Islamic propaganda was being snuck into the X-Men?
Remember that time Islamic propaganda was being snuck into the X-Men?
As opposed to western propaganda that's in every issue, kaffir?
Grow up /pol/
What's the difference?
Shit Ben I need more labels what are you trying to say
What did he mean by this?
We may never know.
To be fair this one has less than 25 labels so it's really subtle for bein a Garrison toon.
Didn't the artist get shitcanned after? That's all he's going to be known for now.
what does the 'D' stand for?
who are the bearded gentlemen and the guy in a purple suit, they need labels
what exactly are they throwing?
what is that object behind the person in the purple suit?
I'm not sure.
You need an IQ of at least 160 to understand his cartoons.
He tries to help us brainlets by utilizing labels to their fullest extent, but sometimes it isnt enough.
...where the fuck is she pitching from?
Non-Americans were a mistake.
She may as well be throwing a football while he bats with a hockey stick.
Wouldn't that be the fucking of the goats
Lol that two-headed donkey really said that?
I think it's supposed to represent the economy.
Wasn't there a panel of the bat strike in from of Kitty because she Jewish
>stones labeled Sharia Law
I think Ben overthought this one
but arabs invented coffee
that's like saying italians are taken over american pizzerias
didnt italians pretty much start the pizza fad in america when they all went to new york ?
>You will never have a German turban bro aggressively offer you a large mug of water whenever he notices you're dehydrated
Come on channers,stop bashing the islamists,i'm sure that between bloodthirsty scatarians terrorists, you can find a common ground
And this is precisely why i hate modern democrats
>Cricket is Islamic
He's referring to what's on Colossus' shirt
History will remember him as a hero, the first one to take action against the invaders.
>itt conservacucks literally using Ben Garrison comics as an argument
Fuck off, the Oktoberfest is a festival where you drink beer and eat bretzels, not a shitskin collection where you pray towards an idol that has been propped up by a goat-fucking peadophilic sandnigger.
It was first consumed by Oromo and Somalis, but Arabs did help spread it throughout the Middle East and then to Europe.
Channers will be flushed down in the toilet of history just like ISIL,brainwashed neckbeard.Fuck your meme propaganda,we killed the Confederates and the Nazis,you're just next in line with your Kekistani flag
Shut the fuck up boomer and fuck off with your pokemon critters, we all love to fetch a bucket of WATER in this generation.
So that includes you, or are you admitting you dont belong here and should fuck back off to your tranny discord?
If that were to be the case then how about tell the government stop bullshitting the Middle-East? They done it to Syria and we saw how much refugees have come to Europe. And after the Syrian government is winning and rebuilding the country a number of refugees are now moving back
The answer is simple, but Western governments keep supporting terrorists like ISIS
>They done it to Syria and we saw how much refugees have come to Europe.
Those "refugees" aren't even from Syria, you gullible fuck.
You mean the same democrats who bomb Islamic countries? Yeah, they love "them" so much.
No, user, they only bomb "Not Real Muslims".
It's an example, but these refugees did leave their countries to escape violence from ISIS, and then there's the airstrikes by Western powers that keeps on making it worse. Let's recall Libya and how that country turned out. It's now a terrorist hotspot
The first thing they do is turn their new area into the exact same shithole they pretended to be "fleeing" from.
Careful there friend, you'll end up dehydrated if you keep being this angry. How about we get you a nice big mug of water?
A crummy mug of water? He should be catching German children!
That bisexual is cracking me up.
Yes! Our holy Oktoberfest is the place to.. molest women and piss and puke everywhere, while behaving like an asocial cunt. Thank you for defending my cultural heritage, American freedomfighter on Yea Forums!
This but unironically.
Someone has to. God knows you G*rmans aren't doing anything to defend your culture.
You can't catch children unless you're well hydrated you silly boy, so drink up
If you're contesting it, that's literally Islamic propoganda. I forget the exact details but its' something along the lines of it being a koran verse that was politically relevant at the time in east asia, along the lines of "fuck non-believers lmao killem"
If you're calling out them calling attention to a one-time problem that resulted in the artist's immediate firing, fair enough
yeah that's right fuck all muslims
just like all those christians out there, all of them follow the religion out of genuine dogmatic reverence and belief that everything within them is strictly true and can't be interpreted differently, none of them follow the religion for cultural reasons, perceived familial obligation, or any other bullshit reason people pick to follow a religion
especially those that live or even better, raised in a modern western country that would be immediately ostracized if they genuinely dogmatically followed radical islam
To everyone that doesn't understand, the "QS 5:51" on Colossus' shirt refers to a verse from the Quran, which can be translated into English as:
>O you who have believed, do not take the Jews and the Christians as allies. They are [in fact] allies of one another. And whoever is an ally to them among you - then indeed, he is [one] of them. Indeed, Allah guides not the wrongdoing people.
which will be a yikes from me
it was like a malaysian contractor working from abroad iirc
>Imagine a Yank talking about invading cultures after they force their shit onto everyone for nearly a century.
Can you enlighten us more with some Breitbart links?
And the book only got worse from there.
wasnt there also like a billboard with a hidden message in the same comic?
And you know this how? And what makes you believe they're preending? Are you delusional and senile that you won't see what's really going on?
How abou just leave the MIddle-East be and they'll sort their stuff out. Assuming the government knows what they're doing. You seriously have a problem here that you won't believe anything that's there. You're just trying to look for an excuse
Indonesian. It was done because of a political controversy that was unfolding there at the time involving a high-profile politician in Jakarta being charged under blasphemy laws.
Nigger, just stop.
Islam is an indefensible ideology.
You may as well being saying "Well, those German nazis were just extremist fundamentalists, but they're totally good, progressive and chill nazis here in America!"
>after they force their shit onto everyone for nearly a century.
to be fair, by far the most influence the USA has had has been through completely voluntarily consumed mass media broadcasts.
That's still a massive yikes.
The fact that someone could "sneak" in something so blatantly hateful shows that Marvel really doesn't check their work before publishing (more likely imo), or that they had a vague understand that it was something "Muslim" and decided to let it slide without checking the verse.
No clue, but the article linked above says it's from X-Men Gold #1, so you can check if you'd like.
>And what makes you believe they're preending?
Because if the first thing they do when "fleeing Islamic extremism" is to create radical Sharia controlled no-go zones, then they're clearly not "fleeing Islamic extremism".
Its like someone claiming to be fleeing Nazi Germany, and the first thing they do is start handing out fliers about how we need to exterminate the Jews.
>In the same page with Kitty Pride talking
I think most western producers arent particularly well versed on islamic verses though
t. flyover who celebrates his authentic Oktoberfest at a bar on the side of the highway
I'm saying just like there were and continue to be christians that bend the rules of their belief in order to be what they perceive as a decent person, or even people that don't know that much about their belief at all and are just "practicing" because they were raised as one, or whatever.
I kind of doubt that every hijab-wearing fashionable city girl I see on the street secretly thinks it'd be the tightest shit if iran came in and take over with sharia law, or if allah just smote all the nonbelievers one day.
and not all those governments toppled, countries bombed, and dictatorships upheld?
Islam doesn't tolerate homosexuality and isn't even close to change its mind anywhere in the world.
I am sure you would argue the same way, if 90% of TV programs would have been Memri TV'esque.
>those kids watches it in their free time. We didnt force them. TEKBIIIIR
No, niggers in ethiopia invented coffee. Mudslimes reinvented coffee, then it was italians and then americans.
Watching it play out live was kinda fun.
The artist dug himself deeper ("When Jews are offended, there is no mercy"), then admitted his career was over and was gone forever.
>dude whatever I just wear this KKK hood because that's how I was raised lol
At best it's Liberal propaganda in Islamic characters.
Poor Muslims will become trannies and fags the more in contact with the West they are.
Yeah he'd been doing it for ages, even back at DC, but he did it repeatedly in this issue so no one could reasonably think it was a coincidence.
Since the propaganda was explicitly anti-Christian and anti-Jewish, he got canned
by the same logic
>dude just because i'm wearing this cross doesn't mean i think gays should be stoned lmao
Christianity is no different, and they've done more harm than Islamist Extreamists
>exterminate the Jews
You realize how stupid that is? And just shows how paranoid you are with this. The hating Jews part is about Israel and how they keep bullshitting them all the time. Whenever a Jew talks about Isreal then they are often viewed as Israelis themselves. The Israelis built this image that if you descriminate Israel then you're descriminating all Jews and you're an anti-semite. That's the fake-ass image that they've built up over the years with their zionist ideology
Problem is governments don't offer anything that would make a fair system. If you don't engage with them then how would you know what they want. There needs to be dialogue in order to build proper communications so there would be common ground that can be found. If not engage then of course things will go bad. And most of these refugees need jobs to get work. If can't find job then that often leads to crime in order to survive
If a governments starts being fair to their counhtry and actually talk to these refugees then things would actually get better and there wouldn't be a need for a no-go zone, and if a country starts improving with a better government and infastructure then the refugees that flee will go back to their own country
So how about stop being so paranoid like that and actually "think" with your brain. At least tell them to actually have a job so they can earn their livelihood and live like everybody else. And when they do go back home then they could go home with no worry and better prepared
those had less of an influence, yes.
Hollywood wasnt forced down anyone's throat, most nations have their own movie scene
>one-time problem
As in , he'd actually been doing it for a while. He was just more subtle and people hadn't caught on.
But that's nit the same logic, because Jesus didnt instruct his followers to stone gays, the same way Mohammad instructed his followers to genocide all the infidels.
They should
>Christianity is no different
You're comparing an ideology founded by a pacifist hippy, predicated on forgiving your enemies and turning the other cheek with one founded by a genocidal child rapist who explicitly told his followers to murder everyone who wouldn't follow him.
It's still presented pretty clearly in the bible, man, between verses of "don't cheat" and "don't fuck animals."
It isn't a thing for Radical Christians to low-key hate the gays for no reason.
I can tell that is bullshit considering Islam tolerates infidels even under Shariah law.
>It isn't a thing for Radical Christians to low-key hate the gays for no reason.
But there's a world of difference between holding up "god hates fans" signs and shooting up gay nightclubs.
75% of executions in Iran are for drug trafficking, Americans would probably like that part
If Christians don't genocide everyone who doesn't follow Jesus how come all Quetzalcoatl and Odin worshippers now are larpers?
yap. trannies and faggots get the bullet, dykes will get fucked until turned straight.
history will remember him as a retarded balding manlet who did nothing but kill a bunch of civvys
>implying westerners are christians
>an ideology founded by a pacifist hippy predicated on forgiving your enemies
that still have a holy book filled with stories painting the almighty as a sadist who mass-murders those who fail to respect him or morals such as "love god even if he takes literally EVERYTHING from you just to prove a point to satan" and such wisdom like "hey being gay is as bad as fucking a dog don't do it"
the point isn't "christianity is LITERALLY JUST AS BAD AS ISLAM IN ITS CURRENT STATE"
the point is that christianity like many ideologies has been host to many violent, damaging interpretations used to justify atrocity in the past, and there are still people out there today with abhorrent beliefs they use christianity to justify. But we don't judge every last person who identifies as a christian because christians exercise their belief in a wide range of intensities and interpretations, especially in a first world secular country where people have the greater freedom to.
We are getting owned by the muzzies.
Fucking sex pests, Sancte Augustine ora pro nobis
Thats Christianity's whole shtick; keep sending priests to savage places until the natives become so bored with martyring them that they eventually just say "fuck it" and convert.
crummy beer and bretzels? they should be drinking pails of water!
Yes, the Jew one.
Thats why Christians arent Jews.
And for all the doom and gloom of the jew testament, jews are still nowhere near as bad as muslims.
But that's also why Malaysia and Indonesia are muslim.
Mormons are the chaddest Abrahamics.
don't really care but his is more of a division between the secular and non-secular world desu
notice how areas with large christian populations like ivory coast, nigeria, and zimbabwe are red as well.
So what happened to the Native Americans then? Because that is completely the opposite of what you just said
>im-fucking-plying christians don't believe in the old testament
they sure peacefully convinced to Cathars to convert to Catholicism
Dabbing on them heretics
>im-fucking-plying christians don't believe in the old testament
They don't.
That's literally the entire point of Christianity; that Jesus got nailed to a stick so God would stop being a dick, and we don't have to follow kike laws anymore.
you mean mass slaughter of anyone who lived in the area, including Catholics, because they lost in debates with them and didn't even bother to sort out who was actually a Cathar? Yeah that's pretty cool.
I don't know what a Cathar is, but they sound like people who need to get dabbed on.
Jews, mainly Zionist Jews, have control over the media and political party through donations and religious crap. And let's remember how we went to war in Iraq for something they had nothing to do, but Netenyahu tells them to do it anyway. And let's remember they brainwash people through news media and entertainment to make them look good
And you said Christians aren't Jews? Then why are they behaving like one? Every Christians that aren't Jewish are wearing the jewish kappa. Mainly money
Stay owned
I saw the thumbnail and immediately assumed he hit the ball and it exploded.
>the Church kills its own people but lol I'm so ironic dude AESTHETIC loool praise Mary
You can't reason with stupid. Just stop wasting your time arguing with stupid people on the internet.
The old testament is literally part 1 of the bible tho
if the point of the new testament was solely to supersede the old testament why would they still be carrying it into today
i like how he wrote radical in smaller letters
so the ones who agree with him dont even notice it and if someone calls him islamophobe he can say that he means only "radical" extremism and save his ass
fucking coward
What do you expect? Going to renounce my faith because it made errors? This isn't even the biggest mistake the Church ever did first of all, and death isn't the worst thing that could happen to you if you have a modicum of understanding of Chirstianity.
So what you're saying it this LGBT shit is a Trojan horse for Slaanesh?
they were a sort of Gnostic revivalist sect that appeared in France that had a vastly different interpretation of the Bible and had a different church structure. Inquisitors would find that debating with them would often fail because all their beliefs were rooted in the scriptures and church fathers, and they often found it difficult to even identify a Cathar from a regular Cahtolic in the area. So in the crusade that was called they just slaughtered everyone. "The Lord Will Recognize His Own"/"God will sort them" comes from the event, and the term 'genocide' was first coined to describe it.
Congratulations, you made it to basic fundamentalist christianity
that sound pretty metal, would like to have one
Im not a christian but I was under the impression the rules of the old testament became obsolete with baptism. The old testament would make sense to be included to give context to the new testament. But in more of a historic documentation kind of way. This is how it was and what god did, this is what came after. That kind of angle.
What I never understood though is that I thought it was laviticus who said homosexuality was an abomination, but I also thought he was part of the old testament. Why do christians still object to christianity if it's part of the obsolete ruleset?
>This isn't even the biggest mistake the Church ever did first of all
That alone should tell you how much of a rationalizing retard you are.
You should admit it made errors instead of making out mass death some cool meme.
Don't make me laugh with your holier than thou routine dude. Let me guess, you had your conversion experience browsing Yea Forums because you are an alienated shut-in?
natives mostly died from illness, sometimes just coming into contact with natives who had made contact with properties of Europeans could be enough to wipe out tribes.
I'm almost done rereading Morrison's New X-Men, so it feels really weird to see Kid Omega partaking a friendly basbeball match with the other x-men
Then why did they hate the "Muslim ban" a few years back?
He really gets it
Why wouldn't they?
Democrat policy = less whites is better
They were porpusfully given illnesses by the settlers to get their land. Then illegally seize their land and expel them or killed them
They were played despite having a treaty with them
False Flag? But Iran is celebrating those attacks, they are happy at any victory over Saudis.
They should have enforced an immigration policy. :^)
It was a Japanese tanker, while the prime minister of Japan was literally visiting Iran.
there's nothing to really substantiate the plague blankets myths
Where exactly do you intend to flee?
Crummy beer? We should all be drinking WATER!
Homeless US Vets would sure like to work at that Shtarbucks, if not for those crummy job-stealing refugees.
Notice how everyone in Stonetoss is clean-shaven EXCEPT trans?
>but they're totally good, progressive and chill nazis here in America!
That's pretty much what is happening in today's world. Without their retarded commie economic principles, nazis are a useful group to have for any state as controlled opposition / mummer's dragons.
Kazakhstan is pretty secular, but still went "UGH, GAYS, REEEEEEEE"
Sure thing ;)
I dont see why Islam is necessarily a bad thing
>no incels because you get your wife assigned to you
>polygamy for me but not for my property
>can beat your bitches
>complete power of life and death over them
>get to stone them myself if they even look at another dude
>if I rape a woman my testimony is worth more than hers
>I can dedicate my life to debauchery and all I need to get into heaven is blow some infidels up while I go out in style
dude this is awesome
And he got FIRED.
cause the polygamy thing, in a society of roughly equal numbers, means you have a lot of incels. It's the wealthier people with multiple wives, and every extra wife means less for the nobodies.
>It isn't a thing for Radical Christians to low-key hate the gays for no reason.
Dude, it's a thing among Evangelicals and they aren't even "radical" christians. Only Jesuits are chill about it, but even Catholics give the side eye. There's no need to go to the extremes to find that same hatred.
Islam is the perfect religion for channers indeed.Why rejecting them,you already started to commit terrorist attack,might as well join them and turn into the terrorist group you always wanted to be :-)
>Im not a christian but I was under the impression the rules of the old testament became obsolete with baptism.
And that's why you're not a christian. No, the old testament rules still apply, Jesus himself said it, all he did was add another commandment to the rules established before:
> “A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another."
You retarded Yanks went to war in Iraq because you vote for retards.You blame DA JOOS because you cant admit to your mistakes