Hey watch it you just stepped on my feet!!!

>hey watch it you just stepped on my feet!!!
>*Gets into battle stance*
What do??!!?

Attached: 220px-Toph_Beifong.png (220x363, 71K)

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Don't be a faggot and post porn. OP.

Sorry I wasn’t watching where I was going maybe I can help them feel better, do you like footrubs?

*unzips dick* watch this

I consult my elf slave when she gets back from the gunrunning necromantic adventurer's guild.

Question, since Toph can feel what’s going on with her feet, can she tell how big your dick is under your clothes? Asking for a friend haha

How could toph not notice someone getting that close to her with her superior echolocation?

point behind her and yell "WOAH LOOK AT THAT" before running

She can is unimpressed.

Rape her feetpussy

If all the fanfictions I have read are anything to go about then yes

That’s pretty funny haha, wouldn’t it be silly if she felt intimate sex happening in the room next to her while she’s sleeping?

Like imagine if her crush was having sex with a bustier, cuter, sighted girl close by and she could “see” the entire thing happening

Pick her up

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What's with this sassy lost child?

In fact she hates it when other people touch her feet.

Pick her up?

Can she bend when she is not in contact with the ground or is it a distance thing?

She is 11 and she doesn't give a shit how bick your dick is.

But for my money no. Soft tissues are like water.

Next thing you know you're flying 100 feet because she propelled you with a rock.

She doesn't see via X-rays, mate, she does it through detecting vibrations. A closer comparison would be ultrasound, which can see soft tissues.

Well, she senses heartbeats and footsteps and if she emits vibrations herself she can sense a person's presence, but I bet she can't make out small details.

She's not Daredevil.

She's a little old to be throwing rocks.

Attached: Rocks.png (258x283, 32K)

So a throbbing erection would be visible?

You could announce your presence with your wood bending power. Send her an unmistakable message.


She knew that Suki and Sokka were fucking virtually every night towards the end of book 3.

>She is 11 and she doesn't give a shit how bick your dick is.
I was jacking off when I was 9/10 so I'm not sure what's your point.

Pick her up and make her feel powerless with out her seismic sense.

Attached: 1463276531911.jpg (960x720, 290K)

She can bend in the air fine, she just can't see.

If you pick her up and have any sort of metal on you in contact with her - a chain, coins or keys in your pocket, YOUR ZIPPER, she can metalbend and fuck you up.

Go into the same stance and copy her movements like a mime.

>i-i’m sorry, I didn’t see you there, I can’t see too well

She can detect which of your muscles are tense or relaxed from 30 feet away. Yes she can tell how big your dick is.

O shit, how would she respond to this? I'm legitimately curious.

I wonder if that would make her have high standards or low standards

Turn on the vibrator in my ass and see how she reacts.

I don't think it would effect them. But once you figured out what kind she liked it'd be really obvious who had that size because she'd just go directly for them.

This is why Zuko canonically has a massive penis

Probably try and “test” you to see if you react, once satisfied she’d likely be a lot more friendly.

>user has to continue to pretend to be blind to keep hanging out with Toph
>sparks into romance
>live a lie for blind loli feet

Probably worth it desu

>In fact she hates it when other people touch her feet

Attached: tumblr_m4srm3yQGe1r8n90h.bmp.jpg (495x750, 158K)

There’s your answer. Apology foot rub to “make it better”

too bad this fucks with my headcanon that Toph’s feet are so sensitive they’re basically erogenous zones

What will she do when she finds out the truth?

Attached: IMG_0856.png (599x605, 12K)

she does have trust issues and they were shown to be using rough stones so maybe the way they were scrubbing wasn't her deal.
still doesn't rule it out

Toph walking out of a private foot massage room with flushed skin, poor coordination, and winding down heavy breathing for some reason.


after scraping off her layer of dirt and calluses they are so sensitive just gently blowing on them are enough to get her to squirm


..That... doesn't work if you don't have earthbending ability.

As if we didn't already know.


She hates it when people touch her feet.


Ignore the screeching fag.

Oh for god's sake. Speaking as a footfag: not everything is an angle.

You gotta do what you gotta do. You know how it is.

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Suggest her some more practical footwear.
Steel-toe boots(sans soles) could be a pretty helpful thing, and nice secret weapon for a metalbender to boot.
Pun intended.

>step on a girls toes
>step on TOPHS toes
>dude just get better shoes haha

You just got ROCKED

Kidnap her and have fun.

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That scene were Momo is liking her feet