New Dr. Benjamin Garrison original masterpiece
New Dr. Benjamin Garrison original masterpiece
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Did you post this for any other reason other than to start a non-Yea Forums related dialogue?
>wtf why is someone posting comics on Yea Forums??
Why do /pol/faggots have to ruin every other board then enter?
Can you post the real comics instead of these edits please
>political cartoons
At least post the ones that show how desperate he is to get banged by AOC or Trump.
>Yea Forums - comics & cartoons
Go dilate.
No comic will ever top this one.
why is benny such a hack?
Because his audience eats up shit and doesn't demand better.
Kelly > Garrison
This is Ben Garrison? Are all his comics just verbal diarrhea? Does he believe his audience is so fucking stupid that they won't understand the blatant messages?
Because its been shown time and time again that people like you are too stupid to understand anything if he doesnt label it.
y'know, now that I look at it, Garrison really has a stream-of-conscious style in most of his comics. that might be the reason they're still popular after all these years.
I don't see anything wrong with what the tranny is saying.
If he wants to be called a she, it's no skin off my dick. Quit being such a playerhater
>his audience
He doesnt make comics for "his audience", he makes them to wake up the masses to the reality of the globohomo new world order.
Fuck off back to R3ddit you stupid niggerfaggot poltard
Well he's doing a shit job at it because practically no one knows about him outside of chuds.
Imagine being such a tasteless pleb that you don't even like Ben Garrison.
Andrew Dobson might be more your speed.
that's actually a pretty good one
your neocon boomer isnt going to wake anyone lmao
His 170,000 followers on Twitter, of al places, says otherwise.
"I am the Lord thy God... Thou shall make unto thee no graven image."
Why does it really matter? everyone who posts in these threads knows what they're getting into.
Ben Garrison isnt Jewish.
>"go green!"
How can he still be so good after all these years
Behind every great man woman.
>TFW no hot blonde Montana cartoonist wife to fight against the NWO with
>170,000 followers on Twitter
>his army of mindless drones and bots say otherwise
Even if they're all real, it's kind of pathetic that Ben Shapiro has tenfold more followers.
>*is a
ben shapiro is epic
He's good, but he's no Stonetoss.
he uses biblical morality to push his bullshit agenda, and shills out to a primarily extreme-christian fanbase.
no one said anything about jews.
Are they still hanging onto that bike lock wasnt that like last year?
a couple dudes tried it again but it didn't really have the same optics due to the camera and all the blood
didn't ben shapiro storm out of a recent news interview because he didn't like the questions being asked?
pretty sure he yelled, 'whatever i have more twitter followers!" or something.
>quote the jew testament
>"lol no one said anything about jews!"
incredibly based
You forgot the file, here.
the old testament is part of the christian bible too
It's a sad state of affairs wherein a whole industry develops that benefits from the polarization and infighting of the American People.
Not that this has not already happened before in some degree, but nowadays it's either side actually believing they're not being manipulated in some way. It's Narcissism. Rampant Narcissism.
Being proud in being intentionally ignorant.
>help im being censored
>he puts in his uncensored comic
doesnt this kinda defeat his point
man I wish when Yea Forums had other memes than wojak and pepe? was it laziness that killed off fresh oc's? newfags trying to fit in? everyone who made oc went to the other site?
pretty much.
he used to hate /pol/ with a vengeance for what they did to his comics and "good name", and then he just rolled over and joined up when he realized it would make him more cash.
there's no way the guy has any respect for his audience.
its kinda like the people marching out against fascism
Fuck off back to plebbit, you fucking retarded pol/ niggers.
>he's a sellout for never selling out to the MSM NWO narrative
Ben is too pure for this world.
So these are the edits, right? Ben's work is so damn bizarre sometimes, it gets hard to tell.
i really do not understand this
wheres the joke fuckly
Fuck off back to pol/ or trash/ you fucking degenerate nigger.
How many times can you make the same comic?
that aoc is hot
there's 'muh white pahr' level peices of shit, and then there's 'i shot a dog' level peices of shit.
ben garrison is a total peice of shit, as are all nazis.
as a liberal atheist, this one bothers me.
just because I think christianity is for twats doesn't mean I like islam.
In fact, trump supporters seem to think that letting muslims live in this country at all is "loving muslims" but you don't see me trying to kick out christians just because a few of them are trying to implement their own brand of sharia law.
Hahaha fucking stupid poltard, Trump is pro-Israel as fuck and a fucking Jew puppet. This reeks of pol/ retardation.
ben shapiro is the epitome of "if I talk really fast they won't notice how stupid I am"
Equating Christians to Muslims is like equating jaywalking to genocide.
It's sort of jumping between his actual work and the stuff /pol/ edited.
you are fucking retarded.
he has a bigly amount of twitter followers so he has to be smart checkmate atheist
>this entire thread
This thread is not worth my fresh OCs, but I'll throw you a bone, spoonfedfag
He's pretty good at drawing, and quite prolific, draws images with tons of characters often. I like his inking style as well. I don't get the point of these, but i'd love to own an original.
>In fact, trump supporters seem to think that letting muslims live in this country at all is "loving muslims" but you don't see me trying to kick out christians just because a few of them are trying to implement their own brand of sharia law.
Difference is that Christians won't actually beat you to death you dumb shit, whereas muslim immigrants come from countries with backwards cultures, low education, higher propensity for violence and a far more hardline than anything short of the fucking People's temple. Christians barely even did shit against abortion clinics and yet you had shit like Waco with the federal government coming down hard as fuck on them.
Now look at Berlin's ghettos, look at Rotherham, look at Oslo, look at Brussels. Immigration left completely unchecked of people who are objectively unfit to coexist with anything the liberal, progressive west supports, running around wrecking havoc, and no one dares do anything because they're protected by the paralyzing fear of being called Islamophobe.
Different flavors of Jew, and both have a comparable death-count.
ben is a shameless whore. having said that, that comic is totally right, however, as a always, the optics are skewed as fuck, considering it's ben's fuckboi trump that is trying to hang julian.
On so many issues both sides accuse each other of hypocrisy for loving or hating two conflicting sides.
When the truth is both sides have a more nuanced view than that.
the orientation of the text changes at the half way point on the wheel REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
bernie got flack for not supporting reparations tho.
he's for helping all poor people equally.
Wait, do Republicans seriously think he isnt devisive? Out of everything that has to be the one that everyone agrees is objectively true.
>and both have a comparable death-count.
Even if you count the wars that just happened to have a Christian country fight another don't really compare to every muslim conquest
You'd literally have to replace "Christians" with "White people" to get similar numbers.
If you're not a /pol/fag you don't belong on this site.
Fuck off with you rhetoric of the germany idealism and fucking Martin Luther,you fucking pol/ loving niggers. You are the problem with the Trump supporters being pro-Israel and no knowing about geopolitics and philosophy beyond fucking Nietzsche and Heigel.
He's not, but the MSM is.
say that again but with real words this time
An interview conducted by a British conservative who merely questioned the recent anti-abortion bills in their absolute nature.
Shapiro got really pissy and broke off yelling about the leftists while his host was still pleasantly smiling and did not raise his voice.
Looked real bad for Mr facts and logic there.
>help all poor people equally
>"White people don't know what its like to be poor!"
Okay, faggot.
>he just rolled over and joined up
What? His comics haven't changed at all.
The entire comic is about how Dems hate Trump, and you really think that unified Dems and Reps? What the fuck, how are people so stupid.
>but it's ok when I do it, my imaginary friend is REAL
Because Christians won't murder you for not believing in their imaginary friend, you retarded faggot. Being being executed for being atheists is far for course in any given Muslim country.
Well leftists do love to remain in denial
Yeah. Remember my great grandfather! He died defending his homeland against the imperialist invaders.
This one is too real.
too true. people try to simplify into black and white when really the world is shades of grey.
What a fucking joke of a person that reeks of pol/ retardation and antisemitism,fucking neonazies poltards faggots belong in hell sucking Hitler diseased rotten and worm-infested ideology dick.
ironically, that's the kind of thinking that got the whole world to kick your ass.
These comics always piss me off. Antifa fucking hats Democrats. They consider Democrats wishy-washy and that they're useless.
Only because they can't get away with it anymore.
I think what most on the right wants is for the left to distance themselves from muslims and islam, and recognize that nobody outside of those at the top looking for another demographic to add under their belt really likes them
I'm pretty sure the person who posted that isnt a 99 year old war vet from Nazi Germany, you retarded larper.
To someone like Garrison that's too nuanced a view. There's only "the left" and that basically encompasses anyone who doesn't agree with him.
that really has nothing to do with his policies, their effects, or even what he actually said.
It's a rare gem in a sea of incoherent memes.
keep telling yourself that. but the guy who made "the march of tyranny" is a shameless shill who defends everything trump does now.
Except Trump blew up the fuckkng deal that would have guaranteed peace and refuses to get back to it just because Obama negotiated it.
He doesn't "like /pol/", rather he likes /pol/ when it's about trump. The thing about zyklon ben that separates him from stonetoss, wormwood or hehesilly is that despite all the edits, he never names the jew. He's more of a the_donald guy than /pol/ (especially when you notice that most of the other three are banned from t_d in the first place)
oh please, we all know what /pol/ looks like. stop pretending.
>the deal that would guarantee the insane islamists in Iran gain nuclear warheads
Going to the right but toeing the acceptable line was a genius move. He still has acceptable work but it's far enough right that we dont edit them for the most part.
Fuck pol/ really ruined this place worse than gamergate and the exodus to 8 chan combined. This Yea Forums is fucking dead without question,thanks pol/faggots.
It's not just Ben, it's any of these "right wing" political comic artists. Seriously, research is not that hard! I would post a StoneToss comic to help my point.but I'd rather eat a white hot nail than share his images.
i like the A Scanner Darkly reference, but it would have been better as a Waking Life reference.
I just fucking hate paper straws. Also I hate CA voters.
dude, come the fuck on, its obvious he wrangled that gun out of that drunk niggas hands after said nigga shot that innocent doggo to deatho
have sex
No, the deal that would keep them from doing so while having watchdogs creeping all over their country to make sure.
A deal they still abide by because everyone else is still in.
your head
This is horrifying. Look at the mouth on the right. It clearly has an upper lip. But the buck teeth are sticking out above that. Does this beast have 2 mouths? Or does it have a special tooth-hole in its upper lip?
>this entire thread
>there are 'people' who literally unironically enjoy this garbage
If I didn't know better I'd swear it's a parody of retarded Trumpets
Have you taken more than 15 seconds out of your life to question why Iran is interested in "nuclear power" in the first place?
Their location and landscape would make their country ideal for not only wind, but especially solar plants, which are also green and self-sustaining.
they don't even realize that they are their own parody.
Fuck off incel poltard nigger,you are obsessed with the holocaust to the tinfoil retarded levels,fuck off gringo.
They'll get bored in a year or two after the next election
>"When you’re white, you don’t know what it’s like to be living in a ghetto. You don’t know what it’s like to be poor. You don’t know what it’s like to be hassled when you walk down the street or you get dragged out of a car," Sanders said.
i can't believe i voted for this faggot
Wow, it's like I'm really posting on The Washington Post!
I'm pretty sure at least half of them are just LARPing for the sake of shitposting.
doesn't change the facts of the deal
regardless, yeah, everyone wants a bomb because of rampant militarism on the part of the US. that's what happens when you have soldiers shooting or bombs dropping in over 100 countries at once.
>news item: June is "LGBT pride month"
Why did he feel compelled to write this? This is also the least political shit, it's just an appeal to religion.