Leaked from Boomerang's site. It's almost here. Expectations?

Leaked from Boomerang's site. It's almost here. Expectations?

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None, but I’ll be pleasantly surprised. It’s really hard to fuck up Scooby Doo.

For it to be a shit but less shit than Zombie Island 2...They better don't dare to do the "there's nothing paranormal at all" bullshit once again.

It'll never be as good as this, so why bother?

Attached: Night_of_the_Living_Doo_title_card.png (857x636, 493K)

Hahaha the pushback from Be Cool led them back to the classic designs.

I hate the idea of bringing back The New Scooby Doo Movies, but Scooby constantly surprised with success with bad ideas. Let’s give it a chance.

That’s a cute Velma by the way.

>silhouette of weird al

Yeah I’m thinking Scoobykino is back on the menu

Scoobykino hasn’t left since Zombie Island.

>Style is more classic-ish
>Weird Al
If Batman is voiced by Kevin Conroy, it's gonna be fucking kino

How do you know Return to Zombie Island is shit?

>Shaggy and Scooby Doo get a clue.

Alright, Scooby Kino has been almost completely uninterrupted since Zombie Island

I don't know, I'm only saying that if they do the same shit they did with 13th ghost on Zombie Island 2 it's gonna be a huge pile of shit.

Do we know if this is traditional animation? The character designs are promising.

Wont argue there, but I will say Zombi Island is more conducive to what they try to do with Scooby now. 13 Ghosts coming back was a real what the fuck.

Meant to reply to

Jesus christ I haven't thought about this for almost 20 years.

He is. Matthew Lillard posted him and the other Scooby voice actors recording a session of Guess Who with Kevin Conroy guest starring. Either he's voicing someone else or it's him.

Get A Clue is fine. I like it a lot. I've rewatched it a few times. The style and humor grew on me. Scoob and Shag suddenly becoming hypercompetent international spies won't ever fail to make me laugh.

Yep, I can get the source if you need confirmation but I saw awhile back that they were looking to hire traditional animators for this. Apparently they're going above and beyond to make sure it's very authentic.

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It will be fucking garbage if Billy West (The best Shaggy since Casey Kasem) isn't voicing him.

i'm so sick of the dot eyes pandering

What's so bad about Get a Clue?

It's the best which is why it's brought back.


no it isn't, it doesn't express emotion, it's only funny in the originals because of how quaint it is.

I'm always excited for more scoob.

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I hope they do crossovers with various DC and Hanna Barbers properties like they do in the comics.

Scooby Doo and the Literally Who lmao

You don't understand how art works.

>Sherlock Holmes
>Key & Peele
>Wanda Sykes
>Weird Al
Looks promising

Has this ever been released on DVD even as a special feature?

I would KILL to own a copy of all the weird miscellaneous shit they've done with Scooby on a compilation DVD or something.
>Night of the Living Doo
>The Scooby-Doo Project
>Scooby/Johnny Bravo
>Scooby/Harvey Birdman
Make it happen, Warner Bros.

Velma looks like she's hankering for a fight

Night of the Living Doo and The Scooby-Doo Project have never been released, but the Johnny Bravo and Harvey Birdman crossovers have, on each series' respective first season DVD.

Some fluid animation and poses would be really nice after what we got from BCSD. Wasn't ever a fan of the skin-colored eyes though.

A Scooby Doo series for Adult Swim when?

Attached: like 1000 hours in mspaint.png (278x228, 105K)

You know what that means?

Fuck white eyes. Watch live action if you love them so much. I like variety in my cartoons.

This doesn't make any sense. Ghoul School was a late 80's direct to video movie that had nothing to do with the crossover shit.

Person who directed this also created Stroker & Hoop as well as Too Many Cooks. What a weird résumé.

Someone redpill me on why Warner Bros insists on casting Matthew Lillard as Shaggy for every movie and TV iteration when there are two other guys that do a far better Job? The guy had already said he's sick of doing it and he's always busy doing on-camera work, so why do they keep him? I imagine he's even more expensive than actual voice actors. Go listen to Casey Kasem doing Shaggy. Then listen to Scott Innes and Billy West. When you're done with that, listen to Matthew Lillard and tell me he's not the absolute worst.

>Zombie Island 2

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Why doesn't Adult Swim do cool shit like this anymore?

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It'll be Lilliard and you know it.

and why would that be bad?

I didn't say it would. user just seemed rather miffed that it be anyone besides Billy West. Matthew Lilliard has served as a pretty goddamn good Shaggy imo.

Thanks, I hate it.

>good as Shaggy
Live action Shaggy maybe. Mediocre as fuck in the cartoons.

Jaleel White I've seen on the list. Though reprising Steve Urkel role instead of himself which I thought weird.

Surprised his isn't Sonic as well.

Lillard has had the role for ages now.

Only swap out is with their Animated Theatrical movie where they got all celebrities, ironically.

I want to tongue punch Velma's fart box.

Not the point. I'd rather have someone who's perfect at the role than a guy who's only got the job because he played him in a few live action movies almost 20 years. There have been people who captured the essence of the character as well as being perfect sound alikes to the original guy who played Shaggy. Why settle for a B- when you could have an A+


Eh I think he's better. He's got that lower gravelly bit that Kasem had. Billy West sounds a bit too normal and a little high pitched.

Casey Kasem > Matthew Lillard > Scott Innes > Billy West >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Scott Menville

Lillard's casting of Shaggy is the only good thing the live-action movies brought us, he's born for the role. Billy West sounds kinda off.

who's ready for some batileche

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Disgusting opinions. Scott Innes is literally Casey Kasem doing Shaggy. Lillard sounds like he needs some cough syrup.

From what I understand, "nothing is supernatural" is policy that writers aren't allowed to stray from now. It's not gonna be real.

Go to bed, Scott.

Should be on the service next month then

>It’s really hard to fuck up Scooby Doo.
Not that hard

>really hard to fuck up Scooby Doo

Cartoons made today aren't even as good as 1969's pathetically low standards. They can very easily fuck up Scooby Doo.

WB doesn't own Sonic

Adult Swim was only ever good for its first couple of years.

I wonder what the chances of getting a Shaggy Blanco reference is in thus new show, since it seems to be made specifically to create Scooby Doo shitposts.

>Scooby meets Goku

Aw, I was hoping for these designs for Ricky.

I wonder if he's at least going to reference Karl.

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>no Johnny Bravo

We already did, where were you last Halloween?

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Can I have a Sherlock Holmes and Batman team up instead

Nah. The most recent Scoob series was garbage. Infact the only good series in a long ass time was Mystery Inc and then it's been a bunch of consistently decent straight to video titles.

We got that during Brave and the Bold.

sure user. Dont you have to yell at the kids to get off of your lawn?

>weird al
>sherlock holmes

I dont know any of those other people

I think one of them is a basketball player but I couldn't tell you their name

>Sherlock Holmes
>Weird Al

Anyone who the other four are?

>inb4 TTG crossover

>it's a shaggy murders fred in cold blood episode
>it's a scooby is revealed to actually be a kitsune who is masquerading as a horse dog episode
>it's a fred awakens an ancient flower yokai episode

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Is that Taylor Swift in the middle?



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I forgot this was coming out, pretty excited desu. The character designs are on point

Shaggy looks WAY better with flesh eyes when he’s in his classic version.

The dude next to sherlock is probably Lebron James, or some basket ball star

Most of these sound correct to me.

Weird, I was expecting for it to look more like the Direct to DVD Models like with the Supernatural episode. I mean they're similar but they're not 1:1. Still looks pretty good though, can't wait for people to freak out about how Velma isn't 'THICC' enough.

When is this show coming back?

Wilt Chamberlain? (he was a member of the globetrotters)

>tfw it's Lebron instead.

Billy West sucks as Shaggy.

boring design

Who's the semen demon in the middle?

I'm just hoping Fred and Daphne aren't bland like in so many of the earlier incarnations this is styled as.

Why the fuck would you even expect Sonic in a Scooby-Doo show?

At the end of the day it’s not about who can do it best it’s about who can do it consistently without fucking up their voice


Scooby Doo


It's a celebrity guest style show, so the gang will likely just be their default style personalities, while the guests are the main attraction.

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Into the Shaggiverse when

But the best Scooby Doo has ever been was in the 4 DVD movies and Mystery Incorporated.

>The Shaggy Who Scares

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Is this Reluctant Werewolf?

I like the designs

I'm hoping for a Puppy named scooby reboot

Shaggy Rojo Super Saiyajin fase Cautro

>mfw it's a take on The New Scooby-Doo Movies only they've got guests like Weird Al and Bruce Campbell

Ghoul School

So he's a genius is what you're saying?

>t. never watched Bushworld Adventures or Too Many Cooks

I just love how power mad Be Cool Fred is.

They pale in comparison.

Bushworld is superior and you can't say those two don't count because you don't like them

Attached: fred cheer.gif (720x405, 1.76M)

Humor is subjective, dumbass.


It better have fucking Scrappy Doo

Scrappy is banned.

>defending greedy corporations

Why do you enjoy the taste of shit, user?


I actually think this will be pretty good. I was impressed by the Penn & Teller animatic they released a while back.

God, Spooktober threads were so fucking tedious. This crossover was cute and all, but the GS retards got so fucking entitled over it. I still remember them playing gatekeeper with their "W-w-we were here FIRST, so you gotta put up with our fapfic bullshit!" crap.

This. Billy West was a damn good Popeye, but he only did one crappy TV movie because Popeye's voice can really screw up your vocal chords

Ricky and Karl are reportedly estranged, because Ricky farted on Karl's head.

The Rabb.it sessions were far better than the actual threads. Can't wait for this years.

Well with any luck Spooktober threads won't be so insufferable this year. Just need some decent Halloween specials, but a new Scooby series like this could always help.

Speaking of Spooktober, whatever happened to longkongkong?

I just can't believe people got pissed off over storytimes on Yea Forums.

There was too much waifushit.

It's sad because I do genuinely love Ghoul School as crappy as it was, but Yea Forums's waifuism kinda kills the joy for me.
Hell, hype over their comeback didn't even really last that long in the threads.

Velma looks cute without her glasses.


>LeBron James
>Weird Al
>Fucking Batman
color me slightly interested

>LeBron James
What is particularly interesting about an athlete in the context of Scooby-Doo?

I often think this was part of the start of Adult Swim.

>Sherlock Holmes guest star

I'll drop the whole series if it's Cumberbatch (who I like) but he should be voiced by a classic actor. I also think telling us who the guest is before it aires is pretty dumb.

It’s just classic scooby doo to have a random celebrity guest star for a mystery

You can’t say that without posting or linking the pic of them recording.

44 years old pop singer Sia

Attached: Sia.jpg (1280x720, 51K)

I remember that last year somoene leaked the Penn & Teller episode storyborad on YouTube
found the Vimeo version vimeo.com/306212253

Attached: Scooby-Doo and Guess Who_ Penn & Teller.jpg (1280x720, 103K)

...Wait what? Zombie Island 2???

There's a Penn & Teller episode? I'm all in.


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>Zombie Island 2
Fucking when?!
>Better have paranormal stuff
Nigga do you even scooby doo?!

It probably wont have Billy West voicing Shaggy so fuck Return to Zombie Island.

Yeah it's clearly just a cash in, sad.

this never fails to make me break into bits

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>What is particularly interesting about an athlete in the context of Scooby-Doo?
The gang kept the fucking Harlem Globetrotters, man. Athlebrity cameos aren't unheard of.

She needed the ribbed turtleneck, makes it look proper and classy.

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suits think they can be cool role models
do note I'm not saying they are, suits are just that stupid/dense

That doesn't explain why it was interesting to him.

Hey I was thinking is scooby doo better as a show or a movie? Cause I usually find myself re watching some movies rather than episodes from shows.

>Nigga do you even scooby doo?!
Yes idiot, Zombie island, Witch's ghost and Alien invaders all had actual paranormal shit, But after what they did on the 13th ghost movie I bet they "Le no paranormal at all" over the sequel.

So which one starts killing the others to gain their powers first?

would be an amazing episode

>I imagine he's even more expensive than actual voice actors.

Shaggy is one of the most iconic parts of the show, and if he hates it why does he keep coming back?

like that would be me man

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No it wouldn't.