Apparently that stupid looking "young donald duck" comic is actually out in Europe already. I still question who thought it was a good idea.
Apparently that stupid looking "young donald duck" comic is actually out in Europe already...
The cover seems to try too hard to look radical. The comic seems more grounded at least.
Some of the previews I've found are a bit on the small side.
>that Mickey design
Holy kek am I looking at Quackpack 2.0 or something
German art is so ugly
Italians are better
>it has German text so it must be German
It was still drawn by an Italian, moron.
Did you not read the artist's name?
Mickey looks like the kind of guy that's going to have an emo phase in high school.
Mickey looks like the kind of guy that's currently having an emo phase in high school.
>Get Artibani and Ambrosio, both good Duck writers on the story
>Francesco d'Ippolito om art, also usually good
Who thought these outfits were a good idea between them?
you should look at what is trendy with kids these days, it's pretty accurate.
I don't see the big deal with this, the duck magazine in Europe has had thousands of "what if" stories like these since the 80's. Pretty sure the girly version of the magazine with Minnie and Daisy already had them as teens.
Remember that IDW commisioned this work to Artibani.
Yes, I'm not a fan of Ippolito. There are more better artists.
Gonna buy it lol
>European ducks
Has Sciarrone drawn another ugly duckling calendar yet?
Why is this allowed, but the DuckTales writers aren't allowed to even use Mickey Mouse at all?
>not liking the 90s aesthetic
Shit taste
>Chaos will gekonnt sein
DuckTales isn’t about Mickey and is more or less it’s own universe thing like every other time Mickeys friends get their own series or movie
>in """Europe"""
Europe isn't a country, dumb Burger.
I thought I forgot about those
>what is trendy with kids these day
Because flannel and emo bangs are the rage