Ghostbusters: 35th Anniversary: Answer the Call storytime

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The fuck if it’s a 35th anniversary why is it about the shitty reboot? Do the original show up in this?

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No, IDW just did a series of one shots about four versions of GBs: original, cartoon, 2016, and Extreme.

>The fuck if it’s a 35th anniversary why is it about the shitty reboot? Do the original show up in this?

Nope. IDW is still pushing them for some reason. They shoved them into the main Ghostbusters series in 101 and Crossing Over. Then they gave them their own miniseries in Answer the Call (which by issue 4 had a print run of 200 copies, holy shit). And after all those spiking sales, they're STILL insisting on pushing them, giving them a 35th anniversary special.

IDW just won't let them go when literally NO ONE is asking for them.

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You realize it might be a command from Sony, right? What are they gonna do, say no?

Besides, with the real sequel coming out next year this is probably it for the Fembusters for a good while.

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Sony seems to be pushing the ATC movie into the shadows in every other marketing outlet, I don't see why they would force the IDW comic to constantly include them against their will. And, c'mon, this is IDW we're talking about. They're as woke as Marvel is. They're pushing the ATC characters because they want that virtue signal and you know it.

Oh a ghostbusters Com-

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Well, if the girls ever show up again I guess we'll know, won't we?

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In fairness to IDW, they actually make them entertaining and somewhat engaging. Nowhere near as good as the Real or Extreme Ghostbusters, but you can only do so much with "Wrote a book" "Lolrandom" and "cartoon Egon if he managed to drill that hole in his head."

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>n fairness to IDW, they actually make them entertaining and somewhat engaging.

>Holtzmann does something RANDOM and SILLY
>Characters make a smug remark about what a manic pixie free spirit Holtzmann is
>repeat 3 times per issue

They were awful in these comics. Holtzmann alone rendered Crossing Over borderline unreadable.

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On the plus side, theres whole pages dedicated to the girls realizing that they're an imitation that will never be as good as the originals.

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You're severely underestimating just how painfully mediocre the movie versions are. In the comic, they're at least funny.

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fixed page 14

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It could be a funny 4th wall joke if he said "3 Year anniversary" since it hasn't been 10 years since GB2016, as is it's just baffling and making me wonder if he really isn't a self lobotomized Egon.

Part 1 storytime

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Funny thing about Holtzmann's actress, halfway through the movie you can tell by her facial expression that she realized she done goofed.

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>Holtzy will never study you while you sleep

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Wait, how do the classifications work again? Or is it all just technobabble?

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Burnham published a Tobin's Spirit Guide a year or two ago that explained it (it's a great book, btw). Classifications describe the various qualities of a ghost, so they're more like categories than power levels (so a Class 10 isn't necessarily super power, for instance, it just has different qualities from a Class 5, etc.).

But this is the ATC universe where they can "kill" ghosts by blasting/punching them, so who the fuck knows.

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Spawn of Shaq?

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It'd be better if posessed Abby got to wreak a bit of havoc. As is, all she's done is stand there, menacingly. And drooled snot. Come on girls, do some "Only Zuul" shit, make the wall bleed, lets get some freaking atmosphere going here!

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you retard each universe they have the rights to reference got a one shot

part 2 storytime

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These comics are terrible.

I think user's issue is that it's a universe nobody CARES about. Heck, I don't mind these girls myself and I'd rather have a comic about the Rookie from the game.

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Worse. They're mediocre. The girls aren't very funny, the ghosts just aren't menacing and the whole thing feels very phoned in, like the team was just fulfilling an obligation instead of trying to make something good. Also, I just realized the writer of the first story was Devin Grayson. Yes, that one.

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>Devin Grayson

That explains the blandness.

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I'm just surprised she's using the same name, honestly.

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They won't nobody from ATC was at the Celebration and Paul Feig crashed the event and tried to act like his sequel had a chance

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Holtzmann big thing is dating herself who's Agent Cooper basically

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Well I'll give the comic actually writes them characters instead of thinking that just having them make jokes was sufficient

Now for an actually fun-to-read storytime. Here are all the Liberals shrieking their pants off after Reitman said he was giving Ghostbusters back to the fans.

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I think on the premise of a Ghost of a guy who liked to study the idea of fear and how people process it, and think of all the weird little ways I'd write him doing it. Separate the girlbusters, force them to live through their worst fears, have him semi-stoically note their ways of trying to process it. With one trying to rationalize their way past, another trying to laugh it off and one just going off the deep end. Fourth one, not sure which, is the one that breaks through to save the other three. Lets go with Yates, he posessed her, it's only fair she be the one who foils his tormenting of her colleagues. Plus, I can read her nametag.
If there are as many girl horror protagonists as I remember, and Lucy Desi was as funny as I recall, nobody in this comic has any business not being able to do horror and comedy. There's no excuse.

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So a storytime of pain?

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Abby looks cute

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Or comic schedules are planned and writ months ahead of time, and maybe its lower effort to just let these come out as they were planned before the marketing decision than do a cancellation?

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This banter almost as bad as the twitterposting. Aw, who am I shitting, nothing's as bad as twitterposting

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The fuck are they reacting to here?! This page pisses me off because I have no idea what the fuck is going on.

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I mean, with legendary action horror star Weaver coming back for this picture, maybe Dana can be something other than a distressed figure after being the focal point for two apocalyptic scenarios?

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Part 3 storytime

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>that next blurb
Banner material?

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>interrupting a storytime for /pol/ shit.

Fuck off.

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To be fair, these tweets are far more entertaining than this undeserved storytime of pain.

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>the reboot

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Then make your own thread about them.

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Flooding the thread with twitter images just means we risk needing another one.

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No no no, wake up in the Empire State Building. This smash cut to a diner kills the tension.

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The ghostbusters 3 lineup has 2 females. And the leaks says Mckenna Grace[/spoilers] saves the day. So I don't understand the outrage.

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I hate to admit to being a hack but I would have had Sahaq say something like "Why is my son blue?" Or some confused grunt here.

Last one I'm gonna do. These Liberal tweets go on forever, but I'm too tired right now.

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This is important, do any of the two girls look like Goths? Because, if we can get some GBX love, the board will lose it's Yea Forumsllective mind.

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Is that Transformers/Ghostbusters book out yet?

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Anyone else read Kevin as Stormy from Sealab 2021?

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OP, is that a yes or a no? Blink twice if you're possessed.

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All I know is that Mckenna Grace's character is a Egon expy. And the other girl is "cool and quick witted" that begins a relationship with finn wolfhard

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So one will be Egon and the other will be..Venkman? I dunno why nobody ever genderbend's Ray. Of all the originals he's the most girl like with his perkiness. Then again, that'd be robbing the movie of Dan Ackroyd.

the end

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Thanks for the story time OP. Went in with low expectations and I have to say, pleasantly surprised. Enjoyed it more than the movie, plus I thought the art and chemistry between the characters were great for the most part.

Well that was crap. Thanks OP for exposing this abortion to the world. Because if you didn't do it, nobody else would.

Part 4 storytime

More info on gh2020 lineup

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uh... thanks?

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Hey, you said you were done. G'wan, go home.

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>A place of so much screaming
>Yea Forums

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All kids, huh?

Does not inspire confidence

That...that isn't even what a frisbee looks like.

I remember a decade ago when AV Club was basically Yea Forums. Interesting conversations, nobody giving a shit about hurting anyone's feelings, obscure and funny stuff. Back when the internet was a fun collection of sites.

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Are there Carhops on this side of the century, because if not, it might be taking place in the past. And if it is, it might also be about the childhood of one of the Ghostbusters. Or Jeanine.

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I remember when Ghostbusters 2016 came out and the promotion was nothing but that girl-power-suck it-manbabies bullshit. Then they were shocked that attacking a whole chunk of the possible audience right out of the gate turned out not to be the best approach.

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>He is all heart and approaches everything with unbridled excitement for the unknown
Ray. It's fucking Ray.

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Issue wasn't the marketing, even if it was obnoxious. Lots of movies survive poor marketing. The issue was, the movie was fucking dogshit.

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Lots of dogshit movies do great thanks to good marketing.

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Yeah, but quality forgives all in entertainment.

the end

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Lots of movies survive being bad too.

It was the combination of the movie being bad and the marketing encouraging people NOT to give it a chance that destroyed any chance it had.

It's a fucking comedy series, nobody's expecting it to be GOOD. You're not remaking Citizen Kane here. But when your campaign is to flat out insult your audience, how can you possibly act surprised when nobody wants to see your movie to get more of the same?


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Technobabble here. In the RPG and books there are more solid guidelines. Basically it goes to ghost ghosts to primal forces made manifested.

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The video game generally followed the RPG's rules.

I don't remember them all, but I believe Class 1 is ball of light, specks in a photograph-type shit.

Classes 4 and 5 are nearly the same thing, they're your standard ghosts except 4s can be identified as dead human beings and 5s are more like summoned creatures from another dimension and sentient primal urges and that sort of thing.

Class 7 is the maximum and represents gods like Gozer.

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It's hilarious because THAT movie got Trump elected in the first place.

Yeah but don't post images during one storytime. Wait till its done or start a new one.

Its like a rule.

Supposedly, grace and wolfhard's characters are the descendants of Egon Spengler

>buying a whole new phone when its just the cord that is damaged.

I find it eerie that answer the call and 3's release dates are in us presidential elections years

It kinda makes sense but yeah, eerie. I find it impressive that Sony was willing to greenlight another movie after 2016 failed so hard.

It's a woman, so it makes sense.

Well 2016 was extremely successful at proving there's an audience that wants *a* Ghostbusters film, just very much not *that* one.

>In the comic, they're at least funny.
Being BETTER than complete garbage doesn't make them good. Burnham does when he can but at the end of the day we were still robbed of a lot of more interesting ideas in order force them. The two versions of Kylie barely even spoke.

He never specified WHICH cord.

The Sanctum of Slime team one shot was pretty good. I feel like they deserve more attention than they got.

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I really want to see how the ATC sales numbers stack up to the other one shots, because their mini was hilariously bad

Rank the four 35th annivesary stories.

Sanctum (Not officially part of the event but Im counting it dammit)
I will not even acknowledge the last option. Even ranking it dead last is too much credit.

Both cords can easily be replaced. People often by extra long slinkie cords for walking around your office while on the phone.

Of course that was before mobile.

The comic needs all the yuks it can get and handing her an entire phone is funnier.

Aren't they supposed to be technicians anyways? Ego could have made a phone out of scraps in his junk drawer.

Should be about time for another Ghostbusters/TMNT crossover

Im tired of crossovers. I don't care about transformers, Im set for the TMNT, I don't even want other universe ghostbusters anymore. I just want normal stories set in the universe/

Probrably still better than whatever dreck Feig had written and then ignored with even worse ad lib "directing".
Yeah. I thought she would have changed it again given... what happened with Dick.

Everyone's reaction to this.

I was cleaning my dad's house and he had dozens of phone wires he bought from like Radio Shack, as well as ones he "borrowed" from work.

>Then they gave them their own miniseries in Answer the Call (which by issue 4 had a print run of 200 copies, holy shit).
200 copies is that real?
That could be a rare, valuable and sought-after comic if it was anything but the 2016 Ghostbusters.

Do we even want a sequel with no Egon though?