Did you get your Blu-ray?

Did you get your Blu-ray?

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She needs blue around her mouth.

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I really like you but I’m shy.

Fuck Brie Larson she sucks

Brie Larson won't talk to you because your ass is better looking than hers.

Yep, the menu is cute


No. Why would I when the superior Captain Marvel is coming out in two days?

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Wtf he got a movie?!

Alright, why is it that when I type pic related, the word changes when its posted?

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because you're a newfag cocksucker

Were you recently released from prison? That filter has been around for at least one year.

a bunch of insecure anons kept using that word as an insult (lol) so now it's filtered.

I was indeed released from prison recently. May I ask WHY this happened?


Nah, I rented it on cable. Enjoyed it quite a bit, too. Was my first viewing, also the second MCU film I waited until after it was in theaters.

It wasn't amazing, but not bad, either. I really liked the first half and all the stuff with Carol and Fury being buddy cops. I can see why people had problems with the Skrulls being used as a metaphor for politics, but honestly it didn't drag the rest of the movie down for me. The Skrulls were never interesting enough to be taken seriously anyway and after Thanos they'd be a downgrade if anything, so no lose in making them good guys. Talos was pretty koo.

btw I forgot to mention the other MCU film I didn't see in theaters was Ant-Man, which I regret bc I loved Antman.

both Antman films were bland af

And yet they still had more character than CM

I think what brought the film down for me was how blatant some things felt. Like the line "You can't sit around and watch FRESH PRINCE(tm) with me all day" was obvious nostalgia pandering. Hell, we barely know Minnerva for the repertoire of "I just hate you" to work.

Yeah and it was on sale

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What are they shocked at?

Oh shit I’m hyped does that mean endgames coming out soon too?

>We stan!

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Every single time. Yes, you hate CM, but it doesn't stop both Ant-Man movies (specially the second, as much as I liked seeing Pfeiffer as Wasp) from being bland AND inconsequential. It's like pointlessly trying to defend the movie by claiming there's a "worse" one. Big whoop.

Yep. Got the Target special edition! I LOVE BRIE LARSON!!!

I saw it twice in the cinema, I am not going to buy the bluray... I download everything. I saw Endgame twice too, they'll forgive me if I pirate the movie afterwards.

Shazam comes out July 16th user

Endgame comes out in August IIRC. Shazam comes out in July, and yes, it took much, much longer, Captain Marvel came out within 2 months and so will Endgame.

Ant-Man > Captain Marvel > Ant-Man 2 imo

I agree with this rank. And I'm saying this as someone who liked CM; they all have their highs and lows, but in AM&TW it's like every high is so bland it drags down the rest.

You're dumb if you think that

>The Skrulls were never interesting enough to be taken seriously anyway
What an absolute fucking casual thing to say.


seeth more carolfag

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Ant-Man 1 and 2 were great. You're just made that Carol can inexplicitedly kill her friends on a dime.

>those soulless eyes

Too bad it wasn't any good.

>You're just made that Carol can inexplicitedly kill her friends on a dime.
The hell does this mean?
I don't need your validation, bub.

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Captain Marvel was the most basic bitch shit there is. It was like they took G.I.Jane and turned her into a generic superhero.

And Ant-Man & The Wasp was still pretty basic and inconsequential. Missing the point as usual.

Inconsequential? Are you implying movies are only worth watching when they add an essential piece to a larger cinematic universe? Setting aside the fact that Ant-man 2 did do that. I enjoy the more down to earth, small scale stories of the Ant-man movies.

>Are you implying movies are only worth watching when they add an essential piece to a larger cinematic universe?
I was referring to the stakes, but I admit I am on the same camp as you are, I do enjoy the lower scales. But then we're arguing with different people who actually do find fault in movies that don't line up or don't add enough of their own lore into the larger scale and claim they're bad because of that, which is what people criticize about Captain Marvel. The problem is that there's no fucking nuance in this board so you're not allowed to like it.

One 4k copy for myself, another for Dad for Father's Day.

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I keep seeing this meme but it's not true honestly. Even if they did completely fucking suck, Paul Rudd has enough charisma to carry them to be honest. They're at the very least better than what they've done with turning Spider-Man into Iron Robin.

No, but I did rent it from RedBox last night.

It was actually much better than you whiny shits made it out to be

Perfect? No. But fun.

>Even if they did completely fucking suck, Paul Rudd has enough charisma to carry them to be honest

no, Paul Rudd shines in the ensemble movies. The Ant-Man movies barely give him anything to work with.

Absolutely based

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Better than CM though

No, not really. The Seven Deadly Sins were awful villains and Sivana was mostly wasted. They should've focused more on the Shazam family instead of leaving it to the end.
Parts of it were great though, I admit.

At least you are actually making points of why you didn't like Billy's movie instead of screaming Incel at other anons.

That's because I actually went to the cinema to see it instead of shitposting about it, and had fun with it despite its flaws.

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Ant man is pretty consequential. Pym particles saved the universe.

And? You think I'm going to torrent it? Not a chance.

Still better though

No, Shitzam was trash and bombed
CM was the best movie of the past decade and made a billion
Keep seething Billyfag

>Obvious Carolshill is obvious

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No and never will

>Ant-Man 1 and 2 were great.
Ant Man 1 was ok but 2 was about as garbage as Captain Marvel.

because r/Yea Forums it too soi right now. Or should I say 501?

No, Blue Mr. Popo is just weird

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