Symbiote Spider-Man

Hey Yea Forums let's catch up on the Spider-Man book you should be reading because it's Peter David, but aren't because it's Greg Land.

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>Unironically liking modern PAD
Can't flip flam me zim zam

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Don't knock it until you try it

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>but aren't because it's Greg Land
Despite the fact I know it's traced, I actually think everything looks pretty good and the coloring is nice.

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This book looks fine desu, he's done much worse

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I love this

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Heh. This gag is done a lot but I still love it.

Ty for storytiming, OP. Wasn’t sure if I wanted to pick up the trades or not.

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I love the visual but it just doesn’t line up with any timeline anymore, Pete being spiderman long enough to have secret wars happen pre 9/11 doesn’t line up with any way they’ve written him in the main line books. Though I have been liking this book so far quinten is good and seeing more of Felica and Pete together is always welcome

The fuck are those lips

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God Land is the fucking worst

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wilson what's wrong with your face

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To be continued

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I hate some of the traced stuff and they look so uncanny. The ones with mask and costumes look great though.

Felicia is eternally best girl, but God damn, that Land art....


Which porno was this traced from?

thanks man, i like it so far. I assume next issue is gonna be spidey beating the crap outta black cat

I love this, comics were amazing back in the 80s. I love the concept of retreading that era.

>Mysterio blackmails Felicia
>comic with traced porn art has the plot of a hentai



Here's hoping for a silent Spider-Man beatdown

why not?

Sliding timeline, ignore him

Why does Quentin with a bowlcut remind me of Jim Carrey?

Dat ass though

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When was it written?

>receive strange package at the bank
>don't immediately call the police
The fuck?

in the lower-middle panel, Peter looks like that one tracing of Tony Stark that land always does.

Wait, that's an old story, why does it stop there?
Also, is it out of character for Black Cat to do something like that?

>Wait, that's an old story, why does it stop there?
it's an ongoing


this is the least he traced since a while, frankly.

how does Land keep getting work
i know hes fast but someone must notice how terrible his output is

Where's that whiny bitch who complains about Black Cat's tits when this happens

to be fair, the tracing make it slightly subpar.

>implying that the whiny bitch would care whether it's traced or not

so, what's u with Mysterio knowing Spidey's ID but actually not knowing it?

Yep, there's the Land we know and love.

God, why is he using same 3-4 pics for tracing?

>big dummy
that is way too cute

That's creepy

He was doing so well up to this page. The shift in style is super-jarring.

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>Spider-man is Marvels S tier character in terms of popularity
>they keep dropping cheap hacks on him like Land and Ramos
you would think a character of this magnitude would get the best treatment with artists

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Better ask why Marlel allowed Slutt to take him hostage for 10 years.

Answering your own question. They know it’ll sell regardless. Convince people worldwide to stop buying Spider-Man comics for a few months and you’d soon see them put some serious a-list talent on the book then hire someone cheaper once sales recovered.

Thanks OP

Even with the sliding timeline having the black suit pre 2001 has him being spiderman for 25 years easily, which normally I don’t mind but it makes no sense with the way peters currently written

I was juuust wondering what Land was up to

Twin towers attack is also on a sliding timeline.

Thanks OP

Looks like Bendis

What was Peter up to at that time? Was he basically jacking off all day and Spider-Manning only?

it's easy to forget he used to be a scientist

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That shot could be super interesting, I suppose if there keeping the living monolith and that juggernaut fight in canon they’d have to keep the twin towers around longer

I love the idea of revisiting old iconic stories like this. I loved Spiderman Blue, but why did they have to get Land?

why the circular white spots on the back of his hands instead of rectangles?
seems unnecessary just for the sake of being different?
also, didn't spider have a different symbiote look lately with the edges of the eyes lifted off the face a bit?