Harleen Black Label

So Sejic finally got his Harleen book Book one will be about becoming Harley through her love of The Joker. How much you want to bet his storyline will end with Harley/Ivy?

>"HARLEEN is a story of a flawed person who meant well, a doctor who fell in love with her patient. It is a story of her road to hell—paved with good intentions—and a smile that cost her her soul. More than anything it is a tale about good people falling. Falling in love, falling from grace, and falling apart."

Attached: Harleen-DC-Black-Label-Cover.jpg (738x945, 115K)

Other urls found in this thread:



sex for everyone, not just lesbians

Attached: Sejic s.jpg (1600x2007, 357K)

>How much you want to bet his storyline will end with Harley/Ivy?

Not much. He did say that Ivy's role in the story will be increasing as the arc progresses.

>How much you want to bet his storyline will end with Harley/Ivy?
Between the upcoming Harley/Ivy comic spinning out of HiC:

And the fact that that's pretty much how the original fanart that this all grew out of ended up:

I'd say 100%, senpai.

Which is cool partly because I like that ship, but mostly because I know how hard it'll trigger the casualGaters.

Attached: harleen q.jpg (1000x1518, 124K)

Might as well show the rest of the preview pages.

Attached: Harleen-DC-Black-Label-Preview-1.jpg (738x938, 65K)

Attached: Harleen-DC-Black-Label-Preview-2.jpg (738x938, 66K)

Attached: Harleen-DC-Black-Label-Preview-3.jpg (738x938, 75K)

Harley x Ivy still puts me off becaus I always liked the femme fatale version of Ivy who had a burning hatred for anything that wasn’t a planf.

Attached: 663DAA6B-7B13-4F17-9C7B-5D85D9AFB8D1.gif (460x426, 782K)

Attached: Harleen-DC-Black-Label-Preview-4.jpg (738x938, 50K)

Attached: Harleen-DC-Black-Label-Preview-5.jpg (738x938, 85K)

His Joker looks like a rockstar how fucks with his groupies. Like a Tommy Lee-lite.

His Joker has a very feminine face, let's be real.

Looks like Michael Jackson

oh shit i see it

>Looks like Michael Jackson
Besides the chin, cheekbones, and, you know, NOSE?

You say that as if it were a *bad* thing, user.

Attached: endgame.jpg (603x588, 102K)

>Every woman have the same face, but different hair color
Yup that's Sejic alright

Brave of him to spoil the end of the book.

>Stjepan Šejić
Every fucking time

Attached: B5LIAFSCMAAxTzj.jpg (793x640, 39K)

Welcome to the world of comic book art where 95% of artists draw nearly all their characters with the same few set of faces.

>using the shadman winslow

>on based Sejic

I like Sejic's art, but he seems like the biggest Hot Topic casual scum you could ever meet.

>serbian pedo who uses poser

>where 95% of artists draw nearly all their characters with the same few set of faces.
It's ok mate. Once you read more comics, you'll learn to differenciate the good artists from the bad, and you'll stop pulling statistics out of your ass.

>Harley x Ivy still puts me off becaus I always liked the femme fatale version of Ivy who had a burning hatred for anything that wasn’t a planf.
I want both.

Attached: of course you are.jpg (1074x997, 305K)


Expressive sameface > boring old diverse faces

>no Barda gf
This was Darkseid's cruelest trick. Creating a woman like that and then making only one of her so the world would despair.
>those scars on Ollie's back
Work or leisure related?

Name some regular comic artists that draw the majority of their faces different.

totally "play"

Attached: Green Arrow #36 (2018) - Page 10.jpg (1988x3056, 849K)