Why Does Animation Suck These Days?


Why are animated movies these day so terrible?

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>Faggot whining about how animated movies not being like they used to be

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3D animation is easier and cheaper.

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This but unironically

This but not really.

This but sardonically

this is the mouth shape

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This but strangely

western cartoon movies always been terrible

ylesrever tub siht

Because American studios are stuck with the idea that everything animated must be for children.

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This but erotically

American animation has always been trash and we just remember the good stuff.

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This but smiley :D

Not this.

Unironically this. It's a big reason why movies have degraded in story quality ever since the start of 2010's.

ALL animation has been mostly garbage and we just remember good stuff

Just like how most books, most tv shows, most movies, most meals, most EVERYTHING is lame or mediocre and absolutely unmemorable. We just remember the better things that come along now and then

Because before 2010 American studios made a lot of adult films?

This is the real answer

This is it!

No user, you're right. We should all be happy about Ugly Dolls and Minions, and Disney sequels.

Toy Story 4 sure is necessary let me tell you

although some years are better than others

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Contrast with what other countries are doing.

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It wasn't even that.

Before 2010's, a lot of studios actually made movies that had plenty of mature themes and hidden details that only adults will probably know or appreciate. Or they just knew how to appeal towards to everyone, instead of exclusively catering to just little children.

i will never forgive Bryke for having Toph with green eyes in this shitty comic series

I mean, yeah, but also corporate greed.

No. What pisses me off about this video is that it's just a guy nitpicking. He mentioned Ratatouille, but fails to bring up shit like how Bee Movie, Shrek the Third. The type of movies he's complaining about. It has always been an issue.

That is true. Thing is, back then it seemed at least one company gave a shit

Now, it doesn't seem like any of them do.

And record. The mediocre and forgettable stuff from the past is gone. No one cared to archive them, why would they. Especially back when storage density was a lot worse.

All the truly experimental or good stuff went to TV as animators don't want to deal with studio politics.

2007 was the worst year for animated movies there were tons of shit films in that year.

>Shrek The Third
>Bee Movie
>Surf's Up
>Meet The Robinsons
>Happily N'ever After

Thank god 2008 came with Kung Fu Panda, WALL E, Ponyo, Bolt and Madagscar 2

>3D animation is easier and cheaper.
It's not cheaper. Where did this meme come from?

I don’t mean to sound rude, but I have to say this: Ugly Dolls Movie looks like it was made by computer algorithms for maximum appeal towards autistic kids. I’m glad this soulless turd bombed.

This but diarrhetically

Because there is money in it, a lot.

This but heretically!

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this shouldn't have an apostrophe


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>surf's up
Hey now.
That one was actually pretty good.
Meet the Robinsons was also alright.

is that Kamina

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It genuinely shouldn't have an apostrophe, I'm a grammar Nazi not a neo-Nazi you dullard.

It's Kamina and Ryuko's bastard child.

This stupid fucking thumbnail has been in my recommendations for who knows how long

This is like, peak aposematism. The title is 100% guaranteed to get me to never click on the video ever in my entire goddamn life

>Meet the Robinsons
Fuck off m8,

>weapon of choice: BLACKED.com
You mean I have groups of large, buff, niggers to aid me at my call? Fuck sounds great. Moving will be a piece of cake.

>Meet The Robinsons

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It was mediocre at best.
Not bad, just mediocre.

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e-celeb threads are cancer and against >>>/global/rules/11 and >>>Yea Forumsrules/1
OP is a faggot.
Do your part to help purge this board of subhumans like him by reporting this thread.
Here's a link so you don't have to scroll up to the top of the page.

I’m glad most of those shitty animated movies are flopping or underperforming. Let that be a lessor for Hollywood: we want more adult animation that’s GOOD. Give us movies like pic related.

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> immediately pivots to pixar a minute in

yeah clearly not worth watching

I haven't seen this pic in like 4 years, and already it feels dated. It feels like political memes evolve at warp speed these days.

What was the last soulful era here?

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>Why are animated movies these day so terrible?
The writers, the animators, directors, etc.

This but unboronically

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I love the message, but it doesn't hold up that well, fun villain tho

Imaishi is a great character designer but he's also one trick pony like his studio

If we can convince the Academy to give the Oscar to any of these movies instead of the usual Disney stuff, maybe the general public will finally accept that animation can be used for any type of story.

This but In Nigerian

ya' I was actually about to jump on this guy for saying surf's up was bad, glad to see another one of us around here.

and hot mom