Why did Jimmy create a holographic recolor of Skeet?

Why did Jimmy create a holographic recolor of Skeet?

Attached: Chip.jpg (210x240, 11K)

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>holographic recolor
Uh, it's called a skin dude


Attached: Impossible.png (385x384, 253K)

He needed a convincing upstanding member of society to convince the parents to let them leave on a trip without parental supervision.

That's what I said, holographic recolor.

Attached: skeet.png (604x487, 465K)

woah eyebrows turned back to brown

Because Jimmy is a cuck. He watches holograms of Skeet fucking Cindy in the butt.

Was it Cindy or a clone of Cindy?

that way Jimmy can get off to his cuck fetish without being a cuck

Well then they're clones, I don't care what they do!

It's a work in progress

>mfw jimmy and cindy are still stuck in each others bodies but they just have their memories switched.

If you had a tiny clone of Skeet, would you fuck with him?

>Carl uses the Skeet clone to get tick medicine

Attached: jn.png (889x676, 629K)

to honor the memory of one of Anime's greatest heroes


Attached: 1551073319431.gif (280x189, 835K)

>Implying the lightning actually switched anything but those memories in the first place.

Souls aren't real dummy.

Reminder that Chip existed before Skeet.

Either way, one of them has forever lost their memory of their extreme dislike of girls who dislike boys who dislike girls who dislike show-offy boys who dislike pedantic girls.

>"Souls aren't real"
>Calls other people dumb
thank god no woman ever would be near enough for you to rape them

I read that as "homographic", I may have a problem.

you do