ITT: Images the best describe Yea Forums

ITT: Images the best describe Yea Forums.

Attached: yme2ene692ly.jpg (600x504, 171K)

Everything and anything ever posted by Murrlogic

No matter what Yea Forums thinks you created him.

Attached: zkn8y2x.png (1023x530, 520K)

Attached: comblr.gif (375x304, 745K)

Attached: 1546086850119.gif (375x303, 743K)

Attached: tumblr_njqe1aplQn1qznngwo1_500.gif (500x281, 172K)

Attached: w9PZaPh.jpg (1988x3056, 1.25M)

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Attached: 1559771381756.jpg (624x351, 64K)

Attached: co.png (469x475, 531K)

If my editing skills weren't so weak I'd change "cure cancer" to "discuss comics and cartoons" and "turn people into dinosaurs" to "fuck dinosaurs"

Attached: Flawless Argument.jpg (1678x2100, 453K)

Attached: co.jpg (500x534, 42K)

Attached: 870870.gif (390x220, 1.16M)

Attached: co.jpg (584x640, 122K)


Attached: elka.png (197x439, 185K)

Attached: barb.png (410x357, 278K)

God that one autist who's coming up with the most random bullshit to trash them
At least the majority of Yea Forums knows what's up

Attached: file.png (480x300, 6K)

Holy mother of BASED

Attached: 1514886685516.jpg (1280x708, 193K)

accurate and correctpilled

I would never go on Yea Forums for how fucking terrible it is
Guess you're referring to the capeshit side