Shazam! is breaking out of his ongoing title and back into the wider DCU - but with some consequences...

Shazam! is breaking out of his ongoing title and back into the wider DCU - but with some consequences, according to a new image released.

The cover to September's Batman/Superman #2 has been tweeted by series writer Joshua Williamson, and it shows a malevolent-looking Big Red Cheese.

"Batman/Superman #2 cover! By @DaveMarquez & @loquesunalex!" Williamson writes. "The first of the characters corrupted by the Batman Who Laughs. You’ll fear the Power of the Dark Multiverse. SHAZAM!!!"

The recently-released preview to August's Batman/Superman #1 reveals a scene with a dark version of Billy Batson attacking the prime DCU's Batman.

More details coming in the full September 2019 solicitations from DC at 5:00pm Eastern on Friday.

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Okay, now this I gotta check out.

he kind of looks neat

>The Shazam who lmaos
Come on

>but with some consequences

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I can't wait when, in five years, instead of the Legion of Doom, we have a Joker League, and it's just DC heroes as jokers.

Is #1 in August?

This might be the least I've cared about DC since 2011.

2019: Everyone is Jokers!

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OK, now THIS is EPIC!

How is this different from Black Adam?

Yeah, that's an insult to Alan Moore, and Johns is handling that fine on his own.

Can't wait for the Hawkman Who Laughs, or the Manhunter Who Laughs. Milking the Joker fanbase for every buck they can spare.

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As long as the people who were in charge then are still in charge, it'll always lurk in this direction

>evil Cap
Are they retarded?

I honestly felt nothing reading the OP. Not happiness nor anger. Just apathy.

No, but they will put on a green wig and red lipstick and suck your cock for $3.99

Same. If TGL wasn't so good I'd drop it on principal. With Super Sons ending and Jimenez off JL for the next two months I'll literally only be pulling one DC book per month.

Before Bendis it was 12 a month for me just from DC.

Somehow an evil Cap is not as bad as "Cap, but Joker!"

Their just throwing everyone into society

It's just TGL, Super Sons, Hawkman, Terrifics and Deathstroke for me and who knows how much longer those three have left.

So Donna Troy and Shazam are confirmed, who's next?

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I find it funny that they're using Batman and Batman Who Laughs to subtly launch another Superman book hoping people will buy it this time. DC literally have zero faith in Superman.

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Superman has to pig-back on Batman to remain relevant. That's just the sad truth. See Batman v Superman.

Kyle? Hal, John and Jessica got shit going on.

Because DC understands that the only thing people pay for their B-D listers is lip service.

I can smell the Batman haters jizzing themselves over the thought of him getting beat up by Shazam from here.

Oh yeah, this is exactly what I want.
More Batman.

Captain Marvel fans hate Batman and Superman alike, user.

Absolutely no one cares about this book except Jokerfaggots. The entire reason The Batman Who Laughs exists is jokerfaggotry.

Who can bring themselves to hate on Batman post-King? I feel only pity and sorrow.

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It surely is, otherwise they wouldn't launch another Superman book co-starring Batman and featuring Batman villains. Because the Event Leviathan certainly wasn't enough.

I want to see him beating Catwoman, to see what's what.

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It's not Damian cause Billy is Damian in this.

Probably Billy (confirmed), guy, batgirl, booster, Kara and Alfred.

>Jon Kent
I guess this would be a way to undo teen Jon but I doubt it's going to be that.

>Six of the below heroes will betray the DC Universe!
Besides Shazam, my money is on Donna, Rick Grayson (which no one will care), Miss Martian, Kyle Rayner, and Perry White.

This isn't true at all. As one of the most consistently REEd at Billyfags I can tell you most of us love Superman.

Batman who Laughs is what? on its fifth or sixth comic and it always makes it to the top-ten.

As much as I hate Jokerfaggotry the people who like it spend their money on it and DC keeps making more because of it. Same shit happened with Batman but King managed to slowly start sinking that boat.

What? Cap could kill Superman what problem would he have with Batman. He's arguably the only one Flash cant just blitz

>corrupting Shazam into a big villain
Man, Dan Didio is out for blood, isn't he?

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Fuck I said guy I meant Kyle.
user is also thinking straight:
Kinda the same type I saw with Alfred; the real heartbreaker for Batman/Superman depending on which on.

Don't lie, you dumb Yea Forums tourist.

He just hates me. I know this seems insane and self obsessed but I absolutely promise you it's specifically me he's trying to piss off.

Oh for fuck sake. This is intentional now, and Dan is clearly giving the middle finger to Johns

DC bringing the heat in September.

Why are you guys being bitchy about this? You act like it’s permanent when it’s probably gonna last one issue if that

Tom King fucking managed to make me hate Batman's trunks, because now every time i see Batman with his trunks on the outside i am reminded that the only reason he went back to this costume was because King made it so Batman could remember himself from a time before he was dumped by Catwoman.

Some people love it when Batman gets beat up by superhumans because they don't think he should ever get to win against a nonhuman.
No one cares who beats up Superman he is a jobber. Its like a right of passage to beat up Superman and join the I beat up Superman club.

What did you do to him?

Fuck off faggot you're falseflagging because you've always hated the trunks and want ATT shills to see this and report back. Hang yourself and stream it.

No one believes you.

I've spoiled a few stories they tried to steal from me forcing them to retool them after they were drawn. He also thinks I helped turn the sentiments around their garbage poisonous in general.

They know I'm talented enough but they tried to steal from me because I'm an asshole and a nobody and I didn't accept it lying down.

Batcat is still shit

>I've spoiled a few stories they tried to steal from me
Any we'd know?

I never like modern shazam and his Burger King family.

It is good to see johnfags suffer for it.

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Perry White is confirmed too.
Supergirl, Beast Boy and IDK, Constantine?

Shitty punk Batson and his Beneton Ad family can fuck themselves. Were the parents trying to collect every nationality or something?

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Ever heard of Heroes in Crisis? Doom Patrol as well.

Nobody believes that you ever liked the trunks and now don't. There was also no refutation that king had Batman return to his roots.

I enjoy Billy and hate johns garbage version. Johnsfags likely enjoy this shit just like the enjoy his shitty shazam book.

What was your original version of HiC? Was Wally always going to be the killer? King said something about editorial making him use those characters

>Tease people turning into Dark Multiverse versions of themselves
>JK They're just turning into Jokers
Come on

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Adam is broody as fuck

Preview of Batman/Superman

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Captain Marvel should've never been scooped up by DC.

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What does she have to do with anything user?

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Hot damn

Jesus fucking christ Metal was the worst thing that's ever happened to the DC universe

So is this the main DC universe Billy or one from the Dark Multiverses?

That's an over-exaggeration

I still find it ridiculous they actually refer to him as "The Batman Who Laughs" in universe.

How the fuck does Billy Batson sneak up on Superman?
By pretending to be a statue?
Did he stop breathing too? Stop his heartbeat?

You are telling me the three of them can be alone in a cave, and Superman cannot detect him because raisins?

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The Batman Who Laughs is literally just Onslaught but dumber.

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they had that it was called joker's last laugh

You are forgetting how Snyder jokerized the JL in Endgame (I think?) and the Teen Titans and Suicide Squad in some Metal tie-ins.
It's probably a fetish.

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And the worst part is, they are there actively looking for a kid.
So they can't play the whole "Flash doesn't have super-reflexes normally, he has to turn them ON (or something) bullshit".
I despise how they make characters like Superman regular people with normal reflexes and senses except when they need to do battle or advance a clumsy plot point.

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They changed in a snap. How spine-tingling.

I just hate the gimmicks as of late.

They used to "corrupt" Mary Marvel ad nauseum, how long before we can look forward to Corrupted Darla?
Ugh. This kind of storytelling is truly tabloid-tier writing.

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They are probably trying to emulate Kid Miracleman.

Beast Boy, Ms. Martian and Kyle. DC is out to derail most of the Titans.

>The Joker goes from being a failed comedian who resorts to crime to being a fucking disease

Saying that anyone who has the Joker toxin in them is the Joker kinda ruins the character, much like how "midichlorians" ruined the Force

It's more like Dan hates young heroes in general. Most of the potential suspects are all mid 20s and younger or from the TT/Titans franchise.

Shit taste confirmed. 2011 was a good year for DC.

Yeah I fully expect as many Titans as possible too.

Miss M, Kyle, Constantine.

Beast Boy, Damian, Ms.Martian

Yeah, until September.

He really likes anyone who is an obvious Spider-Man clone (Blue Beetle, Sideways). I don't think he has anything against Beast Boy/Raven/Starfire/Cyborg either, or even Damian Wayne for that matter.

This would have been an interesting comic if the characters actually turned into evil versions of themselves. Just being jokerized is lame.

What the fuck are you two retards talking about? This is a Batman book ft. Superman, hence “Batman/Superman” instead of the reverse like it used to be.

It should be World's Finest.

I want Marquez on a GL book, only two small panels and his Hal looks amazing

wow great DC defaults back to ruining a character for made up controversy ala Marvel how neato and original

Nigga, Batman doesn't need Superman, it's the other way around. If they wanted, they could have just released another Batman ongoing named Batman Who Laughs where Batman hunts BWL the same way, minus Superman.

>The Plastic Man Who Laughs

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I get the impression that Didio really hates characters from the Titans/TT franchise.

Dick is Ric

Roy is dead

Donna will be working for Batman Who Laughs

Wally is broken.

I feel like more Titans are getting the shaft soon.

What would have happened if he and his lore had been picked up by Marvel?
I like to imagine this sort of dynamic.

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Oh, you know

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>The Shazam who laughs
For fuck sake.

Yeah I am scared about that too.

Jon and Nightwing if they want to bring them back to how they were. Which I doubt.

>What would have happened if he and his lore had been picked up by Marvel?
Remember that big event where a bunch of marvel Teens had been kidnapped, forced to kill each other and none of their mentor figures did the slightest fucking thing to find them?

You know I was reallly hoping these dark multiverse infected heroes would be more interested instead of just being jokerized.
Like a Shazam overtaken completely by Mr. Mind or something like that.

Wait, what?

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I know nothing about Joshua Williamson, is he a good writer?

How much longer can they milk this dark multiverse shit?

Oops! All Jokers!

Avengers Arena. A bunch of Avengers Academy and New Mutants kids were snatched up by Arcade, who made them play out Battle Royale instead of killing them with wacky but horrifying machines like he usually does.

>fallout from Metal event
>following the Batman who laughs

Hard pass.

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