Jessica Jones

Final season dropped today and no thread?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Literally no one cares.

And this is coming from someone who watched every Netflix show up until Punisher season 2. As soon as I heard they were getting canned it became irrelevant.

Nobody cares

None of those shows are MCU canon unlike the disney+ ones

I thought the show was already over. Oh well, I cannot say I care.

Who's the villain this season?

Who gives a shit?

If you want to know execution, it's a walking "genius serial killer" cliche. Not even done interestingly.

Put that shit on Yea Forums, faggot.

it sucked and it continuous to suck, what is there to say? jessica gets stabled and now its about how it relates to dangers of being a female victims. trinity is still on about death and lesbianism, trying to take away a married woman. ex druggy is fucking up his life because he has moral issues with what he does. trish is still the worst

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Did Boss Cage show up or was even mentioned this season?

based, hope Fiege reboots Iron Fist

What are the chances that the new love interest gets cucked by Luke Cage, the based black man?


Last episode. Nothing is done with it.

Lost interest after based Killgrave died. All that's left is BLACKED and feminazi propaganda.

gonna watch it this weekend :)

Sadly this.

Defenders, Iron Fist, and Punisher really soured the Netflix Universe for me. I haven't even watched anything after Punisher due to how badly it felt. I wonder if this would've happened if the Avengers and the couple of movies after it were slogs.

I couldn't get more than 3 episodes into season two without quitting, and I was able to finish every other Marvel Netflix show just fine.
I wish they would've cancelled this production of season 3 could finish. Daredevil or Punisher would've been the right shows to end the franchise on, assuming Daredevil isn't going to pop back up on Hulu in two years.

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Who sees Foolkiller and thinks "that's a character that can carry 8 episodes"

>All that's left is BLACKED
there are three blacked scenes. they really outdid themselves this time

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What is this show's deal with taking obscure characters and making them into shitty mockeries of themselves?
Nuke, Whizzer, and now Foolkiller? Fuck this shit.

>assuming Daredevil isn't going to pop back up on Hulu in two years.
I have some sources, I believe they're reliable but can't prove them to you....
Charlie Cox doesn't believe that Daredevil will return.

Was he just mentioned, or did he actually show up?

>Punisher's showrunner wanted to include Matt in S3
Coming full circle, imagine.

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Don't do this to me

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Do yourself a favor and watch season 3 of Daredevil. It's the best season.
I also liked Luke Cage S2, but you're not going to get any payoff there for what it set up. Just stick to DD.

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more like footkiller amirite lads? ahaha oh man

It's really understated for some reason how badly they massacred Frank in his own show. Jon Bernthal started playing something resembling fucking Punisher only in S2 of his show and we basically have 2 seasons of him reverting to his state he started out with in DD, shit fucking sucks.

Actually I can share it... My sources aren't that secret. There's this World of Warcraft youtuber/streamer that was going to a drama school and was in the same class as Charlie Cox and they're still pals and he took his wife to a theatre lately and his buddy Charlie was playing in it and they've met and... well, DD S4 is not likely to happen.

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They should've had the showrunners from DDS2 handling Frank since that's clearly where their hearts were.
Lightfoot clearly didn't care about the character and wanted to do his own thing, and was pretty much forced to include more traditional elements near the end of S2.

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>Man Without Consistent Showrunner
>Man Without Show
>Man Without Emmy
I can't take it anymore lads...

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That's fucking DISGUSTING.

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Eh, Charlie Cox himself is not reliable source on the fate of the show, it's off his hands.

That's why I said
>Charlie Cox doesn't believe that Daredevil will return.

scene was abit silly matt gets stabbed in the chest like twice and he was still able to beat 2 guys with riot shields in an enclosed space

Did streamer say if Charlie is getting by with some acting jobs in theater or something? For some reason ever since Stardust you barely see him in anything, it's a damn shame.

It's almost like it's from some sort of superhero show.

he looked like a FUCKING CLOWN

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I haven't asked and I don't believe anyone else did.

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the audience (like always)

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Kek, he couldn't even be fucked to shave.

charlie cox is too good for netflix garbage

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What the fuck happened to him in just one year? I thought black didn't crack?

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Iron Fist (and by extension Luke Cage) should never have been on TV in the first place. He needs a big budget action movie and the tone of the MCU movies to be pulled off right. Same with Heroes for Hire.

Go around 22min 45s

Wear it!

>It's really understated for some reason how badly they massacred Frank in his own show

Iron Fist got the worst treatment. Like it actually hurts my soul to see how badly normies hate Danny due to these shows.

I hope an eventual reboot movie will happen so he can get redeemed.

>is not reliable source on the fate of the show, it's off his hands.

neither is the hack known as Jeph "It's all Connected (even though it really isn't)" Loeb

>going to plays
>"my favorite man"
what a fag LMAO

Danny and his show could've been good, but the SJW campaign about "whitewashing" would've still happened.

>Charlie Cox isn't his favorite man
What are you, some sort of faggot?

I honestly doubt that got nearly as much of the audience away from it as the show's own actual faults did.

yeah but if the show turned out good (which it probably wouldn't have seeing as TV can't do the character justice) it would've shut a lot of people up. Look at Dr. Strange and how all the Ancient One controversy just disappeared and now no one cares.

I thought that was Turk at first. Like how'd he go from buff thicc to looking like some scrawny ass thug?

I don't believe Danny can be pulled out only in the movie, it just needs a simple script that's smart about its simplicity and use, you know, actually Iron Fist material instead of sloppily making it about the Hand.

For example, how about we combine Iron Fist's origin with Fraction/Brubaker run, where Seven Capital Cities of Heaven hold a tournament and chose Earth as the arena for their immortal weapons to fight Highlander style. Since fighters just sort of have to find each other Danny doesn't really care about it and goes to New York to reconnect with himself. By going to New York he simultaneously unravels the murder plot that killed his parents that wasn't an accident, finds out the Hand is corrupting his father's legacy to tie into Defenders and has Immortal Weapons hunting him down for an occasional leeway for kickass kung fu.

That way it would make sense why Davos is pissed off at Danny and why he failed K'un-Lun, he was constantly pursuing murder plot on his parents and make it that between the tournament and his own life he constantly chooses to pursue revenge. It'd be Iron Fist, not crazy enough to not be able to pull off on TV, kung fu fighting and interesting too.

Episode 2 is a Trish episode. I like how they show her powers activating. She's still a total cunt , but Malcolm has some good burns on her.

dat ass

I think shes hot in a way

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This is the only thing Ritter is good in.

like the way a soggy sandwich starts looking good when you're to lazy to go outside and get better food.


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She's like Brie Larson who isn't consistently annoying.

is this supposed to be painfully awkward?

The saddest part of all of this MCU Netflix stuff is that Jeph Loeb won't get called out on being a shit overseer of Marvel TV and will skate by on nepotism despite his incompetence for what is I think the 6th time now. People suck his dick when the shows do well but when they did poorly and fucked up the momentum with IF and Defenders no one thought that the person that was put in charge of Marvel Animation and fucked it up horribly might have been to blame. And there was little if any promotion for IF S2 or Luke Cage S2 or JJ S3.

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Jeph Leob always sucked. He killed so many good animated TV shows and replaced them with garbage.

Jeph Loeb is definitely to blame for some bullshit going on with these shows, like incredibly weak overall connection between the shows that rewards ONLY people who would never pick up on them (like Dogs of Hell in Season 2 of Daredevil, I love Agents of Shield but even assuming there is roughly same amount of people who watch AoS as Daredevil, most average viewers just wouldn't care unless they jerk off to these bone scraps off the table).

But not cancellation, Daredevil was entirely cancelled because of upcoming streaming services wars caught in a crossover and Netflix growing past need of Marvel brand to attract audience.

If you ask me, I believe House and Cards with Daredevil shaped what all the good Netflix originals strive to be these days.

Someone post THAT webm from season 2.

>Netflix growing past need of Marvel brand to attract audience.
Massive fucking kek. Netflix Originals have become nothing but trash. Not even Bojack or Arrested Development are safe bets anymore.

>I don't believe Danny can be pulled out only in the movie

You need an actual fight scene with a CGI dragon and to shoot most of the season in a location that looks like K'un L'un. Maybe you can do that on a TV budget if the network you're shooting for is HBO but it's not gonna fuckin' happen otherwise.

It's ok, they'll just sprinkle in social justice once in a while here and there for sustainable relevancy.

That's exactly the problem. They want "prestige television" brownie points so bad they'll take whatever property they can get and ram into that stylistic mold even if it doesn't fit.

>Hell NO!
Can we be done with this tired fucking joke please.

have you ever read Immortal Iron Fist? There's literally no way any of that stuff can be done on a TV budget.

If they are ashamed to do basic shit like giving street-level heroes costumes, why would they be able to do the stuff of bigger scale and scope?

This... just like Dark Phoenix.

>Daredevil scenes don't qualify
>GOT scenes barely anyone could see qualify

The Emmys are shit.

don't forget he keeps on trying and wasting comic characters on TV despite repeated failures. Look at the Inhumans show. Look at the upcoming Ghost Rider shit.

>after based Killgrave died


Is that the same black guy from the first two seasons?

Look user, it's not that expensive to shoot a traditional 'flying on wires' Kung-Fu show which is all you had to do. The problem with Iron Fist was never the budget,
>Hate Kung-Fu
>Hate Danny Rand
>Hate comic books
and you wonder why Iron Fist was garbage? What kind of fucking retard thought making Iron Fist into a drama about corporate politics was a good idea?

Speaking of that, was that really Killgrave at the end controlling Jessica or was that just her seeing him as a negative influence in her life imploring her to give up?

>Jessica started out taking down her rapist, Killgrave
>she ends up having to take down her own sister and best friend, who becomes a serial rapist


Where can I find the sex scene?

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nah the black guy got himself a new white girl

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I want to fuck every older woman in this show. The secretary, Patsy's mom, Hogarth, the cellist Hogarth tried to fuck. Hell, even the lady cop from the episode where they found Foolkiller's first victim.

>literal prostitute
come on malcolm

hooker with a white pussy > successful black girl

you're better than this, /pol/

whats even the point without Purple Man?

Those scenes where she's under his control were hot as fuck.

I'd mind control and hit that.

>If you ask me, I believe House and Cards with Daredevil shaped what all the good Netflix originals strive to be these days.
Orange is the New Black is probably more popular.

>whats even the point without Purple Man?
purple man comes back for 10 seconds at the end of the last episode

hell no

My guess is that once the shows started dropping, he said "fuck it" and stopped worrying about keeping up his physique for the part. It's clear this season that everyone involved is in that mode and doing just enough of what needs to be done to turn in a project.

>it's not that expensive to shoot a traditional 'flying on wires' Kung-Fu show which is all you had to do

no one wants that out of Iron Fist though. People were expecting intense Winter Soldier/Raid level fight scenes

Iron fist actor was and acrobat and didn't know martial arts at all. bad casting

Jessica Henwick knows kung fu and was amazing as Colleen Wing

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>whys no one watching the worst of the Netflix shows
Wake me for the next season of daredevil

their isn't going to be one
Victoms of the streaming wars

I love this hot mess of a character. But Trish is doing NOTHING to redeem what she did last season

>DD S4
no shit that ain't happening, what you should have hope for is Disney picking Cox to do the next incarnation of Daredevil and maybe not rebooting the whole damn thing. That is if they actually DO something with him.

I'm trying to watch it now and I can't help but feel like Jessica hasn't grown or changed as a character at all. Even to the point of not learning from her mistakes from previous seasons. This season's villain is a fucking nobody and Jessica still can't seem to handle him, basically because she doesn't fucking want to. It's the same shit every season where she has this bug up her ass that the villain needs to be handled in some artistically specific way or otherwise it's not real justice. And because she refuses to do what needs to be done the villain get's away with doing worse shit in the interim until he forces her hand and she just ends up doing what she should have done by like first or second episode.

>I'm trying to watch it now and I can't help but feel like Jessica hasn't grown or changed as a character at all. Even to the point of not learning from her mistakes from previous seasons.
that's her in the comics

Jessica backhanding Trish 5 meters was so rewarding. She's so fucking arrogant with this Hero bullshit
>I'm unstoppable
what a cunt

This is what they decide to get comic accurate?

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yup. Since Luke Cage is cancelled they couldn't go that route. So keep on with her being a fuckup. The only time she EVER developed as a person was being with Luke and having a kid, cause it gave her something to live for. At this point she still has nothing to live for.

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>Jessica backhanding Trish 5 meters was so rewarding.

I know, but that's something else about this season. EVERYONE is shit. Jessica has dragged everyone down to her level. I used to like Trish and Malcolm was annoying but basically a good guy now they're both insufferable. And Hogarth is worse than fucking ever. WHY? Why make everything shit?

Have fun with your eternal slumber then

cause that's how the real world works. Everyone is shit

I don't know how Carrie Ann Moss does it. She is a complete irredeemable cunt through and through, no redeeming qualities at all. Hell, she's been worse than any villain but Killmonger. But I just SO love hate watching her

Wait--wasn't the whole point that Trish liked costumes and heroism more than Jessica?

I'm finding Foolkiller actually pretty terrifying. just as manipulative as Killgrave but not even needing the powers

Hey Fuck you, Marvel Netflix. I'm watching you because I like superheroes. Maybe if you put more than just Daredevil in one the shows would have been better received.

It's bullshit man. BULLSHIT!

I enjoy pointing out to those people how racist it is to assume that this martial arts guy must be asian. It's a fun way to spin them out.

Who is the actress?

Oh shit! I just figured out who that husband is. He's the main actor in Manhattan! He's so fucking good in ever scene

this was such a fucking great show, good to see him again

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Jamie Neumann. she fucks a black guy in the deuce too, and gets nude in it.

Odd. Isnt she primarily a screenwriter?

Funny thing about the corporate politics is that the antics of Ward were the only salvagable part of the series.

Didn't that already happen, though?
I watched the show until not-Nuke died, and in the second season it really got to me how not a single character who was likable survived or maintained their likability.

the cop is completely good. You aren't wrong that everyone fucks up and is dragged through their own shit, but that's why I love this show. ||It's a good superhero deconstruction show||

>Throws Trish out a window
best scene!

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>make an accurate costume
>just to diss it
Why can't they do it right?

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What happened to the romance with the Mexican handyman in S2? Did it continue in S3?

he's no longer in the show. she fucks a random white guy that has the power that sense "bad guys

No one wonders why Iron Fist was garbage, they hired the guy who ran Dexter into the ground as a showrunner for fuck's sake. That's how little they cared about making a good show.

yeah, this drives into the ground how outdated the mentality is regarding superhero costumes.

Fuck the Netflix shows and fuck the Fox X-Men franchise.

Do you really have standards that low for what constitutes being "terrifying"?

there are people here who watch supergirl and think it's unironically good. Yea Forums has super low standards

What would you prefer? Yellow spandex?

Jesus christ what happened to this nigga? Skinny as fuck.

It's a fuck you to comic book fans when they do the halloween edition of the comic book look as a gag.
No one(well, almost) is asking for literal spandex.

>Legitimately the most sexy and comic book accurate costume
>Shits on it because we adult and edgy
>Shitting on comics books for being shitty in a setting like MCU
Why is Netflix so shit? Like even CW dc knows attractive women and sexy costumes brings ratings.

you gay

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Change the mask. That costume looks fine.

Yellow could be a shade darker. On it's own it''s fine but it's jarring set alongside the rest of the show

Shockingly they could have done something completely unheard of in the industry and put a mask on Finn Jones whenever he fought and used a stunt they did with DD...

>the villain is a generic super smart serial killer with no powers
Ya that'll carry 13 episodes no problem.

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Didn't you see Captain Marvel? The female superhero NEEDS to be in a position of power at all times.

Funny, I don't mind a powerless serial killer as an antagonist. I liked Hannibal and pic related was an amazing fucking villain on Dexter. With the right writing it could've worked.
But man, the Foolkiller was just boring.

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That kind of antagonist against someone like Jessica would only work if you made him really difficult to find for around the first half of a season.

I'm not sure if I'll watch this. Did they really make him carry all 13 episodes by himself? They tried that with Killgrave in S1 which led to him just getting captured then escaping again and again.

Speaking of Hannibal. Recall when S3 was just two main villains split into two halves of a season?

JJ probably could've used that.

Most of the season is focused on him until he dies in episode 12 and Trish becomes the main villain

>last episode villain change
Glad to see that even to the bitter end they're doing this shit.

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Maybe she didn't realize how much she wasn't into it until she tried it?

>Season 2: 82% Fresh
Christ on a crutch, user ... Season 3 must be fucking DIRE!

I Will say this one last time: Killing Killgrave so early killed The Show at the End. Both Jess Mother and Sallinger couldn't top or surpass him. They know that but didn't had the Balls to resurrect him because "I hate muh comic book stuff hell no", so instead they use him in cameos like "I'm in your mind Jessica bitch"

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I got through two whole episodes before I started skipping scenes. Granted it took me two whole episodes to remember that I did that for Punisher season 2 and probably a few other of these shows.
The doctor/nurse guy at the hospital is the best character this show has ever had and I will be sad when he inevitably gets his shit pushed in for no reason before the end.

>season 2: 82%
What the fuck?

Honestly, this show doesn't deserve to be as well-rated as it is.

At least he’s not the final boss.

the only time making fun of the campy comic costume worked perfectly

Based and Purplepilled

>most charismatic Defender
I've watched season one, and Daresevil S1+2 and punisher S1.
How the fucking fuck is "waah muh alcoholism" the most charismatic character?

What's Netflix's fucking problem?

But user, she acts like a bitch and scoffs alot. Isn't that what charisma is?

>Disney picking Cox
keep dreaming. Bar mitzvah mafia will cuck him the same way they cuked him from playing Solo. Granted Cox was so dedicated playing blind man that after all these years he forget to stop doing it during Solo audition but giving it some Kike who needed acting coach during filming speaks for itself.

remainder the WW2 propaganda scene was peak Marvel everything after was downhill

god i wish that were me

Just started episode 7. The first 5 minutes has been worth all the bullshit so far.

It cracked at the drop of a hat.

There was a huge mistake just not having the Hand resurrect him just to dick her over.

Just keep him like the cómics, Just say he has a healing factor.

Maybe there are tons of Girls that "Killed" him, so you can say that when he comes back to life, he chooses to move into another victim.

Let Jessica Kill him, and when he comes back, make him act like "I CAN'T believe she did that to me". Make him try to move on, grab some replacement for Jessica, but he keeps thinking about it.

Season 2 finale. Trish fucking killed Jess mom and she wants to run away just to stay away from her and not kill her out of rage. Bus Station, she's hearing Killgrave again, but even when she stops him, she stills heards his voice.

That's when she realizes that He's just there, walking with some new girls and acting like a Chad, Laughing, etc.

Until they see again. You bring back Killgrave like that, and this time you fucking keep him around.

>Look at the Inhumans show.
Wasn't that Ike the Kike who wanted it?

That’s because it served a narrative purpose for the movie while at the same time is referenced in later movies, which builds MCU lore. One of the best MCU scenes

This is basically the capeshit equivalent of this.

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Let's cut to the chase: does she get sodomized or not?

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Of course she's hot!

Malcolm has a hero complex, of course he will choose the white prostitute who wants to get out of that line of work over the bossy nigress who only cares about her career

also blatantly obvious

Jessica Jones as a comic book character only has two good story line, Purple Man and saving Mattie from drug induced sexual slavery

with out Purpleman they only had one storyline left to fall back on and they didn't have the falls to make a sex trafficking season

I liked the first arc of Pulse, but Marvel would never waste Norman Osborn on a Netflix show.
A shame, though. Would've been cool to see a psychopath like Norman in a dark and gritty setting where he can unwind

Nuke isn't that obscure.
he was the leader of the thunderbolts during dark reign, and he is in famous stories like born again.

not mainstream, but more popular than foolkiller

what is he?

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Jeph Loeb is the head of Marvel TV, meaning he works for Ike

You can really tell barely anyone here watched the series because they missed on the fact that Kilgrave really is alive again.

Of course, it's on a tease that won't get a payoff since the show (and the Netflix shows in general) got canned

He's not alive, retard.

> Reboot dies a death like Netflix Marvel

Talliesen and Evitel on a Yea Forums thread??

I have to keep watching because I have to see Jeri get her comeuppance even though I'm positive she won't get any.

I can't keep saying

In Daredevil's defense though I have to say that people are glossing over the fact that they needed to design a costume to do stunts in first. Charlie Cox went on record it was extremely comfy to use it for stunts too. They weren't trying to make some bullshit kike statement about spandex not working.

Jessica Jones is just rofling on da c0mic b00k incel lmao xD

BLACKED is the future

Ive only seen one ep so far, had alot of good setups, hopefully this season is more put together then last

Trish is awful but I at least find her entertaining because she fucks herself over as much as she does everyone around her.

>he doesn't know
keep watching

starting final episode so bump

>In Daredevil's defense though I have to say that people are glossing over the fact that they needed to design a costume to do stunts in first.

Jessica Jones doesn't have that excuse, she literally just kinda shoves people for all of her action scenes.

Legitimately I only want to see Krysten Ritter's tits and pussy, nothing else.

I just appreciate the fact that they address that Trish is an addict that keeps on trading one addiction for another and that ultimately she is a villain

>IF made by people who might actually know a fight choreography instructor.

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>A TV show from 99 on USA network can make a fight scene with this but a marvel/disney show can't afford it 20 years later.

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what a downward spiral that was....Jessica's life is suffering. ya, which bugs me about how the show was marketed as a feminist show. It totally isn't, the show is entirely about addiction and how that ruin lives.

I want to get her pregnant

And Jeri has lost nothing still...holy shit, the rich get away with everything.

>cause that's how the real world works.
>(in the new york bubble)

In comic books, he's more a telepath. Here he seems to be some kind of evil detecting dude with empathy powers or something. I honestly wasn't paying much attention to his scenes.

Apart from the whole doomed to die alone paralysed in her own body. Which actually still doesn't seem like punishment enough.

isn't she rich? she couldn't spring for some better gear?

God, I hated treatment of Nuke in S1 so much.

>'Hey Jess, I am going to kill that motherfucker who abused you and toyed with people's lives"
>"Ugh, can you please wait until I metaphorically save myself through latest girl he abused?"
>"What? No?"
>Proceeds by allowing Kilgrave kill Nuke's boys and other people
>Remains an obstacle to the point where Nuke couldn't see any other way except break the law to get to him
>Is seen as a monster for doing that
>Jessica kills Killgrave and breaks the law and gets away with it with zero consequences
>Pretty much what Nuke wanted to do before Killgrave got to kill more people for fun

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I have a hard time figuring out why I defend and even like Hogarth a bit until I realized how refreshing it is to have a female character be a sleazebag, let alone a LGBT character.

It really isn't. We've known about it for two seasons and all it did was motivate her to be an even worse person than she already was, which means it made about as much of a difference in the grand scheme of things as Jessica losing her spleen. If we had seen more of her symptoms then maybe it would have been a little more cathartic but the best we got were a few borderline comical stumbles. The idea that the supposed love of her life doesn't even feel gratifying because the character and the plot are a Janey-come-lately filler crammed into the last season. So much shit happened because of her hubris, and they couldn't even break the dam at the very end.
That was what was always so frustrating about Jeri, she never really lost anything she just didn't get everything she wanted. People close to her would die, but she was so self-centered it would be at worst a temporary inconvenience for her and at best one less fallout for her to deal with.

Man as bad as the writing was on Hercules, they did some decent effects work. Even character possession was pretty terrifying, none of this mild change in tone of voice garbage.

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It was a different age.

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Holy shit that pissed me off too. Then it was all for nothing because the girl had to fucking kill herself to force Jessica to get her head out of her ass.

Nah, I legitimately got a chubby during this scene. Everything after this was down hill.

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>comes back for season two as a good guy just to be killed off

How pathetic must you be to watch garbage only if you're promised more.

This show really has the most disappointing villains.
>inb4 muh Kilgrave
Frankly I don't understand why everyone treats him as the best villain ever, he's just as laughable as the rest of villains on this show.