Attached: The Last Phoenix.png (1267x953, 1.83M)

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They both suck.

The end.

Last Stand was better.

Last Stand

goddamn it was that bad? jesus

i've only seen last stand and it had an awesome song. so last stand.

That Last Stand poster symbolizes everything that is wrong with the Fox X-Men franchise.
Ostensibly it's about Jean Grey becoming Dark Phoenix.
In actuality, it's centered around Wolverine, over-promotes an Oscar-winning actress who's tangential to the story, and has one of Singer's delicious fuckboys front and center.

Attached: Sherman.png (205x203, 87K)

Yes, Fox somehow found the way

>Nubile young man with 3 lines in movie shirtless in front row
>Jean Grey in the far background sorta looking over everyone's shoulder
Singer certainly approved of this poster

>Ostensibly it's about Jean Grey becoming Dark Phoenix.

Except it wasn't. Phoenix was just a subplot to the mutant cure by producer demand.

The og movies weren't that great but the casting was near perfection. New Storm doesn't hold a hair to Halle Berry.

Singer had nothing to do with The Last Stand.

>"Well, at least the studio will never make a shittier FF movie than Rise of the Silver Surfer."
>"Hold my beer"

Attached: Dooomachev.jpg (600x308, 19K)

wow, so last stand suffered the same fate as Spidey 3? forced storyline which hinders the original vision. shame

The IMDB tells me this is so, but that poster suggests he had creative influence.

Every X-Men movie aside from Logan and Days of Future Past is fraught with executive meddling, especially The Last Stand, X-Men Origins: Wolverine and Dark Phoenix.

There's no debate. Dark Pheonix was entirely okay movie. Last Stand was absolute garbage.

>Phoenix was just a subplot to the mutant cure by producer demand.
She literally opens by killing Cyclops.
Then kills Professor X.
The mutant cure was just an excuse to have Magneto fite everyone again.

It was the early 2000's. Sex appeal still put butts in seats, both male and female.

>Logan was amazing
>DOFP was pretty damn gud

>Last Stand, Origins and Dark Phoenix all shit

Yeah you're right. Also I know this gets said a lot but its really funny how hit or miss the franchise has been.

Logan is without a single doubt, the single most overrated cape movie in the history of Cape movies, narrowly edging out The Dark Knight.

Last Stand was watchable compared to Dark Phoenix. At least Last Stand felt like there were stakes and had good performances. Dark Phoenix was fucking abysmal on every level and felt like it all took place in one neighbourhood.

>Both are shit movies OP
And bad adaptations
Do you know why Dark Phoenix in comics is one of the greatest classics of all time?
Why it took more than 20 years to be done
If it is done correctly, it would take at least 10 years to be done correctly on the MCU or FOX
The impact at the time happened because no one would ever imagine that sweet Jean Gray would become the greatest murderous villain in Marvel comics
Imagine if the Harry Potter movies continued to this day and Hermione became the great Harry Potter villain
Killing millions of people and regular characters?
It would be something that no one could imagine right?
In the movies the evil of Dark Phoenix has no reach, in comics she destroyed a planet killing billions of people
In the movies there is no such thing, it does not kill a hundred people its evil is never of a great villain
Yes, the X-Men franchise movies sucks.

maybe. I mean, I loved the hell out of TDK and I definitely don't like it NEARLY as much as I did when it first came out. maybe when I watch Logan again a couple years from now it'll have the same effect on me and the charm will have worn off.

Compared to most of the X-Men franchise, and honestly cape flicks in general, it was pretty damn good, though. A simplistic but awesome story. It really is just a sendoff more than anything. It was never meant to be an epic like Endgame or whatever.

It's a fact, man.

Executive producer Tom Rothman hated the more fantastical aspects of the X-Men mythos like aliens, robots, time travel, etc. He refused to allow Sentinels into the movies as any more than a Danger Room similation and demanded that Dark Phoenix be downplayed in favor of the mutant cure and explicitly made into Jean's evil split personality rather than a cosmic entity.

Attached: Dark Phoenix.jpg (832x530, 341K)

Words cannot describe how much I hate Jennifer Lawrence

Really? Take a chill pill bro.

Jackman is terribly cast what the fuck are you saying?

I know she is a terrible actress and a horrible mystique. but hate is a bit far isn't it?

Attached: jlaw.gif (522x700, 1.07M)

Logans not very good at all though. Watch real movies.

Nah fuck you faggot he's right.

She's also quite a bit of a cunt.


The X-Men movies in general suck.
But at least with Dark Phoenix they went full "we're just making shit up, watch if you want, it's not really accurate to the comics".
Dark Pheonix is better by far

Wait you guys actually watched Dark Phoenix? Why? I hope it was free or at least very cheap

Should have quit after DoFP
That and First Class are fucking top-tier

Cmon Dark Phoenix wasn't great but it wasn't THAT bad.

>demanded that Dark Phoenix be downplayed in favor of the mutant cure and explicitly made into Jean's evil split personality rather than a cosmic entity.
As was Claremont's original intent.

I unironically liked The Last Stand back then.

And I still like it now.

What's a good cape movie, user?

I think it was. The whole movie seemed really small. Barely anything happened. It's Dark fucking Phoenix, it supposed to be grand and epic. It wasn't.

Blame the Disney/Fox merger.

Last Stand.

Dark Phoenix has some nice reshot action scenes, but it has absolutely nothing on dat bridge scene.

Plot-wise you just has to choose between taste of piss in your mouth or taste of bullshit.

>What happens to a toad when it gets struck by lightning?

Dark Phoenix merely continues the tradition by putting JLaw on pedestal.

I don't blame anyone. You know why? Because I don't care anymore. Apocalypse killed it for me.

Now I'm waiting for X-Men in MCU. And don't worry, I'm prepared to be disappointed. Being X-Fan is pain. I'm used to it by now.

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>What's a good cape movie, user?
I never claimed they weren't "good", I said they were massively overrated. They are not incredible, and they are not some apex of cape films.
Logan isn't even in Fox's top 3 superhero movies. When it's not being a maudlin tearjerker about Wolverine losing Adopted Dad to super-senility, its an really dumb flick that subverts itself with heavyhanded Shane homage.
TDK is about the 4th best Batman movie, but really it's just the best Joker movie (but only the second best Joker portrayal.

They both sucked but Last Stand had Jackman Wolverine which makes it was more watchable, it's also why I even prefer Origins over Dark Phoenix and Apocalypse.

Whats the best Batman movie?
Whats the best X-Men movie?

>New Storm doesn't hold a hair to Halle Berry.
And Halle Berry sucks.

She's alright.

The Last Stand because at least it had a few likable characters, I give no shits about these cringe and boring nu X Men