ITT: Characters you identify with

ITT: Characters you identify with

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Were you too an oppressed gamer?

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everyone shits on them.

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Oh, so you're /fit/ but still get checked like a bitch?

me too

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I haven't kept up with homestuck in years but when I did read it I felt a weird connection with this fella. Egbert a little bit as well

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>I did not hear you say "Bg McThankies from McSpankies" to the customer

Nigga looks like Joshu.

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>bullied at school
>abused at home
>punished rather than rehabilitated
>locked in solitary, visited by no one
>his tormentors got off scot free
Holy shit was this show dark. How did they get away with so much of this on a fucking kids show when other shows had less dark stuff censored to hell and back?

I might like you already then, user.

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Batman. Look at BTAS and compare it to Spider-Man or Superman back then

Ben Garrison


Honestly i don't know why there isn't a gamer pride parade, if straight people can get a pride parade why can't gamers?

there's already a bunch of gamer pride parades. Two of them are the comic con and e3

You're just a shell of a buff man with the insecurities of a bookish nerd within.

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There was some character in a random episode of Camp Lazlo who was eternally pissed off & impatient. I think he was a sloth. He was a talkshow host. I can't remember his name and i can't even be bothered to check a wiki for him. I'm sure somebody knows who I'm talking about.

She literally dindu nuffin.

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Not for long

great, I hate videogames

Always been one for my entire life.

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you're lucky your favorite didn't get turned into a cuck

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Trannies fucking disgust me

>very handsome, unrivaled power, all of reality at his fingertips
>nihilistic with a wicked sense of humor
>doesn't apply himself, argues about pointless bullshit for ages

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You fucking disgust me.

Being manipulating by "friends".
That's from 7 - 18 years.
That's what I got from being docile and Innocence.

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hey atleast he doesnt have a thing for genital mutilation

Reggie long because I'm a stupid cosplayer

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Based guyposter

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Fuck yeah my fellow solllux friend

>Literally always right until writers forced her to be wrong
What horseshit

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No wonder bencucks self insert like this kek

>rejected by women, bullied by chads

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literally me

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intelligent, nihilistic and with a wicked sense of humor?

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He could be jewish

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That's a rather dishonest image, gaming is only a disease if it greatly effects your hygiene health, and social life
Also being trans is not a mental illness, but it usually comes with the mental illness of dysphoria

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user I'm calling the cops.

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>That's a rather dishonest image
Even on this forum that respects gamers, we still get VICE rejects trying to shame us. Blow it out your ass.

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