Sub Zero has now entered the Avatar universe. How does he fare?

Sub Zero has now entered the Avatar universe. How does he fare?

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Him and Aang go penguin sledding

I like that idea

i dont know, pretend i wrote something witty about the fire nation and ice

Hangs out with sparky boom man

He kills Aang after being possess by an evil spirit.

He probably retires and enjoys a world where he’s free from all the burdens of being lin kuei or having to fight in some tournament to save the realm every couple of years. Probably ice fishes

Everything was fine until the Fire Nation attacked.

>not native to the universe, can't learn water bending
>kombat skills and cyromancy are formidable, but a good bender could probably still fuck him up
he'll go north, and start a new, better Lin kuei to defend against the worlds darkness

Do you not see the shit he have to deal with in Mortal Kombat? He would easily be a mortal god in Avatarverse. Capable of easily killing most of them including the Avatar and Sozin comet fire benders.

Sub Zero is unmatched in his skill in cryomancy. He’s the only person to ever master it fully

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Theres like, only 2 cryomancers however

And the other is still pretty formidable

There are others but they arent shown. Original Sub-Zero was also one before he became something else upon death.

There were about 3. And frost is a huge bitch who can’t control her anger and patience

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I meant currently

There’s probably more out there that haven’t been discovered



What about the other ones?

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Powerful firebender. Access to the Spirirt World if still a Hellspawn
Earthbender analog. Might form his own branch of the Black Dragon
Lives in the Great Swamp
>Rain and both Chamelions
Not really familiar with them to gauge
Helps the Younger Sub-Zero
>Noob Saibot
Finds refuge in the Spirit World
Might get in touch with the indiviual souls that make him up. The Avatar would lend a hand.

>chinese dude in japanese inspired clothing
This is unironically problematic.

Why ? Japanese classical culture is pretty much a bland copy of Chinese culture.

That's the thing. The only things Japan has contributed to it's neighbors are wars and rape.

>Capable of easily killing most of them including the Avatar and Sozin comet fire benders.

Don't see how. Even the most basic skilled Water Benders have far more versatile powers than he does. He can freeze shit? So can they. Only they can also unfreeze shit and literally manipulate ice. Sub-zero can't do any of that.

>Helps the Younger Sub-Zero
hes an airbender? guess hed be chillin with aang too
>Rain and both Chamelions
Not really familiar with them to gauge
Rain would try and force himself leader of some water tribe while trying to impose purple as their color

chameolon he'd hide until he gets accidently knocked out by sokka during a big battle. because chameleon will and forever always will be a fucking jobber

Sub zero can make the ice durable in lava and form anything he wants from it. Not mention he shape it into anything he wants

>Sub zero can make the ice durable in lava

I wouldn't take gameplay mechanics as 100% what he's canonically capable of.

>form anything he wants from it. Not mention he shape it into anything he wants

So can Water Benders. Only they can make the ice move. Sub-zero cannot. He'd get his shit kicked in by the most bare-basic bender. His powers don't even come close to benders.

>>>Only they can make the ice move. Sub-zero cannot. He'd get his shit kicked in by the most bare-basic bender. His powers don't even come close to benders.
He can move ice though. A basic bender couldn’t do shit to him the dude has fought a demon who spits hellfire at him and still freezes him.

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>He can move ice though.
Letting ice succumb to gravity is not the same as making ice move as though it is not inanimate.

> A basic bender couldn’t do shit to him
They'd wipe the floor with him.

>dude has fought a demon who spits hellfire at him and still freezes him.
Benders could kick Scorpion's shit in too. Gods are the only people from the MKverse that most benders likely cannot beat.

Rain is basically a top tier water bender with bloodbending and also lightning bending as well, he’d try to pull a sozin

Considering he can also shoot ice projectiles I would say he can move ice too

He kills all the navis.


>Considering he can also shoot ice projectiles I would say he can move ice too
Except he can't. There's a difference between throwing ice, and making an existing piece of ice move without touching it and making it do more than using it as a projectile that he can't use again after having shot it. Water Benders can manipulate ice, Sub-zero cannot. He can freeze things and make shapes, but that's it. Water-Bending is many times more versatile.

>Benders could kick Scorpion's shit in too. Gods are the only people from the MKverse that most benders likely cannot beat.
Again Sub Zero has fought them before.

>>>>>>Benders could kick Scorpion's shit in too.
Scorpion is a literal demon if bender got lucky and killed him he just be back or drag them to hell with him.

>Letting ice succumb to gravity is not the same as making ice move as though it is not inanimate.
What is his Iceball, wall, and spikes

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Are you forgetting he literally teleports through the fucking ice and uses it as transport

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Can't SZ teleport with ice and instantly freeze people on contact? If Ty Lee can hold her own long enough to chi block a bunch of dudes and even the MCs, then I think SZ is more than capable of doing the same. How will Azula feel when she finds Mai and Ty Lee shattered on the ground?

>Again Sub Zero has fought them before.
While they were either nerfed. And if they weren't, then he probably had to find a way to get the better of them. Otherwise, don't hold game mechanics as 100% canon.

>Are you forgetting he literally teleports through the fucking ice and uses it as transport
No, because he can't. That's literally just the same kind of meme as that ninja trope of replacing themselves with a wooden decoy.

His body temperature is like the negative if I remember correctly

>>>>>>No, because he can't. That's literally just the same kind of meme as that ninja trope of replacing themselves with a wooden decoy.
Do some fucking research before you argue

>Do some fucking research before you argue

>using gameplay to prove my point

Again, gameplay =/= 100% canon.

But they can do everything they do in gameplay outside of it.

Nice to know you’re a fucking idiot

How can smoke and noob saibot both exist? I thought smoke was bi han?

Noob is old Sub Zero

and old sub zero is bi hand?
Who is smoke if he isn't bi han?

Smoke is a completely different dude, you’re probably just confused because of noob-smoke, but smoke is another lin Kuei

Pseudo-Avatar with access to all the bending arts. Lacks an "Avatar State".

Spirit that is capable of energy bending. Will gradually become weaker the longer he is away from the Spirit World.

Waterbending that specialize in waterbending. Also capable of icebending but prefers waterbending.

>Noob Saibot
Spirit that is capable of energy bending.

Waterbender and lighteningbender. As a waterbender, he is only capable of manipulating liquid substances. Is a lighteningbender but he is incapable of firebending.

Waterbender with unique water property, aka acid.

Firebender with unique fire property, aka hellfire. Also energybender and possess strong connection to Spirit World. Have an "Avatar State".

Bloodbender that does not require the presence of a full moon.

Spirit that is capable of airbending.

Waterbender that specialize in icebending.

Earthbender with access to all the alternate styles such as crystalbending, lavabending, metalbending, and sandbending.

The origin of Sub-Zero's clan and their rivalry with Scorpion's is actually "The Chinese invented Ninjutsu and the Japanese fucking stole it"

>Sub-Zero standing on opposing balconies of identical pagodas

Id say that water benders are more versatile but just dont pack the same punch as SZ

After all, waterbander ice and everything else still somewhat obeys the laws of physics, SZ's ice is magical and can defy gravity, allow him to teleport, etc

If sub zero can deal with brainiac, he can deal with ozai.

>Sub-Zero and Scorpion

Three different guys user.
>Sub-Zero (Bi han) gets killed by Scorpion (first game)
>Since Sub-Zero (Bi han) is MIA, his younger brother (Kuai Liang) takes the Sub-Zero name. (second game)
>Sub-Zero (Kuai Liang) and Smoke (Tomas Vrbada, Kuai Liang's best friend) go to investigate what happened to Bi han (second game)
>Noob Saibot is there looking at shit happen (second and third game)
This is where story can take different paths

Original timeline goes like this:
>Smoke becomes a cyborg and jobs hard (third game)
>Sub-Zero (Kuai Liang) stops wearing his mask (third game)
>Noob Saibot finds Smoke and turns him into his ally (6th game)
>We learn that Noob Saibot is Bi han (6th game)
>Armageddon happens everyone is fighting against each other (6th game)
>Reboot happens

Sub-Zero is a pigeonholed waterbender, but his skills in that field are unrivaled. However, I'd say his biggest advantage is a willingness to kill, which not many other characters do on the regular. Even if, say, Katara, could match him in bending, he's a highly skilled ninja who would just sneak up behind her when she's not paying attention and rip her spine out.

If he's got the dragon medallion with him, he'll be unstoppable

Reboot timeline goes like this:
>Sub-Zero (Kuai Liang) becomes a cyborg (9th game)
>Noob Saibot gets suck by a tornado (9th game)
>Smoke and Sub-Zero get killed by Sindel (9th game)
>Smoke and Sub-Zero (now looks human again) work as Revenants for Quan Chi (10th game)
>Sub-Zero gets cured from Revenant shit and becomes good again (10th game)
>Smoke is never mentioned again
We currently don't know what happened to Smoke
Shang Tsung can morph to him during fights in MK11 but game involves timelines mixing, so we don't know exactly if he is dead or noth, plus the game has a cliffhanger ending that could led to another reboot.

Smoke was killed by Sindel and transformed into a revenant. Revenants don't have souls, so Smoke's "body" can be active while Shang Tsung claimed his soul.

Good point. Hope we get more info on that with Shang's DLC, but I doubt it.

Nice try. Sometimes it's better to receive an assfucking if it means it fixes your backwards ways.

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Even the strongest water benders cant freeze a human being solid.
Encase them in ice, sure, but not freeze all the water in their body.

Sub Zero also has another advantage compared to the waterbenders: He only needs to will the ice, while the waterbenders have to actually do martial art moves to gain the best out of their powers.

And they need an actual water source. Sub-Zero makes ice out of thin air.

also take a look at: Hong Kong, the good part of china.

Doesn't he pull moisture out of the air or something? A skilled water bender can do that, though not to the degree he can

I don't think it's ever been explained where exactly Sub-Zero gets his ice from, though moisture in the air makes as much sense as "magic". But yeah, other benders can do that, but a few drops at most - enough to make ice claws. Sub-Zero can create butt-fucking glaciers.

>I don't think it's ever been explained where exactly Sub-Zero gets his ice from
Not in game, but the guy that made up the moves for the first two games explained Sub-Zero's freezing abilities working that way, so I'd say it's pretty much canon until the games give us a different explanation.

I mean, he's called a "cryomancer", isn't he? Like, Sub-Zero isn't a human, he's an alien from Outworld with ice powers. Doesn't that pretty much confirm it's an inborn skill and not magic?

Magic in MK is sort of like bending. It's magic but the ability to do magic has a genetic component.

The Cryomancers are a race of Outworlders Sub-Zero is the distant descendant of. His family tree is Chinese but with a Cryomancer ancestor on his dad's side. His mom was a white chick from America that his dad married while on an undercover Lin Kuei assignment. So he's mostly human.

And Cryomancer magic does canonically draw moisture out of the air to turn it into ice.

Do you not see the shit he have to deal with in Mortal Kombat?
yes and Kuai Liang got killed two times, once to robot toasters that turn him into a toaster slave, then to a grandma high on Samsung cocaine. Hell he was beaten by a girl with no powers when he was both a master of ice and how the power of a dark god in him.

He would get fucking killed in the Avatar world.

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if you guys follow MK lore than you understand this is all horseshit to find a canon answer because they change it all the time. They can't even keep shit straight in their own games all the way back to MK4

Even if we go with the idea that Sub Zero makes his ice out of the water molecules around him, he still can do way more stuff with it and he only needs to will the ice to do his bidding, giving him a huge advantage over the waterbenders.

You're not wrong, but Sub's backstory hasn't been changed yet.

>your post was fine until autism attacked

do you mean by the OG timeline or the post 2011 timeline?

he also got beat by Johnny Cage a few times canonically

Sub is one of the very few characters whose backstory wasn't fucked up in the NRS era.

Johnny beat shinnok, so that doesn’t really mean anything.

But wasn't johnny destined to beat him or something like that?

Depends on the sub-zero though.

>Kuai Liang
Totally goes penguin sledding and teaches aang and katara his best ice puns

Agrees... and then kills the penguins in front of aang because he’s a dick.

Adding to this:

How about old scorpion/Hanzo Hasashi? How well would he get along with Zuni pre book 3? And iron?

>How about old scorpion/Hanzo Hasashi?
I think he would be great buddies with Iroh.

and Ermac, Jax, Kano, beat Johnny.

The MK universe is the weirdest game of Rock Paper Scissors

Bi-Han was overall fine before the toasting. He was lawful neutral in how he dealt with things.

>those horrific days Iroh hands zuko’s training off to Hanzo
>but, as a plus, Zuko learns The Spear Whip and we get to hear Zuko scream “GET OVER HERE!” In his lisp

On the note of Sub-Zero’s power versus a water bender, I think it’s just different specialties. Sadly, sub zero was trained to fight and kill, so in a fight he will probably butcher anyone in the avatar verse. But the average bender is taught to treat their element not just as a means to fight but part of their daily life, and thus have better utility.

To be honest powerlevels are fucked in MK, Bi Han defeated 4 fucking elemental gods, but then jobbed to Scorpion, and has jobbed pretty much every single fight as Noob Saibot


Pretty damn well. I don't see him being so busted that he is taking on armies by himself though.
Another thing to note is MK characters all are basically low level superhuman strength, which would give him a huge advantage in any close range encounter. He would be way physiquely stronger then anyone I can think of in the Avatar verse.

I think the real question is how does the MKX Predator fare?

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Depends on the period, but as suggests Sub-Zero assuming the second one here but this might apply to the original as well isn't bloodthirsty and would likely just find a reclusive place in one of the poles to retire in peace. The only thing I could see jeopardizing that would be the fire nation attacking, in which case he becomes an absolute terror and could very well assassinate Ozai before Aang even starts his quest proper.
The resulting civil war would devastate the fire nation and could lead to the far worse Azula taking the crown, but I digress.

You're really underestimating the guy. The guy freeze people and objects instantly (to a greater extent than we typically see water benders pulling), can instantly make ice replicas of himself and weapons out of ice, can teleport, and unlike water benders doesn't seem to require any pre existing water to pull big shit. He'd still get bodied by a fully realized Avatar, but he could probably go toe to toe with powerful benders, and could easily get the drop on one if he was careful.

Bihan or Just liang

He can teleport through ice.

>lawful neutral

That's a bit generous. Dude willfully ignored both Quan Chi and Raiden informing him that he'd go to hell when he died if he didn't change his ways.

>gameplay isn't canon
>cutscene isn't canon
What the fuck is canon then?

Rain would probably try to take over both Water tribes, create a new monarchy with himself finally becoming a king, allows travel from pole to pole via kicks, and then try to take over the rest of world starting with the Fire Nation.

I'm not the guy your arguing with...but personally, my answer would be "Canon is MK1 to Armageddon, fuck the NRS era entirely...which normally wouldn't be relevant at all, but Sub didn't actually get that weird ice-teleporting trick until MK vs DCU.

It's always bugged the shit out of me because the only way to explain how it even fucking works is if he's discorporating himself, like turning his own body into ice, shattering, and reforming. Which would make him effectively immortal and invincible like Iceman is. I mean how does that even work? Where does the brain go? Iceman's consciousness can survive contained in a single molecule of water or some shit?

If it was Bi Han he'd take over one of the poles and go on a conquering rampage
If it was Kuai Liang he'd live peacefully somewhere until the fire nation pissed him off enough that he'd go and demolish Ozai

Bi Han really needed to chill

Sub-Zero’s powers don’t follow laws of thermodynamics in anyway. He is in fact a counter to them.
He instantly removes heat from his surroundings, it’s not “water” he literally removes energy to freeze you.

So ok, a water bender turns his ice into steam... but that’s thinking he’s just using water to begin with.
Just from his touch alone he turns your arm frozen because the heat is no longer there, not because we’re made of 70% water.

He is physically strong enough to rip your head off with one arm.
While martial arts are abundant in Avatar a physical feat like that is not as common.

Beating Aang or Ozai? Doubt it.
Beating a Waterbending master? Yeah, it’s feasible.

The last airbender or james cameron's kino?

all those faggots saying that subzero would be defeated by any bender

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I agree that he wouldn't be able to beat Aang, but I'm pretty sure he'd wreck Ozai. Even comet buffed Ozai would struggle

Would Batman be capable of acquiring low-tier superhuman physical attributes (capability to rip out someone's spine and doing multiple flying kicks) if he was taught martial arts by someone from MK?

Bihan beat elemental gods and an elder God. It took scorpion like three fights to actually beat him and at that point he was a spooky skeleton.


Only ones on Earth are confirmed just Subs and Frost. I wonder if they're distant relatives.

He is a magic alien who fucking cares.

Sub Zero’s grandpa and father were

Can someone draw this?

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Just want them to make it up bros )^:

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Frost is a whiny, self centered, edgy little bitch. She deserves all the shit she gets

>literally gets fucked over by everyone and has parental issues

Theres a reason shes a bitch, and sub-zero didnt help

He gets shipped with a guy?

That is the most honest answer

If Aang dies, my childhood will have it's head ripped out.

Delet this shirai ryu dog

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