>Justice League 2 was to be released tomorrow
How did all go wrong?
>Justice League 2 was to be released tomorrow
How did all go wrong?
They made bad movies instead of good ones.
>the flash
They put all their trust in Hack Snyder and didn't try to correct for his many failures and shortcomings until the damage was already done.
You guys hyped for that Cyborg movie coming out next year?
they really wanted to be like the MCU, the problem is that making a two part movie just a few movies into it, like it's some epic event is retarded
No matter how "famous" these characters are, nobody cares about them the same way people cared about Tony Stark or Steve Rogers
Why is DC so good at their comics, but completly sucks at making movies? Just take the elements that make the comics succesful and use it for the movies.
But I guess its over...
this is the issue with every company trying to duplicate the MCU's success -- they all want to skip straight to The Avengers without the years of build-up that came before it.
They hired Zack Snyder to craft a cinematic universe to compete with Marvel.
>How did all go wrong?
It started with Zack Snyder at the helm of MoS
>Why is DC so good at their comics
I don't give a fuck about the DCEU, I just want a decent GL movie
It's like the opposite of Marvel. Their comics are total shit but their movies are less shit.
>Cyborg movie
How would that even work? Does Cyborg even have any villains special to him?
Same man, don’t give a fuck about Superman or Batman.
Zack Snyder wanted to make good movies that meant something, but Warner Bros wanted to copy the MCU azap and the audience just wanted comedy movies.
>big two being good with comics in the 2010s
bruh barely anyone buys them anymore
I think it’s because stuff like Batman requires pacing and can’t be rushed in a matter of minutes. It’s why they have strong footings in TV shows as well.
Got to admit I missed these delusional DCuck circlejerks
That's right it was mean old Snyder who made DC movies shitty for the last fucking half a century but now that he's gone DC movies will magically be great and everyone will stop making fun of us for liking overpowered Mary Sues
>Joker movie has stuff Joker would do
How is this a problem?
Considering that every DC movie since 2000 that doesn’t have Snyder has been well-received, yes it’s his fault.
Justice League wasn't well-received.
>Directed by: Zack Snyder
Yeah Like Catwoman, Constantine, Jonah Hex, Green Lantern, RED, RED 2, Suicide Squad, and The Losers
Whedon wasn’t even involved until the end of production. He was the last man in a Warner Bros bukkake.
>Zack Snyder wanted to make good movies that meant something
The Snyder cult is here, I see.
Don't listen to MCUfags, they are willing to let the people who make the big screen punchies bull shit some NOT time travel to them.
>Suicide Squad,
Made a lot of money. DC just doesn’t now what to do
That was pretty well-received. The sequel less so.
>Zack Snyder
>good movies
Zack Snyder tried to copy Watchmen and failed even when most of the shots were 1 to 1 copies.
The problem with GL was that Ryand Reynolds for Hal was a blatant miscast and they introduced Parallax way too early. The effects were great and whoever did Sinestro was absolutely godlike at it.
Th-They made a Constantine movie?
With Keanu Reeves as John, It was stupid fun, but nothing like hellblazer
Was nice.
In name only
ya, with hotters meme of the month: keanu reeeeevs
Man of steel 2 fucking when? How can they not make a movie for sups now that justice league made him a bit more likeable??
Cavill's long gone
>Ryan Choi
Fuck now I want an Atom movie.
lol never
Didn’t Cavill leave?
Justice League made him into a joke. In every poll they did during the release of that movie, Superman and Batman always appeared as the least liked by the public.
In the same way they made a Green Arrow tv show
I don't get it.
Yes and its cool, just very different
Supes doesn’t have that big of a rogue’s gallery outside of Zod and Lex. They could do Brainiac, but it’s hard to get him involved without having Batman & Co. getting mixed in.
The end result of the JL movie is less Snyder and more Whedon
The picture is showing that Zack Snyder has no fucking idea about most of the things that showed up in the Justice League movie, despite being its "director".
>whoever did Sinestro
Mark fucking Strong
Itnot exactly a faithful adaptation, but it had a phenomenal tone and attitude. Great movie on its own, in other words
What are you talking a out, there's robot superman, half robot superman, Ronald Dahl, Leviathan, that one guy with the hat
What's the russian family?
The fucking best
He left? For real? I thought they still had plans of making a sequel
At leat he started to smile, make a few jokes and even deliver cheesy lines, he was still salvageable
He has a big rogue gallery, dude. They are just not well known
The Russian family that appears in the movie and lives near the Power Plant where Steppenwolf sets his base, and that later on being rescued by the Flash?
A family of Russians
This is what happens when you retards stay in your pathetic DCuck echochamber and refuse to accept facts
You know Affleck is gone too, right?
Honestly, they need to give it a rest until Marvel starts to burn out. Nobody's clamoring for more dark n gritty DC films
I don't think WB ever actually thought the Cyborg movie was going to happen, they just put it on the schedule to look cool.
Prepare your anus for Margot Robbie's fantabulous "no male gaze allowed" Emancipation pt 1, 2 and probably pt. 3. By part 3 you'll get your 5th weird reimagining of the Joker, and you will like it like a good bitch.
They rushed it
Rushing had nothing to do with it.
The core League are incredibly well-known characters, on a few of them needed some sort of introduction.
You could have went straight into New Frontier with maybe 20-30 minutes of intro.
No, what they did wrong was make shitty interpretations of these characters, who fought and suffered and even died without anyone giving a shit at all.
They hired a creative who was more interested in exploring his own personal "awesomeness" than in making the characters awesome.
Think about, Batman and Superman? Done a million times? Flash? Fucker had a tv show by 2014, he got struck by lightning and is fast. GL? Already had a movie. Not very good but people know he got a ring from an alien. That just leaves WW, Aquaman and whoever the 7th member is.
Playing it safe with just Superman and Batman created diminishing returns
Who in America doesn't know that Wonder Woman is a fightan Amazon from a mysterious island with bullet deflectan bracelets, and that Aquaman is a pure Aryan king of Atlantis?
More people knew who Wendy and Marvin were than Hawkguy and Black Widow.
This is a fucking fact.
What are the odds of the GL movie being good?
The one David S. Goyer is scripting?
Or did I just answer your question?
What are the odds of DCucks growing a brain and really DC has always been shit and always will be?
Being well known doesn't mean anyone gives a fuck
Pokemon is well known and Detective Pikachu bombed Godzilla is well known and his shitty movies don't stop bombing Dracula, Frankenstein, Santa Claus are ALL well known and yet no one gives a fuck about their movies
This movie isn't real, user.
normies reject cavill as superman
simple like that
>Being well known doesn't mean anyone gives a fuck
Yes, but it DOES mean that you can skip the obligatory origin movie for each individual character, if you make them likeable.
Hellboy 1 and 2, Mystery Men, X1 and X2, Incredibles, Guardians of the Galaxy, all of these movies intro'd an ensemble without spending years introducing them a movie at a time.
Cavill was fine as Superman. The problem is that he was handed a script for an autistic Original Character in a badly written, pretentious Snyderflick.
Because WB is run by out of touch shitters
You would think but then Spiderman tried it and you fucking morons won't shut up about "Iron Boy" and "Uncle Tony"
Laddernigger pls fuck off
>well known characters
literally no one gives a fuck, if you don't get your audience to actually care for the characters then it won't work, so rushing it WAS the problem but another problem was that none of those movies were good in the first place, you need a great movie like Iron Man to start your universe
I remember when The Incredible Hulk was about to come out and I saw the trailers for it, I was hyped because Tony Stark was in it, I thought "what's going on here?"
DC and WB think that just because they have the most famous superheroes of all time people will rush to theater and watch it, it doesn't work like that
And none of those complaints have a single thing to do with Spider-Man's origin or lack thereof.
Simply removing Stark and having a 1 minute flashback/nightmare sequence with Unka Ben would have totally silenced these "people".
Skipping origins doesn’t mean you have to make the hero a bitch to an earlier one
The point being made is that audiences did not require 2 hours of "Superman was a baby on a doomed planet, sent to Earth and raised by kindly farmers....ect." There was no need to create a retelling of anyone's origin for a Justice League movie.
Cast good actors.
Write some solid dialogue that defines their personality.
Play them off one another, and put them in challenging situations they solve in their own unique style.
Audiences are now Entertained.
Of all the original Avengers, only the Hulk could have gotten away without some sort of origin, but got one where they changed it away from a bomb test gone awry.
You can't just have Captain America show up in that Avengers costume and not explain wtf is up.
So what did you guys think of that Flash movie?
Even Man of Steel didn't show any signs of patience. The first five Marvel films were all pretty small stories with comparatively small stakes. You could argue Captain America started to ramp up the threats, but for the most part you had shit like:
>rich asshole gets abducted by terrorists and builds a suit to escape, he has a change of heart and stops his business partner from using the suit as a weapon
>a guy who turns into a monster is chased by the military
>a spoiled royal gets stripped of his powers and has to prove he's worthy
Really none of the stories before Avengers had massive, world-ending threats that were being dealt with. They were small stories to get us engaged with the characters and the world.
DCEU Supes needed a nice, low stakes introduction that gave Cavill a chance to endear audiences to him instead of going straight for MUH JESUS ALLEGORY IN AN EPIC WORLD-ENDING THREAT THAT LEAVES MILLIONS DEAD. Same for the other DC characters.
Wonder Woman and Shazam got the closest to getting it right and its a shame the rest of the DC films didn't end up being more like them.
What fucking movie?
Pretty sure Aquaman had casualties in the tens of millions so it's just getting worse
>Wonder Woman and Shazam got the closest to getting it right
Wonder Woman is literally trying to stop ridiculous CGI super-Satan from turning the planet into a poisoned, war-torn hellscape.
I like Chris Pine too, but let's not pretend it was a good movie. It was a successful movie.
Moviegoers aren’t going to be characterfags as much as comic readers
Yeah, because no one has been exposed to Batman, Superman or Wonder Woman outside of comic books.
At least we won't have to deal with Ezra.
I said WW got CLOSE to getting it right, not that it got it right. WW was great when it seemed like it was setting up for Diana and her naive "I can stop war forever if I just find out who Ares is and kill him" attitude to be faced with a harsh lesson about human nature.
Then Ares reveals himself, she kills him, and the war magically ends.
I will grant you that Gadot was born for the role of a low IQ imbecile from the remote island of "Everyone has tits and a physique but me!".
There's nothing wrong with Ezra you retard
There are a number of things fundamentally wrong with Ezra Miller, let alone with Ezra Miller portraying Barry Allen.
>This is my daughter, Diana. We trained her wrong, as a joke.
Name three of each without mentioning that he's gay, Jewish, or anything about his feet
"As the most handsome male, you will have Snoo-snoo with the voluptuous women! Then the muscular women! Then the gangly boyish woman!"
>loves edgy, nasty shit
>Detective Pikachu avatar
What a gross, unwholesome person.
>don't mention his appearance, mental state, or social affiliations!"
Well then, I guess he's just dandy!!
well for starters it's 2019 ffs, so flash should be black
DC fucks up a lot but I don’t think anything can top the all new all different flop from marvel.
>Why is DC so good at their comics
What the fuck are you talking about?
Argue all you want about how he's not right for the role, but he is extremely good-looking and would be better suited to a different capeshit character with his looks
Superboy is being dumped off into the 31st Century, where everyone is now Ezra Miller.
Even Saturn "Girl".
Can't we just cuddle?
>but he is extremely good-looking
It's fucking Hollywood. Every 3rd person is coated with Product and above-average looking.
Miller is a demented twink, and can't even run in a straight line without looking ridiculous, playing the hero who Runs.
Stop being homosexual at me.
it's a well known fact that DC fans are stuck in the 90s and early 2000s because that was the only time DC was somewhat popular
Just wanted to say that I'm glad to see this movie get some credit. It was a solid film on its own merits and an absolutely garbage adaptation. Tilda Swinton was incredible, and Peter Stormare's brief turn as Lucifer is easily one of the best satans in film.
Lol what? He looks like someone took a good looking wax figure and put a stocking over it, look at his fucked up face it doesn’t match his bone structure at all like how do have a jawline like that and still look like you would die in a breeze
Get the fuck out of here with your he’s good looking bullshit lol
>talks shit about Marvel and how "they don't have a multiverse but our flash movie will"
>Spider Man FFH introduces the multiverse
>his shit Flash movie gets canned and he gets recast
you reap what you sow
He barely had a chance to prove that, he had two cameos and one role in the abortion that was Justice League.
If what he was working on with Morrison was anything to go off of, he was planning on doing the character justice to make up for how Barry was in JL. He's a very talented actor.
Pol Pot never deserved what DC comics, movies and animation are becoming.
DC has been bad since 52 Marvel has been worse since the mouse and bad since House of M it isn’t a contest it’s a fact
Ezrafag, you post the exact same shit in every thread even tangentially related to DCEU Flash.
Let it go already.
Immortal Hulk is outselling Batman and Hickman's X men is coming next month
He hardly talked shit about Marvel, why are you making things up?
Here's the actual interview: youtube.com
>Marvel is a universe right? It's one world with all their different characters
That's not talking shit and you're a moron.
Nigga looks like someone threw Joji in Blender and stretched out his jawline
Dude looks like those over the top handsome sculpture models you see on Yea Forums all the time
>"Why yes I am a big fan of Ezra, how did you know"
he brings up Marvel for no fucking reason at all, and he's wrong since there is a multiverse in Marvel Comics and soon there will be one in the MCU
He's trying to say "we have a bigger dick than Marvel because they have one universe and we have a multiverse"
>DCEU flops and dies a slow, agonizing death
>Meanwhile, on the DCW
I'd believe he was planning to stop playing Barry as "LE QUIRKY SOCIALLY ANXIOUS GAY SNACK HOLE" if he didn't go around trying to portray Ruby Rod from 5th Element off-set.
My favorite Miller moment is that interview he did alongside Gadot, where he starts spazzing about "teh Patriarchy" and you can see she starts wishing she had actually hit the gym and could have pulled this off on him.
And I asked you nicely to stop being gay at me.
>ladderbro general
No one cares how you feel about gay people or how an actor behaves in real life - all that matters is that they can act.
No one watches that shit anymore except for legends all the other shows are extreme trash, much worse than they ever used to be stupider than they used to be more insulting than ever all of them except for legends.
>he's trying to say [something I'm inserting/making up/projecting]
He said exactly what he said, just because you dislike him for whatever reason doesn't give you carte blanche to put words in his mouth.
>everybody who criticizes DC films is ladderbro
>No one cares how you feel about gay people or how an actor behaves in real life
How long have you been living in your rainbow-colored fantasyland?
And Ian McKellan didn't play Magneto as a spastic faggot, possibly because Ian McKellan isn't a fucking spazz.
Three of them are in the top 10 most pirated shows worldwide.
A hell of a lot more people watch and like them than the shitty movies.
Because Magneto wasn't written or dictated to him as a spastic faggot.
The Barry that Snyder/Whedon wrote was clearly not the one that comic fans wanted, but that's not Ezra's fault. Hence why he wanted to try and make it right by enlisting Morrison and preparing a different take on it.
If you've even seen any other non-capeshit movies he's been in you'd know he is perfectly capable of playing the straight man/more serious role despite his flamboyant personality.
He never played a straight man. His repertoir consists of spazzy gays and brooding edgelords.
Don’t care about the movies the shows are trash, every plot can be resolved if the characters simply spoke to one another and/or they weren’t literal idiots.
Legends are least watched out of all CW shows.
Well, after checking they're all pretty even. The Flash is above everything else by about 40-50%. Arrow started decently where numbers are concerned but ended the worst out of all. Supergirl is slightly above Legends.
So yeah, LoT is the least watched Arrow-verse last season, but Arrow season finale was the least watched season finale this year. I'm glad there's only one season left.
I'd like for it whole to end. I want to be free. I just want to see the Crisis. Then I'm done. Unless they'll do something cool with it. Damn. I think I'm addicted to this shit.
Zach Snyder, that's how.
>mfw people still want the Snyder Cut
>mfw they still spam every WB tweet with #ReleaseTheSnyderCut
Why did you make me watch this?
Miller mutters two short lines under his breath in this. Am I supposed to take this as PROOFS that he's a great actor?
Did YOU even watch this trailer?????
He did copy watchmen to a tee. That was the problem. Comics have good cinematography but the cheesiness of the story line and slow pacing of the exposition makes them terrible movies. Just like a 1:1 book would make a terrible play. The trick to translation has always been compromise from one familiarity to another. Snyder doesn’t possess this talent.
I watched the actual movie you fucking idiot. I doubt you have seen any other movie he’s been in other than JL.
A movie can show how nasty a character is without celebrating that nastiness... Nightcrawler is such a movie.
Btw this is exactly what people are doing right now with Pattinson. Maybe if you watched movies other than capeshit you’d know more about an actor’s capability.
Ensemble movies are a thing and they don't need 5 movies before to be done. You can introduced many main characters in the same movie and still tell a compelling storie...
Of course legends was last it’s legitimately good no one watches cw shit because it’s good
>I watched the actual movie you fucking idiot.
Yes, but you linked a trailer, a trailer in which Ezra Miller stands expressionless and says about 10 words in a not particularly dramatic fashion. What was that supposed to prove? Was I supposed to go off and watch a romantic period piece under the presumption that he has some actual lines in it?
Why did you not link a scene in which Miller actually performs?
I mean, there are a handful of good movies there.
>I doubt you have seen any other movie he’s been in other than JL.
This motherfucker has been in like 3 movies where he's not Barry Allen or Credence Barebone. And I don't think he was more than a bit player in most of those.
Are you seriously suggesting I'd be more cultured if I watched Harry Potter spin-offs?
WB runs the movie department and doesn't want to only produce capeshit
also DC characters are products of an older time and don't really translate well to live action
Every movie studio wants to make billion dollar capeshit. ESPECIALLY WB, who is sitting on a vast capeshit universe of characters and knows they can't ride Harry Potter's ass forever.
This is why they "greenlight" the shit out of every possible capeshit idea.
Fuck off with your "we never REALLY wanted to make cape movies" sour grapes bullshit.
Cyborgirl (?)
That one black guy
that's it
We Need to Talk About Kevin
Perks of Being A Wallflower
Stanford Prison Experiment
All leading roles, he was good in all of them.
I couldn't find any scenes on Youtube, and yeah, you should watch the movie. I can't discuss his merits as an actor with you if I've seen that movie and you haven't.
>DC comics so good
>We Need to Talk About Kevin
>Perks of Being A Wallflower
>Stanford Prison Experiment
user, all three of these movies grossed $40 million dollars worldwide COMBINED.
No one who isn't gay for Ezra Miller has seen them. Fucksakes, SPE released in 79 theaters and sold $600k in tickets.
Fuck off.
So when will you be banned again, Ladderfag?
Was Grid the guy who wanted to make him fully robotic? That was a good episode
Just report him instead of feeding the troll. It's what he wants.
Here's what's funny: only one of those posts were mine, and I didn't call you a cuck in it.
These worthless janitors need to ban you every time you use the term Ladder____ broadly.
Why is he called Ladderbro?
Are you seriously judging how good a movie is on how much money it makes? All of those are indie films.
You're retarded and should kill yourself.
Hiring Zack Snyder in the first place.
No, I'm saying that he's an asshead for saying "Maybe you should just watch some non-cape movies" when Ezra Miller has been in a trio of super-obscure movies and Harry Potter.
A couple of which are incredibly obscure.
The real question is why wasn’t it vixen?
he lives rent free in every DC fan's head
any problem can be the biggest problem ever if you earn the audience's worry.
klarion the witch boy?
>muh Marvel Method
That's not the reason, and I don't get why people keep saying that. You don't HAVE to do solo stories to build up to a team movie. The problem was that they made BAD movies, not that they skipped to the Justice League.
>X-Men (twice)
>Fantastic Four
>Suicide Squad
>Guardians of the Galaxy
>Mystery Men aka Capekino
>The Incredibles
>Big Hero 6
>Power Rangers
>TMNT (twice)
None of these had buildup before the team flicks. Sure, some of them suck, but none of them suck because of a lack of buildup, they suck because they're bad movies. And that's just the capeshit - there are tons of ensemble movies that balance multiple characters that the audience hasn't met before.
They could have gone straight to Justice League from nothing and been fine; it just needed to be a good movie.
I will admit, though, that jumping the stakes immediately to Death of Superman was pretty fucking retarded.
The only one that could pull it off was WB's Monsterverse, but that's probably because there isn't much it needs to establish about its characters.
Wasn't ANAD like 4 years ago?
>Superman and Batman least liked
>Shazam and Aquaman looking to be universally loved by everyone
>Shazam and Aquaman are gonna become the Ironman and Captain America of the DCEU, not Batman and Superman
This is some weird shit lads.
Except they had movies for both Godzilla and Kong, plus a Godzilla sequel, before the crossover.
Also, KotM is flopping HARD.
a bad movie is more forgivable if it is at least original. 'we fight a generic grey man who wants to destroy the world for motives we don't care about' no one wants this anymore.
Go tell Yea Forums those movies are super obscure and see what happens.
but WB only understands Batman. They are scared of doing anything with their lesser known characters, and if those fail, they blame the entire roster.
Oh snap
>Why is DC so good at their comics
My sides
>Why is DC so good at their comics
Ensemble movies work like the X-Men because they were created to be a team from the get-go.
When it's something like Justice League, the appeal is the different worlds coming together. That's what Avengers and the MCU get.
So according to this pattern, cyborg will be a success