
>Tom King: "Bat/Cat will complete this epic story we’ve been telling and lead to this game-changing moment I’ve been hinting at."
>"Batman will…well, I can’t tell you, but it’s very cool," King said. "But, because of the beats that will be handled in Batman, I have more room for my storylines in Bat/Cat, which means that the 12 issues can cover all of the story that was part of the original plan.”
>“I used to think Batman #100 was the biggest book I’d ever write," King concluded. "Now it’s Bat/Cat #12. Same issue, same artist, same impact, different name - slightly different.”

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So they pretend to be husband and wife for a few years before returning to the status quo?

Can Tom King just stop. Making Batman a bitch won't bring your daddy back Tom.

Since l expect nothing from King, It’s OK that King’s Batman sucks.
But please don’t ruin Batman’s history. I really wish his run will be forgotten in a few years.

>Bat/Cat will complete this epic story
I don't think there's a single definition of epic Tom King's Batman falls under.

I won't apologise. He will ruin the Phantom. I can see it happening already.

Besides The Phantom isn't even Andrea Beaumont on the first place, maybe it's his version of the Phantom, using It as Nostalgia Bait.

>extending beyond the usual or ordinary especially in size or scope

Its number of issues extends beyond the usual runs of our age.

I can see Andrea will become next Talia or Diana or any other characters King has ruined to push BatCat.

too much of his run has been bad to say all is forgiven because of a fanservice boo

>please, buy this book even though everyone knows it will be out of continuity and won't matter to the slightest

Sure thing.

The change must be their marriage after all.
Bruce and Selina deserves happiness and family.

Selina deserves jail time. There is no reason she deserves happiness. She's a fucking criminal

Batman Kills Catwoman or Let's her get killed to proof he doesn't really really really love her.
Screencap this, everyone.

I bit my tongue when they screwed over Morrison's Batman inc run due to the new 52.

However this is the final straw. Unlike most of you I admired Tom Kings run for trying something new. It really clicked with me.

Seeing what has happened now I can no longer abide by DC ruining his run so close to the end.

Even if you hate Tom King, I'm sure you could all agree that he deserves to finish what he started.

I've been a DIEHARD DC fan since the 80s. I have bough everything from them and supported them 100%. I have stood thick and thin at all times.

HOWEVER, today I can not stand for what they have done to Tom King.


I will never buy another DC comic again.



I hope all you hater cunts are proud of your self.

I hope Didio fucks you and Bendis ruins Batman forever.

Joker, Calm down, we can stop her from stealing Batman from us, but not like this.

>Even if you hate Tom King, I'm sure you could all agree that he deserves to finish what he started.


All Selina deserves is an anti-crabs treatment after all the time she spent being a prostitute.

Batman can be happy without wife. He already has family or team that bring him happiness.
Pushing the theory that Batman can’t be happy without marriage is just ignorant and bad tactic to push BatCat.

Bruce already has a family. Stop pretending that he needs Catwoman of all people to have one.

Also, deserving happiness? Is nobody willing to aknowledge that King's Batman has done very little to deserve happiness?
He hasn't saved anyone in months, treats his closest allies and family like shit and is overall barely a hero and pretty unlikable.
Why am I supposed to root for a guy like that? Because he's Batman? Because he has mental issues?
Mental problems can be a reason for shitty behaviour, but they shoudn't be an excuse.
Bruce is supposed to be a leader, a friend and a father to a lot of people. He's an adult. He should act like it.
Instead we get a self-centered, whiny, useless bitch who turns a blind eye to his family falling apart because of Catwoman.

Bruce better prepare some good apologies for his kids, because I don't see how Batman and Catwoman having a wedding will change the fact that he has been awful to them for months.

It actually makes me hate batcat. I was pretty neutral about their relationship before King came with his bullshit and made me wish "Bat" and "Cat" would jump off a cliff.

With Selina showing up in a new Batman movie? I don't think so.

Joke's on you, turns out we had 3 Catwoman all along!

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>The change must be their marriage after all.
>Bruce and Selina deserves happiness and family.
Selina deserves Dead.

Catwoman is Cancer.

DC died with Flashpoint.

>Bruce and Selina deserves happiness and family.
Fuck you too Kingfag. I hope your mother gets raped.

Tom King is overhyped Bendis tier garbage for normie anti-intellectuals.

We just have to wait. Eventually Selina will fade away like Harper Row after they keep pushing Selina and making people hate her like Harper.

Why DC, why did you let King and Bendis.make an event?!?! More reason for me to ignore DC.

Even with his run "done", I still gotta deal with King's shit in my face.

>Eventually Selina will fade away like Harper Row after they keep pushing Selina and making people hate her like Harper.
People already hate her. People already hate a lot of characters that DC, well King, is pushing as hard as possible.

I hope Catwoman either goes away for good or dies. A brutal death by the hands of Joker.

Kings Batman Meow run is bad, it reads as a fan-fiction, Meow is unnecessarily edgy, at times pretentiously attempting profundity only to fall Meeeow short, and worst of all the MEOW dialogue (unreadable) MEEEOW. I have never read a single comic book that I just couldn't bring myself to finish, until Rooftops.

It's Phantasm moron

King has turned Batman into a maniac who's obsessed over his girlfriend and she's the only thing he cares about.

Who's the one on the left?

I honestly think Tom King fundamentally misunderstands the Bruce/Selina relationship. That whole jargon about how his kids were just 'soldiers' and didnt make him happy, were just...ugh.

Knightfall is a 100 times more believable than this.Yeah, it's sad how King has degraded and diminished his relationship with his kids (and even Alfred) on every single level. They don't mean anything, they're just kinda there. It's aaaall just about his precious girlfriend now.

so fucking true. the joker beat his child to death, shot barbara to a cripple, captured the entire bat family, made them think he cut of their faces and tried to push batman to burn them alive
but yeah, bane making catwoman leave him is the worst thing EVER lmaooooooo

Remember a time when NOT everything about Batman's life revolved around his girlfriend? Yeah, me neither.

King misunderstands some basic things. The cat chases the (flying)mouse. Not the other way around. Bruce's heart is the thief's most prized jewel. You write selina chasing bruce, not bruce chasing selina. She wants him at least as much as he wants her, if not more.

King totally ruined catwoman for me and I fear that she will stay that way for years to come.
I don´t even know why I should bother with comics these days.
It just beloved characters getting turned to shit for political reasons over and over again

>>“What you’ll see in issue #75 is that Batman went everywhere looking for strength, and couldn’t find it. Instead he finds her,” King tells EW. “So together they have to see if they can rebuild what they were in order to fight Bane. That’s the ultimate journey, with the question that everyone wants to know: Can Batman be happy? And is Batman’s happiness a source of strength or weakness?”

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It's Lee Meriwether, Satan.

I don't you know what "political" actually means.

Batcat is cancer.

Catwoman is still Cancer.

>I don't you know what "political" actually means.
I don´t think you understand English very well in the first place

t Last Knight on Earth or Batman Who Laughs will probably end outselling it considerably, because King's last works range from great (Mister Miracle), passable (most of his Batman run), mediocre (the Knightmares) to utter disaster (HiC). His sales will be affected because his brand isn't what it was when he took the helm of Batman.

My only wish is his series doesn’t have lasting impact on Batman title.

>Mister Miracle
It was nothing but nave-gazing that goes nowhere and ends up in a wet fart.

Batman caring only for selina makes him even more unlikable than he already is. Congratulations Tom King.

Welcome to comic books, where failure is never punished, and emotionally abusing your audience is the status quo.

He's already saying that the Batman/Catwoman will change Batman status quo for an entire generation.

Batman is Cunt.

I know. I’m just wishing he is just bragging again. At least if it’s not marriage or pregnancy, next writer can ignore it.

King wants to ride the popularity of the DCAU and BTAS by picking a character from the most beloved BTAS movie, get the headlines talking about him introducing the Phantasm into the DC continuity, all while dishing a round of humiliation to one of Bruce's most beloved love interests from the DCAU. This is 100% a Tom King move. He's already went after both Talia and Diana, so he's merely moving to the next target on his hit list.

Talia, Diana, and Andrea were all DCAU characters who completely overshadowed Catwoman as love interests to Bruce, and that clearly never sat well with King. King is your typical vindictive and petty BatCat shipper that you can find on Twitter or Tumblr. I'm genuinely surprised he never touched Zatanna, seeing how his supposed DCAU fandom only resulted in him bringing different love interests from Bruce's life in that continuity to humiliate them. I guess Zee thankfully was never as big as the other three, not in the DCAU at least, so thank God for that.

But yeah, Andrea is fucked.

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I know I'll be disappointed but still hoping someday bats gets the ending he deserves.

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Catwoman is not a good ending for Batman. If anything, it's a BAD END for him.

Doesn't King realize that portraying a couple not even being able to agree on the first time they met shows that they're completely out of sync with one another and thus a bad couple that might be together mostly out of convenience or desperation?

Batman’s ending doesn’t need Catwoman.

>one of Bruce's most beloved love interests from the DCAU.
Let's not put on our rose tinted sunglasses here. Andrea Beaumont was an OC donut steel that was written to be the primary reason for Bruce Wayne to become Batman. If Mask of the Phantasm were written in a comic today, you would all bash it for being forced and uninspired.

That said, King making an attempt to jump on the back of the (unwarranted) popularity of the movie makes him even more of a hack than I previously thought.

I still want him to marry Talia.

Who would you rather see him with?

I don't think what King's been doing has anything to do with him trying to destroy potential threats to BatCat. Him going after Talia and Diana could point to that being his motivation, but why then would he drag Andrea of all characters into canon just to pit her against Catwoman ? No, that's far more petty than attempting to declaw rival ships. This is just King going on a vindictive and resentful quest to take down the characters who dared oppose his precious Cat.

Early on in his run, King stated how much he loved the DCAU, and I believe him. The DCAU is a huge headache for the BatCats, on one hand it's the undisputed best adaptation of the DCU, with BTAS in particular being considered legendary, so they can't discount it easily. On the other hand, the DCAU not only never bowed down to BatCat, but it introduced many rivaling ships that are still popular today because of it. You'll see a lot of BatCats swinging between praising the DCAU to hating on it whenever ships are mentioned.

King is just a petty BatCat shipper who wants to "fix" the problems that the DCAU introduced, and show people how Batman is done. Plain and simple.

Is this a ripoff of the Immortal Hulk copypasta too?

Why does Batman need to be with someone to be happy? I don't fucking get it. He's a productive member of society, a businessman, a philatopist, a father, a mentor, a leader, a hero.
Batman in and of itself should be happiness for him. It's his calling. It's what fufills him. It's what gives his life a meaning. I fucking despise this idea that Batman is some sort of fucking problematic thing that is ruining Bruce's life.
Either way, the guy has a bunch of sons, a bunch of good friends, not to mention that he's handsome, rich, and can date any lady he wants.

It's like i'm in some Bizarro Earth where Batman is Walter Korvacs or something.

No one.
He already has big family without marriage.
The theme that people can be a family without marriage or blood relatives is one of the best things from Batman series.

>The theme that people can be a family without marriage or blood relatives is one of the best things from Batman series.
Even fucking Batman LEGO knew this. They mocked the idea that Batman would feel less lonely if he got into a romance with someone, with him trying to hit it off with Batgirl and her rebuffing his cringe-y attempts, just to show that the thing he needed the most was familial love, like the one he lost all those years ago, something that he managed to find with both Robin and Batgirl.

I've got nothing to apologize for. I stopped reading his run a few issues after I Am Gotham ended because it's boring.

It is just going to be more PTSD suicide garbage.

DC hates marriage more than Hitler (the same goes for characters having children). They want all their characters to be “single and hip” like Spider-Man and that marriage automatically ends the characters’s life.

The only reason they let Tom tease the marriage in the first place is because he admitted it was a lie and they wanted to lie to readers to sell books.
They don’t want Batman getting married.

I feel like that was the original plan for King’s run. I feel like the “big status quo change” for Batman that he had to as WB and AT&T was Batman getting married for realsies. But someone caught wind and decided to kill it before it could happen. And now Tom King’s Batman/Catwoman book is probably just going to end with the pair staying as boyfriend and girlfriend.

Why does batman need to end with someone and be happy?
I think batman beyond makes perfect sense

It's long.
There's that

Lay of youtube my guy

It's like Justice League Beyond all over again and we can't escape it

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she is a hooker and a criminal with no redeeming qualities. Rick Grayson needs to get out of his coma and ask Bruce WTF he is thinking. Thomas Wayne didn't spend his life building a massive fortune only to see it fall in to the hands of a streetwalker.

No shit, Phantasm's story doesn't fit the comics especially with Reaper already being there.
>Andrea Beaumont was an OC donut steel that was written to be the primary reason for Bruce Wayne to become Batman
She's a combo of Rachel and Judson Caspian from the Batman comics. Phantasm is inspired by a comic storyline but it's its own story. She wasn't the reason for Bruce to become Batman either, he already had planned to be Batman and she was the one person whom he considered abandoning the idea of being Batman. His last outlet of happiness. But Andrea had an agenda of her own since she's suppose to be a female version of Bruce but one who is ok with crossing the line that Bruce won't cross.

In the context of the DCAU it was a good story and it fit with that Batman and Andrea being the Phantasm was a good twist back then because people thought it was going to be her father considering the story it took inspiration from. It's a pretty nice movie but it should stay in the DCAU.

Didio already fucked us by bringing Tom King, and Bendis can't ruin Batman more than King.

Batman is about BATman, Tom King. Not CATwoman. I know, hard to grasp.

Nobody wants to know that. We all know the answer.

hold his wife

Kings Batman is a cunt.

Reminder that according to King, reconciling and establishing this nonexistent relationship with a criminal is

1) more important to Batman than even his own crusade of fighting crime, the whole reason he became Batman in the first place.

2) more important than the death of his son and how their relationship has almost never been reconciled even though when it suits the writer they suddenly are on good terms

3) more important than taking care of a young biological son and making sure at the very least to check up on him in his own house

4) more important than taking care of your amnesiac son and trying to help him gain his memories back instead of letting him do who knows what on the streets

5) more important than actually being able to function as a normal adult and being able to move on when the world gives you problems

The sad thing is that I'm sure I'm missing more but these are the ones that stand out.

King is just one step away from saying BatCat is more important to Bruce than even the death of his parents. Pretty sure his writing implies it but I'll give him the benefit of doubt since he hasn't outright said it yet.

>I can't tell you but it's very cool

>and Bendis can't ruin Batman more than King.
It's like you WANT God to smite this.

Most likely :/

>Batman marries Catwoman in a double size with 30 variant covers
>A year or so later, she is "shockingly" killed by the Joker
>Batman ends up resurrecting her with something like the Lazarus Pit
>Except "OH NOES, she has amnesia!"

Attached: Calculon.jpg (1920x1080, 113K)

>it will be out of continuity
They've said time and time again it will be canon.

Geoff Johns said the same thing about Doomsday Clock and the Scott Snyder revealer it was non-canon.
>**Nrama**: So does this tie in to Doomsday Clock at all? Because we’ve seen the seeds of the Justice Society returning in Doomsday Clock.

>**Snyder**: Not really. I mean, Doomsday Clock really is its own wonderful, incredible story. The kind of light connection between them is just that, what Geoff and I talked about was because Doomsday Clock is kind of running at its own pace and in its own kind of continuity, what I didn’t want to do was bring the JSA back before he had a chance to reintroduce them as a concept in issue #10.

>I think that’s similar with other characters that he’s going to be using in Doomsday Clock as well.
>So there’s a nod to each other in that regard. I wanted him to be able to have the JSA as an idea, and have that first appearance in Doomsday Clock.
>But in terms of the continuities linking up, Doomsday Clock is a very special and inspirational book. We’re all amazed, I think, at how good it is. **But its effects are relatively self-contained to itself.**
Literally everyone at DC is ignoring each other’s continuity. There is no continuity at DC anymore.

Batman's finally coming out to the closet, I can feel it.

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Can we all now FINALLY admit that trunkless Batman was a failed experiment and a mistake now that the eternal classic look has been reinstated?


King said that the "big status quo change" is still happening

>Talia, Diana, and Andrea were all DCAU characters who completely overshadowed Catwoman as love interests to Bruce
I don't know if I'd agree for Talia. She was only in a couple episodes.

The status quo is eternal. Eventually it will reassert itself.

Is that why Dick Grayson is still Robin?

Yes, and that will be the new canon. Now please crying your tears are delicious.

That is why I can't take anything what King writes about Batman and Bruce Wayne seriously. That guy doesn't understand what makes Batman great or interesting, which is why all his "truths" about Batman are meaningless. Why am I supposed to listen to writer who clearly has no idea what he's talking about?


Nope. Good for flashbacks but there comes a time to move on.

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King acts like a teenage shipper.

More like a crazy tumblr shipper.

tumblr hates King since Batfam was treated poorly.

What an absolute faggot. I hope catwoman is killed off permenently after King fucks off.

It looks so much better than the whole "tacticool" detailed costume, too.

This. If you break the law your marriage should be nulled. I'd even argue all degrees a criminal has should be wiped out as well and their job history erased.

Tom old bean
I don't know how to say this to you, but...
I think Bendis is better than you.

Maybe l’m just optimistic, but if King is really making them married, it should have happened in the middle of his run. I mean, marriage in the end of the run or in the spin-off just makes easier for next writer to ignore that. Also I don’t think King leaves without writing their married life if marriage was really allowed. He is just too shipper.