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i dont understand what a tomatometer means

Co is wrong again what a surprise. There is a reason anons of Yea Forums will never have their own cartoon nor comic

confirmed $1b box office and the Best Animated Feature Oscar?

Do shills think that critics have any actual influence over us?

But Bo peep plays a strong woman role and that'll flop in China and sjw and shills! Its not fair bros

why did we want to hate toy story 4, again?

I dont think shills care about a handful of jaded basement dwellers that steal most of the content they ingest anyway

Not convinced this is kino until I see the audience score.

>yfw you go watch it
how excited are you?

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Enjoy being in a theatre with dozens of screaming children and babies.

All it means is that 100% of critics who watched it, liked it. It’s not like Metacritic where it aggregates scores based on what the critics actually rated it.
There could be 40 critics who said the movie was a 6/10, but Since a 6 is technically good, it means the tomato meter is 100%

Well they obviously do when they spam shit here

I dont live in the poor part of town so all the kids at my theatre are well behaved

It's pretty straightforward: if you pay it goes up and more people watch your movie so it makes more money

It's 1 guy and he seems to be panicking

Someone should tell the DCEU this. They could really use the $$$ after their last few flops and dumpster fires


Oh, I didn't notice that

I think it was because the spork is a tranny?

You ever seen a pixar movie having a bad score at first

it's a fucking spork it doesn't have a gender

Because it looks like shit and 3 was a perfect ending

Oooh, la-de-dah, the spork is a "nonbinary genderqueer", my mistake!

I'm not even surprised anymore.

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the spork is a sentient piece of plastic

Again, it only calculates whether it was a positive review or not. That was a 4/5 score. If it was 2/5, then the 100% would be gone. How does no one understand rotten tomatoes, it isn’t metacritic

you're blind then it was everywhere

you mean it was brought to life? that's more like frankenstein's monster than a trans.

4/5 is still very good for something as unnecessary as this.

The review itself also doesn't sound like a 4/5. It feels like movie journalism is slowly turning into vidya journalism.

Somebody should Shazam or Bladerunner.

I think the companion short "Sex: Have It" was a bit too on the nose

Yeah and thats a pretty fucked system of scoring thing because mediocre scores are automatically bumped up to good and 4/5s dont make a dent in the rating. Metacritic is better.

Any Disney shills in this thread? Sign me up dude, I'll speak highly of all your upcoming films if you cram hundreds down my throat like any of these sellout critics.

aladdin and dumbo

Because it's an unnecessary cash grab that retcons previous films messages?

It’s always been that way, only worse because in film critics are out on pedestals, like that hack Ebert.

I never argued that, I was just explaining how the system works. The tomato score is retarded and should never be trusted, but people do so anyway.
100% of the people I have explained it to, have turned around and said “that’s dumb.” The site banks on people not doing the research

>DC should cheat and bribe
user, they make HERO stories.

Yes, it's a eating utensil that identifies as a toy. Even you should be able to grasp the metaphor, it's hardly subtle.

>the companion short "Sex: Have It"
Is that the one with the woman that has a huge ass?

it's a "toy" that thinks it's garbage and wants to commit suicide

>Men think of women as toys
>Women think of men as garbage
>Forky is suicidal

You should be able to connect the dots

Man, remember the good ol' days, when we only accused the SJWs of shoehorning gender politics into everything? I miss those days.

You people haven't even seen a toy story 4 thread if you think politics are why we hate it

Tick Tock Mousefags.

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Technically, *all* sequels are "unecessary". I'd have money for a ticket if I had a dime every time someone said Toy Story 3 was the same as Toy Story 2. Doesn't stop it from being the best one. Being "unecessary" hasn't stopped the Toy Story movies before, why should it now?


It'll drop in ratings in a while

Rotten Tomatoes lost all credibility once it was bought by fandango

Is it true the movie is about Forky repeatedly trying to kill itself but the others won't let it?
Kind of dark.

the moral is that without friends, you might as well die.

Also the fact that the leaked plot was insanely generic with one of the worst and out of character endings I've ever seen from an animated film
Really makes it sound like the reviews went in thinking it needed to be good because it's Toy Story

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What villain could possible be better than Lotso?

>Leaked Plot
I mean, can we at least wait until the movie is out and we know what the story actually is before needlessly bashing it?
I know, this is the internet and the answer is no, but someone's gotta say it

>Yea Forums btfo after spending months thinking the movie was going to be a trash fire
>100% on rt
>d-d-d-d-doesn't mean anything
Toy Story 4 is great and anons are pissed. I'm going to enjoy another great movie in this franchise and I'll salt my popcorn with the tears of you fucking whiners.

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We already know what the story is though
The idea of this film alone is worth bashing

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As the others have already stated:
>Forced feminist agenda, LGBT representation
>Noticeable quality drop in animation and character design
>Unnecessary direction for the story when a brand new franchise would suffice
>Obvious cash grab, retcons previous films, etc
and the final, most important one
>It is clear that Disney paid for positive reviews for their shitty film.
Pathetic, dishonest, and outright insulting to the general public.

Sid and Stinky Pete are better villains.

This doll from TS4 that Woody lets win for some reason

So literally every single complaint lodged against literally every Disney/Marvel/Star Wars movie these days?
Someone should draw up a Paid Disney Shills bingo

I don't trust Pixar RT after Incredibles 2 and Finding Nemo 2 got 90% and yet be completely mediocre

Do not lump my criticisms of this sincerely worrying film with your feminist hate cancer

>The leak provided a worse story then Cars 2
>Woody has officially left the toys, destroying all previously built up characterization of loyalty
>The villain wins for some reason
>Cameos that are illumination-tier

Gabby Gabby could probably be a misunderstood villain and she ends up to be good.

What makes me mad about the leak and then seeing the tomato score is that movies with better writing, animation, and passion put into them got horrific scores simply because it wasn't a cookie cutter Disney manufactured product to tick off "woke" checkboxes.

What once was the last frontier of truly artistic filmmaking has again proven to be a soulless product for the consumption of children.
Disney didn't save the animation industry, they butchered it.

This is the same guy who said Justice League and Transformers the Last Knight were better movies than Spiderverse and Toy Story 3.

>LGBT representation
There is?

>Yea Forums
>being right about shomethong

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Wasn't it because Woody ends up ditching all his friends at the end of the movie to stay with Bo which goes against his entire characterization for the entire trilogy and betrays his promise to Andy to look after Bonnie.

>Forced feminist agenda, LGBT representation
stopped reading there

i like Bo Peep's junkpunk.

A reviewer submits their review to RT for inclusion on their site, and as part of that process is asked to answer "do you recommend other people see this movie, yes or no?" That's it; RT wants the simplest answer possible for their simple scoring system because they know anyone visiting their site wants a simple answer.

>Noticeable quality drop in animation and character design

Attached: ToyStory1quality.jpg (480x270, 25K)

They also use a 10-point scale like other review aggregate sites, but they hide that one with a couple of clicks in favor of the simplified yes/no system because it's easier to influence audiences with the tomato.

>le shill gambit


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Once again...

"We're getting a sequel!
The Studio wants More!
While they wait for Tom Hanks
to make Toy Story 4!"

Ditches the message from Toy Story 2 and 3.

is it because of the oscarbait ending

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>mainstream critics gush over feminist pablum
wow, shocker..

Is Woody actually bisexual now

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