Bravo, nu-Marvel

Bravo, nu-Marvel.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>milf falls for the hot bad boy
How is this new?

This feels like a "Why yes I am attracted to older experienced woman that respect themselves" ironic memes

You can just say the idea of Otto in Peter's clone body getting his dick wet disgusts you, you don't have to hide behind ideology.

She doesn't know he is a bad boy.
Except Otto constantly shows that he lacks the social grace to do something like that. Like, earlier in the issue he was being cold and upfront while talking to firefighters about how you can't save everyone, and sometimes you need triage.
So this just feels like another brutally honest moment of his.
I actually like the idea of someone fucking other people in someone else's body.

god the dialogue is so painful to read

>She doesn't know he is a bad boy.
women know

That is some cringe as fuck dialogue.

>I too am a person who enjoys things in a consensual, sane, manner, and totally only like you for your intellect and personality. Your age/race/gender never came into the equation at all, I like you for you : )

I'd hate it if it weren't so retarded. I make it a point to treat the mentally ill with kindness. That's why I don't hate gays.

Their first date went terribly bad.

It's a Peter+Ock clone body. and I am perfectly fine if he can build a life for himself. Until now Superior Ock was a pretty decent guy.
But inevitably the setup is to get back him with Maria.

Mentally speaking, Otto is the older one here right?

>Their first date went terribly bad.
bruh, spoilers!

it happens three months ago. We also had story time. so, Sorry for that, but.. you are a bit out of time.

bruh its just like three issues behind

Isn't she a little too young for Otto?

Otto is sociallly retarded so it fits

I mean, it's /ourguy/ Otto Parker.
If anybody has to spill their spaghetti, it should be him.

Who the hell talks like this?

You can't dump that many points into intelligence without needing to skim some off charisma.

Remember Otto joined Nazis after being reformed? I do.
Otto will never not be Otto, who at heart is a manchild villain. Like any "male feminist" of course he'd lie and flatter a woman with pleasantries about how progressive he is. The truth is he'd take any woman he can get, as male feminist fuckboys are the real incels.


autistic ones maybe

This comic looks like wish fulfillment self insert garbage shit.

I haven't seen such bad writing since America's pro lesbian monologue

no, no it doesn't. Nobody talks like that. The fuck are you corporate bootlickers even doing at this point.

What about the episode where straight white man Scott Lang wasn't brave enough to say "boyfriend?"

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>just like muh board gaemez!

>nobody talks like that
Autists do

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Oh man, I can totally relate. I often wake up in a cold sweat just thinking that some people want to fuck. Just disgusting.

What would be the problem? Otto not acting like an horny teen? How dare they.

ding ding ding, motherfucker.

Otto Ocatvius, the fat ugly scientists, probably does.

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What hack is writing this crap?

Based Scotty dabbing on them faggots!

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Professors, you know, like Otto.

Not many men can offer you a younger clone body. Think about it honey

Imagine, the endurance of a young man, but the optimization of a man that can only hump for 40 seconds at a time unless he wants his hip to give.

It's actually pretty good, Otto is just a fucking autist.

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No it's not. And answer the question please, I have a black list to feed.

I am glad jews are finally realizing WMBW is the future propaganda.

Google it yourself you lazy ass

>No it's not
Yes it is.

Yeah it is. And you're just shitposting otherwise you would have just googled it.
So you know, no more replies from me

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OK, I will black list any writer currently working at Marvel. Just in case.

Thank you for stating yourself out as the tasteless pig you are.

You're welcome, shill.

>turns out shitposter was actually just a butthurt DCfag

What a surprise.

Wow epic come back, upvoted!
But sorry, no more replies from me porky pig, enjoy being the drone eunuch you are :)

So was this before or after he outed himself as a villain and she immediately turned in to a demon during the dr strange cross over?

That is just going back to the status quo.

This was him asking her out on the date that ended with demons.

it's pretty hilarious she thinks she's too old for him, now that you mention it

God these /pol/ tourists that know nothing about the context of the pages they post

>everyone I dont like is /pol/

>I-I'm not /pol/!

I'm a libtard my dude.

>calling yourself a libtard
Yep, /pol/.
Also I fail to see what's wrong with the panels, then again I understand the context and characters who are portrayed, unlike tourists like yourself.

>not calling yourself a libtard
Yea Forums is my main board, and besides the occasional /fit/, my only board.
And I don't think anything is actually wrong with the panels, it was just funny to read.
Take an estradiol and calm down, my dude, things aren't that important.

Well I'm not a self-hating retard so no I don't call myself derogatory names.
>Yea Forums is my main board, and besides the occasional /fit/, my only board.
Cool, except /pol/faggotry is a state of mind, in which your'e deeply immersed. And I am also not a self-medicated American so I don't understand what sorta pill you're recommending there, but keep it to yourself too.

>this issue of web swinging, wall crawling, karate bugman's dialogue is not very realistic!!!

>Well I'm not a self-hating retard so no I don't call myself derogatory names.
It's just a silly joke, bro. Don't get all bent out of shape from chuds owning shitlibs.
>/pol/faggotry is a state of mind
Agree, but I use /pol/ catchphrases and lingo as a form of absurd comedy, because it's all so ridiculous.
Estradiol is a feminizing Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) drug.

He's literally always talked like this.

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>Estradiol is a feminizing Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) drug.
Ah I see, tranny memes, always so fresh.
Neck yourself. Oh wait, here come the dilating, seething, and other bullshit.
>I use /pol/ catchphrases and lingo as a form of absurd comedy
Oh right, "honk honk" too. Fucking retard.
Your chad tirade is also pretty transparent, by the way.

>chad tirade
Pardon? What do you mean?

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No more (You)s for the youngster.

Also, "tranny" is a derogatory slur and you shouldn't use it to refer to trans folk.

Not even if I'm asking a trans person to help me distribute power from my cam shaft to my wheels?


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Everyone HAS to accommodate the suicidal. They are a tiny portion of the population and wo't be around long.

epic transphobia my dude
you've earned a tip o m'fedora


oof, sorry gamer, I'll try and be more hip-n-happenin' for you
please dont add me to your cringe compilation

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it is not a phobia. Delusional faggot are gross.

At least shes interested in men, most of these nu marvel characters are outright misandrists

You need to stop supporting the sexualization of children.

What the fuck is wrong with their paint scheme? It's like the inker forgot to finish their mouths.

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Too late. I did that 35 minutes ago.

Women are not magic princesses. The myth or the feminine mystique needs to die.

Lmao Marvel thinks being 5 years off is considered a huge age difference. I read a book recently when a 20 year old guy got with 40 year old mommy.

Thanks for the blog.

At what age difference does it become a MILF relationship?


Its cringe on both sides. Not just Otto.

The dialogue is badly written.

>I'd hate it if it weren't so retarded. I make it a point to treat the mentally ill with kindness. That's why I don't hate gays.

Really? So a 20 year age gap is not a MILF relationship.

>Otto is sociallly retarded so it fits
>You can't dump that many points into intelligence without needing to skim some off charisma.
>Otto Ocatvius, the fat ugly scientists, probably does.
>Professors, you know, like Otto.
Holy shit, this is some next level apologist shitposting right here.
It isn't a character thing because BOTH characters are using the same stilted virtue signaling pseudo-speech patterns. It reads like someone with liberal guilt talking to himself with a pair of sock puppets. This should be obnoxious for any reasonable person to look at regardless of your political orientation because it's just shit writing.

Unless it an under age issue, it’s ridiculous to consider 5 age difference as a problem and raunchy. 5 age difference is nothing have sex.

>have sex
have sex

That was not my question.

what the fucking fuck
if people start talking like this there will be no more sexual activity at all

this, the funny thing is anons thought it's only the male who is being retarded

>that last panel
Honestly sounds like he's about to say "and don't worry I'LL be the one in the kitchen "

No, it's just that most anons here have low expectations of women and/or already view them as retarded, so they see nothing wrong.






Stilted, awkwardly phrased and using the wrong term (she is breaking a convention, not a gender role), but still hot.
Also, would anyone older than 20 really feel so bound to have him make the first step as to just not ask and walk away?
She clearly has no time to waste here and he can't even run away on her.

>Truly, he was The Superior Spider-Cuck™

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it's Gage
Remember Spider-Gwen and the tools of the patriarchy?

she basically comes off pathetic and self deprecating and making issues of things that are non issue, truly an ill adjusted teen virgin
red flags for a toxic clingy psycho, she will need constant validation and will be horribly jealous
and she won't ever forget that his wtf tweeter response was "yeah you're not sexually desirable, you're an old niggress, but my sexual drive is minimal anyway"
in fact she will be thinking about it every night he doesn't fuck her

You're making a ruckus out of simple but mediocre writing. Just say it's bad and move the fuck on, we don't need the same proselytizing we've been hearing nonstop for three fucking years.

>>It's a Peter+Ock clone body.
actually, I think it's a 100% Ock clone body, but "optimized"

IIRC it was a "blank state" optimized body ready to be personalised, so Ock went and used himself as base while adding spider-powers.

>the absolute state of Yea Forumsmblr itt

it would have been a bother if Otto actually date her for more than 1 issue, but he didn't.

user, people are still going to talk about bad writings way into the future. Just becasue someone mocks libtards and their shitty writings itt doesn't mean you get to dictate what is acceptable or not.

it isn't that she's older
it isn't that she's black

Who? What?
I don’t read Spider-anything.

>based otto being based as usual
there has to be a universe where he's just making things better for everyone

The fact that you think there's anything overly "liberal" or political in that page makes me embarrassed to share a board with you.

Definitely isn't

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> I actually like the idea of someone fucking other people in someone else's body.

Spiderman does this as Miss Marvel.

Twitter loses their minds.

What the fuck does this have to do with ”libtards”? Do you fuckers go nuts the moment someone mentions anything to do with gender roles or praises minorities, as if it’s a liberal only

Also, awkward is such a meaningless buzzword because it’s spouted everywhere with no substantiation of what “natural” dialogue sounds like. Or calling it bad without any elaboration at all, like it’s supposed to just be accepted as fact. What even are “virtue-signalling pseudo speech patterns”? Dialogue that contains social concepts?

I am not even calling this writing good, but I don’t even know what you schizos are raging about for this one

They better fuck each other, then.
The unique chance to experience literally going and fucking yourself.

>hot milf asks out pretty boy
Where’s the problem?

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She’s back and mentions gender roles

No way tranny.


Do you need new eyes?

And also, if you fucks think THIS dialogue is “stilted” wait till you read the classic stories

>anything overly "liberal" or political in that page
>old gender roles

>it’s another episode of Yea Forums taking a joke seriously


>someone mentions anything to do with gender roles or praises minorities
Yes because the dialogues relating to such concept always end up being batshit retarded that ruins the dialogue flow of every character in the page just like the one in OP. The fact that you're raging at an user harmlessly calling out such a retarded concept proved this right

Not that guy, but they are both pretty awkward in their phrasing.
The term "gender roles" is a bit too big for what she's doing and unless she's an academic with background in genderstudies or psychology it is not even appropriate.
Depending on her background she could instead refer to convention, propriety, the rules (of the dating game), etiquette and sound less academic about it.
He just sounds like an academic paper which is likely character-appropriate.

>about a rival company being SJW propaganda

>being batshit retarded that ruins the dialogue flow of every character in the page just like the one in OP
What the fuck does it even mean? Why is it retarded? What’s wrong with the dialogue flow? What is the supodoed right dialogue flow?

How the fuck is it liberal OR political. Recognising gender roles is bipartisan

>The term "gender roles" is a bit too big for what she's doing and unless she's an academic with background in genderstudies or psychology it is not even appropriate.
Students in college talk about stuff like gender roles all the time, both irl but more in social media. The term gender roles is no longer some nebulous concept too big for the younger generation, especially with the slew of news articles mentioning it

That's some cringe ass dialogue. Whomst wrote it?

Yeah, you do sound butthurt enough to reply to an almost three hour old post

>still using SJW boogeymen unironically

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Supposed*. No idea why my keyboard sperged out

The joke clearly flew over Yea Forums‘s head.

who writes this shit?
actually drop that question. the more important question is who pays money for this shit?

The problem with Ironic Shitposting is that you'll have people show up who actually agree with what you're saying. It's killed this website alongside of people no longer lurking.

>stop villains toxic masculinity

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Whats wrong with it?

Kraven is toxic masculinity though. He fucking kills his clone sons becuase they aren’t manly enough for his liking, you can’t get more toxic than that

It’s clearly jokey dialogue. Is Yea Forums really this fucking stupid?
I have 20/20 vision, user.

>not SJW as fuck

Don't bother, user, he probably just got triggered at the implication that masculinity can possibly have toxic traits.

make excuses for this all you want. in the end you are still eating shit

>it is shit because I said so
Yeah sure user, sure


Good argument user

cringe and bluepilled

What joke?

is tombstone being a murderer and a crime boss a sign of his toxic blackness?
is a women who lies about getting raped out of revenge or to get famous showing signs of toxic femininity?
no that would be racist and sexist. but the the moment liberals find an excuse to blame something on being white or being male its fine and cucks like you even defend it

Why are marvel comics cringe now ? What happened ??

You shills are some of the most retarded and unsubtle human being to have ever graced Yea Forumsmblr and it shows. You didn't even properly refute and goes straight to semantic which is a sure way of saying your product is absolutely shit at writing and dialogues since it is impossible to defend the shit in the OP page. The awkward pacing, the batshit retarded words used like old gender roles and of course the lack of substance and coherence in their dialogue is what people see in that shitty page user. Just because you're zealously defending it because your employer told you to doesn't mean it's not true which again, is why you have to resort to semantics in the first place. Now watch as you will reply to this post with another semantics.


don't bother user, you're replying to a genuine retard.

>is tombstone being a murderer and a crime boss a sign of his toxic blackness?
No, but it can be a sign of gang culture influencing others
>is a women who lies about getting raped out of revenge or to get famous showing signs of toxic femininity?
No, but if a woman bullies other women for not being girly enough it is toxic femininity
>no that would be racist and sexist. but the the moment liberals find an excuse to blame something on being white or being male its fine and cucks like you even defend it
Toxic masculinity is not saying all males are toxic. It's critiquing aspects of what people define as "being manly", such as never crying, bottling up your emotions etc. You clearly don't get what it means and why it is used that way though

>You didn't even properly refute
Because there is nothing to fucking refute. That's why I asked for elaboration, you dumb bitch. It's a slew of buzzwords that ultimately says nothing about how he came to that conclusion

It's a stupid fucking term just like toxic femininity I see some people throw around. Why cant people just use the age old words Asshole or bitch nowadays.

toxic masculinity is just liberals and women trying to shame men for not acting like pussies.
most men vote republican so they are the enemy that needs to be shamed, ridiculed and forcefully changed in the eyes of modern media

Doesn't beat getting mad at Loki riffing about "ethics in hammer wielding".

>It's a slew of buzzwords that ultimately says nothing
So is OP's image but the fact that you're too dumb at comprehending big word doesn't mean he doesn't have a point

I am asking for "semantics" because I want to see some fucking substance in your arguments. You can substantiate your opinions, right?
> awkward pacing,
How is it awkward though? Woman explains her insecurity, man replies. It's a normal conversation
>batshit retarded words used like old gender roles
Why is that phrase batshit retarded? I legitimately don't get it. Old gender roles is a concept that almost everyone recognizes
>of course the lack of substance and coherence in their dialogue
What substance are you looking for? Every sentence must have the meaning of life to you or something, and can't flesh out how two characters view each other now? And how is it incoherent? It is, as I said before, a simple back and forth

where's the joke?

>toxic masculinity is just liberals and women trying to shame men for not acting like pussies.
No, actually. There is no shaming involved in the term itself, it's a pretty factual term used to refer to an observed phenomenon. It's only an issue if you think bullying others is "not being a pussy"
>most men vote republican so they are the enemy that needs to be shamed, ridiculed and forcefully changed in the eyes of modern media
No wonder, you're a fucking american.

>So is OP's image
Except it says something about the woman's insecurities, and how otto views her as well
>comprehending big word
I understand what the words mean. I just don't understand how he came to that conclusion

It's bait, or trolling. It's literally the God of mischief trying to get you mad by appropriating the dumb culture war that spilled into comics. And it worked. And it still works with you out of context.
tl;dr: the joke is (You).

Again, where's the joke?

it's not academic and specific enough, basically

You are the joke. I can't make it any clearer autismo, if you don't understand what's funny about getting retards riled up, you need to go back.

>How is it awkward though? Woman explains her insecurity, man replies. It's a normal conversation
The woman explain in the most vexatious manner it simply doesn't exist in day to day interaction with every human being. lexicons like old gender role or simply the exact use of it are never a point of interaction of anyone and this makes the dialogue forced and contrived.

>Why is that phrase batshit retarded? I legitimately don't get it. Old gender roles is a concept that almost everyone recognizes
Her dismissal of it however is lacking in substance and is 1-dimensional since it also basically doesn't explain why she hates it. Fuck she literally want Doc Ock because of old gender role in the first place.

>What substance are you looking for?
A more human interaction would be nice instead of a retarded liberal writer and pathetic attempt at dialogue. Watch the first season of Netflix Daredevil, that is a normal way of human dialogue and interaction across numerous background and race. No retarded lexicons used by specific liberals whatsoever.

Now watch as you again try to use semantic as the retard that you are since you're incapable of knowing a good and natural dialogue if it hits you in the face.

where's the joke m8? this ain't a therapy session.

sounds like he just forgot his name

why can't they write a woman asking a man out without it reading like shit?
It just sounds so unnatural, as if you respond "on the contrary" after being asked out.

dubs dubs checked but be careful user, someone might be awfully triggered and ask retarded semantics at you at any time now

The "uhs" indicate that he was uncomfortable asking about his love life.
If he had merely forgot his name, he could have just said "how's your boyfriend?"

>The woman explain in the most vexatious manner it simply doesn't exist in day to day interaction with every human being
I don't see how it is annoying, or unheard of. You see stuff like that in social media all the time
>lexicons like old gender role or simply the exact use of it are never a point of interaction of anyone
I can agree with this, it is awkward in a conversation but it is also not unheard of. Hell, I have participated in a few of such conversations outside of academia
>Her dismissal of it however is lacking in substance and is 1-dimensional since it also basically doesn't explain why she hates it
1) you don't have to hate something to disagree with it
2) in a normal conversation, people exaggerate and generalize
3) in a normal irl conversation, you tend not to explain every term used
>retarded liberal writer and pathetic attempt at dialogue. Watch the first season of Netflix Daredevil, that is a normal way of human dialogue and interaction across numerous background and race. No retarded lexicons used by specific liberals whatsoever.
So, I see your problem is that the term old gender roles is used and her flippant dismissal of it is triggering you

because it is unnatural and uncomfortable for her

I'm not talking about her, the guy is even more unnatural in his response.

it's fucking dr octopus, what did you expect

user, toxic masculinity is used the second a man shows self-worth or lust. It is a shaming technique.

>No wonder, you're a fucking american.
nope I am not.
and you are either being dilosional or dishonest.
toxic masculinity is always brought up to shame totally normal male behavior and force men to act like submissive women so that women can be in control

Doc has always spoke like this whenever possible

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false and bamboozlepilled

Apparently from how the conversation was going it's only when white men do it mr.Victimized

then why are you referring to america's retarded two party system as some kind of benchmark in hating men?
>toxic masculinity is always brought up to shame totally normal male behavior
Maybe...such behaviour isn't so good for men overall? There's a reason why male suicides are always consistently higher than women

>shows self-worth or lust
There's self-worth and there is being too afraid of being seen as "unmanly" to open up to others. The latter is what toxic masculinity refers to

As for lust, it usually isn't a good look to be seen as openly horny in public, user.

Show me one panel in last 5 year comics where a man expresses lust assertively and it's not something negative he gets called out for or gets comeuppance. Could be something as simple as two guys talking and be like
>Man, that chick has a nice ass

>acting like that page is SJW stuff

Wow you are a sad piece of shit.

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user, cut the crap. Modern capemen, particularly marvel capemen have no self worth. They light slides fly from women, that women don't let fly from men. That's lacking self worth.

Otto always have weird fetishs. Aunt May was like 30 years older than him and he still hit that.

>Lmao Marvel thinks being 5 years off is considered a huge age difference
I know people who think that 2 years off is cut off point where being relatioship is fine. Everything after that is creepy and gross.

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Read the page before you get your underage b&

In case that wasn't enough context.

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Oh no, he'll kiss her. So lustful.
You proved my point.
Celebrate. Man's. Want. For. TnA.

>They light slides fly from women, that women don't let fly from men
Steve isn't taking no shit from the old bitch in his book though
>That's lacking self worth.
Nah, that's being secure enough in your self-worth that you don't have to lash back at insults

>Asked for panel of male lust
>Posts woman getting turned on
You don't even understand the point, do you?

>Kissing your wife isn't lustful!
keep moving the goalposts, this is just the example I've read today.
Sorry I don;t have the obsession over funny book characters sex lives as others have.

>Celebrate. Man's. Want. For. TnA.

Also, how is men wanting tits less lustful than a full on kiss? What the fuck?

>You see stuff like that in social media all the time
First of all people don't talk like in social media and second of all, you have to find the most obscure poz website of the world to even think like the term old gender roles are used normally. Nevertheless the sentences used in conjunction with the word itself along with Doc's own dialogue made this whole page shitty as hell in terms of writing since it is disjointed and annoying.

>but it is also not unheard of.
So does the word libtards and cultural marxism but you will complain to hell and back with the utter use of the word because it is THAT contrived just like the words used in OP.

>Hell, I have participated in a few of such conversations outside of academia
I know, that's why SanFran libtards are the only one defending the writing and thinks its normal. Travel the world you fool, you'll find no such cases in the outside world even in the metropolitan area.

>1) you don't have to hate something to disagree with it
Hate is always founded in disagreement you utter loon

2) in a normal conversation, people exaggerate and generalize
But not tothe point where they use retarded jargons and ideals like outright dismissal of old gender roles.

>3) in a normal irl conversation, you tend not to explain every term used
You're right, so why use old gender roles like it meant something when you can just use a simple word and sentences. Why not just end it at "I was, I am". Much more succinct.

>So, I see your problem is that the term old gender roles is used and her flippant dismissal of it is triggering you
And at last, we're now back to ad hom because libtards like you don't interact like normal people do.

That was Freyja getting turned on from Odin telling her- ah fuck it, you're not event trying.

It clearly isnt a joke, or at least not a ironic one

>that's being secure enough in your self-worth that you don't have to lash back at insults
Fuck off.
Let's say Cyke tells Logan
>shut up, or I'll laser blast you
Logan replies
>try it and you'll get skewered
Is that somehow not being secure in his self-worth so he needed to lash back? Of course not.

On the other hand, if ororo went
>Shut up, or I'll light you up
Logan won't threaten to skewer her and we know it. And I'm using ororo as an exemple, he won't threaten a woman.

And the fact that women can casually throw threats at guys, but not the opposite, without it being a big deal is a problem with male characters.

You are a fucking idiot.

The point is to highlight the guy's getting turned on as a good thing, not the woman's.

I read it little cunt, saying stuff like that only makes you even more pathetic. Fucking swine.

Yeah, and Odin was clearly turned on enough by his wife to want to kiss her in the middle of a battle.

Hold on. The shitposter is the drone for not jerking off to a Disney comic? Do you shills have any self awareness at all?

The only one who hasn't read it is (You) dipshit.

>Maybe...such behaviour isn't so good for men overall?
Source? Are you retarded user?

>There's a reason why male suicides are always consistently higher than women
And women are more depressed than men so maybe we shouldn't trust bitches that much since they're such illogical, emotional creatures.You also fail to mention that man accomplished much much more than women so I say go Toxic masculinity and fuck retardedly inferior feminity.

>here's self-worth and there is being too afraid of being seen as "unmanly" to open up to others.
Men open up to other men all the time you retarded roastie. Just because you're an anti-social roastie doesn't mean that man are somehow toxic.

>As for lust, it usually isn't a good look to be seen as openly horny in public, user.
And somehow women are exempted?

Kiss is a nu-male's/woman's idea of
>can't help myself
If it was written by a manly man, he'd have wanted to fuck her in the middle of the battle.

Moving the goal posts, try again.

>You don't even understand the point, do you?
Wait, apparently women can't be turned on when men express their lust? How are they supposed to respond?

>First of all people don't talk like in social media and second of all, you have to find the most obscure poz website of the world to even think like the term old gender roles are used normally
Facebook, basically. I'll dig it up if I can find it
>So does the word libtards and cultural marxism but you will complain to hell and back with the utter use of the word because it is THAT contrived just like the words used in OP.
I would too, but I would also admit people shove those terms in normal conversation
>I know, that's why SanFran libtards are the only one defending the writing and thinks its normal
I don't even live in America
>Hate is always founded in disagreement you utter loon
Do you happen to be retarded? You just proved yourself wrong. Hate being founded on disagreement is not hate=disagreement
>But not tothe point where they use retarded jargons and ideals like outright dismissal of old gender roles.
Uh, yes? Just like how people work retarded shit like trumptards or libtards in conversations. Or shit like capitalism, socialism etc. Never had relatives come over?
>You're right, so why use old gender roles like it meant something when you can just use a simple word and sentences.
Why would you care about that in a normal conversation? Why would she and choose every word carefully when she's basically rambling because she's nervous? And it is used to illustrate the woman's more liberal pov
>And at last, we're now back to ad hom because libtards like you don't interact like normal people do.
And now apparently libtards don't count as normal people, so their conversations don't count, and thus conversations using the word old gender roles don't exist.

he's not, your lack of capability in understanding a super simple request is telling.

The goal posts were at ass. Purposely. To show you can't have men fancy a body part. Meat. Has to be something mutual, an action, like kissing.


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The problem is, the page isn't man being lustful. It's woman being turned on and man being a note-book-ryan-gosling's type idea of lustful.
Which is nothing. The genuine lust would be Odin wanting to fuck her.
>you turned me so much, I wanted to kiss you
What is this, kidnergarten? Odin hasn't gone through puberty? That's what a grown man wants when he's turned on? To kiss? Not to nail?

>Source? Are you retarded user? turn on adblock before you click
>And women are more depressed than men
This is true, and part of it is toxic femininity. Same for men. Just because women have it worse doesn't mean we can't do better
>Men open up to other men all the time you retarded roastie
Hm, must be why men are less willing to seek help for mental health than women
>And somehow women are exempted?
They aren't. Public exposure laws cover both men and women

>The problem is, the page isn't man being lustful.
What the fuck?
>That's what a grown man wants when he's turned on? To kiss? Not to nail?
Kissing is usually a precursor to nailing

Unironically, have sex

>aunt may has vaguely spiderweb-patterned oven mitts
I can't handle it. It's too pure. Does she know Peter is Spiderman in this series?

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To hell with tired old gender roles. Fuck:

-opening/holding doors for women
-paying for dinner on a date
-walking a date to her door
-protecting her in a fight with a stranger
-buying her flowers
-making any positive comments about her wardrobe or hair
-generally being kind

It's all icky and gross! Men are women and women are men! And that's progressive. Now give me money, liberals.

>you have wrong opinions because you're a virgin
Stop telling men to prioritize getting laid over everything, that's toxic masculinity.

This but unironically

I never noticed him feeding the dog the kielbasa

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>-opening/holding doors for women
>-paying for dinner on a date
I would want to get away from this

I wasn't being ironic.


epic and gamerpilled

>Facebook, basically. I'll dig it up if I can find it
There you go, the fact that you have to spend minutes to find a facebook post containing such a lexicon is telling
>but I would also admit people shove those terms in normal conversation
Again its not, for all of your /pol/ bitching, not once does those terms are normal in day to day interaction, especially when you're about to ask someone on a date.
>I don't even live in America
Then you'll also know that what you're saying is simply not true since even in America you'll have a hard time finding the context where such a word is normal in everyday conversation.
>Do you happen to be retarded? You just proved yourself wrong. Hate being founded on disagreement is not hate=disagreement
By god you really are retarded, your entire argument can be easily dismissed by aasking what you hate and I can point out exactly which part you disagreed with.
>Uh, yes? Just like how people work retarded shit like trumptards or libtards in conversations. Or shit like capitalism, socialism etc. Never had relatives come over?
Do you just equate trumptard and libtard with socialism and capitalism because one is rarely used in conversation and another one is common when you bring up anything relating to politics, economics, history, etc. See this is the problem with you libtard, you see a figure of crime rate between races and you deduced that all human are the same since we all commit crime never looking at the fact that different races have different tendencies.

>Why would you care about that in a normal conversation?
Shit man, this is your point in the first place. A normal dating conversation does not contain obscure words like old gender words at all. Jesus Christ just watch any romantic TV series you dolt.

>And now apparently libtards don't count as normal people, so their conversations don't count, and thus conversations using the word old gender roles don't exist.
Absolutely correct on all front,

I know
My massive intellect from playing video games 24/7 makes me naturally hate trannies
Shut up tranny

I really respect trans women's rights I just wanna be able to have the opportunity to bash one's skull in for attempting to walk into a women's bathroom sorry Yea Forums


topkek, might as well post buzzfeed user. And look at that, a non-scientific, non repeatable study being """done""" to show off retarded shit that doesn't exist
>This is true, and part of it is toxic femininity. Same for men. Just because women have it worse doesn't mean we can't do better
And you can't even prove that those are indeed bad trait to have in the first place. suicide and depression are abroad topic covering many social aspect user. It's not just black and white.
>Hm, must be why men are less willing to seek help for mental health than women
Or maybe men are smart enough to think that they didn't need to pay by the boatload to solve a simple mental issue. Fuck off.

>They aren't. Public exposure laws cover both men and women
So why do you explicitly mention this shit when talking about toxic masculinity since it covers everybody?

So does Aaron ever bring up or use Gaia?

>Shut up tranny
m8 you're quoting the wrong guy.

Also, did they retcon Gaia being Thors real mother?

Not sure, I'm rather lost when it comes to the last 20 years of Thor lore. I've just been reading the tie ins and crossovers from War of the Realms.

God, this writing is makes me gag, Aaron why do you have everyone talk in the same manner and in earth speak?

>5 years off

That bitch looks like his grandmother

Huh, well Hope it wasn't written away, though wouldn't be suprise if it did.

Shut up tranny

That's not a bad sentiment, it's just badly worded. Makes the guy sound like a fedora-tipper.

Any trannies in this thread that like getting the shit kicked out of them for being disgusting freaks...? Hit me up on discord dog I'll beat the shit out of you @Cosmic#4754

It's badly worded, because it's not natural. No one talks about it, like that
>By gum, of course I consider the female humanticrons to be of arousing intellect and achievements

Isn't this Otto we're talking about? If anyone would talk like that, it'd be him.

>Why does the retarded supervillain who monologue all the time talk all kind of retarded

It will be more unnatural to find a panel where he talks like a normal functional human being

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It's the black woman who's being obnoxious, not Otto. If you wanna ask a guy out on a date, ask the guy out on a fucking date. That's been a thing for a few decades now. You dont have to being up "tired old gender roles" before you speak. That's how a virtue signaller writes.


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>trans folk
don't you mean folx?

>not putting the last panel as actually despite being only 13% of the population

The die is cast !

No, that's a retarded liberalism that just serves to virtue signal how woke you perceive yourself to be, and is not actually recognizing the humanity in possibly marginalized people.
That joke was already

it seems like it wasn't written by a human being


Poor Southern whites do less crime than middle class urban blacks. And that stupid meme dog is probably dead by now anyways.

This stilted ass writing that would make a robot blush is why nobody respects comics writers.

Anyway I can get in contact with Marvel? This is the kind of garbage level my writing's at.

I did my best with what I had to work with.
Should I ask Marvel to take me on their payroll?

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The Marvel way to draw comics is really dead right?
Jesus this is amateur art work
The camera angle, the art style, ugly people

This is good. It's better than the original.

Everyone ITT bitching about terrible dialog when shit like this exists.

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Older man dates younger woman
Older woman dates younger man
>It's so great and progressive!

Worthless hypocritical faggots. May you all get terminal ass cancer.

hey dum dum, Otto is way older than the girl

In a younger man's body, faggot.

please jesus god have sex (with a woman your own age)

But he is still older than the girl.
But don't let facts and logic get in the way of you getting triggered at people getting upset at some double standard.
Oh and also disregard that no one would care anyway


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>It's okay for women to whore around and get used up
>you better date and marry them and not go for her younger less whorish younger sisters

Is there not one black woman in the marvel universe who is dumb or of average intelligence?

Shit I might be losing my mind but I think even Misty Knight has been categorized with super intelligence now.

if you're worthy then they will come at you, that's how gabby got a job

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>It just sounds so unnatural
Because it's written by a middle aged white man, possibly single.

What's the problem here? Nothing here that hasn't been normal for a few decades now.

>curent capemen

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Men are repulsed by women with intellect and accomplishments unless into femdom or cucking.
Its just funny

Woke capitalism was the greatest sin to come out of the SJW cancer, not the fact I cannot say the word nigger anymore online other than the 4chinz.

>Hey I know it's a little weird for an older woman to ask out a younger guy, but how about we get dinner? If you're not interested, don't worry about it...
>On the contrary. I am drawn to women for their intellect, their accomplishments, their sophistication. All of which you possess in abundance.
>Holy shit, never mind!

Otto does though.

DC pigs trying to make a shitstorm out pf this are so funny. The amount of blatant samefagging in this thread is amazing.

>younger body will also make your mind younger

Spoken like a true autist

>little piggy is mad

Oh poor DC pig's hurts more than usual, oh poor swine

Does this count as bitches loving Spider-Man?
If so, does this make it the first time Peter's COLONIZED a woman or have there been other instances of Jungle Fever in his past?

I can deal with mediocre writing, the problem is said mediocre writing is trying to push political propaganda.
That is the last thing i need in my comics.
> bu.. buh... everything is political. You can't escape it.
I tough FANTASY COMICS had the goal to take you out of this this world not feed you with shitty culture war bullshit that infest every other aspect of life these days.

>millions of panels are available and you choose the one where an old fashioned woman is legit concerned about how her peers would perceive her dating a coworker.

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this is terrible

Or it implies he couldn't remember his name. Why do people try so hard to be offended at anything?

>that is superior kielbasa
>screen freezes,while credits song is playing

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