The new episodes of Summer Camp Island are out on a few platforms. Can I get some thoughts on them...

The new episodes of Summer Camp Island are out on a few platforms. Can I get some thoughts on them? In general from what I've seen, the animation has taken a few steps in a different direction, as have the themes.

Attached: youoweme.gif (1726x1677, 3.84M)

Other urls found in this thread:!3ngmVC6Y!GyarfWLMbLt87cDk18eMfg!RD5HBYTa!JsX0UH38rpmwKId_b-b8VQ!rKoE2ILS!eV7YjVezugZ2ZBk7OWA3iw

Yo can I have a download link to them? The Cartoon Network app sucks ass since you have to have a cable subscription, and I heard it was on Hulu but you gotta pay for the live broadcasting service.

links where? mega when?

Don't know. Whenever people with access to the episodes decide to have mercy on us.

Attached: 1265263.jpg (637x473, 64K)

You have to have a cable subscription for the CN app?

To watch the new episodes, yes.!3ngmVC6Y!GyarfWLMbLt87cDk18eMfg
Thank me later.


Wait a minute, has them already aired?

I'm not getting any audio from these, but thank you nonetheless.


If you watch this beyond the age of 6 then you are beyond help

>Use VLC

Attached: ishygddt.png (675x720, 518K)

What's weird about Yea Forums is that we all watch children's cartoons
but we're all over the age of 18

even mature cartoons are really just for edgy 16 year olds

Yes but this is on the same level as a show for an infant, which makes this especially embarrassing to watch

this but with all cartoons

>Director's Cut reveals they live in a New Jersey suburb

Attached: aerial-view-of-residential-houses-in-suburban-neighborhood-new-jersey-EARKWB[1].jpg (1300x955, 315K)

It's not just me who hears a slight difference in the theme songs, right?
Is it confirmed that different people sing the same theme?

>your children's cartoons are for an age group slightly younger than my children's cartoons

It's not confirmed, as far as I'm aware, but I'm very certain it alternates between Oscar's and Hedgehog's VAs.

Nice, this is the only current CN show I actually like. Also, the audio sounds like shit.

Can you post season 1???

This Campfire episode looks like it was lead-animated by Sucrose. This is legitimately awful in most parts.

try this:!RD5HBYTa!JsX0UH38rpmwKId_b-b8VQ
1080p CN WEB-DL

Attached: Summer Camp Island S01E26 - Space Invasion.jpg (1920x1080, 196K)

babyfur fetishshit

Attached: animals.png (1920x1080, 1.53M)

You are now aware of this adorable creature.

Attached: Screenshot_2019-06-14_10-49-47.png (146x280, 44K)

This cartoon isnt even fun, its just tepid material for the likes of 2 year olds. If you like this kind of content then you have serious problems, i cant believe we live in an era were grown men are such thin skinned babies that they get triggered by everything that isnt some defanged disney movie, and think that material so inoffensive it hurts is good without giving any actual adjectives or way to describe its quality other then “its comfy”.

I hate, hate, HATE how on-point this show is.
>We don't need it! We're our own people! And we'll be fine, until a few weeks from now when we fall back into our old emotional habits.


Attached: mom soon.png (1920x1080, 2.38M)

That's Moynihan's style. I like it, it's expressive.

Attached: distressed giraffe.png (1280x720, 607K)

>dolphin porn

>i cant believe we live in an era were grown men are such thin skinned babies that they get triggered by everything that isnt some defanged disney movie, and think that material so inoffensive it hurts is good
Do you see the irony in you being the only one in this thread getting triggered? And in you being deeply offended by the show's existence because it's too 'inoffensive'?


Attached: feet.png (1280x720, 580K)

No, because this show is offensively inoffensive and clean cut, its dried out husk of comedy made for safe space zoomers who need to filter with a fine tooth comb everything they consume. I cant stomach this shit, and yes im fucking upset that this is the cartoon of the modern age that we are getting. No action cartoons, no cartoons with actual comedy in them, just soulless slice of life shit that thinks being quirky with random faces and cute is an adequate replacement for jokes that might be too “problematic” or “mean spirited” for the current era. Fuck this decade.

You're a legend, cheers.


Attached: liebestraum.png (1920x1080, 2.02M)

Mucho gracias, sir!

Can't tell if you are baiting or legit butt-hurt. Either way you are wrong man. Could write circles around your opinions and logic but it boils down to you seem unable to understand and grasp why this is enjoyable and that frustrates you. But sadly your inadequacies cannot be transposed onto what you dislike, despite your best verbal efforts.

>Either way you are wrong man.
How am i wrong, for calling a bad show bad? Everything ive said about this is on point, its not my fault you refuse to acknowledge it because you dont want to take responsibility of liking a shit cartoon.

I don't know why but I like this chick, even though she was just and obstacle to get some mcguffin

Attached: vlcsnap-2019-06-14-11h20m48s452.png (1280x720, 579K)

I'll take responsibility if you just shut up

>Oscar pulls a fucking stop short
Based and trunkpilled

Attached: stopping short.png (1261x719, 1.15M)

>mom hog

Attached: 1542799605259.gif (200x180, 2.97M)

fuck off, pedofur.

edgy humor is fine. we're not triggered by it. but not every show has to have it. this show is doing something different. it's clearly not for you, which is also fine. watch something else and leave us alone.

>her mom wears a party hat as well.
Im noticing a pattern here.


Attached: ever get a feeling so complicated.png (800x563, 111K)

Is momhog half bat?

Will we ever get to see that face of jim?


Why is Hedgehog's face like that?

Attached: Hog.png (192x203, 74K)

>susie is so obsessed with oscar she even reads his local paper

Attached: news jersey.jpg (1280x720, 468K)

>bobcat goldthwait

mmm hedgehog thighs

Attached: 1558563696857.jpg (1920x1080, 164K)

>I can't wait to grow old with you
this shit is amazing.

Attached: 1556065442019.jpg (1920x1080, 147K)

Attached: I LOVE HEDGEHOG!!!.png (1600x900, 505K)

Somehow, I think that line might be insinuating that one of them (Hedgehog) is being groomed to become a new witch.

I love how susie doesn't know what a camera is

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-06-14 at 12.24.29 PM.png (954x607, 651K)

So wait, they released all of this in the infamos 'bomb format'? That never bodes well.

Attached: 3463734.jpg (1600x1600, 236K)

>"What the fuck does FF mean?"
Wow, Susie. Language.

>but not every show has to have it. this show is doing something different.
The issue is this isnt different, but the natural endpoint of all soft cartoons that have been popping up since we bare bears premiered four years ago
>it's clearly not for you, which is also fine. watch something else and leave us alone.
There isnt anything else to watch, i hate this show for being a product of the broken animation industry.

I think SCI appeals more to stoned college kids than 2 year olds.

Just go watch Trollhunters and Justice League Action and fuck off.

why are you even giving that worthless shithead millerfaggot (you)'s?

>hoggermom has sharp pointers
>JIm Jr will probably grow into a pair as well

Maybe it's hedgehog culture, like hijabs n shit

So who's singing the opening? It's not Oskar.

What do you mean by different? are they bad? Me and my cartoon buddies really loved the first half.
I'll watch them and try to come back with some caps.

What have been your favorite episodes bros? For me I really enjoyed I heart heartford for the comfy setting and the Sneezeguard episode for all it's interactions

I just want to pet Hedgehog’s furry legs, up and down.

Attached: fetish camp island.jpg (1280x2160, 482K)


>bandwith limit exceeded
Can somebody please get the new episodes on torrent

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Attached: autism.jpg (528x666, 193K)

Amen to that

>petting a hedgehog against the grain

you mean foot fetishshit

Attached: footfaggery .gif (546x335, 2.22M)

It's so soft, great to watch after a 12 hour day at work outside when i'm just so beat and busted.

Joe Pera too.

Attached: howard-summer-camp-island-90.8.jpg (210x240, 8K)

Lucy is one hardcore bitch. She treats Oscar like she has to.

Attached: lucyslap.gif (291x247, 1.73M)

I forgot how comfy this cartoon was. I needed some positivity after a shitty week.

Were Lucy's mothers' letters made of magic or was it that they just weren't able to retrieve the letters without magic and had to make the letters themselves

Would you Yea Forums?

Attached: Screenshot_2019-06-14 MEGA.png (626x628, 277K)

I think the latter, but I thought it was funnier imagining Susie writing the letters anyway because Lucy's mom doesn't care about her

Attached: DhUQJvVU8AA27p9.jpg (1200x965, 96K)

Yess, this pleases doll Susie

Time to marathon!

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>"What the fuck does FF mean?"
Foo Fighters

Attached: 1550122248811.jpg (437x694, 73K)

SHIT i almost forgot today's FIGHTING GOLD day

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Attached: 1551919678877.jpg (1920x1080, 172K)!rKoE2ILS!eV7YjVezugZ2ZBk7OWA3iw


And so it begins, Oscar and Lucy's femdom relationship

>my cartoons are more mature and sophistocated than your cartoons
Are we back in 5th grade when everyone started to pretend they were too cool for cartoons?

As long as it doesn’t distract from Oscar and Susie’s femdom relationship.

Oscar x Lucy and Hedgehog x Max are endgame

I was hoping the Max crush episode would be in the first batch, just to see if they're actually gonna go through with it.

Yeah, same. Even furthered it with the "Lucy's mom doesn't care about her THAT much." line

Attached: 1555312524138.jpg (1127x842, 167K)

>I was hoping the Max crush episode
the fucking what

Am I the only one who thinks "Do something before we drown in her fluids!" sounds vaguely sexual? (Pic is mostly just for shits and giggles)

Attached: Screenshot_2019-06-14-19-13-02.png (720x1280, 267K)

i bet this barneyfag doesn't even watch my little pony

CN uploaded GIFs online for the upcoming episodes. There was pic related, Hedgehog being nervous and blushy with a heart flying into her face, and Max and Hedgehog blushing while standing next to each other.

Attached: giphy2.gif (480x270, 2.62M)

Yes, also maybe Scotty well

Attached: Screenshot_20190614-090126_CN.jpg (1748x1080, 582K)

Fakeout, calling it

This show should die a slow and painful death for its writers fucking over AT. I will enjoy it getting shitcanned by the end of the year.

Where are these gifs? Link?

Attached: young_justice__schoolkidz_by_jerome_k_moore_d37tztr-fullview.jpg (1024x1686, 187K)

Possibly, like how witchHedgehog ended up being temporary.

But it'd be interesting to see how Oscar reacts to it. I'd honestly prefer they stick with Oscar and Hedgehog just being friends, but I think the creator said they were thinking about making Oscar realize his feelings for Hedgehog in the time baby epsiode, but didn't go through with it. So it still feels like a possibility.

I guess this one wasn't as shippy as I remembered apart from the quick side-glance.

Attached: bat.gif (480x270, 2.61M)

lol I don't know what you're talking about but stay mad

>I'd honestly prefer they stick with Oscar and Hedgehog just being friends
Same, I just have the feeling after ditching HH and Max from pilot to show they probably won't go back. I'll be just as happy to have no more particular romantic shenanigans at all

>written by moynihan
It was probably intentional.

No don't I want cuck Oscar to be true like in the old days lol.

Damn, we got a discount Barneyfag. I was hoping for the real deal.

never again, demon
back to the Star pit!

Oscar sucks and I love it.

>Oscar x Lucy and Hedgehog x Max are endgame

don't know how I feel about this despite the viability

sucks what?

Attached: piss off witch oscar's trunk is mine.png (1600x1798, 1.51M)

yeah thats about right. Thanks user

Lucy's mountain peaks

She's 9 years old dude.

I swear Julia Pott confirmed Lucy to be 14 or 15.


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Susie's magical cooch
Not the one who made it, but no problem. I honestly forgot about that, ah the good ol' days

>Suzie is a bitch because everyone else is a carefree, ignorant jackass
Just like my girlfriend and why I'm glad she's out there working and I'm at home cleaning.

Attached: Susie, She Cat of the SS.jpg (548x826, 272K)

I'm not sure I want to watch these new episodes

>inb4 HAFNIMFag shows up again.
Faggot still has to tell us what the fuck that stands for.

Attached: Why.gif (200x100, 307K)

>How to eliminate and dispose of a rival
You better watch your back Hedgehog

Attached: 2019-06-14-21-53-05.jpg (1280x720, 388K)

did anyone else think susie was pissing out the fire?

that was cold.

I knew she wasn't, but I was definitely thinking it. Would've been better if they just cut to credits before it zoomed out.

not me, I legit forget I'm watching a kid's show or just assume censorship is lighter now or something

>if only I had started working out when I was younger, I could've swum upstream. I guess the desire was just, never there. I guess I'll always be a shrimp. better start working out some other possible skillsets.

what the fuck this epiphany has nothing to do with the episode.

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Summer Camp Island is advertised as comfy and cute when the reality is that it's disturbingly twisted and preys on the audience's own insecurities by lulling them into a false sense of relaxation using cute voices, cute animation, and nonsense plots.

Attached: witchy woman.jpg (960x960, 134K)

>Love Spells and how to make it look like you're not casting them
This added with that loyalty spell they cast on them in that sickness episode brings up a lot of disturbing ideas.

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witches: no sense of right and wrong

>its so soft and soothing
You sound like one of those faggots who likes ASMR, either castrate yourself already but dont spread your soi bullshit to my cartoons, nigger


>What is Courtesy?
>Consoling Your Pillow
>Fake Crying
>How to Relocate Island Goats
>Cooking for One :(
>Dangerous Stuff
>? Spells of Lockpicking
>Practical Glamour
>How to Locate and Destroy Your Rival
>Subtle Beauty Spells No One Will Notice
>Subtle Beauty Spells EVERYONE Will Notice
>Love Spells and How to Make It Look Like You're Not Casting Them

Attached: pepper why.webm (480x480, 2.64M)
Julia calling it season one still. I'm so confused.

Attached: D7BJY3vWsAAS2qG.jpg (1024x887, 92K)

One that's behind her head is 'how to use logic to outsmart children'.

The lack of communication between CN and Julia Pott is evident. She didn't even KNOW about when the new episodes were airing until an article on some site confirmed the date. They've been bouncing between all 40 of the episodes being Season 1 to this batch being Season 2 purely because CN won't tell her how the show is being formatted.

I hope she doesn’t end up snapping like Greenblatt. I hate how networks treat shows.

Fuck you max is gay and he and oscar are going to get together

I have a better view of the bookcase, but can't upload it because of "an embedded file"

Moynihan who? Bobby moyniham?

Jesse Moynihan, of Breezy fame.

Attached: consensual.gif (500x281, 197K)

I wanna see Oscar getting punched in the face in this season.

Attached: sci Oscar dance.gif (67x90, 254K)

Susie is into some fucked up shit.

Lucy slapped him down a mountain.

>everyone thinks it a barneyfag
I know its you trollhunter fag

Not to mention he lived.
Kid can take a beating.

>Hedgehog cucking Oscar with Max going full steam ahead
oh no no no no, Lucy or Susie had better save us from the pilot cuckoldry plot

That's fine. Hedgehog and Max can die in a fire for all I saw. Oscar will get best girl(suzie) all to himself

I always appreciate how the korean studios are able to blend loose designs with solid drawing without missing a step. Designers who have to adapt illustrations into workable models do very underappreciated work.

Question for anybody who has watched the new episodes. Is Hedgehog still a werewolf or was that whole thing dropped/ignored?

She shouldn't be able to go outside at night without turning into a werewolf, right?

>Hi Stranger, I missed you.

Attached: imissedu.png (1332x366, 360K)

full moons man

>Toothpaste became a hobo
>Oscar's imagination children were murdered by Suzie
It's really like says.
Does this mean that living toothpaste tubes produce their own paste? If not, what was he gonna do when he ran out?

>cartoons are only for children and if you watch them past the age of 6 you're an autistic faggot
>that means Family Guy and South Park are only for children
Well, their humor is so immature they might as well be for children under 6.

Susie and Hedgehog gets talked about a lot, but what do you guys think of Oskar? I think he's not entirely a weenie, he just looks he is.

Attached: 1533850530789s.jpg (1315x860, 162K)

Oh he's the biggest weenie on the whole island

But that doesn't mean he can't be the hardest rolling nigga when he needs to be

He's about to get cucked by ChadBat

>I love you Hedgehog

What did he mean by this?

Attached: =I.jpg (1600x898, 137K)

He regrets to inform his friend that he has terminal brain cancer
Oscar realizes that Hedgehog does not in fact exist, nor do any other campers or even the island itself. All were figments of his diseased brain invented while coping with the loss of his brother, Alex, who drowned at sea and whose absence Oscar rationalizes by believing he was swallowed by a whale

Damn, now that's shit right there.

would you prefer the
>summer camp is purgatory
>Hedgehog is actually at business school and merely imagining being at a magical camp with her long estranged childhood friend
theorems instead

I'm more of a
>1st episode's ending is a metaphor for Oscar attempting suicide
kind of guy.

I'm pretty sure he said it twice in these recent episodes and Hedgehog didn't say anything in reply.

I feel like she said it back in previous episodes, but I'm not sure.

I feel kind of dumb for hoping this would happen. Didn't put too much faith in it obviously. I'd at least like some more Max and Oscar interactions with just them two. I need ship fuel.

Attached: scared bat.gif (235x198, 141K)

>I feel like she said it back in previous episodes

No she didn't.

best end
pott believes in us!

What a fucking savage Hedgehog is.

She didn't say anything like that but I think she loves him back platonically. They're like brother and sister.

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Attached: wild animals.jpg (1424x900, 135K)

Well then maybe it's just to show how differently they were raised. With Oscar's parents telling him they love him all the time, so it's easier for him to say, while Hedgehog rarely ever receives that kind of parental affection.

She did get a low score on that alien emotion-meter.

>always looking at the childhood friend
>when the cute glasses girl is in front of him
>while he's holding a picture of the unattainable beauty

this is a harem anime setting.

Attached: 1539094846266.jpg (1920x1080, 237K)

Yeah, it's a character thing. Oscar is more outward with his emotions while Hedgehog is more restraint and "professional", even when being frank like in Radio Silence.

She still clearly likes those confessions of platonic love.

Susie is desperate as fuck

Also, I think that might come into play with 12 Angry Hedgehogs and those gifs of her throwing a tantrum.

the cuck angle of the pilot is creeping in.

Attached: 1541200766189.jpg (1920x1080, 240K)

I don't think it is cucking if your platonic best friend is getting a romantic interest.


>Not using 1080p watermarkless screenshots

Attached: Wild Animals Hedgehog.png (1920x1080, 931K)

>platonic best friend
>tells her he loves her nearly every episode
>literally could not function without her
they sure are GOOD FRIENDS alright

I want to brush her biters and then lick them

Most cartoons discussed here are TV-Y7, which is what this show is probably rated. No shit it’s for kids, so is 90% of every other animated show you probably like. Avatar, SpongeBob, Rocko, KND, literally every animated show ever broadcast on Nick, CN, and Disney. You’re a moron if you think this. I personally don’t watch the show because I think the artstyle is ugly, but your reasoning just shows your autism.

They say there's always a full moon on cummer camp island


that's what they WANT you to think
shit I'm retarded

Yes? Platonic love is a thing. We were told they are not romantically involved, and Oscar is very direct with his feelings.

What cute fucking clouds

Which episode is this and is it really ship bait or are you messing with me

Honestly living in a world where random shit including my food and clothing can have faces and talk would probably drive ME to suicide
Shit's freaky

One of the new episodes I think, Scavenger Hunt. Half of the 20 that were coming out this year were put on the CN app.


Attached: 3rd wheel.png (1920x1080, 1.37M)


Attached: Domestic Violence.png (1920x1080, 801K)

never saw it is it good?


Attached: 1559047942493.jpg (1920x1080, 206K)

Not a show I would recommend because it's something you need to get by yourself. But in my personal opinion, it's good. Just don't treat my word or anyone's word as the law on this show.

It’s good. Just simple slice of life on a magic island, give it a go!

Attached: 4364D4F3-3281-4EF0-9311-201823663019.png (1200x1008, 984K)

ye, s'pretty good.

>Our introduction to Max - a supposed black character - is him climbing through a cabin window, uninvited
I can't help but find this extremely funny.

Attached: Max Stereotype.png (1920x1080, 2.12M)

>no art of werewolf hedgehog raping oscar
What is this travesty?

Attached: 1539790164061.png (950x1214, 1.59M)

they're so cute together.

Attached: 1548974328835.jpg (1920x1080, 226K)

It's shipbait but also it isn't.

In the context of the episode it's about how Oscar has to deal with a situation in which Hedgehog isn't his partner.

But the show also adds a lot of small scenes not much addressed by characters showing how Hedgehog and Max get along very well. And it was confirmed that both Oscar and Hedgehog might fall in love with someone, just not with each other like that.

So the conflict this likely foreshadows will be more about "best friends not being able to spend as much time with each other anymore". Which is not an uncommon thing once girl-/boyfriends come into play.

Or it doesn't mean anything and there will be no Maxhog, or conflict, or both.

I can't believe Oscar is fucking dead.

Attached: 1548738089119.jpg (1920x1080, 241K)

Attached: max clap.gif (242x472, 82K)

The shock from falling down a big ass cliff finally caught up with him.

>And it was confirmed that both Oscar and Hedgehog might fall in love with someone
Probably just gonna be straightshit then
I'll pass on this shown then thanks

They weren't going to make kid VAs be gay.

hope to see you in the S3 She-Ra threads gay-user

when are they going to bother to make Max interesting. It honestly feels like no one gives a fuck about him.

I thought they weren't kids anymore. Oscar is at least is voice by tara strong now, right?

Also the alien in the last season was gay and his voice actor was only 10


Attached: Jim Jr Offers a Hamburger.png (1038x584, 549K)

I'm pretty sure the voice actor for Oscar is the same kid. You can detect the noticeable change in his voice after the first two episodes.

Oscar is cute CUTE

Attached: ss+(2019-06-14+at+03.43.33).jpg (694x632, 95K)

I want him to be safe and happy :3

Attached: Wellmaus Oscars.png (750x750, 315K)

The future doesn't look good for you, Oscar

Attached: futuresight.png (939x1057, 753K)

probably just a boomer

Okay, time to finally watch this shit.


Attached: desgusteng.png (1364x768, 704K)

Lesbians confirmed

Attached: gf.png (1362x768, 418K)

It was just the couch tho.

Somebody get this boy a helmet

Attached: rtrd.png (1362x768, 1.11M)

They keep foreshadowing Hedgehog may end up leaving Oscar to stay on the island to become a witch and the reason Susie hates Oscar is because she lost her best friend. I wonder how Oscar will deal with that.

And how does that make you feel user

Attached: ss+(2019-06-14+at+03.48.21).jpg (758x669, 79K)

>Your voice was kinda cute
Oh dear, I thought it was just priests that were molesty, but now monks too?

Attached: vkc.png (1364x768, 1.03M)

Monsters shit in the woods, nasty. No wonder they got kicked out of New Jersey.

Attached: bb.png (1364x768, 1014K)

Okay, the monks in the previous episode had me suspicious and this just confirms it. This show is made by foot fetishists.

Attached: feet.png (1364x768, 743K)

Oh for fucks sake

Attached: MORE FEET.png (1364x768, 723K)

Fucking finally

Attached: MAX.png (1364x768, 934K)

This was all a ploy to murder Oscar with a bookshelf

Attached: ded.png (1364x768, 737K)

nah, that's just a weird one off fetish thing
all of them have bathrooms

>toothpaste likes getting squeezed
Everything in this show is so damn lewd

Attached: sq.png (1362x768, 892K)

I have nothing to say here, I just wanted to post bellybutton

Attached: cute.png (1364x768, 685K)

Post this anytime some sexualizes Hedgehog

Attached: foul.png (1364x768, 706K)

Nice puppetry there

Never mind post this instead.

Attached: FOULER.png (1364x768, 730K)

Cutie spotted

Attached: sadboi.png (270x332, 89K)

How could such a pure show be turned into this fetish garbage

Attached: fuck off.png (1364x768, 905K)


Attached: it hurts.png (1364x768, 892K)

Do you think Oscar ties up his ears when he sucks dick?

Attached: bt.png (1364x768, 932K)

>all I see is fetish
Gee! It's just fat people, don't be so triggered by it.

>drown in her fluids
God damn it Susie

Attached: i'm mary poppins y'all.png (1364x768, 700K)

It's overfed people deflating by farting, there is no non-fetish interpretation.

except a comedic one, you perverse neanderthal

>Hedgehog's mother is a massive cunt
This explains a few things.

Attached: fu.png (1364x768, 640K)

>the person who laughs at farts is calling someone else a neanderthal

Attached: nigga wuh.png (376x376, 163K)

A fetishist thinker is a fetishist being you fat loving fuck

Everyone really is out to get him

Attached: dedder.png (1364x768, 1.1M)

Yes Oscar, Max wearing his hat backwards does make him superior to you.

Attached: truth.png (1364x768, 796K)

Oh no

Attached: nk.png (1364x768, 683K)

>Fursuits in a world populated by animals
Would that technically be considered black face or some shit?

The aliens are non-binary so I wouldn't exactly call that gay (I wouldn't even know what to call it though)

>Oscar will grow up to be a discord tranny with b&w sad anime profile pic and all
>you coerce him into sending nude pics
>you threaten to send them to his parents if he doesn't take HRT
>eventually you groom him into a poisonous relationship, where you can insult him but he wont mind
Should thinking this make me hard?

Attached: 1560525511251.jpg (522x522, 110K)

You are not alone


he means he loves hedgehog
and i love you user

Baby boy

Yes! I want this, fuck whatever others say.


Attached: 463346.jpg (1280x900, 236K)

They'll be fucking by the end of S2

>hedgehog is a claire

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Max better be getting some puss this season

what kind of perv producer thought it was a smart idea to include blatantly sexual erotic and arousing imagery such as children farting or getting their feet tickled!?

Life's greatest yustery finally solved

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it's a very polarizing show. you'll either love it or hate it. if the art style alone doesn't deter you, I recommend you at least give it a try
I thought it was pretty good

I like how the show still has lowkey deepest lore with the witches history

Does the show take place in the 90s?

Considering the type of camera in , the heavy use of VHS, the computer in the library, and the fact most phones we have seen are the old brick kind (pic related).
It is heavily implied to be the late 80's to early 90's in the show.

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what the fuck is that thing

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>tfw Max wasn't dressed up as something with wings
What a waste.

Attached: 1559360587274.jpg (941x941, 96K)

But the most predictable and likely ending is that Oscar and Hedgehog will break the time curse allowing Susie to grow up.

>>Either way you are wrong man.
>How am i wrong, for calling a bad show bad?
>... Didn't read the rest of the post where user states precisely why you are wrong.

See now we all know you're baiting, because you are intentionally ignoring counter points that crush your assertions.

I hate this show with a passion but thanks nonetheless

Attached: lala.gif (540x304, 2.6M)

the bidet

Don't mind him, he's just the building inspector. He's investigating the hole in the bathroom wall - can't you see?

Shit, this is a surprise. I have something to watch while I drink alone tonight, thanks CN's practice of randomly dumping large batches of episode to on-demand with no promotion

Am I alone in hoping that the show keeps the lore building at a minimum? I'm enjoying the wacky adventures and character dynamics more than I'm interested in the world building. Lore expansion is what helped kill Adventure Time Steven Universe.
Also I liked when Oscar was Bobcat Goldthwait.

It's kinda the hip thing for cartoons today but Julia seems to have a subtle hand so we'll just have to see what happens

>lore ruined Steven Universe
Fuck you. Some shows need lore, some shows don't.

I agree that Summer Camp Island is a show that doesn't need lore (same goes for Hilda).

Attached: npc wojak.png (636x773, 8K)

Lack of PAYOFF for lore fucks shows. It's just another form of buildup and execution, narrative Chekhov's gun. I think Star Vs embodies that one the best, they set up all kinds of shit and forget about or bungle most

Forgive me, I don't mean to turn this into whining about Star thread #infinite

>lore ruined Steven Universe
This has got to be the most unpopular opinion of all time. The lack of lore is what killed the show. It devolved into a dramafest of OH NO MY FEELINGS ARE HURT every other episode. Rather than the cool adventures that it was filled with in the first load of episodes.

Attached: ss+(2019-06-14+at+04.57.10).jpg (455x446, 46K)

Remember that one episode where Hedgehog gets raped and nobody know's about it, so the show just keeps going on? Pretty weird.

Attached: sci_Hedgehog_concearned.gif (400x225, 303K)

There's a very thin line between charming whimsy and random tedium. This show manages to consistently stay on the whimsical side, and these 10 new episodes are even more entertaining than the first 20. The world logic is surreal, but the character personalities are true and honest, and that keeps the show relatable and grounded. There's even a genuine edge to the stories and humor that has been absent from most recent cartoons. I really didn't expect that.

Much credit to Julia Potts, and I wish this show got more marketing behind it. It might be CN's best right now.

It just dawned on me that the intro has a spider with a top hat

I'm sure it's just coincidence, right?

Attached: file.png (1180x681, 422K)

I wouldn't call it edge. SCI reminds me of The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh because it manages to make such small stories and minor, low stakes conflicts compelling because of the character interaction.

The closest thing to a "mean" character is Susie who's like a female teenage Grunkle Stan, but she's way nicer and softer natured than Stan ever was.

I like this full sketch model of Oscar. Better than all of the other Oscars.

I don't mean edge as meanspirited, and certainly not internet edge. I mean edge as emotional truths that cut surprisingly deep. It makes other shows seem contrived, which they are.

How co.e nobody is surprised that, as far as I can tell, this is the first time we saw that hedgehog's skirt has pantsed wears pants and a skirt

because this isn't a Japanese show

>new episodes
pic related my reaction

ep 20 has the spats all up on the viewer's face

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>edge as emotional truths that cut surprisingly deep

Attached: C39EB58B-8F9A-4533-BD21-F8B77AD0C13A.jpg (2075x1957, 304K)

Bruh, is that really all you care about?

Attached: Susie Ill.png (286x540, 124K)

Anyone else getting pretty fucking annoyed at how Hedgehog is always being put in the position of being right all the time? That and how Oscar keeps getting shit on by everybody for fucking nothing?

Attached: sci_fucking_pissed.jpg (1920x1080, 203K)

Well to be honest I'm not really into that, but I was expecting people to say shit like "my pp hrd"
It must be that I forgot that this treads are mostly wholesome


the only real instance that bothers me is the basketball ep where she's super butthurt about him lying to her when not many episodes away from that there's a plot about her being secretive and it's not parsed the same

I spent all 8 episodes after Radio Silence trying to determine if Oscar underwent a permanent voice change and couldn't tell if he was talking differently.

>Even those rocks on the cliff have faces
The world is a scary place

Not a fan of the body/gross out humour. Hope that doesn't become a trend.

So, now that we know pajamas is a girl. What should theoretically happen in this comic?

Attached: sketch-1560636213252.png (1920x1080, 1.18M)

pretty sure pajamas is a boy.

Nah they referred to it as a she in one of the new episodes

what the fuck happened to this episode? did Ian get loose again?

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Which one? I remember them referring to pajamas as he in one of the earlier episodes.

It's weird, but I sort of enjoyed the more cartoonish style in this episode

Haunted Campfire. Hedgehog calls pajamas a she

Classic moyns.

Attached: x1080-xzY.jpg (1920x1080, 184K)

Lucy > everyone

fite me babies

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Only if it involves oscar

Attached: 20190615_222748.jpg (292x394, 40K)

It's like BMO. Pajamas doesn't have a set gender.

So no pajamas impregnation? Aight Imma head out


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I usually like JMoyns style, but it seems to have reached Xomvilay's territory of odd cartoons, which I'm not that much into.

yeah that episode was all over the place, even I noticed and I'm a dumbass

No. He'll be clapping those fat aardvark asscheeks by the end of the season

The day of Oscar's retribution draws nigh

reminder that oscar is 11 and lucy is 9.

Only a problem if her penis isn't larger than his

Susie is over 1000 years old which makes any ship other than a lesbian ship with the other immortal witches pedophilia
but Susie obviously wants Oscar's dick and it's always going to be one of the most popular ships

The batdicc is too strong

Attached: wasted.gif (480x270, 909K)

>Susie obviously wants Oscar's dick
I can't tell if you guys are just memeing or if you actually think that's going to happen.

wanting and getting are separate concepts, user

Probably both. Oscar is just the self-insert, and Susie is the most entertaining female character.

I know, but some of you talk like it's going to be a thing.

I hope your dubs are right. I wouldn't be mad though, as long as it's not executed like in the pilot. Which would suck.

>mind control episode where oscar's drooling over susie
Wow, they really did go full fetish this season.

To be fair she also did plan on throwing him off a cliff

Reminder Oscar, Hedgehog, and Susie are all part of the Pott

I wan't to rule #58 Hedgehog and Oscar

Attached: sci Fucking Sad Oscar.png (316x242, 55K)

>rule #58

He really didn't, how xlukd you oscar!

When will Susie be opening her Eyebrow Museum?

Guys because the show takes place in the past, what do you think Oscar and "Hedgehog" are doing in 2019?

as soon as Susie makes Oscar her slave again

My headcanon is that Oscar and Hedgehog are the same age as Julia Pott, theeedore they were born in 85, the show takes place in 96, and they are 35 now.
I don't know if an Oskar like person ever was part of Julia's life but I sure do have some wild ideas about it. I like to think an Oskar existed, it was Julia's best friend but they had a fall out because she eventually liked someone else.

they became immortal camp counselors

either that or Hedgehog is working in a job she hates that her parents forced her to pursue while Oscar became a psychotherapist out of a desire to resolve his own issues with his mother

So what's Pott saying she loves and hates herself?

>Reminder Oscar, Hedgehog, and Susie are all part of the Pott
So they all want to fug Max

Is so sad that such a wholesome show implies that the future will be sad in every possible way.
Maybe that show wants to capture that feeling of infinite happiness you only get as a kid, that you nostalgically and sometimes sadly reminiscent on and realize that things have a beginning and an end, nothing lasts forever.

>Could write circles around your opinions and logic
But I won't because I actually can't.

Yeah, I totally thought he got replaced until I looked at the credits, I guess his balls just dropped and they started pitching him up digitally (like Chowder near the end) - I don’t think I like it, honestly I hope they replace him with another actual kid in S2

Not the guy but from his perspective maybe he could but doesn't want to put the effort on it obee something he found pointless

Hilda's entirely based on folklore and myth, lore is at the core of it.

I think what people mean by this is "epic multi-episode/season story arc" vs. "comfy slice of life." Hilda's a random adventures type show, whereas shows like Avatar and She-Ra are all about continuity. Steven Universe and Star vs. went half and half which apparently pissed the fuck out of comfyfags even though the "epic" storylines of those shows made them better.

So, Alice is cute, but is it weird that whenever I hear Charlyne Yi’s voice I’m always reminded that her dad molested her?
I should let her get on with her life but boy is it extra weird to me that she voices lots of little girls in kiddy shows

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So does anyone know the process of composing music for this show? 3 composers are credited and I’m just wondering if it’s actually collaborative or if they each contribute separate pieces, because I feel like Mark Mothersbaugh’s buzzy synths make his appearances obvious (like the theremin-esque line in the second half of theme song) and I don’t know if those are tracks he did himself or if he’s adding flourishes to the work by others and co-writing with them

I kinda want art of FF in SCI now or As like a camper? How would that even work?

Yeah, kind of. I don't think about it at all. In fact, I'd forgotten about it until just now, and I'll probably forget about it again. Seems like a weird thing to get hung up on.

ask them or you'll never have an answer

Susie really could just steal Oscar

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I guess the kicker for me is that I find it pretty sad and that her doing lots of prepubescent roles seems to be her retreating into a lost childhood via fiction and fantasy. Makes it really hard to even see her upbeat performances in the way they’re meant to be

lurk moar

You're reading way too much into it. It's kind of creepy honestly.


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Lucy is the best

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Max is for Oscar and Hedgehog is a whore.


Attached: death_grips_like_eh.gif (433x325, 2M)

I think you're dead fucknig wrong.

And the reason why you shove this disgusting fucking fetish based on suffering into everything because your life got fucked so hard at one point that there's nothing else in this world that will give you happiness. Crawl back to your jew overlords and burn in fucking hell cunt.

>Susie remains the same while Ramona physically grows older
>Susie has zero idea of how technology works
>The photo with them together is from 1892
Assuming this shotakes place at around 1989 (the power glove came out that year and you can clearly see some in the background in "I Heart Heartford").
That would make Ramona and Susie at least 97 years old, discounting how old Susie really is in that photo, since we dont know how old she really is (though by the looks of it, Ramona might have only been 6-8 years old in that photo, making her 103 or 105 years old).

Attached: Screenshot_2019-06-15 MEGA.png (947x772, 698K)

>There's freakin animal children in my yard

Why does Ramona age if she's a witch? It's too mysterious for me bros.

Shake it up is all that we know
Using the bodies up as we go
I'm waking up to fantasy
The shades all around aren't the colors we used to see

Attached: Oscar Goes New Wave.png (1920x1080, 1.43M)

Me thinks the rest of the witches with the exception of Susie age in real time.
Consider the fact Susie has books on how to stay beautiful without it being noticed in this shot .
From what we have seen in the series so far, Susie has been on the island for as long as the island has existed, so she's probably doing all of this in order to remain in power of the island.
Ramona might have tried to take her place as leader, as she might have realized as she got older, it might not be the smartest thing in the world to let a perpetual teenager in charge.
Would explain why susie is so adamant about things done her way and why she's disgusted at Oscar and Hedgehogs friendship, and tries to keep the ones she has currently by any means necessary.
Truly the deepest yet subtle lore for a show that most probably wouldn't assume that had any.

Attached: hqdefault-1.jpg (480x360, 20K)

>Me thinks the rest of the witches with the exception of Susie age in real time.
Betsy was confirmed to be around in 1972 though.
>why she's disgusted at Oscar and Hedgehogs friendship
I think she's just envious because she lost her best friend. It also explains why she was extremely possessive of Betsy in that Ghost episode.

Maybe Ramona lives inside the seconds of the clock so that she would stop aging too.

Attached: DA BEST.jpg (1600x900, 204K)

Attached: twerking tissue.jpg (1600x900, 187K)

Attached: why are we fighting. we're best friends.jpg (1600x900, 142K)

there's so much hilarious rule 34 material in this show
>porn of sentient used tissues
>porn of sentient toothpaste
>porn of sentient pajamas

You're being watched.

Attached: Wild Cat in the Bush.png (1920x1080, 1.82M)


I made a mistake

Attached: sad_hedgehog_is_sad.png (278x458, 31K)

Bro, delete this.

Attached: Crying Hedgehog.png (1920x1080, 616K)

anyone has that pic of Susie where she's going berzerk as a witch?

It gets better

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Attached: boop.jpg (1600x900, 152K)

I find new episodes to be improvement over the earlier ones.
Also, why does Hedgepork look so cute when angry?

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Attached: hh dont like oskar being bullied.png (451x529, 303K)

Attached: alice what the HECK are you doing.jpg (1600x900, 212K)

Go nuts with the template.

Attached: Hedgehog's Notepad Template.png (1920x1080, 946K)

Attached: sci HATE.png (485x473, 228K)

Attached: hedgehog's shopping list.png (1920x1080, 1.34M)

Attached: what the fuck.png (460x460, 182K)

Ill thank you immediately.

Heh, I made that.


I liked this season a lot more than the last one. I enjoyed the last one but this season felt a lot less generic and childish in a sense and was generally more palpable. I like the direction they took with the humor, I think it's becoming more unique and the slight change in artstyle helps achieve that. Kind of reminds me of the weird surrealist humor that'd be in a Jimmy Neutron ep.

Also lots of good shots and faces like pic related. I think this and the other pics anons have posted show being off-model can be okay if it's done with tact and not in every episode all the time like in SU.

Attached: Screenshot_20190615-213508.png (1280x720, 537K)

>well? It ain’t gonna suck itself

>character dress up as another character
Always please me

Attached: OPjs.png (449x383, 178K)

I haven't watched the new season. Is it still COMFY? Does it still makes barneyfag SEETHE?

It's still comfy. The only people that hate it are fags that had their headcanons uprooted and killed

Attached: 1536288713964.jpg (640x777, 114K)

Yes and yes

Its really comfy. Its got a lot of the witches in the latter episodes. They only think I don't know if I like like is that they kinda "subtly" make Hedgehog and Oscar slooowly start to act more individually, which I think is going to end up with Oscar becoming a weird loner just like me orbiting around hedgehog and Max.

>watching a childrens show

Attached: AB3BAF03-1E89-42AA-8C3F-BB21862385ED.jpg (717x960, 79K)

Hedgehog’s hair kept growing while time was frozen so it seems like that would have the opposite effect.

Ramona ages between the seconds of the clock. If anything there's a magic on the island that keeps Susie, Alice, and Betsy from aging, and they're still about fourteen years-old physically. Ramona, meanwhile, is at least in her fourties by now.

The only thing left to wonder is why. Was Susie a normal child before?

So I take it the 18+ rule no longer applies.

>isn't this a show for little girls?
>what is the appeal of this show?

I just want hedgethot to die. That pieve of shit deserves it.

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When are the rest of the episodes coming out.

Think it was the 23rd


Poor Scotty.

Attached: Scotty.png (570x576, 266K)

>Scotty's a girl
Why was she topless? Her mother had a fur bra.

Hedgehog is getting way too much focus.

It's "Skadi" according to the credits. The Norse goddess of weather and skiing.
It's the most Jesse Moynihan thing that she'd be the actual Norse goddess of cloud-punching.

>Her mother had a fur bra.
Or it could just be thats just how her fur grows.
You never know user.

Hey, Oscar.

Attached: Griffhog.jpg (245x457, 10K)

Hedgehog is for pets!!

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I wan't to post porn of Max

Attached: sci Oscar getting wild with Max.png (1054x1144, 751K)

I can't believe al the children get murdered so they can't leave the island and grow up.

>All the campers are used for a youth potion for Susie
>To prevent parents from investigating the island in search of their missing kids, a spell is cast so all memories of the children are erased, like they never existed

Attached: AHHHHHHHHH.jpg (342x342, 9K)

Exactly what point are you trying to make?

>Oscar, being Susie's favorite target, has more experience than other campers to deal with her when the shit really hits the fan.

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>lodi dodi we loves the skadi

>Alice gets sick and nearly destroys the whole island
How did the dumbest witch become the most powerful?

Still comfy, dear user.
I hope not. If there's any character development this early on, I think that it's pointing towards Oscar not becoming a weird loner.

This shit is why Western animation is at rock bottom.

Attached: image0-1.jpg (977x981, 94K)

Tard power

>DEMONS in all caps

CN not even hiding their satanic pedophile Illuminati nazi zionist agenda.

The full title is SEMEN DEMONS and it's just Susie's photo album.

Alice struck me as the strongest but stupid

This season has been pretty good.

I liked the interactions with lucy and oscar, i just hope that cuckhog ain't coming back.

She's for violent fistfucking and smashing her head with rocks

Predictions for Hedgehog getting a crush on Max? Is it some sort of love spell? Will Oscar be supportive?

Attached: crush.gif (480x270, 2.1M)

Tis is an escapist show created by a woman so of course her fantasy is to have a sexless beta orbiter that accepts his object of affection is getting dicked by someone else. I think Lucy is our only hope and consolation. If they're actually going to make Lucy Oscar's love interest after the big HH x Max conflict then it's going to be much less insulting. But let's be honest, they're not going to do it until the last minute and spend the whole rest of the show telling little boys that they are evil shitlords for wanting a relationship with their female friend.

t. sexless beta orbiter

t. actual virgin
Denying the fact that women are evil cunts who demand constant attention and affection, only to then leave you once someone slightly more interesting walks by leaves me to believe that you have never been with a woman or you are yourself a woman. Hedgehog and Oscars relationship is a very common relationship involving a man doing everything he can to prove himself for her love while the the woman simply abuses her sexual control over the man for her own gain. I guarantee that once they start throwing relationships into the show, everything will revolve around HH. And every problem and or dilemma will be the result of everyone else, and the solution for said dilemma's and problems will be for others to do what HH says.

I hope to god that if they do bring relationships into the show, that they will give Oscar someone and it won't just devolve into Oscar being left as a third wheel all the time.
>tl;dr women suck

Attached: sci_susie_3.jpg (1920x1080, 182K)

>Hedgehog and Oscars relationship is a very common relationship involving a man doing everything he can to prove himself for her love
Or it could just be platonic. Not everything has a conspiracy behind it. Do yourself a favor and browsing r9k for a year and put yourself out there.

did she deliver?

Attached: 1553037477525.png (592x595, 890K)

They're just best friends, not to mention only 11 years old. I don't understand why a bitter piece of shit like you would even watch a show like this.


Attached: Potteats.chocohole.jpg (320x320, 26K)

Why was that post deleted? Are the mods that big of fags?

No. The poster was throwing an autistic fit over not having a gf and projecting like a mother fucker.

I don't mind her going after Max. I actually liked Oscar and Lucy's dynamic. I bet they'll never explore any more of it.

retarded post or not, I'm not fond of the mods just straight up deleting shit based solely on them not liking it rather than it breaking a rule. That's just gayer than the post that got deleted.

which episode? i dont remember seeing this one in the last batch

What the fuck is up with female cartoonist and weird fetish fuel pictures?

It's not out yet

So, who's gonna lay claim to Oliver's brogurt?

Attached: oliver1.png (378x387, 114K)

Did someone else bust out laughing at this scene? this is the funniest thing I have seen in a cartoon in a while and I don´t get why

Attached: toothpaste.png (1280x701, 692K)

Nah, this joke got me good out of the entire show:

Fuck, it won't jump to the correct time. It's @0:28 into the video.

Yea Forums sings when


How can the other witches even compete

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there's something in the tree

The consequence of being creative is that you're also probably fucked. If you're intelligent like Pott is then you create a whole new mess of deliriousness.

Attached: find yourself a woman who can pull off both looks2.png (1056x478, 839K)

Susie is the most kindhearted and perfectly good character in the show. You’re all just a bunch of babies that can’t understand her perfect kindness

This is an objective fact.

Attached: lovely witch.jpg (1276x1920, 588K)

Just because Heartford does not have magical shit happening 24/7 doesn't mean it cant occasionally leak out.

maaaaan fuck
this kind of shit creeps me the hell out

SCI creepypastas when?

Uh haven't you been listening to any of Hedgehog's ghost stories? Those are pretty stinkin' scary.

Hog's got nothing on her. Susie can easily crush her head between her big meaty legs


Attached: Hogburger.png (500x500, 195K)

Attached: AWAKEN.jpg (858x770, 201K)

still haven't watched anything new yet
have the explained anything more about why the uck susie was mindwiping that ghost

As far as I know, no. But there are 10 episodes left.

The current theory based on what we've seen is that Susie is extremely protective of people she befriends, and is scared of losing them. Oscar and Hedgehog noted that Ramona and Susie had friendship bracelets, so if Ramona is "lost" it would mean Susie lost her best friend. She would then have wiped Ghost's mind so Betsy would stop dating him, so Susie wouldn't "lose" her too.

This show is gonna make so many degenerates holy shit.

+ all of season 2 if pots gets her way

we don't deserve her bros

One day, some day, I'll have enough money, power, and influence to make her put her feet on my face, while she's wearing three day-old stockings.

Attached: find yourself a woman who can do both.png (980x625, 830K)

imagine the smell of month old feet unwashed, and they are right on your face. They get all sweaty because she's nervous, and it smells really good. Why wear stockings? I want to feel, rub, and tickle her smooth unprotected skin.

I don't really care about your degenerate fantasies but at least choose a more attractive person to apply them to.

She's absolutely stunning but holy shit dude keep that shit to yourself

Okay so the island can't have its secret of being containing magic and monsters there, so what happens once/if they leave? Either:
>A - They're forever stuck there or wiped from existence like they were never born for one reason or another
>B - All of their memories are wiped/replaced with ordinary memories so they don't remember what really happened on the island
>C - They're allowed to keep all memories of the island and return home safely, in the hopes they don't spill the beans (even if they did, barely anyone would believe them as seen in Director's Cut)
I don't know, seems like the finale (if it gets a proper one) will be interesting to see how their time on the island ends.

They're kids, who the hell would believe them?

Remember, Hedgehog was raised as a no nonsense kind of kid. If she let loose about what happened, someone is bound to believe her.

but why would she tell anyone?

Ok, this isn't a coincidence. It can't be.

Attached: mpv-shot0003.jpg (1920x1080, 409K)

What am I looking at?

She's got a book on elephants, upper right corner. Also in the previous scene, a poster about elephants.

O & H as Oomp Loompas was fucking hilarious.

>did she deliver?
Resounding yes from me, and since we've nearly exhausted the bumps, I'd like to remind everyone that Julia Pott's most high profile work before this was as the superb main voice role in World Of Tomorrow. That gave me tremendous faith in this show ever since the pilot.

She also has some short films on Youtube which are definitely worth watching.

thank you

She's in the game for the cream source too now.

Attached: Untitled99.png (784x680, 595K)

that spider is a SPY


So, when does oscar shoot up the camp

this is how fat fetishes are started, the people who pitched this are retarded.

thought oscars design was ugly, stayed for hedgehog, stayed even longer for susie.

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I want to curate Susie's eyebrow museum.

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just look at those cheeks.

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Who needs Moon when Hedgehog has two of them in her eyes?

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bad character

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Bad opinion

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Fuck you, I laughed hard at them walking around like those kings from Age of Empires II.

I fucking love Age of Empires II.

I saw the music video on CN, it made me want to never watch anything ever again. I know mostly girls of Yea Forums (memes about rules of the internet aside) are pushing this with a few guys too but please tell me even you find it too much to sit through sometimes, the series itself not that ad. This is just fucking hard to even see.

It's not for everyone, but if you get what's good, you genuinely enjoy it.

I'm a bro and I actually love it a lot, it's so cute....

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can you fucking not

It's comfy done right.
Also, I've never been action cartoon kind of person. Comedy is my thing.

If you asked me I'd go full Looney Tunes/H&B Tom & Jerry, and settle at least for R&S. But I can enjoy chill comedy.

Big brain moment: Fuzzy Pink Time Babies was interpreted wrong by everyone. The original plot was (by Julia's word) they would find actual feelings for each other at the end of the episode. Now, here is the interesting part, they did the exact opposite of this in the real episode. It was to display how destructive their total reliance and bond for each other was and they need to let go of it. Not break it off, but just not be so attached (their unwillingness to let go got them almost killed). Susie's Scavenger Hunt was the best episode for Oscar because he finally had a moment of independence - what happened when he did have it? Something finally good happened for him. I don't think this is unintentional, they're really trying to approach a divide between them this season and I like it.

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Ending twist, Max and Lucy and up banging each other leaving HH and Oscar back at square one.

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Best ending is hedgehog riding max while oscar takes lucy from behind, and O+HH high five each other mid-coitus.

Oscar becoming Anakin and complaining about sand when?

>He hasn't seen Time Traveling Quicksand
It's over, user. Oscar liked the quicksand.

Yeah, I'm thinking its fetish fuel time.

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scares me how much I like that framed shirt

last clap

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Communicating to CN. Give us the rest of the episodes right fucking NOW.

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I'd rather they space them out with regular airdates and premiers. As much as I'm fine with binging it's better for the life of a show if it isn't just dumped all at once.

who has the biggest dick and why is it lem

It's actually planet Earth, it's alive. Not even joking.

i thought the silent voice episode was so you wouldn't notice his voice actor change , i guess not