Knot my Harley.
You think Terezi will actually answer Vriska, or just ignore her? It'd be a fitting end for that bond for Terezi to decline to talk to Vriska after all the shit Vriska put her through and refusing to talk to her.
Is a Big Dog Slut!
Of course she will answer and Vriska can finally rejoin the main cast.
Answering doesn't mean rejoining the main cast. Candy John talked extensively to Terezi and he was not permitted to rejoin the main cast. No one on Candy Earth C can anymore.
I'm going to fuck her and her grandpa
>nuh-uh I don't want Vriska to rejoin
How fucking boring can you be?
Allow me a question then user: How? How will she escape a reality that took the combined power of two fully-realized Master Classes to create a single momentary vector to leave it? You can say "She'll rejoin somehow!!!" but if you can't provide a way for her to escape then all she can be is a text line on Terezi's phone and nothing more.
Terezi will see the message and call Vriska but before it goes through a recently revived meat!John ambushes her, pins her down with make-outs and eventually loudly fucks her. Meanwhile (Vriska) did answer the phone and is hearing all this revive sex over the phone so she yells at them to pay attention to her, but they can't hear her screaming over the sound of Terezi howling in pleasure and John's bite-induced yells. This prompts (Vriska) to track down candy!John and fuck him and his son at the same time.
When is the next obsession coming? I want to be part of a community again.
She will fucking do it and escape from the irrelevant horror universe where Karkat is relevant.
You didn't answer the question.
Hussie asspull. She escapes, Vrisrezi happens while John is still a fucking corpse, the end!
>Hussie asspull. She escapes
I want specifics. Things have to happen causally, they do not manifest out of nowhere. You still didn't answer the question.
Hussie asspull. ::::)
In a twist the whole of the True Third-Way Epilogue is an extremely condensed set of notes dictating the original plans for Act 6+.
Lmao at all this clownfucker cope
anyone want to get in on this sweet convo before the thread is snibbidy snabbed
I wish he was relevant.
I'm not aware of anything new that's coming out in the same vein as this, unfortunately.
Vast Error is on hiatus for 6 months boiii
If Terezi was given the option to permanently become a human so she could have a son/daughter with John, while still retaining all her game powers and synesthesia, do you think she'd do it?
this shit worth reading?
Jane is a good girl.
She would get spitroasted by Karkat and Vriska, and then left in the fucking trash where she belongs, lol.