What happened Tatsu?

What happened Tatsu?

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At this point I think it's fair to say he has schizophrenia

I think he had an actual mental breakdown. It's the only explanation.

Or corpses in his basement

>outs sex buyers
What does that mean? All sex is paid for in some manner.

we had this thread not even two days ag and it derailed into completely offtopic bullshit until 404

Enemy of my enemy is still my enemy and will be the next ones to face the wall after the woke menace has been eliminated

I dont understand this

Or anything

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Women don't have penises tho

Neither woke man or bootleg gordon are zombies, does that mean they are good?

Probably why it was allowed to exist, you mong.

Problematix is my favorite gaul

Bootleg Gordon doesn't like r*pe?

Tatsu is now the kind of radfem that circles back around to being right wing and restrictive.

They're sex-negative, they think mtf is men trying to destroy or replace women, and most casual or lib feminists hate them because they're huge cunts

Nobody likes trannies.

He rapes femboys and traps. It just so happens a certain clown is involved in those circles.

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I decided to look into that.
The "women don't have penises" thing makes more sense now.
Apparently he is a TERF and all the tranny lefty queers he can seemingly no longer ignore are all "neo liberals zombies" which is what lefty queers say when they can't accept what the face of the political left looks like and stands for.

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cant tell who side he is on with this. First women are programmed and now its radical to have a feminine penis. I think thats radical myself as well but tats however, its hard to say who's side is he on.

What the FUCK is happening in this comic?

>when even /pol/ edits can't make your shit coherent

I dont think thats the issue, since he went all feminazi it would be par for the course to accept women with penises.

That article is phrased poorly

I knew this would happen, Horseshoe theory in its simplest form come to life.

Nobody, including and especially feminists, like trannies.

Nobody likes radfems either. It's a case of unlikable groups eating each other within the confines of their own weird websites that are too obscure for 99% of the population. Nazis are unironically more mainstream and accessible to normal people than these groups are.

sure fooled me with their transexual support all over the place.

Look up TERFs

Not even those loons like trannies

Not even the LGB movement likes trannies.

I mean, it's in the fucking acronym, why would they?

I mean what makes radfems so infuriating is that they think you support Nazis if you support free speech in all its forms.
Nazis are bad, we all know that and it goes with out saying, but radfems dont care they want to just make you a villian.

Hi. Can you go to /pol/ please? Thanks.

no shit? So they see through their bullshit too right? If they are transsexuals then they are dragqueens right?

Can (You) hurry up and 40% yourself?

So rape is like theft, then. That's why women claim that it's worse than death.

nvm I looked it up. Aparently since a man dressing as a woman who identifies as a woman is considered a woman, while drag queen is a man dressing up like a woman but he doesnt identify as a woman.

that took less time than i thought it would

>What does that mean?
He believes porn and prostitution are both exploitative.

well it is, but so is any business really. Just porn does have a violent side which is a huge problem. However thats remedied by web camera and go pro cams.

He took the RadPill. This is perfectly consistent.

He's still a feminist, he's just a radical feminist now. If you aren't aware Radical Feminism ('radical' means 'to the root', not 'extreme') has had a resurgence due to radfems in Britain. Feminism as a whole is in a real tumult right now, people thought Radfems had been resigned to the dustbin of history but this may well be the direction feminism takes next, back to 70's style feminism.

Quite honestly the whole reason this is a thing is cis lesbians being salty over trans lesbians mucking up the lesbian dating pool. They don't want to fuck women with dicks. Translesbians are offended.

It's not that complicated.
Drag queens enjoy dressing up as women, in the costume sort of sense.
They're not under the delusion that they're somehow a female in a male's body, they dont chop their dicks off, and they dont pump themselves full of hormones.

I think the difference it tats actually thinks it's fundamentally immoral to consume porn or prostitution.

>u are tranny !!!
Wow burned, go to still, faggot.

Does he believe that these women have a will of their own and made the choice?

>Does he believe that these women have a will of their own and made the choice?
He implies or states they are 'slaves' and had no choice/were coerced.

Easy. He's a radical feminist not a liberal feminist. He doesn't think feminine penis is a thing. There is definitely a subset of feminism and leftism that is frustrated with 'woke' ideology'.

Trans people have a precarious relationship to the rest of the LGB community. There are certainly many that accept them with open arms but many others are deeply skeptical and think trans people hurt the gay and lesbian community. There is the concern that effeminate gay men/children are being coerced into transitioning and that masculine/butch women/children are likewise being convinced they are actually men in women's bodies. So the fear is that the trans community actually robs the LGB commnity of future members.

They also don't like putting up with people lacking dicks harassing them on Grindr or people with dicks calling the lesbians that reject them bigots.

For all the /pol/feminist/lgbt/ talk on Yea Forums you'd expect that people have some basic knowledge of worldviews of different groups. How come so many anons are stumped at this comic which has a very clear message to it and it's not even hidden very deep. Everytime nu-Sinfest is posted here, half of the thread is filled with anons who have no idea what's going on. I guess Stonetoss might be easier to understand for these people.

>he can't even pass on Yea Forums
>he thinks he'll be able to fool anyone in real life

Yeah, can /pol/ just stop with the offtopicness.

What the fuck are you even talking about you cretin? Take your meds, and

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Fuck off, tranny.

>seething closet-fag projecting hard
Kek, this is great.


>Easy. He's a radical feminist not a liberal feminist. He doesn't think feminine penis is a thing. There is definitely a subset of feminism and leftism that is frustrated with 'woke' ideology'.
But what you described sounded like both were radical feminists. The woke ideology is just something rich kids came up with to sound more informed but are dumber than ever.

I honestly think it's people feigning ignorance for the sake of discussion, but yeah it annoys me too. I really don't believe that Yea Forums gets this many newfags every single week.

>There is the concern that effeminate gay men/children are being coerced into transitioning and that masculine/butch women/children are likewise being convinced they are actually men in women's bodies.
Being gay must be very confusing. I pity them.

I'll cut them some slack, I think it is easy to be unaware of these things if you aren't involved. If you're not LGBT why would you know or care about this stuff? If you aren't a feminist you're likewise going to be unaware of the cleaves in the community. And well, there probably aren't a lot of those people spending time on Yea Forums to begin with. At best it is cutting edge political identity at worst its dorkishly niche.

I don't really blame people here for being ignorant. It really isn't mainstream knowledge. That said, as someone who, like you, is aware of the changes happening within 'leftism' it is frustrating to see people on the other side debating things I would consider many years out of date.

what's wrong with buying sex?

What about 2D porn and erotica?

>What happened Tatsu?

I genuinely believe he just had something of a mental breakdown a few years back and he's unwell.

Like, this isn't me trying to disparage or make fun of Tatsuya Ishida: I genuinely believe he has a serious problem and that if he wasn't so 'good' at art people would actually question him more and maybe he could be helped, but they don't. People have this weird habit of just letting people get worse and worse if they're really competent at something because they think, "well if he can do THIS then he can't be THAT."

So, yeah, somethings just wrong with him.

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He accepted that TERFdom is only true feminism

I'm not going to disagree with you. 'Woke' definitely does have a frustrating class element to it.

Apparently most people who experience gender dysphoria will grow out of it (something like 80%-90%), many of them will later identify as gay. For whatever reason coming to terms with one's sexuality as a gay person may begin with feelings of dysphoria. That's why the gay community finds the 'transing' of dysphoric children and teens to be concerning. Those are their future twinks and dykes!

>a male terf

>I'm not going to disagree with you. 'Woke' definitely does have a frustrating class element to it.
to me "woke" is something a college kid would say who has never experienced the low level shit end of the stick. The most "woke" person would admit they are still "dreaming" imho.

t. ranny

How did we get from cute sexy daemonettes and taking a piss at any political view, to this?

Way to take away the agency of women!
There are whole companies built around women running their own porn production because unlike Hollywood there are no hard lines between the acting, directing and technical sides.
Exploitation is the result of shoving the industry into the shadows.

They outright believe that any woman that thinks in a way that they don't like or disagrees with them on anything must be a mixture of brainwashed and mentally ill, hence their opinions can be disregarded.

Mid-Life Crisis

>cis lesbians being salty over trans lesbians mucking up the lesbian dating pool.
Lesbian TERFs are absolutely atrocious, worse than any tranny

They're bad, but trannies are significantly more obnoxious and gross.

There's really not much of a way to reach out to him. As far as I know he's notoriously difficult to get in touch with and rarely appears in public. He's beyond the reach of an intervention, especially from strangers in the internet. It would need to come from the people who surround him, which are probably these radical feminist sorts that have beaten some sort've guilt into him for the crime of being male.

dark prince charming the second issue

Some drag queens aren't even gay-- remember it started as an English boy's school and military tradition.

Off-topic bullshit is still against the rules, mong.

Nah you got it backwards
Run of the mill feminists either support trans or don't give a shit
Hardcore feminazis hate men, and see trans-women as trying to infiltrate their circle, and trans-men as gender traitors.

Tats described himself as a radical feminist, he's in the latter camp. He's hinted at it a few times in comic, but this is the first time I've seen it so explicitly shown.

Welcome to Yea Forums, where the mods are lazy and the rules don't matter

>English boy's school and military
yeah nothing gay going on there lmao

Uh, no, all leftists are NPCs who have the exact same opinions about everything. Duh.

Oh shit I forgot my bad

Dabbing on trannies is on topic.

I am 100% sure he raped someone and now he's doubling down super-hard on this SJW nonsense to present himself as a good feminist ally.
It's really either that, or he is totally mindbroken by indoctrination.
Either way he's way beyond a lost cause.


For once I'm on the same page as Tats.

Also, hilariously, this could be a Stonetoss comic with no changes.

He is just showing his hardcore anti-western anti-degeneracy agenda openly.
>Tatsuya "Yamato Invicta" Ishida
>Tasuya "Unit 731" Ishida

Tats actually seems to have convictions.
Rapist SJWs just tend to go along with whatever is convenient at any given moment, without any regard for ideological consistency.

On the flip side, this also means that no one can really attack him on social media. So he's got THAT going for him.

He used to love risque artwork and all his female characters were huge sluts. Then he began flirting with christianity which he included more and more. Suddenly he did a 180 and became a hardline feminist ally, now he's a TERF, despite the insanity of supporting someone who hates men and want them dead.

These are not the actions of a mentally well person.

Except Stonetoss cannot muster the discernment to tell people on "the Left" apart in any way and has to be malicious and hyperbolic in some way.

Correct. He is obviously ideologically rudderless and incapable of finding a position to really call his own.
That's why he could mock all sides and yet flirt with opposite radicals.
He has the ideological quality of tofu. A malleable block of no specific features.

>and has to be malicious and hyperbolic in some way.
That's what makes it fun. Why take a shot at someone if you don't have the balls to be malicious about it.

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You sound like one of those dumb feminists who thinks that each brand of feminism is totally different because of some irrelevant, retarded detail.

Good point. I suppose in Stonetoss the RadFem would be a conservative of some type. Still, close enough.

Stonetoss is weird, sometimes it's funny, but other times it seems to be operating off of stereotypes that only the author is aware of, like the female doctors all believing in the zodiac. I couldn't even tell what the joke was on that one, other than a general, "Women R stewpid, rite guys?"

Astrology is definitely a cunt thing.

That's just kinda what happens when you eat, breathe and shit nothing but /pol/ memes.
It's not that Stonetoss isn't funny sometimes, but the creator has clearly lost touch with reality.

>He has the ideological quality of tofu
Pure onions?

>Different people believe different things
>tHiS iS iNcOnVeNiEnT tO mY pOlItIcAl AgEnDa So NuH uH!!!!
The comic is literally just taking random /pol/ posts and drawing over it.


I-is Tats against abortion?

His woke waifu left him and took her feminine penis with her.

>creator has clearly lost touch with reality.

Then he'll fit right in with Tats.

>The comic is literally just taking random /pol/ posts and drawing over it.

That's a problem. If you want humor from /pol/, you'll have to be picky. Shitposting isn't the same thing as telling a joke.

Hm. That's a good question. I think he's against sex, period.

Not sure how intends to propagate the species.

>Except the Extreme Left cannot muster the discernment to tell people who aren't "progressive" apart in any way and has to be malicious and hyperbolic in some way.
Fixed that for you
You don't like Stonetoss because you can't meme and hate being treated the way you treat others

Different forms of feminism are equaly retarded.
It doesnt matter if you're a cumdumpster because you think its empowering, or a lesbian because you think all heterosexual sex is rape.

I see capitalizing random letters is the new leftist thing and you were told to do it by your discord handler, but we stopped doing that in the late 00's and the only one it makes look retarded is you.

If the comic is an indication, he is very pro-sex as long as it takes place between lesbians.

That still doesn’t help us figure out how he feels about breeding, though. Especially since we have it confirmed he believes a lesbian can’t have a dick.

This post is pure concentrated fucking irony

>everything is nazis
Seems pretty spot on.

Fuck it’s been a long time since I’ve seen Blue.

>"The extreme left cannot discern between people with different political views than their own"
>"Also everyone who doesn't like my pet webcomic must be an extreme leftist"

Feminism was fine when it was pro-woman, but throughout most of its history its most ardent supporters were also anti-man which isn't the same thing. Building ramps for wheelchairs is progressive, shaming the able-bodied who use the stairs is regressive.

The anti-male stance is the only way that feminism's expansion into intersectionality makes any sense. Being pro-woman has nothing to do with pro-gay or pro-minorities or pro-trans. But it does make sense when you're rallying allies in an anti-white-male movement.

So its been funny watching the trans movement catch up and suddenly there is friction between them and feminists. Of course there is, because the very nature of feminism implies the binary nature of the sexes, feminists are pro-vagina and anti-penis. Then the trans crowd comes along and says that there are feminine penises.

Its been delicious watching this battle. Feminism is being destroyed by its own frankenstein's monster. All that effort into pushing themselves into a position of power over men, to end up being forced to hand all that power over to men in drag. What did they think was going to happen? A generation of male-bashing to the point that the young men went "you know what, I'm losing at this game as a male, but I immediately win if I wear high heels", of course they're going to take the brass ring.

This will all turn around and bring us back to the 1950s gender binary, just watch.

>"These stupid leftists think everything is nazis!"
>"You criticized Stonetoss? You must be a faggot commie SJW!"

>very pro-sex as long as it takes place between lesbians.

Is he? I feel like he thinks being pro-lesbian sex would make him another phony ally. It's obvious he hates himself for his own masculine qualities. I've never seen someone this extreme on these issues.

I don't think so, because he believes women are divine beings or something. Taking away a woman's choice would be evil.
He probably didn't think it through and was considering "choice of gender" or something, though your reading is more likely the common one.

Tatsuya "40 percent is not enough" Ishida!
Tatsuya "burying a tranny in the darkest cranny" Ishida!

It has a strong psychological effect because it shatters any notion of control over your body and life, and shows that to some people you're an object to be used. Think about it this way, slavery is about work, someone wants you to work for them for free, but a rapist doesn't want anything from you, you're just an amusement piece in that scenario.

Being excessively pro-lesbian is a common trait of TERFs

Yeah but... I think Tats would have some kind of mental breakdown if he even thought about two women enjoying each other's bodies, because he would characterize those thoughts as a male sexual fantasy, and his brain would explode.

>sometimes it's funny
That's a good one

What's the point of your post? Are you at all pretending that both statements aren't as bad as one another? And you're posting this on le notorious nazi homeground website as one of the anonymous nazi hoard?