In "The Drill", this teenage circus girl singlehandedly defeated a squad of earthbender elite soldiers

In "The Drill", this teenage circus girl singlehandedly defeated a squad of earthbender elite soldiers.

Why? How is this even posible? No wonder why the Fire Nation was stumping so hard on the Earth Kingdom.

Attached: ty_lee.jpg (459x447, 24K)

See, what you saw was a dramatization. In actuality, she fucked them all so she could get in there.

Pressure points you absolute nigger.

But there were 40 or 50 of them!

I blame Shyamalan, sure he hadn't attempted to make a movie yet but I can't see her losing against that quality of earth bender.

Those characters didn't have names. Ty Lee did. An elite soldier with no name gets easily beaten by a random teenager with a name.

Oh golly, oh gee.
It’s almost like this show is a fantasy which takes inspiration from wushu theater or something.

It makes sense if you think about it. She's small and agile. Her fighting style means she doesn't have to be stronger than her opponents, she just needs to poke them in a few places to disable them. Earthbender attacks are easy to dodge if you look at the motions they are doing.

Honestly, user, I can see why it might be confusing, but buckle up because this is an important lesson to learn. The thing you need to know about carnies is that they've gone through a crazy amount of training to be where they are. No one else has that much control over the human body outside of a Shaolin temple or an Amsterdam strip club. Seriously I've never met a carnie who wasn't some kind of car-crushing spine-twisting freak-mutant. Ty-lee might look like an ordinary girl but behind that cheerful smile is the heart of an omega-class superhuman just waiting for someone to flip a trapeze her way so she can do a triple somersault and kick that thing through the guy's solar plexus and into the guy behind him. Carnies aren't human, man. You can't expect a normal person to take them down. Those guys were dead the second they woke up that morning.

>earthbenders don't just make a massive rock don't around her and sink it into the ground so she gets crushed to death between the roof and floor
Fucking idiots. Even elite benders can't ever seem to use their element worth shit.

A case can be made for Ty Lee but you explain to me how fucking Mai was able to hold pace against anyone.

Omae mo wo shinderu

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Have you seen her goddamn knives user?

I assume Ty Lee drew aggro while Mai snuck around and knifed unaware soldiers.

Ty Lee is cute! I had such a crazy crush on her when that show was airing. I think the way she was so aggressive with Sokka awoke something in me

Hokuto no ken is invincible!

She had a very rare unique skill(plus super talented), while the Earthbender squad were regular people trained against specific techniques and opponents.

It's like, imagine if you have the best 20 martial artist in the world, but they grew up in a land without weapons. Then a guy, who is also extremely talented, with a sword comes attacking them. It's like that.

The guy was likely just an incompetent armchair general, the Terra Team was over-hyped.
Also Chi Blocking was an extremely rare talent that only Ty Lee seemed to have the dexterity and skill to possess.

Attached: Wrastlin' Ty Lee.png (888x662, 1.01M)

They got distracted by her huge tits

>an Amsterdam strip club

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Fucking Christ, tell everyone why don't you? This is why we don't invite you to parties anymore. Yes, we still have them, you boner.

It’s a children’s show and they tend to make teenagers and children much more powerful while making any adult laughably incompetent, no one should take cartoon seriously

>teenage circus girl
That's not all that she is. She also graduated the Royal Fire Academy, where she was friends with Princess Azula, the fire bending prodigy of her generation. She also surprised them.

Knife bending > Earth bending

The dai li aren't elite soldiers, they are political police

this. You think you could focus on Earthbending with a contortionist in a crop top flipping around?

I was talking about the Terra Team

You can't Earthbend if you have a knife in your throat

thats part of her technique too.
free and distractee.