Devil's Candy

>Oh my

Attached: 1560477243-DVC_ch09_p020[1].png (800x1157, 350K)

Attached: 1536377619387.png (500x700, 60K)

>incoming bloodthirsty werewolf rape

Attached: 9397D965-5B0C-482D-9C06-A0084B787797.png (691x597, 4K)

I know how the story should go but this is a blue board.

is this artist a girl? if so i guarantee she's into ss

Yes she is.

She's the birthday girl

Attached: D5BBJBPWkAA3x4-.png (900x791, 135K)

she's 15? I thought she was one of his dad's assistants

No her dad hired to Nemo's dad to do something because he's a PI. Nemo is a part time assistant for his dad.

She's going to have a hard time explaining why there's a literal head of lettuce in a puddle of maple syrup on their desk.

She's living out her Mystery novel fantasy. Like she gives a fuck out explaining shit.

Attached: 1559538628-DVC_ch09_p017.png (800x1157, 290K)

>You have to make it to the end of the story.
>“Nemo runs away” isn’t much of a conclusion, is it?
This doesn’t look like it’s a part of the act.
She sounds legit pissed off Nemo is trying to leave her shitty mystery murder game.

>ywn be held down and fucked by a cute wolf demon

The whole reason she lured Nemo here was to get him involved in her crazy mystery novel fanfiction. I would not at all be surprised if she legitimately wants to kill him for trying to leave.

They underestimated just how scared Nemo was of being alone in a house of predators.

Attached: 1559951931-DVC_ch09_p018[1].png (800x1157, 336K)

don't fucking remind me

Wouldn't it be funny if Echo wasn't trying to create a mystery novel scenario but a shota rape one haha

Attached: wolfy.jpg (774x500, 180K)

Someone asked a few threads ago what font she uses for her comic, she uses Tough As Nails BB, but I couldn't find a version to share unfortunately

Attached: tough-as-nails-bb_font_preview30775.jpg (726x363, 212K)

Thanks for the info


Attached: D5BBKRvWsAA6H8W.png (841x859, 340K)

She's 15?

Is this the Author self insert/avatar in the story?

If so, hawt.

She looks better without glasses

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Will I never not want to put my dick inside everything

No she doesn't

No, Ricket is.

Attached: 1550502951849.png (559x901, 95K)

Whatever gave you that idea?

Attached: tumblr_nmd1xqw9YX1szff8go1_1280.jpg (890x700, 336K)

But then she'll be as blind as a mole

I want to stick pencils in her nose.

Attached: 61qd5YbMRIL._SX425_.jpg (425x415, 10K)

Is it just me or does he look more lewder and naked than usual? Despite dressing like this all the time.

He normally has the scarf but I reckon it's him looking more vulnerable and blushing

Can I sue her for false advertising? He didn’t even come close to being shirtless in the arc or in any chapter.
I want some delicious brown.

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>An Olitiau is a gigantic cryptid bat (or flying reptile) hypothesized to exist in Central Africa.

So she's just a big bat.

Attached: Olitiau, William Rebsamen.jpg (1600x1269, 282K)

Who really likes sci-fi

>Not a Popobawa

So she doesn't have a dick?


Attached: e2331d32a54ecc4f4ecfd00aa16da534.jpg (207x300, 10K)

Because shota rape is incoming


Attached: 1560311944073.png (680x680, 601K)

It's be nice if, instead of a wink wink nudge nudge goofy subversion, the nerd actually wants to date him.

Where's the fun in that?

For you.

Seems more fun than ending on a "jk lol" or "it's actually something entirely harmless!" A lot of writers have gotten complacent on easy 'subversion' of expectations where they chuck the conflict entirely at the climax. It's so common to immediately undercut your scenario that its the first or second most expected outcome. Something in between, that's not the very first response but still something the reader can contextualize and see coming to some degree, is more interesting. Whether it's Echo having a crush she's expressing obliquely, or she's playing herself up as a big bad wolf so another girl can get close to him, or if it's something completely different like setting themselves up as bullies so he'll "play" with them more in the future or luring him in so they can snip a few digits for some other reason and they're getting carried away with the theatrics, or they just plain don't like him and want to scare the shit out of him.

Just, anything but the 'big reveal' where all conflict is deflated and buried. It's tired and unsatisfying. Let it be something where the characters have to actually overcome something or put in effort instead of waiting on a time limit.

I like the first option very much

Oh I get it he's a Venus fly TRAP

loljk or it being a baseless crush?
I'm not into shipping, but pretty much any outcome from that could be entertaining. Especially if it ends in a reality check for nerdwolf.

i hope ricket grows huge tits to make up for loss of greta

Ricket needs to accept herself for who she is. Besides, half the cast is tittymonsters.

gimme the sexy twist. the SEXY twist!

It's not gonna be sexy.
Also, she's only one year older than him.

just look at him. he’s on the ground absolutely helpless to defend himself.
he knows she can rip his pants off with ease using her sharp claws and rape him while the other girls will gather around to wait their turn.

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Hitomi walks into the house and starts cunt-punching everybody

They would have to insult/be implied as having interest in Kazu. Hitomi is a normal girl in most circumstances.

She has a penis

She's not a hyena.

Someone edit this to "echo becomes a rapist"

She's quite cute.

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Did you find a free download for the font? If so, can you point me towards it or share it?

now i copy&pasted the letters

Those are some serious man hands.

Attached: manhands.gif (400x275, 1.29M)

Attached: DZYxI16VoAY8kMB.jpg (1200x1200, 93K)

Thanks anyway

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