ITT: Yea Forums in the 80's
ITT: Yea Forums in the 80's
If any of you were alive in the 80s I hope you're not still using Yea Forums.
I was born in November '89. Does that count?
Born in '86.
These Spider-Man graphics are blowing my mind.
please leave
Stfu homo
Make me, Junior.
77'er here. I'm here forever.
Man, what is this Smurfs garbage? Yet another bad show from Hanna-Barbara. I just hope something comes along at the end of this decade that actually brings soul back to cartoons....
My friend wants to screw Cleo from The Catillac Cats. Is there like a number I should call?
Who do you think reads comics, whippersnapper
Born in ‘68 and enjoyed comics while I was a teen in the eighties. I browse here or the television one for a bit after work.
Specific year?
>If any of you were alive in the 80s I hope you're not still using Yea Forums.
cartoons these days are nothing but shallow commercials to sell toys
how did it all go wrong?
Speaking of which, I recently saw a cartoon based on those miniature horses made by the same people. It... wasn't so bad and I think it is growing on me.
I am really worried for you, user.
I just like pretty pretty horsies
Also, I was born in 1987 and I was there when G1 started
The day before you turn 30 you should kys at least that is my plan.
I was alive in the 70s
Holy shit, Disney has gone downhill after Walt died. At least, now, between Ralph Bakshi and that new guy from Japan (think his name was Miyazaki), we can look forward to decades of kino animated films that push the boundaries and appeal to more than just children.
Anyone else missing Barry? Wally’s decent but he can’t compare
I felt the same way until I turned 30 last month and nothing really changed. I had a Spider-Verse birthday with my wife and little sister's friends. It was bretty gr8.
I'm happy for you, but I'm not holding out hope
That's what we all say, but we never do it.
I will be the exception. I honestly can't imagine wanting to live to be 30
Wow, she is so hot. I am so fixated on her despite her not being real. She's like a wife only distorted. There should be a word for that.
Are you married ?
There is a lot of off topic discussion and not enough period jokes.
Did Yea Forums just run out of creativity?
There will never be a better way to watch cartoons than good, solid VHS tapes
Agreed, I fully expect Barry back within a year, tops. No one gonna think of Wally as the Flash.
I'm just glad that we can always count on the big 3 for quality animated programing. Based ABC, NBC, and CBS
Wally is a good kid though. Don't think he would be as tough as Flash but he'll grow into the role. Don't see anything bad happening to him, unlike Barebones Barry.
muh Sunbow/Marvel Productions style
Yeah, Wally’s on easy street, and damn Barry’s death was ugly. Can you get more edgy than face melting off?
I heard a couple of those Britishers are coming over to America to work for DC and Marvel. I read some of their books and it's not pretty.
Nice, also born in '68. I read mostly those Archie digests, Ritchie Rich, & Space 1999 comics in the late 70's. I drop in here a couple of times a week to check things out and look for anything interesting. The 80s were interesting times.
I didn't watch much cartoons in that decade except for a couple of 'The Raccoons' specials in the early 80's. But I did enjoy relaxing to reruns of the Coyote & Road Runner and The Real Ghostbusters after a 12 hr shift while employed by OCO'88 during the '88 Winter Olympics.
christ you're only a year older than my mom what the fuck are you still doing on this shit fucking website
Ugh, come on, this is American superheroes, what the fuck do British people know. Gonna have Spiderman saying Limey and Bugger
I saw guys like this at a room party at worldcon. They were passing around some books about reptile ninjas and rabbit samurai and stuff. What's wrong with japanamation fans?
have you guys read frank millers new batman book?
apparently Minnie Mouse is going to have a TV special where she demonstrates how to cure the "tragically un-hip"
I'm skeptical that a cartoon character from 1928 can help, but she has a 4x4 grid of TVs so she's definitely kept herself up-to-date. get your VCRs ready!
>decades of kino animated films
>in a thread taking place in the 1980s
>using "kino" a slang term from like 10 seconds ago
you zoomers are philistines
i bet you can't even do a valley girl voice
will this ever become a full series of its own
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