Literally fucking why

Literally fucking why.

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What's going on? There's a daria live action played by old people who can't possibly be mistaken for teenagers?

Jodi is such a boring non-character who had zero fans and contributed nothing to the show's character dynamics.

WHY is she replacing jane. Who wants this?!

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If they wanted diversity, they could have changed Jane's race. Make her asian, Latina, whatever. Making Jodie the focus is odd.

Wait what? What's happening?

To be fair this is prolly a good opportunity to flesh out her character beyond revolving around her tokenism. She does seem like someone who would be able to relax more and be herself in a new setting.

'Daria & Jodie' reboot casting I assume.

Shut the fuck up you dumb faggot it's indefensible.

The chick from Vida would be a perfect Jane, problem solved.

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Theyre replacing Jane for fucking Jodie?!

>yeah, this one thing, it was great, right?, you want it back?, ok, so what we'll do is change the original formula...because despite the fact that we couldnt come up with anything new on our own, we will totally be able to improve the thing you like

>its even named "Daria and Jodie"
What will they ruin next?

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>announced as Daria & Jodie
>people get butthurt it's not "Daria & Jane"
>now it's just "Jodie"
Jodie definitely has potential as a character to explore more, but I wanted to see Daria's college years.

Who in the fuck has ever cared about fucking lame ass Jodie?

No shit all you wanted to see was more Daria, that was the fucking show.

Jodie had good episodes. She was a more interesting character than Mac, Kevin, Brittany, the three Js, Tiffany, Andrea, and arguably Upchuck.

A new Daria animated spin off

What fucking high bar you set.

It’s no longer Daria and Jodie. The show it’s gonna be about Jodie only. Her life after college

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>replacing jane
What? Well fuck this show then.

Dude, no.

They've replaced fucking Daria. Like they had a meeting about the reboot and thought people wanna see a show about THAT character over Daria.

Jodi pushed back against Daria a couple times during the original show.

I'm not saying this is WHAT they're going to do, but depending on the show's direction it mifht make sense to have a lead Daria can bounce off of as opposed to a sexual Beavis and Butthead that are basically one unit

Daria doesn't need an opposite co-star to push against. Her whole entire gimmick was that she pushed against EVERYONE.

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affirmative action.

>why not jane
jane's in art school
also it's nice to switch up

>jodie is boring
Daria is actually far worse
she has no hobbies, is constantly snarky and rude, and she's shallow enough to lust after her only friend's boyfriend (literally the first guy to take an interest in her)

>muh sjw
yeah no shit
Daria is exactly the kind of person who would be into social justice

>no she'd hate it because she hates everything
you didn't watch the show, I get it
she'd maybe hate the commercialization of it
she'd maybe hate aspects that are hypocritical like non-intersectional aspects
but she wouldn't hate it

>muh childhood
you're either too young to have watched daria when it aired or old enough to realize you shouldn't give a shit about reboots anymore

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Fuck no to all of that.

That’s some real dismissive non arguments you have there

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if you were right, you'd debate me

Look at this fucking shilling bitch.

Jodie was a popular well adjusted smart girl compared to Daria who was an unpopular and unhappy smart girl. Thats all. She was there for contrast and mold breaking, not all the populars were dummies. Shes vastly less interesting than Daria simply because there's less to explore in a conflictless character

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No, Daria's whole thing was sitting back and snarking superiorly at more interesting characters doing things.

Tom was a bland fuck, but at least he knocked Daria off her pillar of cynical arrogance

I mean, Jodie was a nice girl and I didn't mind her.

I don't understand why they would do a whole reboot based on this character though.

I'd love a reboot focusing on Quinn and the fashion club, Trent and his band or Jane at Art school.. but fucking Jodie? Why? ugh

She's black, user.

Lets not pretend we don't know the reasoning.

Has it been a while since you watched the series, or are you just an idiot?

>conflict = deep
sure thing bud

what happens when you call daria out for shitting on things she doesn't fully understand because she never actually takes an interest or gives anything a chance

but if you want conflict, hey, it's not like Daria is the only one who is "woke"

I thought Jane WAS Asian?!

Conflict isnt just drives the fucking plot, you moron.

I can see why you'd think that but no, she is not.

>more interesting than the intentionally shallow and vapid characters
No shit.
>more interesting than the background character who barely got any actual lines
No shit.
>more interesting than Mac
I'd say they were about the same. But Mac had the whole thing about not having his intellect taken seriously because he was a football player.
>more interesting than Upchuck


Youre the one bringing this shit up, user...piece of shit that you are.

>conflict makes a character more interesting with more to explore
>no it doesn't
this is a really good argument
I lose, you win

nice ellipsis bud, thanks for using that instead of a comma
kept me on edge for the whole sentence

>Daria would be an sjw
That episode where she backhandedly calls her teacher out on her misandry would disagree with you.

But it's over half the cast of student characters.
If you're going to make a spin-off based on one of the students, your options are Jane, Tom, and Jodie. So you don't like that Jodie gets the spin-off. Big fucking deal. It's not like it's the most out of left field choice they could have made.

Why would I debate someone with no grasp of reality?

You know exactly why

You want charactersjust doing monologues, fine.

I like my characters explored by facing ordeals and you know...conflict. Disingenuous little shit.

>the single episode
oh man
you got me there
it's not like she ignores it constantly and even uses it to her advantage

The entire reason people want to revisit the show is Daria. Or maybe Jane. No one in the world has ever cared about Jodie.

Its like Wallyfags being told he is getting his own title, but its about Chunk.

There are more than two ways to...write a
Not everything has to and white...guy
You don't...have to use ellipses like this...user


I wish I could fuck Tracee

Wont have to cope for long, this shit aint lasting a year.

I'm sick of blacks.

That's what they said about She Ra

Yet you want a way without any conflict, just the most regular well adjusted character in a show spotlighted.
Sounds super compelling, but i mean, shes black, so i must be a racist for not wanting a show about bland, black Jodie.

What is that even?

I can't think of a more boring character on the whole show. Literally pick a character's name out of a hat and I guarantee you they'd be a more compelling character than fucking Jodie.

the first show since My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic to attract somebody as insane as Barneyfag

she has nice nipples

If you're going to pick a character to write a spinoff about, it should be Mr Demartino.

>Yet you want a way without any conflict
> i must be a racist
stop projecting so hard and maybe you'll get an actual response

>character is well adjusted
>this means they can face no adversity or conflict whatsoever
>Daria isn't well adjusted, despite being Jodie but more snarky in basically every way except race
just go back to whatever third tier cartoon forum you just came here from

So do anons think that if the show was about Daria it would mostly be her railing against 'wokeness' on campus or something? The general vibe I get from some posts on these threads.

Daria is antisocial. She was anxious and judgemental
Jodie was popular and well liked, confident and friendly.

They are not the same excepr for race, you moron. And how is speaking about myself projecting on others, moron?

>GEE, Quinn.

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based mst3k gif

Why are people bitching about this? With Daria this show would have lasted a season at best. Can't see it going much further than that without her. As much as people clamor that they want diversity, shit like this only lasts until they get bored with it and move onto the next thing to fuck up with their bullshit.

There are ways to make Jodie interesting, but you have to give her some kind of conflict. You could give her a super controlling parent ("You got a 98 on your calculus exam, why isn't it 100?") or you could go the opposite route give her a cousin (like Carlton and Will Smith's relationship on the Fresh Prince) or something who constantly teases her for not being cool enough.

People exaggerated her importance to the point where she became a token

>No changeling, no flaws, no inner conflicts, no fight against your own bias and learn even from the ones you criticize.
SJW and progressive propaganda mean give the audience stories about "perfect" diversity character with zero flaws who fights against evil society. That's why Jodie is perfect.

>Jodie, created by Insecure and Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt writer Grace Nkenge Edwards, who also serves as head writer, won’t return to Lawndale High. Instead, it picks up as the characters graduate from college and enter the working world. Jodie, reimagined as a member of Gen Z, “will navigate through all of these different areas, from tech culture to call-out culture to how race and identity makes its way into the workplace,” Ross said—as well as “how you start to explore identity when you are becoming an adult, when you’re no longer in the safety of your parents’ home.”

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If they wanted diversity they should've just used Tiffany since at least Daria and Tiffany would provide an odd and actually entertaining dynamic.

>You could give her a super controlling parent
Jodie already has these. It was one of her two main conflicts during the original show.

Daria and Jane are a duo
no one wanted to see that dynamic changed

It's b8

Jodie wasn't an interesting character (neither was Mack Daddy) and in a comedy show they weren't funny and didn't make good straight men so they were far more useless than Kevin, Brittany or Tiffany i.e. characters that were actually funny.

I'd much rather have Daria & Brittany or just Brittany than Daria & Jodie or fucking Jodie.

>Daria is exactly the kind of person who would be into social justice
Daria would be a lefty progressive type but as she was generally written she would've hated SJW and woke bullshit and would've seen it as vapid jackoffs using social issues for social credit. I can already see the episode with her snarking and glowering as Quinn and the rest of the Fashion Club adopt trendy progressive causes which starts to take hold in the student body causing Principal Li to greedily jump on it.

This is why you never try to argue with a leftist. All they can do once their arguments are immediately BTFO is engage in pointless sophistry.

Quinn's social conservative. She'd be alt-lite and a female version of Sargon, getting bitched on Youtube because Richard Spencer powned her over her so-called smarts and trying to dox Mr Metokur because he laughed at her outfits and attempts to become a serious politician.

Jodie is SO interesting that everyone can already tell what FASCINATING topics the show will handle like:


These topics will be repeated ad nauseam but I'm sure they'll regularly recycle in other trendy social justice topics like LGBT rights as well. All topics that are done to fucking DEATH nowadays. The show will be about the same fucking topics that every piece of media is now forced to acknowledge constantly AND it will all have the same politically correct opinions and viewpoints on said topics.

Jodie has no interesting personality so it'll be a bland character surrounded by predictable blandness.

Throw a dart at pic related and you'll likely get a more interesting character for a Daria spin-off. Or you might get Jodie.

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Sandi away from the Fashion Club and how she adjusts in a new situation where she's not the one at the top of the food chain could actually be good.

I thought Jane was Asian as a kid desu. It would be pretty easy to race end her but I guess that’s not “woke” enough

>at more interesting characters doing things

cant breathe call 911

I'd rather see a show about the man-pussy and the man-hater, the goth girl, or fucking Upchuck over Jodie.

Daria is a brunette, Jane is black haired

There's already diversity

>hes vastly less interesting than Daria simply because there's less to explore in a conflictless character

What makes you think she won't have conflicts when she's in college?