Wtf. I love Kamala "Ms. Marvel" Khan now

Wtf. I love Kamala "Ms. Marvel" Khan now.

Attached: Capture.jpg (1461x727, 153K)

Trump as Hatemonger II when?


You and I both know Kamala has a racist old white man fetish.

Another masterpiece made by my boy Dobbs

Attached: dobson forshadowing.jpg (400x338, 73K)

>Hatemonger II
Get a load of this fucking casual.

Trump wears sneakers?

Touching Trump turns your skin white?

Yeah! Take that people who think differently that I do!

>offbrand Costanza

i feel like it would turn you orange on contact especially when he goes too heavy on the spray granted i don't use tanning spray so idk.

This is a Dobson work and he actually Photoshopped the Trump head ontop of the original Klansman's head.

Has he drawn Kamala inflation?

I think that's supposed to be radiation.

Does anyone have the image where she's crying after the elections?

Attached: 05F4D25E-2CCC-4818-B601-A9D616743DFF.jpg (409x960, 91K)

Her body glows when shapeshifting. It's normal, for her.

Cringe and Bluepilled:
>hehehe orange man icky, draw him gross, then draw my favorite Muslim superhero punching him
>Captain America would totally punch all those internet nazis
>this'll get me so many upvotes on Reddit
>everyone in Twitter will call me a genius
Based and Redpilled:
>build God Emperor Trump float
>look fucking cool doing it
>all those MAGAtards would eat it up not understanding the fucking irony
>Imperium of Man is the perfect mockery of burgerland
>a bureaucratic nightmare of xenophobic bigots wielding advanced weaponry but are so fucking stupid and are a bunch of braindead zealots
>most of the chair corpse worshippers follow the idea of him, not how he actually is
>be 40000 lvl intellect

Attached: God-Emperah-Trump.png (608x576, 558K)

Ah, never fail to put a smile on my face. Thanks.

Attached: dank-u.png (500x396, 107K)

Attached: virginsadcow.jpg (1168x683, 145K)

What are some good white supremacist organizations I can join? I'm just really tired of pretending I like the dirty races.

>mutants attacking the president, again.
tell me why the mutant registration is a bad thing?

The GLAAD and NAACP. All I ever see is white people representing those organizations and them getting ''called out'' for lack of diversity by sherillas.

This is why I hate current leftists. They're now carbon copies of Andrew Dobson and they're for the most part, nothing like the one you posted.

>Political rally
>Antimutant republican candidate gets attacked by mutant activists
>Gets rescued by disfigured mutant civilians
>Mutant civilians get the spotlight and express fury & outrage
>"These people fly in here from their gated communities on their private jets, cause mayhem for their moral high, and then hide again among the normies with their supermodel looks, leaving us to get prosecuted for actions we neither performed nor support. They do not speak for us! RE-GI-STER! RE-GI-STER!"
>Politics shift

Now that I think about it, the X-Men are real fucking bastards.


>ywn have sex with Kamala
>ywn have kinky roleplay sessions with Kamala
>ywn be a young American Soldier kidnapped, blind folded, and handcuffed
>ywn let Kamala harvest your Infidel sperm for a free ride to America
>ywn be completely blind as Kamala's parents walk in
>ywn be forgotten as Kamala gets into an argument with her parents in the next room

But user, the Imperium is xenophobic for good reason. Every other race is out to fuck them. Even the "friendly" Tau sterilize human populations in planets they conquer and they themselves live in an orwellian society where wrongthink is a thing and offenders vanish quietly.

didn't son of dob skip his grandma's funeral to play mario 3

>Gets banned from twitter for threatening the president.

Attached: Dobson_Twitter.jpg (1242x1229, 365K)

Spoony got ban for threatening to rape trump and #Metoo critics. Top that Dobson.

Remember when Scott card and frank miller were fired from project by DC for being too critical of Obama online?

Attached: 56B85130-A2FC-4586-90E1-8BC76CD382F7-211-0000000553D83EBD.jpg (901x1200, 178K)

guaranteed replies

>harass people online and say he's gonna kill them
>people report him
>"why I'm being harassed!? now I feel like that popular guy."

It's a metaphor.

Light brown people like Italians, Greeks, Lebanese, and Iranians will be considered white again and have all the benefits and privileges white people enjoy once Trump's special brand of One Drop Rule is defeated.

This guy could have had a job in a studio and make real money if he was nit a complete fucking disaster of an idiot

>Light brown people like Italians
Wa-wait, I have to kill Bruno too?

Attached: 1559426835981.png (400x225, 81K)

>Italians and greeks are light brown
>Italians and greeks are the same colour as the lebanese and iranians
You see us all as brown because your eyesight is shit.

It’s for the best.


there's a difference?

Attached: A5ACFD0B-E138-474B-A7F8-9F3EF97B6EC1.jpg (772x1035, 94K)

My family is Italian and none of us are brown

Unironically kill yourself. Make the world a better place.

>his sneakers
What did Dobson mean by this?

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