What are the absolute worst comic writers and why? I'll start with a few

What are the absolute worst comic writers and why? I'll start with a few.
>Brian Michael Bendis
Forces Minority characters into everything and all of them are written better once he's done with them(if they are ever used again). Loves to ruin continuity for his own enjoyment.
>Tom King
2EDGY4U the writer.
>Scott Snyder
Everything must be epic event.
>Geoff Johns
I've been taken off of my favorite superhero so now I'm going to secretly sabotage everything else

Attached: tom-king.jpg (1200x600, 61K)

congrats you fit in great thread!

Lobdell. He and King are fucking Wally from both ends. Don’t got anything against Johns though, got a place in my heart for getting me into comics

My problem with Johns is he worked for so long on Green Lantern, that he doesn't really care about anything else. I mean he may be the "writer" of doomsday clock but I see Grant Morrison all over it.

True, GL is where he left his mark, he’d been on it for years

Does Seth Myers really love comics? I've seen so many writers on his show, but never on anything else.

Okay you know people bring up the continuity thing with Bendis and while that is true you know what really urks me? He repeats the same plots all the time. Even the same dialogue.

Take Powers and Civil War II, they have a doctor make the same comments about how each superhero is a different medical case and how they don't have the tech to help them, in powers I get that, it's his own setting, in Marvel that's bullshit.

A villain who has this plan that has NEVER been done before but either it was or so minor it's hurt. Like he's been trying to pull his Daredevil trick but here's the thing the fact that we forget who unmaksed DD you might as well make it the Kingpin.

His own continuity is also shoddy as fuck. Read Ultimate Spider-man and find Eddie Brock reporter before he shows up as a college student. Not to mention the SPider-man game stuff.

The thing

That really annoys me

About Bendis is the

Way that he writes dialogue to fill

The most pages with the least progress

Towards actually writing

A resolution

No. Seth Meyers is a guy who brings on people to make himself look relatable.

Both are valid points.

Johns is good when doing genuinely sincere superhero fluff. I still enjoy his Green Lantern and a lot of his superhero stuff.

The problem is he's totally abandoned all that in his attempts to "leave his mark" on superheroes.

Good writers

Tom King

Geoff Johns




Dan Slott

Well we’ll always have the memories I guess.
>He was the spark

>Mark Millar
Lemme make a comic just to sell to a movie studios but also throw in a gratuitous amount of blood and tits that I know won't make it into the adaptation anyway.

DUDE STORIES ARE REAL LMAO by the way have you tried LSD yet

love both these dudes tho

I feel that once he gets Doomsday Clock out of his system, he'll start pumping out some quality comics. Also Johns is one of the few writers that I feel has a knack for writing supervillains without coming across like a teenager wrote them. Particularly appreciate his work on the Flash's Rogues Gallery and most importantly him giving the DC Universe Zoom.

Attached: The Flash (1987-2009) 199-022.jpg (1074x1650, 675K)

Considering DC has already a broken and ruined continuity I don't see what there is left for Bendis to fuck up. If anything he's been referencing a lot of Pre-Flashpoint stuff and bringing back pieces of continuity.

>I don't see what there is left for Bendis to fuck up.

His own comics?

I was talking about continuity.

Superman, yeah.He's actually salvaging Young Justice.

Too bad this Zoom will never come back. They're trying to force him to be a Barry villain but he'll never work that way.


Oh I strongly disagree on that front. I feel like they are making it seem like he's a Barry villain, only to continuiously beef him up so he beats Barry. THEN.....Wally is going to have to be brought in to save the day and in the process acting as a redemption arc that brings back everyone from Heroes in Crisis as well as his children. Reverse Flash is always going to be Barry's boo and Zoom is much too connected to Wally.
A man can dream.

Attached: Flashpoint-110.jpg (1988x3056, 1.68M)

>Forces Minority characters into everything
This is bait. Not a valid point, you hate progressive writing.

He's fucked up his own continuity before.

Whenever I see Bruce Jones brought up, it's always in the context of how bad his Hulk, Nightwing, Checkmate, etc. runs were.

This is bait. Not a valid point, you hate natural writing where the story comes before the diversity quota.

You fucking retard. You say its bait then respond as if the poster actually believes what he is saying. If it was bait then he wouldn’t actually believe it.

You are such a retarded newfag that you dont even know what bait actually means.

I would say King but if he wanted to write well he probably could. He just care more about his own mental issues.

Yeah, Dude’s just got a weird relationship with Batman

>Forces Minority characters into everything
Seethe more.

Ben Raab and Geoff Johns

Scott Lobdell.

Reintroduces every character in every issue like you have a head wound that cause memory loss.

Absolutely ass pull nonsensical changes to characters.

All women are whores.

Rights the same plot over and over again where nothing changes.

He is right about women.


As fucking slow as bendis, pushes in as many retcons and closet skeletons for everyone. One trick pony.

About the same but everyone is douches, plus autistic charts and trying to amp everything to eleven, then not delivering.

These, too.

Morrison wanted nothing to do with Doomsday Clock.

worst comics.
Brian Michael Bendis
Scott Snyder
Tom King

i'm pretty sure at this point King is just using Batman to exorcise personal demons.

How do comic book publishers get new writers on the team?

>Scott Snyder
He is good actually

How do you know?

I am not sure if King would go as far as killing Bruce though, if only because that would ruin his bat/cat fantasy and King would never do that to catwoman, but I am starting to think that nothing good will happen to Bruce at the end of King's run.

Fuck off Scott

Why tho? His run on Swamp Thing, early Batman were great.

ithink King has finally stopped pretending to like Batman. Hic #2 and that terrible secret files "story" sealed it for me, if I still had any remaining doubts about it before. It seems all he cares about is finding new ways to shit on Batman while pretending to write a deep and introspective character study that only questions the character without providing any answers.

>Grant Morrison all over it
His GL is great tho

Attached: The Green Lantern (2018-) 007-000.jpg (1988x3056, 1.53M)

King will always be remembered as the writer who didn't do anything for two whole years with one of the most famous characters of all time.

I was listening to a podcast with King on it and came back with two important takeaways regarding Dick’s situation regarding Batman 55 and beyond.

Firstly, King said that the idea that Dick was getting his name changed was silly. So it seems like Bleeding Cool was full of shit on that one.

Secondly, King had talked about how part of his initial plan for Batman was to put a “young, African-American male” (read as Duke) in the cowl, though he indicated that he has backed off that plan somewhat. But given the final chapter of “I Am Gotham,” King’s actions seem clear. Bruce is going to stop being Batman soon, probably the teased event of Batman #75. Given his history and experience, Dick is the obvious choice to step into the cowl. King said that that has been played out before, which is why he provided such little fanfare on the matter in Batman 53-55. In order to make someone else the Bat, King is taking Dick off the board.

So we're going to see the mantle changing hands for like the third time in a decade.

till Bruce is getting replaced and Dick is not the contender hence why he got shot.

I can see DC going with these following characters as the replacements.


Why Duke. He's black, blah blah SJW is the only reason he's being pushed. As a character he's about as interesting as a stale piece of toast. I really don't give a shit about the race or gender of a character, just the character themselves and Duke is laughably boring.

King ending his run with Bruce retiring and running off with Selina while having someone else take over the Batman honestly makes so much sense now that I think about it. The writing really has been on the wall all along. It does not matter who succeeds Bruce, all that matters is that DC is allowing a hack like King ,whose only attachment to Batman seems to be through Catwoman, to destroy the character's image. I have already seen too many people calling King's Batman the "definitive" version and that is so wrong on so many levels. It really looks like King is intent on doing some lasting damage before he leaves the book. I doubt anything will manage to cut his run short at this point and that thought pisses me off.

Seeing an honest attempt of Jason doing it would be great. Not an "Muh Extreme" Batman but Jason actually trying. Because we all know that Tim and Damien are off the map.

you're describing Stan lee

That doesn't even make sense for the character. For years now Batman has been going on and on about how he's training Duke to not be Robin, not be Batman, but to be something new.

He already had Ivy kill him and bring him back a few pages later

Marvel women are actual characters, unlike dc whores

>I have already seen too many people calling King's Batman the "definitive" version and that is so wrong on so many levels
Those are either new readers or shills

Penders. He slowly shifted comics from main character to his star trek native american OCs.

He’s apparently a big fan, with blue beetle being his favorite (as he has stated and shown from his Twitter) he’s also a Morrison fag

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>blue beetle being his favorite
what a shit taste

King is Cancer.
Bendis is a Tumor.

Maybe l just optimistic, King’s “epic change” is happening in Bat/Cat series, not in main Batman title. So it wouldn’t affect that much on Batman history than we thought.

Bendis is boring, but he didn’t ruin characters like King.

That's debatable.