
Like, couldn't you just equip your minions with ruby-quartz riot shields?

Sure he could blast the surrounding area and so forth, but minimizing the risk of getting hit directly has to be worth the effort.

Attached: Scott_Summers_(Earth-616)_from_War_of_the_Realms_Uncanny_X-Men_Vol_1_1_001.jpg (346x677, 99K)

pointless expense just to resist one of many x-men's attacks.

>pointless expense
>can negate the most devastating effect from one of their enforcers

If you know you're gonna take on the X-Men, you wouldn't wanna half-ass it.

It only works until they get damaged. Cameron Hodge built an entire suit out of Ruby Quartz, Iceman cracked it and Cyclops took off his head it was a robot, but Archangel would decapitate him for real soon

Attached: hodge.jpg (605x279, 87K)

Bring a flamethrower
>Professor X
Bring more Magneto helmets
Bring Sabretooth, but have him challenge Logan to a 1v1 far away from the action, also trick him into an adamantium cage
Bring Sentinels
Construct a maze with slow acting airborne knockout gas
>Jean Grey
Bring a macguffin
Bring an umbrella
Bring an adamantium cage
Bring a 50. Cal sniper rifle

Did I forget anyone?


Got a couple of tons of ruby quartze lying around?

That cant be wisked away by Jean?

Frozen by iceman?

thrown by rogue?

>Bring a flamethrower
He's immortal, you won't do jack shit, in fact I doubt even dropping him into a volcano would actually melt him

>Bring an umbrella
Bring the cops, woud be far more effective

fuck cyclops and fuck mutants!

Kitty. Also way to assume they're going to be alone, have fun trying to maneuver while rucking around that equipment.

The sniper rifle will on all of them but Logan.

Attached: 5333435-golgo13.jpg (1642x1619, 718K)

you have to take them down as a group all at once. letting one of them live makes a comeback inevitable.

Attached: Wolverine x-men 132 panel.jpg (780x492, 226K)

> he is immortal
Only on shitty iterations of the x-men.

guess what actually happened to these guys when it's time to brawl?

Attached: planning stage alpha.jpg (572x2500, 1.79M)

No, extreme heat with no moisture to revitalize himself is a confirmed method of killing him. AoA Nightcrawler managed to kill AoA Iceman (who's one of the most OP iterations of the character) by throwing him in a metal furnace.

And Kitty, Piotr and any Telepaths, also Quicksilver. Duke's In over his head.

They get fucked because X-factor 's been dealing with yoyos like these since before the Sex Pistols?

Why not just cover yourself in babies?

Attached: man covered in babies.jpg (690x523, 57K)

that and the match-ups were fucked (the ones who did the assessments didn't deal with the ones they assessed) and they didn't bother to do their comrade's proposed tactics (they just did their own thing and got stomped).

imagine if they all had full diapers. guys like wolverine and daredevil will be so fucked from over-sensitive senses.

Imagine if you weren't a giant faggot. Good times

you mean to tell me that guy didn't prepare for the eventuality that those babies have to take a dump?