Yassss Queen
What implications could this have for the future of the men in Black series?
Yassss Queen
What implications could this have for the future of the men in Black series?
You can't spot your retarded outrage farm clickbait here because MiB was a handful of shitty comics no one read three decades ago. Fuck off Yea Forums.
Don't some aliens work for MiB though?
Seems a bit racist desu.
This is barely scraping Yea Forums and if you reply to this thread you’re an autist.
Even if they changed it, it would still be HiM so...
>not “sentient beings in black”
Is she speciest? What about all the alien agents?
>barely scraping Yea Forums
Men in Black is a comic book you autist. If this isn’t Yea Forums neither are any threads discussing marvel movies
That's rasist. I suggest creatures in black
It's rude to exclude alien pugs.
Was a comic book, retard. And it was vastly different from the movies.
How can she Star in a fucking men in Black movie, not give enough of a shit to understand basic stuff about it, but still feel entitled to spout “woke” crap about how it should be changed?
Isn’t this post the equivalent of you demanding people not he annoyed by things that annoy them? Fuck off
>everyone either calling out OP or having fun
Thank you anons
Oooor you call it something actually sensible like Ministry of Interstellar Business rather than referencing conspiracy theories which stopped being funny halfway through the first movie.
This is a case where the parents didnt smack the stupid out of their child hard enough when raising them
By a hacky reporter asking a leading question, her giving a clueless answer and every 2-bit blogger blowing this nothing burger up.
itt: anons cannot take a joke
hey Yea Forums when are you gonna stop stealing Yea Forums memes?
They're not business you dolt they're immigration and law enforcement
The franchise has been dead for years. Well over a decade. The third one shit the bed hard. She can call it whatever she wants because it's dead. Thor Ragnarok reunions won't fix it, and they won't make this uggo worth even my useless time.
Get woke go broke, cunt.
Aren't they by definition already the general agency in charge of interstellar travel, immigration, enforcement etc?
Or is this to tell us that other countries have their own insular solutions there, every government is in on it and aliens are a conspiracy that has ten thousands of people involved across hundreds of agencies and administrations that ALL somehow don't ever blow the lid off this shit?
Fine, you find me a better B to go there.
She's just doing it for woke points and webpages and youtubers are using it for clickbaiting and outragefarming and agenda pushing and retards will fall for it.
I just want to beat her up.
Why is such an ugly woman being pushed to be a star?
Msomething Immigration Bureau
Multiple Intergalactic Booties
brainlet logic
>Why aren't you outraged by meaningless bullshit like I am?
Shopping it doesn’t make it better
>If this isn’t Yea Forums neither are any threads discussing marvel movies
They aren't. Boards are separated by medium, not inspiration. Otherwise every thread would go to Yea Forums.
Prove it.
Except they also canonically handle traffic, diplomacy, technology transfer and customs.
They are really "space affairs" for all intents and purposes.
I think it's more like this
>Global agency with different headquarters around the world
For example if an UFO lands in Europe wouldn't it make more sense to have a HQ in Europe to bring said alien in instead of transporting it all the way to the USA?
Yes. But why point out that they operate globally only now?
Not like they suddenly found out aliens can go other places.
Also the term implies relations between nation states. And that means governments are all over this...
Bad for the whole secrecy and representation of all humanity thing.
Because the first movie was a movie about new york, the second and third movie had no idea what they were doing.
>Also the term implies relations between nation states
No? It just means between nations.
fuck Yea Forums and the constant boring celebrity nonsense that comes with live action shittery.
Fuck off Yea Forumsmblr. This is our board now. *Dabs on you*
Can we petition the mods to ban all live action discussion now that the MCU is over?
Nah. The mods themselves probably are from Tumblr and have no idea how Yea Forums boards work.
man, Hemsworth really cant choose em, can he?
Him being in the MCU must've been some kind of cosmic accident.
Yes. And their whole deal is avoiding nations as involved parties because Earth is a political mess.
They act supranationally. Above nations, not between them.
its shame shes so radically far to the left
I'm just glad they didn't make it an anti-drumpf movie and stuff it with hamhanded immigration metaphors.
If you tards actually read what she said and weren't autistic, you would realize she was obviously joking
Link? It's not that I don't believe you, I just want to see for myself.
Why's it a shame? She sucks, is ugly, isn't good on screen and is an idiot. None of those are a problem when you're left.
>mobile faggot Yea Forums poster also has a thread with the exact same phrasing on Yea Forums
Get the fuck off our board you worthless sack of dog shit
We've been dealing with /pol/ infestation for over three years and people still think "go away, you're trolling me" will do fucking anything.
shes hot in drag
Even if that were true, actually hot women are even hotter than that in drag.
>I pitched some ideas like ‘People in Black,’ but that would be ‘PiB,’ which sounds like a sandwich. I pitched ‘Humans in Black,’ which would be ‘HiB,’ which sounds like something you don’t want to get,”
>Because the first movie was a movie about new york
Nah it was more that was the entry to earth but they monitored globally
Ministry of Interstellar Business
I'm all for diversity. But cmon, pick your battles
>It's actually not PC at all but a fucking AIDS joke
Way to get it wrong again Yea Forums!
I call this the Adam West Syndrome: play a cape long enough and your career will be over.
fuck off, inbred, autistic faggot.
What about Majestic 12? Or Division 6?
And it was a fucking cartoon as well. A really good one at that.
>she was just joking
Ah Yea Forums, you truly are the most retarded board that could exist.