Mike Deodato Jr leaving Marvel

Mike Deodato Jr leaving Marvel.

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Thank fuck, may he never come back. Now let's hope Land gets into creator-owned too so he can fuck off

>house of ideas

Is it ironic?

Wow that toddler must be pretty talented if he's been working at Marvel for 24 years

take Kudranski too

>house of ideas
i wonder how many disney/marvel employees shit post here...

the legos make sense now

He looks so young.

Bet he goes to DC.

So what Bendis comic will he be working on?

>raping Marvel for 24 years


What's the reason? Did they cancel Savage Avengers? I sorta like it.

Got offered a DC exclusive to work on some major character's book that he couldn't pass up. Rumor is that it'll be Bendis' Batman run which is set to start after King's ends.

Oh no...

what stories his he famous for?
what was his most recent book?

sounds like a recipe for disaster. his art looks ugly as hell

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Is there any book Bendis won't be writing?

Dark Avengers among others. His early work was much better because he didn't rely on tracing 3D models in order to draw.

JSA is being written by Snyder.

>I wish Deodato would stop getting work at Marvel

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Wow the 1 of the 5 Brazilians tracing poser under the pseudonym must have hit lotto or something.

He's doing his own creator owned book that comes out like next week I think. Beserker Unbound. He said he wanted to focus on his own thing for awhile after being a company man.

Not sure where user is getting this DC shit from.

Fuck you, his Hulk, Thunderbolts & Dark Avengers work was largely good.


Before Yea Forums took over there was a meme that dedato was just a bunch of brazillians tracing poser and living off the exchange rate

Oh, i got confused by the way you said it, that is actually unironically possible nowadays considering the current exchange rate