BACK by KC Green & Anthony Clark

This webcomic is really great and is made by two of Yea Forums's favorite creators, but I never see any discussion for it. It got four new pages today and the story seems to be heading towards endgame territory now.

>Favorite character?
>Favorite arc?
>How do you think Abigail will end (wake up) the world and what do you think will come after?

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Frick is besto
I love the Dead Man arc cause Abigail finally gets questions, not to mention that he survives and wasnt that much of a bad guy
I dont think theyll end the world, The Clocks are just insane extremists. Queenie is right about this being an overblown solution to an easier problem: Dang

The reveal was genius.
This panel when Princess Dang becomes a clock is goat

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One of the few webcomics I'm still watching. It's good stuff.

I feel like the plot stalled a ton in Blasted (with the very slow introduction fo the SoC) and then a complete waste of time in Shoot with the toll man. Daggum with Crannie and Knook were better but Crannie's speach felt like a rehash of the Dead Man and Knook just dissapeared. The Princess Dang plot through all of this was pretty great though
The comic has regained its stride with Odious, Quennie's storyline is fantastic

This comic is odd, it consistently gets high viewership but no one actually talks about it ever.

I thought the stuff in Shoot was a nice light respite for Abigail and Daniel while the more serious stuff was going down in Goodness. I was still an archival reader and that point though so I can understand those pages being a bit agonizing for those who were waiting on weekly updates.

Definitely agree about Quennie's arc being great though. It's also been extremely satisfying to see all of the major players finally brought together in the last couple of months' worth of updates.

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What do you guys want/expect from the final confrontation with King Dang? Will he fight as-is or have some kind of GodsBlooded-up super-form? Or will he be dealt with by some means other than fighting?

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Id like for the showdown with Dang to be just a brutal fistfight. No final form or especial ability. Just someone completely invincible by sheer strength

Like, fully god blooded. Just eerily normal looking in spite of his extreme power

What the fuck is dangs deal anyways. He comes off as a normal cartoon character 99% of the time but that 1% feels like something out of Berserk

I think he probably was originally a goofy cartoon character like any of the random blobby background dudes throughout the story, but stumbling on the power of the godsblood has twisted him.

I definitely see this page as some serious foreshadowing. It would be very fitting if the world did to Dang what he's doing to this hypothetical tick.

Shoot was a huge slog for up to date reader bc it was very obviously filler for weeks. It was just abi doing random bullshit only to get annoyed by it and solve it by force when she got angry enough.

>two of Yea Forums's favorite creators
Anthony Clark sure, but did KC Green get good again? I know that a few years back he started drying up on ideas and got preachy on the political bandwagon.

Whatever the case, collaborations tend to bring out the best in people, and a collaboration with a total bro like Clark is bound to be good for anyone.

BACK at least is. Green's other works do seem kinda dry for a while already
Back is basically a fantasy cartoon western with a complex political struggle on the background and a very engaging mystery. Its definitely worth a read at the very least

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>Just realized why the comic is called 'BACK'


It gets literally spelled out on your face as part of the big reveal

For some reason any time abigail aims at something with her gun its funny. There is a weird thing about how she looks with it

At what point exactly? Maybe I'm just dumb and/or glossed over it. this si the big oh shit one (as in Queenie literally says "our land was sprung forth from the BACK of a long dormant giant), but we've known since

It's on my radar. It's well made but a bit toothless (honestly can't blame KC Green for wanting to be a bit more low-key). I catch up on the story every month or so.

I don't like KC Green after he went full retard, so I've never read this and have no intention of doing so.

What do you mean toothless? Its supposed to be pg-13

PG-13 things don't have to be toothless. Plenty of impactful emotions are suitable for PG-13. And I guess that's what I mean by "toothless." Back has no emotional impact or analytical intrigue or... well anything that makes you feel like you're reading something that has even the slightest chance of changing your worldview (or has any chance of offending your existing worldview). I mean the characters are endearing and the plot is consistent, but it's just a funny little world with funny little exposition and that's all.

Oh yeah, obviously I've known since Nook's reveal, I just never connected it with the title.

Ah I get it.
Im not entirely sure if I'd like Back to have more of a bite though. I like thats its kind of a wacky cartoon with an entertaining plot.
I mean, I already consume a lot of stuff with actual bite. Back is more of a idk guilty pleasure? As in, its not really deep or anything, just something fun that happens to have an storyline. I like to think of it as something akin to the saturday morning cartoons I saw as a kid every morning, just one with an actual plot
Back doesnt try to be anything else either, like say, Svstfoe, which tried to be deep or whatever and look and how that turned out

In page 171 Nook mentions about Dang just waiting for people to forget. Is he inmortal or what?

Wouldn't be surprised if the godsblood extends lifespans considerably.


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